Has seal impression(s)
Impressed with seal(s): S005354.4
Primary Publication: Contenau, Georges (1915) RA 012 (pp. 15-25) 021 15
Collection: Laurent Hebenstreit collection, Paris
Museum no.: Hebenstreit 031
Provenience: Umma (mod. Tell Jokha)
Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Amar-Suen.01.06.00
atf: lang sux
1. 3(u) 1(disz) {uruda}ha-bu3-da
en: 31 axes,
2. ki#-la2#-bi 2(u) ma-na 1(u) gin2
en: their weight is 20 mina, and 10 gin.
3. 5(u) 8(disz) {uruda}gur10 1(u) 5(disz) gin2-ta
en: 58 plough sickles, 15 (gin) each,
4. ki-la2-bi 1(u) 4(disz) ma-na 4(disz) gin2
en: their weight is 14 mina, and 4 gin.
1. kin til?-la
en: Finished tools.
2. ki lu2-eb-gal-ta
en: From Lu-Ibgal,
3. ur-{d}szara2-ke4 in-la2
en: Ur-Šara weighed.
1 line blank
4. iti szu-numun
en: Month “harvest”;
5. mu {d}amar-{d}suen lugal
en: year: “Amar-Suen king”.
seal 1
1. ur-{d}szara2
en: Ur-Šara,
2. dub-sar
en: the scribe,
3. dumu lugal-uszur4?
en: son of Lugal-usur
Total 1 record(s)