Has seal impression(s)
Impressed with seal(s): S012186, S012187, S999999, S999999, S999999, S999999
Primary Publication: Gelb, Ignace J.; Sollberger, Edmond (1957) JNES 16, 170
Collection: Musée d'Art et d'Histoire, Geneva, Switzerland
Museum no.: MAH 15962 & MAH 16213
Provenience: uncertain (mod. uncertain)
Period: Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet & envelope
Material: clay
atf: lang akk
1. 1(disz) _szu-bat la2 lum? gin2?_ ga#-[ki]-ri#
en: 1 ... vacant lot,
2. ba-zi-u2-tim i-na li#-be#
en: from
3. ga-ki-ri si-a-ma-at
en: the lot constituting the acquisitions
4. {disz}ga-al-zi a-be a!-be-szu!-nu
en: of Galzi, their grandfather,
5. _dumu_ a-i-gu-da-di a t,i2-hi
en: the son of Ayi-qudādī—adjacent to
6. ga-ki-ri sza mar-ti2-a
en: the lot of Martiya
7. _dumu_ i-di-in-{d}a-szur3 t,i3-hi _e2_
en: son of Iddin-Assur, adjacent to the house
8. {disz}szu-mu-li-ib-si _dumu_ da-da
en: of Šumu-libsi son of Dada,
9. t,i2-hi _e2_ i-ku-na-a
en: adjacent ot the house of Ikūnaya
10. _dumu_ ku-be-a t,i2-hi ga-ki-ri
en: son of Kubiya, adjacent to the lot
11. zi-ti2 sza a-ba-ba
en: (constituting) the inherited share of Apapa,
12. _dumu_ i-di2-in-{d}a-szur3
en: son of Iddin-Assur,
13. u3 t,i2-hi ri-be-tim
en: and adjacent to the (city) square—
14. zi-ti2 {disz}i-di2-in-{d}a-szur3
en: (constituting) the inherited share of son of Iddin-Assur,
15. _dumu-gal_ u3 ma-zi-dingir-me-esz
en: the elder son, and Maṣī-ilū (the younger son),
16. _dumu-me-esz_ {d}utu-mu-si-li
en: sons of Šamaš-mušêlī,
17. a-na si-me-im a-na 3(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_
en: for 3 minas of ... silver,
18. ti2-ri {disz}i-di2-in-{d}a-szur3
en: Iddin-Assur
19. _dumu-gal_ u3 ma-zi-dingir-me-esz
en: the elder son and Maṣī-ilū (the younger son),
20. _dumu-me-esz_ {disz}{d}utu-mu-si-li
en: sons of Šamaš-mušêlī,
21. a-na {disz}{d}utu-tak2-la2-ku#
en: to Šamaš-taklāku
22. _dumu_ ARAD2-{d}si-ru-a
en: son of Warad-Šeru’a
23. i-di2-nu-ma
en: sold and
24. u3-sza-be-u2-szu
en: satisfied(?) him.
1. a-na 1(disz) _szu-bat la2 lum? gin2?_
en: As to the 1 ...
2. ga-ki-ri szu-nu-ti2
en: this lot
3. u3 3(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ ti2-ri
en: and 3 minas of ... silver,
4. si-me-szu-nu {disz}i-di-in-{d}a-szur3
en: their price, Iddin-Assur
5. u3 {disz}ma-zi-dingir-me-esz
en: and Maṣī-ilū (the younger son),
6. _dumu-me-esz_ {disz}{d}utu-mu-si-li
en: sons of Šamaš-mušêlī,
7. u3 _dumu-me-esz_-szu-nu
en: and their sons,
8. ma-ma-an a-na {disz}{d}utu-tak2-la2-ku
en: no one, against Šamaš-taklāku,
9. _dumu_ ARAD2-{d}si-ru-a
en: son of Warad-Šeru’a,
10. u3 _dumu-me-esz_-szu u3-la2 i-du-ru
en: and his sons will lay claim.
11. ki-ma _dub_-be dan-na-ti2
en: In place of the older valid tablet,
12. la2-be-ir-ti2 a-ni-du _dub_-pu
en: this tablet
13. da-an-na-at
en: is valid.
blank space
seal 5
seal 6
14. _igi_ da-di2-a _dumu_ a-ku-za
en: before Dadiya son of Akuza;
15. _igi_ ri-szi-a _dumu_ ni-ma-a
en: before Rēšiya son of Nimaya;
16. _igi_ ba-ga-a _dumu_ pu-hi-a
en: before Bagaya son of Puhiya;
17. _igi_ {d}iszkur-a-zu# _dumu_ a-mur-ra-bu-za
en: before Adad-asû son of Amur-rabussa;
18. _igi_ za-bu-ur-sag _dumu_ dingir-gal
en: before Zabȗ-qarrād son of Ilum-rabī;
19. igi {d}a-nu-lugal-dingir-me-esz
en: before Anu-šar-ilī;
20. _igi_ {d}ag-ur-sag _dub-sar_
en: before Nabi’um-qarrād the scribe;
21. _iti_ {d}nin-e2-gal
en: month: “Bēlat-ekallim;”
22. li-mu-um
en: eponym:
23. {disz}ki-isz-{d}mar-du
en: “Qīš-Amurrim,
24. _dumu_ a-ba-ba
en: son of Apapa.”
blank space
seal 1
seal 2
seal 3
seal 4
1. _kiszib3_ da-di2-a _dumu#_ [a-ku-za]
en: seal of Dadiya son of [Akuza];
blank space
seal A
2. _kiszib3#_ ri-szi#-[a] _dumu#_ ni#-ma#-a#
en: seal of Rēšiya son of Nimaya;
3. [_kiszib3_] ba#-[ga-a _dumu_ pu-ti-a]
en: [seal] of Bagaya [son of Putiya];
4. [_kiszib3_ {d}iszkur-a-zu _dumu_ a-mur-ra-bu-za]
en: [seal of Adad-asû son of Amur-rabussa];
5. [_kiszib3_ za-bu-ur-sag _dumu_ dingir-gal]
en: [seal of Zabȗ-qarrād son of Ilum-rabī].
6. [_kiszib3_ {d}a-nu-lugal]-dingir#-me-esz _dumu_ x-[...]
en: [seal] of Anu-šar-ilī son of ... .
7. [_kiszib3_ {d}ag]-ur#-sag _dub-sar_
en: [seal] of Nabi’um-qarrād the scribe.
8. [1(disz) _szu-bat la2] lum? gin2?_ ga-ki-ri#
en: [1 ...] vacant lot,
9. [ba-zi-u2]-tim# _ha-la2_ {disz}i-di2-[in-{d}a-szur3]
en: (constituting) the inherited share of Iddin-Assur,
10. [_dumu-gal_ u3] ma-zi-dingir-me-esz _dumu-[me-esz_]
en: the elder son, and Maṣī-ilū (the younger son), sons of
11. [{d}utu]-mu-si-li sza t,i2-hi
en: Šamaš-mušêlī—which is adjacent
12. _e2_ szu-mu-li-ib-si _dumu_ [da-da]
en: to the house of Šumu-libsi son of [Dada],
13. t,i2-hi _e2_ i-ku-na-a _dumu_ ku-[be-a]
en: adjacent ot the house of Ikūnaya, son of Kubiya,
14. t,i2-hi ga-ki-ri sza mar-ti2-a
en: adjacent to the lot of Martiya,
15. _dumu_ i-di2-in-{d}a-szur3 t,i2-hi ga#-[ki-ri zi-ti2]
en: son of Iddin-Assur, adjacent to the lot (constituting) the [inherited share]
16. sza a-ba-ba _dumu_ i-di2-in-{d}[a-szur3]
en: of Apapa son of Iddin-Assur,
17. u3# t,i2#-hi# ri-be-tim
en: and adjacent to the (city) square—
(seal g impression ?)
18. [a-na si-me]-im a-na# [3(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_]
en: [for the] price of [3 minas of silver]
1. [t,i2-ri] {disz}i-di2-in-{d}a-[szur3]
en: Iddin-Assur
2. _dumu-gal_ u3 {disz}ma-zi-[dingir-me-esz]
en: the elder son, and Maṣī-ilū (the younger son),
blank space
seal 4
3. _dumu-me-esz_ {d}utu-mu-si-li _dumu_ [...]
en: sons of Šamaš-mušêlī, son of [...],
4. a-na {disz}{d}utu-tak2-la2-ku
en: to Šamaš-taklāku
5. _dumu_ ARAD2-{d}si-ru-a i-[di-nu-ma]
en: son of Warad-Šeru’a sold and
6. u3-sza-ab2-be-u2-[szu]
en: satisfied(?) [him].
7. a-na 1(disz) _szu-bat la2 [lum? gin2?_ ga-ki-ri]
en: As to the 1 ... this lot
8. szu-nu-ti2 u3 3(disz) _ma#-[na ku3-babbar_]
en: and 3 minas of ... [silver]
9. ti2-ri si-me-szu-[nu {disz}i-di2-in-{d}a-szur3]
en: their price [Iddin-Assur,]
10. _dumu-gal_ u {disz}[ma]-zi#-dingir-me-esz#
en: the elder son, and Maṣī-ilū (the younger son)
11. _dumu-me-esz_ {d}utu-mu-si-li
en: sons of Šamaš-mušêlī,
12. [_dumu_ ...] u3 _dumu-me-esz_-szu-nu
en: [son of ...] and their sons,
13. [ma]-ma-an a-na {disz}{d}utu-tak2-la2-ku#
en: no one, against Šamaš-taklāku
14. _dumu_ ARAD2-{d}si-ru-a _dumu-me#-[esz_-szu]
en: son of Warad-Šeru’a and his sons
blank space
seal 3
15. u3-la2 i-du-ru _iti_ {d}nin#-[e2-gal]
en: will lay claim;
16. li-mu-um {disz}ki-isz-{d}[mar-du]
en: eponym: “Qīš-Amurrim,
17. _dumu_ a-ba-ba#
en: son of Apapa.”
seal 1
column 1
1. {d}na-ra-am-{d}suen
en: Naram-Sîn,
2. lugal
en: king
3. ki-ib-ra-tim
en: of the quarters
4. ar-ba-im
en: four:
5. [...]-{d}asar
en: ...-Asar,
column 2
1. [...]
en: ...
2. [...]
en: ...
seal 2
1. za-bu-[ur-sag]
en: Zabu-qarrad,
2. _dumu_ dingir#-[gal]
en: son of Ilī-rabûm.
Total 1 record(s)