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TLB 04, 043 (P332827)

Primary Publication: Frankena, Rintje (1965) TLB 4 43

Collection: de Liagre Böhl Collection, Netherlands Institute for the Near East, Leiden, The Netherlands

Museum no.: LB 1859


Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)

Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet

Material: clay

TLB 04, 002 (P368701)

Primary Publication: Frankena, Rintje (1965) TLB 4 2

Collection: de Liagre Böhl Collection, Netherlands Institute for the Near East, Leiden, The Netherlands

Museum no.: LB 1864

Provenience: Lagaba (mod. uncertain)

Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)

Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet

Material: clay

 atf: lang akk
1. a-na a-wi-il-esz18-dar qi2-bi2-ma
2. um-ma {d}nin-si4-an-na-ma-an-szum2-ma
3. {d}utu u3 {d}marduk da-ri-isz u4-mi li-ba-al-li-t,u2-ka
4. asz-szum s,u2-ha-ri-ia sza qa2-ti {disz}be-ta-a
5. {disz}be-ta-a ig-re-e asz-szum _geme2_ asz-szu-mi-ia-li-ib-lu-ut,
6. di-ib-ba-tum ma-at-tum i-li-a-am-ma
7. {disz}be-ta-a i-di _dumu-mesz_-sza i-da-ab-bu-um-ma
8. pa-ni-ia u2-da-an-ni-in-ma pa-ni-sza u2-ul u2-bi-il
9. ki-ma ni-it,-li-ia it-ti-sza ad-bu-ub
10. ki-a-am aq-bi-szi-im um-ma a-na-ku-u2-ma
11. a-hu-ni s,e-eh-rum asz-sza-tam u2-ul a-hi-iz-ma
12. {disz}sag-gi-ia a-bu-ni asz-sza-tam u2-sza-hi-is-su2
13. i-na-an-na _dumu-mesz_-szu ib-ta-aq-ru-ni-a-ti
14. szum-ma da-ba-bu-um an-nu-u2-um la t,a-ba-ak-ki-im-ma
15. _dumu-mesz_-ki i-na ta-hi-isz-ti-ki la i-da-ab-bu-bu
16. at-ti-ma la ta-da-ab-bu-bi-ma
17. a-na pa-ni-ki la tu-usz-za-az-zi-ni-[a]-ti#
18. ni-nu u3 _dumu-mesz_-ki a-na _di-ku5-mesz_ i ni-is-ni-iq
19. a-wa-ti-ni li-mu-ru-ma
20. szum-ma sza sag-gi-ia i-qi2-sza-an-ni-a-szi-im-ma
21. _dumu-mesz#_-szu le-qu2-u2-um ka-szi-id
22. _di-ku5-mesz_ i-qa2-ab-bu-ni-a-szi-im
23. _geme2_ nu-ta-a-ar i-na a-wa-a-tim
24. u2-us,-s,i2-ir-szi-ma
1. a-na la da-ba-bi-im a-an-nam usz-ta-as,-s,i2-szi
2. mi-im-ma la ta-na-az-zi-iq
3. ki-ma la na-za-qi2-ka e-ep-pu-usz
4. u3 {d}marduk-mu-sza-lim is-sa3-an-qa2-am
5. t,e4-ma-am an-ni-a-am ma-ah-ri-szu a-sza-ak-ka-an
6. u3 at-ta ar-hi-isz at-la-kam-ma
7. la-ma {d}marduk-mu-sza-lim a-ia-i-sza-am-ma isz-ta-ap-ru#
8. i ni-ig-mu-ur-szi-na-ti
9. ki-ma ti-du-u2 na-pi2-isz-tam u2-ul i-szu
10. i-na t,u2-bi-ia usz-ta-ma-ar-ra-as,-ma
11. _4(iku) GAN2 u2-sal_ sza a-na i-di-ka e-ep-pe2-esz
12. ki-ma ti-du-u2 _a-sza3_-um e-pe2-szi
13. u3 a-na _e2-duru5_ ga-bi-ba{ki} qe2-re-bi
14. a-na i3-li2-szu-ul-li-ma-an-ni u2-ul t,a-ab-ma
15. u2-sze-pi2-sza-an-ni-ma _1(iku) GAN2 a-sza3_
16. a-na ip-qu2-{d}sza-la ad-di-in
17. i-na t,u2-ba-tim-ma _a-sza3_-am szu-a-ti
18. la e-pe2-sza-am {disz}ip-qu2-{d}sza-la szu-ud-ki
19. ri-ip-qa2-ti-szu szu-du-ud-ma
20. sza ma-na-ha-ti-szu a-na-ku a-ap-pa-al-szu
21. ki-ma a-na-ku e-ep-pe2-szu qi2-bi-szum
22. szum-ma ni-t,i3-il-szu qa2-qa2-dam
23. sza sze-pi2-it _u2-sal_ sza te-pu-szu li-pu-usz
24. _4(iku) GAN2 a-sza3_ szu-a-ti u2-ul ta-sza-ad-da
25. u2-ul tu-sze-pe2-sza-an-ni-ma
26. it-ti-ka e-ze-en-ne
column 1
1. szum-ma i-na ki-na-tim ta-ra-am-ma-an-ni la tu-usz-ta-ha-ma
2. li-ib-bi la i-ma-ar-ra-s,a-ak-kum
3. _a-sza3_-am szu-a-ti i-na qa2-tim ki-il-la-asz-szu-ma
4. la a-na-az-zi-iq
column 2
1. t,e4-em-ka
2. szu-up-ra-am

TLB 04, 105 (P389182)

Primary Publication: Frankena, Rintje (1965) TLB 4 105

Collection: de Liagre Böhl Collection, Netherlands Institute for the Near East, Leiden, The Netherlands

Museum no.: LB 0719


Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)

Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet

Material: clay

TLB 04, 110 (P389191)

Primary Publication: Frankena, Rintje (1965) TLB 4 110

Collection: de Liagre Böhl Collection, Netherlands Institute for the Near East, Leiden, The Netherlands

Museum no.: LB 0728


Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)

Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet

Material: clay

TLB 04, 096 (P389207)

Primary Publication: Frankena, Rintje (1965) TLB 4 96

Collection: de Liagre Böhl Collection, Netherlands Institute for the Near East, Leiden, The Netherlands

Museum no.: LB 0744


Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)

Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet

Material: clay

TLB 04, 077 (P389241)

Primary Publication: Frankena, Rintje (1965) TLB 4 77

Collection: de Liagre Böhl Collection, Netherlands Institute for the Near East, Leiden, The Netherlands

Museum no.: LB 0776


Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)

Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet

Material: clay

TLB 04, 097 (P389242)

Primary Publication: Frankena, Rintje (1965) TLB 4 97

Collection: de Liagre Böhl Collection, Netherlands Institute for the Near East, Leiden, The Netherlands

Museum no.: LB 0777


Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)

Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet

Material: clay

TLB 04, 098 (P389243)

Primary Publication: Frankena, Rintje (1965) TLB 4 98

Collection: de Liagre Böhl Collection, Netherlands Institute for the Near East, Leiden, The Netherlands

Museum no.: LB 0778


Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)

Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet

Material: clay

TLB 04, 099 (P389244)

Primary Publication: Frankena, Rintje (1965) TLB 4 99

Collection: de Liagre Böhl Collection, Netherlands Institute for the Near East, Leiden, The Netherlands

Museum no.: LB 0779


Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)

Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet

Material: clay

TLB 04, 100 (P389245)

Primary Publication: Frankena, Rintje (1965) TLB 4 100

Collection: de Liagre Böhl Collection, Netherlands Institute for the Near East, Leiden, The Netherlands

Museum no.: LB 0780


Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)

Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet

Material: clay

TLB 04, 094 (P389246)

Primary Publication: Frankena, Rintje (1965) TLB 4 94

Collection: de Liagre Böhl Collection, Netherlands Institute for the Near East, Leiden, The Netherlands

Museum no.: LB 0781


Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)

Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet

Material: clay

TLB 04, 078 (P389247)

Primary Publication: Frankena, Rintje (1965) TLB 4 78

Collection: de Liagre Böhl Collection, Netherlands Institute for the Near East, Leiden, The Netherlands

Museum no.: LB 0782


Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)

Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet

Material: clay

TLB 04, 080 (P389248)

Primary Publication: Frankena, Rintje (1965) TLB 4 80

Collection: de Liagre Böhl Collection, Netherlands Institute for the Near East, Leiden, The Netherlands

Museum no.: LB 0783


Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)

Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet

Material: clay

TLB 04, 101 (P389249)

Primary Publication: Frankena, Rintje (1965) TLB 4 101

Collection: de Liagre Böhl Collection, Netherlands Institute for the Near East, Leiden, The Netherlands

Museum no.: LB 0784


Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)

Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet

Material: clay

TLB 04, 102 (P389250)

Primary Publication: Frankena, Rintje (1965) TLB 4 102

Collection: de Liagre Böhl Collection, Netherlands Institute for the Near East, Leiden, The Netherlands

Museum no.: LB 0785a


Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)

Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet

Material: clay

TLB 04, 103 (P389251)

Primary Publication: Frankena, Rintje (1965) TLB 4 103

Collection: de Liagre Böhl Collection, Netherlands Institute for the Near East, Leiden, The Netherlands

Museum no.: LB 0785b


Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)

Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet

Material: clay

TLB 04, 093 (P389252)

Primary Publication: Frankena, Rintje (1965) TLB 4 93

Collection: de Liagre Böhl Collection, Netherlands Institute for the Near East, Leiden, The Netherlands

Museum no.: LB 0786


Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)

Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet

Material: clay

TLB 04, 092 (P389253)

Primary Publication: Frankena, Rintje (1965) TLB 4 92

Collection: de Liagre Böhl Collection, Netherlands Institute for the Near East, Leiden, The Netherlands

Museum no.: LB 0787


Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)

Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet

Material: clay

TLB 04, 109 (P389257)

Primary Publication: Frankena, Rintje (1965) TLB 4 109

Collection: de Liagre Böhl Collection, Netherlands Institute for the Near East, Leiden, The Netherlands

Museum no.: LB 0790


Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)

Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet

Material: clay

TLB 04, 090 (P389260)

Primary Publication: Frankena, Rintje (1965) TLB 4 90

Collection: de Liagre Böhl Collection, Netherlands Institute for the Near East, Leiden, The Netherlands

Museum no.: LB 0792


Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)

Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet

Material: clay

TLB 04, 091 (P389261)

Primary Publication: Frankena, Rintje (1965) TLB 4 91

Collection: de Liagre Böhl Collection, Netherlands Institute for the Near East, Leiden, The Netherlands

Museum no.: LB 0793


Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)

Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet

Material: clay

TLB 04, 104 (P389262)

Primary Publication: Frankena, Rintje (1965) TLB 4 104

Collection: de Liagre Böhl Collection, Netherlands Institute for the Near East, Leiden, The Netherlands

Museum no.: LB 0794


Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)

Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet

Material: clay

TLB 04, 095 (P389263)

Primary Publication: Frankena, Rintje (1965) TLB 4 95

Collection: de Liagre Böhl Collection, Netherlands Institute for the Near East, Leiden, The Netherlands

Museum no.: LB 0795


Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)

Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet

Material: clay

TLB 04, 081 (P389393)

Primary Publication: Frankena, Rintje (1965) TLB 4 81

Collection: de Liagre Böhl Collection, Netherlands Institute for the Near East, Leiden, The Netherlands

Museum no.: LB 0943


Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)

Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet

Material: clay

TLB 04, 082 (P389397)

Primary Publication: Frankena, Rintje (1965) TLB 4 82

Collection: de Liagre Böhl Collection, Netherlands Institute for the Near East, Leiden, The Netherlands

Museum no.: LB 0948


Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)

Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet

Material: clay

Page 1 of 5, showing 25 record(s) out of 110 total

Page 1 of 5, showing 25 record(s) out of 110 total

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