Primary Publication: Waerzeggers, Caroline (2010) AchHist 15 52
Collection: British Museum, London, UK
Museum no.: BM 022052
Provenience: Borsippa (mod. Birs Nimrud)
Period: Achaemenid (547-331 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Cambyses.01.--.--
Primary Publication: Waerzeggers, Caroline (2010) AchHist 15 160
Collection: British Museum, London, UK
Museum no.: BM 094653
Provenience: Borsippa (mod. Birs Nimrud)
Period: Achaemenid (547-331 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Cambyses.01.03.15
Primary Publication: Waerzeggers, Caroline (2010) AchHist 15 161
Collection: British Museum, London, UK
Museum no.: BM 025852
Provenience: Borsippa (mod. Birs Nimrud)
Period: Achaemenid (547-331 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Cambyses.01.10.21 ?
Primary Publication:
Collection: British Museum, London, UK
Museum no.: BM 074695
Provenience: Sippar-Yahrurum (mod. Tell Abu Habbah)
Period: Achaemenid (547-331 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Cambyses.01.01.02
Primary Publication:
Collection: British Museum, London, UK
Museum no.: BM 060004
Provenience: Sippar-Yahrurum (mod. Tell Abu Habbah)
Period: Achaemenid (547-331 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Cambyses.01.01.03
Primary Publication: Strassmaier, Johann N. (1890) Camb. 29
Collection: British Museum, London, UK
Museum no.: BM 074700
Provenience: Sippar-Yahrurum (mod. Tell Abu Habbah)
Period: Achaemenid (547-331 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Cambyses.01.01.03
Primary Publication: Strassmaier, Johann N. (1890) Camb. 46
Collection: British Museum, London, UK
Museum no.: BM 030920
Provenience: Babylon (mod. Bābil)
Period: Achaemenid (547-331 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Cambyses.01.00.00
Primary Publication: Strassmaier, Johann N. (1890) Camb. 57
Collection: British Museum, London, UK
Museum no.: BM 092738
Provenience: Sippar-Yahrurum (mod. Tell Abu Habbah)
Period: Achaemenid (547-331 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Cambyses.01.00.00
Primary Publication: Strassmaier, Johann N. (1890) Camb. 70
Collection: British Museum, London, UK
Museum no.: BM 092731
Provenience: Sippar-Yahrurum (mod. Tell Abu Habbah)
Period: Achaemenid (547-331 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Cambyses.01.00.00
Primary Publication: Strassmaier, Johann N. (1890) Camb. 81
Collection: British Museum, London, UK
Museum no.: BM 031179
Provenience: Babylon (mod. Bābil)
Period: Achaemenid (547-331 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Cambyses.01.00.00
Primary Publication: Strassmaier, Johann N. (1890) Camb. 97
Collection: British Museum, London, UK
Museum no.: BM 030650
Provenience: Babylon (mod. Bābil)
Period: Achaemenid (547-331 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Cambyses.01.00.00
Primary Publication:
Collection: Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
Museum no.: PTS 2810
Provenience: Uruk (mod. Warka)
Period: Achaemenid (547-331 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Cambyses.01.08.01
Primary Publication:
Collection: Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
Museum no.: PTS 3035
Provenience: —
Period: Achaemenid (547-331 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Cambyses.01.06.28
Has seal impression(s)
Impressed with seal(s): S999999
Primary Publication: Zawadzki, Stefan (2018) Rental of Houses 91
Collection: British Museum, London, UK
Museum no.: BM 063996
Provenience: Sippar-Yahrurum (mod. Tell Abu Habbah)
Period: Achaemenid (547-331 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Cambyses.01.07.14
Primary Publication:
Collection: Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Museum no.: SM 1895.01.015
Provenience: Borsippa (mod. Birs Nimrud)
Period: Achaemenid (547-331 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Cambyses.01
Primary Publication:
Collection: Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Museum no.: SM 1895.01.020
Provenience: Borsippa (mod. Birs Nimrud)
Period: Achaemenid (547-331 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Cambyses.01
Primary Publication:
Collection: Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Museum no.: SM 1899.02.107
Provenience: —
Period: Achaemenid (547-331 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Cambyses.01
Primary Publication: Ungnad, Arthur (1908) VS 5 45
Collection: Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin, Germany
Museum no.: VAT 00111
Provenience: Babylon (mod. Bābil)
Period: Achaemenid (547-331 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Cambyses.01.01.05
Primary Publication: Ungnad, Arthur (1908) VS 5 46
Collection: Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin, Germany
Museum no.: VAT 00112
Provenience: Babylon (mod. Bābil)
Period: Achaemenid (547-331 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Cambyses.01.01.05
Primary Publication: Ungnad, Arthur (1908) VS 6 108
Collection: Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin, Germany
Museum no.: VAT 00107
Provenience: Babylon (mod. Bābil)
Period: Achaemenid (547-331 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Cyrus & Cambyses.01.05.19
Primary Publication: Tarasewicz, Radosław (2018) dubsar 7 no. 16
Collection: British Museum, London, UK
Museum no.: BM 114045 + BM 114102 + BM 114161
Provenience: Ur (mod. Tell Muqayyar)
Period: Achaemenid (547-331 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Cambyses.01.00.00
Total 21 record(s)