Composite No.: Q002156
Primary Publication: Frayne, Douglas R. (1990) RIME 4 02.14.08 composite
Collection: —
Museum no.: —
Provenience: Ur (mod. Tell Muqayyar)
Period: Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC)
Object Type: —
Material: —
Date: Rim-Sin.00.00.00
atf: lang sux
object composite
surface a
1. {d}nin-szubur
en: For Ninšubur,
2. nin sukkal zi an-na
en: the lady, the trusty messenger of An,
3. me ku3-ga szu du7
en: who perfects the holy divine powers,
4. sag il2 igi-sze3 du dingir-re-e-ne
en: the one who proudly goes at the fore of the gods,
5. a2-ag2-ga2 szum2-mu gal-zu
en: who gives the instructions, all-knowing,
6. sza3 kusz2 sza3 du10-du10 {d}inanna
en: who counsels and pleases the heart of Inanna,
7. nam-szita-e ki-ag2
en: who loves prayer,
8. nin-a-ni-ir
en: his mistress,
9. ri-im-{d}suen
en: Rīm-Sîn,
10. nita kal-ga
en: the mighty man,
11. sipa inim sa6-sa6-ge nibru{ki}
en: the shepherd who makes beautiful words to Nippur,
12. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
en: provider of Ur,
13. e2-babbar-da ni2 te-ge26
en: who shows fear of the Ebabbar,
14. me eridu{ki}-ga szu du7-du7
en: who constantly makes perfect the divine powers of Eridu,
15. sag-en3-tar gir2-su{ki} ki-lagasz{ki}-a
en: tho tends to Girsu and the whole area of Lagaš.
16. lu2 e2 dingir-re-e-ne szu gibil bi2-in-ak
en: the man who renovated the temples of the gods,
17. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
en: the king of Larsa
18. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4
en: and king of Sumer and Akkad -
19. u4 ugnim unu{ki}-ga
en: when the armies of Uruk,
20. i3-si-in{ki}
en: Isin,
21. ka2-dingir-ra{ki}
en: Babylon,
22. ra-pi2-qum{ki}
en: Rapiqum,
23. su-ti-um{ki}-be2
en: and Sutium
24. {gesz}tukul in-sag3-ga
en: he struck with weapons,
25. me3-ba
en: in that battle,
26. ARAD-ne-ne lugal unu{ki}-ga in-dab5-ba
en: when he had seized ARADnene, king of Uruk,
27. musz-gin7 sag-ga2-ne2
en: and, as with a snake, upon his head
28. giri3-ni in-us2-sa
en: he had laid his foot,
29. u4-ba e2-nin-be2-tum2
en: then the Temple Fitting for Its Mistress,
30. ki-tusz ki-ag2-ga2-ni
en: her beloved temple,
31. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
en: for his life
32. mu-na-du3
en: he built for her.
33. diri u4-bi-ta-sze3
en: More than previously
34. e2-szu-se3-ga-bi mu-dagal
en: its Ešusega he explanded
35. sag-bi im-mi-in-il2
en: raised up its top,
36. gal-le-esz mu-na-an-gun3
en: and made it grandly colorful.
Total 1 record(s)