Witness to composite(s): Q001450
Primary Publication: Frayne, Douglas R. (1993) RIME 2 13.02.2001, ex. 01
Collection: Louvre Museum, Paris, France
Museum no.: AO 08663
Provenience: Uruk (mod. Warka)
Period: Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC)
Object Type: Weapon > mace
Material: stone > mineral > onyx
Date: Ur-gigir.00.00.00
atf: lang sux
object mace head
surface a
1. [{d}...]
2. nam-ti
3. ur-{gesz}gigir
4. nita kal-ga
5. lugal unu{ki}-ga
6. lugal-an-na-tum2
7. iszib an-na-ke4
8. a mu-na-ru
Witness to composite(s): Q001451
Primary Publication: Frayne, Douglas R. (1993) RIME 2 13.03.01, ex. 01
Collection: Nies Babylonian Collection, Yale Babylonian Collection, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Museum no.: NBC 06107
Provenience: Ur (mod. Tell Muqayyar)
Period: Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC)
Object Type: Vessel > bowl
Material: stone > metamorphic rock > steatite
Date: Ur-gigir.00.00.00
atf: lang sux
object bowl
surface a
1. {d}nin-gal
2. {d}nin uri5{ki}-ma-ra
3. ku5-da
4. sanga {d}inanna
5. ur#?-{d}utu-ke4#
6. [...] KI [...]
rest broken
Composite No.: Q001450
Primary Publication: Frayne, Douglas R. (1993) RIME 2 13.02.2001 composite
Collection: —
Museum no.: —
Provenience: Uruk (mod. Warka)
Period: Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC)
Object Type: —
Material: —
Date: Ur-gigir.00.00.00
atf: lang sux
object composite text
surface a
1. {d}...
en: To the god ...,
2. nam-ti
en: for the life
3. ur-{gesz}gigir
en: of Ur-gigir,
4. nita kal-ga
en: the mighty man,
5. lugal unu{ki}-ga
en: king of Uruk,
6. lugal-an-na-tum2
en: Lugal-anatum,
7. iszib an-na-ke4
en: the incantation priest of An,
8. a mu-na-ru
en: dedicated (this).
Composite No.: Q001451
Primary Publication: Frayne, Douglas R. (1993) RIME 2 13.03.01 composite
Collection: —
Museum no.: —
Provenience: Ur (mod. Tell Muqayyar)
Period: Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC)
Object Type: —
Material: —
Date: Ur-gigir.00.00.00
atf: lang sux
object composite text
surface a
1. {d}nin-gal
en: To the goddess Ningal,
2. {d}nin uri5{ki}-ma-ra
en: the divine queen of Ur,
3. ku5-da
en: Kuda,
4. sanga {d}inanna
en: the temple administrator of Inanna,
5. ur?-{d}utu-ke4
en: (and) Ur-Utu,
6. [...] ki ...
en: ...
rest broken
Total 4 record(s)