Seal Witness
Seal No.: S001438
Witness to composite(s): Q008373
Primary Publication: Frayne, Douglas R. (1993) RIME 2 .01.03.2003, ex. 01 (1993)
Collection: Musées royaux d’Art et d’Histoire, Brussels, Belgium
Museum no.: MRAH O.0594
Provenience: uncertain (mod. uncertain)
Period: Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC)
Object Type: seal (not impression) > Cylinder seal
Material: stone
Date: Manishtushu.00.00.00
atf: lang sux
object seal
surface a
1. {d}ma-an-isz-tu-su
en: (For) the divine Maništušu,
2. ta2-ri2-bu
en: Taribu,
3. dam lugal-ezem
en: the wife of Lugalezem,
4. mu-na-dim2
en: had it (this seal) fashioned for him.
Witness to composite(s): Q005200
Primary Publication:
Collection: Laurent Hebenstreit collection, Paris
Museum no.: Anonymous 459161
Provenience: uncertain (mod. uncertain)
Period: Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC)
Object Type: Vessel > bowl
Material: metal > bronze
Date: Manishtushu.00.00.00
atf: lang akk
object bowl
surface a
1. ma-an-isz-tu-su
2. _lugal_
3. _kisz_
Total 2 record(s)