Primary Publication: Jean, Charles-François (1923) Jean, SA 88
Collection: Special Collections and Archives, John T. Richardson Library, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Museum no.: Souvay 38
Provenience: Umma (mod. Tell Jokha)
Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: --.--.00.15
atf: lang sux
1. 1(ban2) dam nam-ha-ni
2. 4(disz) sila3 a-a-ti
3. 4(disz) sila3 nin-he2-gal2
4. 3(disz) sila3 lu2-e2-a
5. 2(disz) sila3 lu2#-ur-{d#}asar
6. 3(disz) sila3 giri3 lu2-{d}x
7. 1(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 x-x
8. ha#-ma#?-ti#?
1. 2(disz) sila3 ma-x
2. 1(barig) 1(ban2) 4(disz) sila3 sa2-du11
3. 3(disz) sila3 sze-kam
4. 3(disz) sila3 e2-x-x-sze3?
5. szunigin [...]
6. szunigin 3(ban2) [...] dabin#
7. szunigin 4(disz)#? sila3 esza?
8. u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam
Primary Publication: Jean, Charles-François (1923) Jean, SA 125
Collection: Special Collections and Archives, John T. Richardson Library, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Museum no.: Souvay 43
Provenience: Umma (mod. Tell Jokha)
Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: --.--.11.00
atf: lang sux
1. 3(disz) udu
2. bara2 gir13-gesz{ki}
3. 1(disz) masz2
4. {d}gu-la umma{ki}
5. 1(disz) masz2
6. balag u4 nu2-a
1. 1(disz) masz2
2. sa2-du11 {d}en-lil2-la2
3. 2(disz) udu u2 1(disz) masz2
4. gu2-gu2-mu-e3
5. {d}en-lil2-la2
blank space
6. szunigin 5(disz) udu u2
7. szunigin 4(disz) masz2
8. [ki] a-lu5-lu5
1. zi-ga-am3
2. iti {d}pa4-u2-e
Has seal impression(s)
Impressed with seal(s): S000033
Primary Publication: Jean, Charles-François (1923) Jean, SA 146
Collection: Special Collections and Archives, John T. Richardson Library, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Museum no.: Souvay 45
Provenience: Umma (mod. Tell Jokha)
Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Šū-Suen.03.07.01, Šū-Suen.03.07.02 (us2 year)
atf: lang sux
1. 1(barig) 1(ban2) dabin
2. u4 1(disz)-kam
3. 1(disz) sila3 dabin
4. u4 2(disz)-kam
5. 5(disz) sila3 zi3 sig15
6. 2(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 dabin
7. saga?-ba-saga
sic ab2
1. 1(ban2) dabin ur-{gesz}gigir
2. 2(ban2) dabin ma2-lah5
1 line blank
3. ki {d}szara2-kam-ta
4. kiszib3 ensi2-ka
5. iti [min]-esz3
6. mu us2-sa ma2 {d}en-ki ba-ab-du8
seal 1
column 1
1. {d}szu-{d}suen
2. lugal kal-ga
3. lugal uri5{ki}-ma
4. lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
column 2
1. a-a-kal-la
2. ensi2
3. umma{ki}
4. ARAD2-zu
Has seal impression(s)
Impressed with seal(s): S005252.5
Primary Publication: Jean, Charles-François (1923) Jean, SA 145
Collection: Special Collections and Archives, John T. Richardson Library, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Museum no.: Souvay 44
Provenience: Umma (mod. Tell Jokha)
Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Šū-Suen.02.09.00
atf: lang sux
1. 1(disz) 3(ban2) nin-{d}lamma
2. 1(disz) 3(ban2) a-ba-nam-de6-in
3. 1/2(disz) 3(ban2) ki-na
4. TUR? ASZ 2(ban2) szesz-a-ma-ti
5. 1(disz) 1(ban2) 5(disz) {d}i-ri2-mu
6. 1(disz) 1(ban2) {d}utu-ba-e3
1. a-ru-a lugal-iti-da-me
2. ki lugal-nir-ta
3. ur-{d}nin-tu i3-dab5
4. sze-ba-a szu szum2-mu-dam
5. iti {d}li9-si4#
6. mu ma2 {d}en-ki ba-ab-du8
Primary Publication: Jean, Charles-François (1923) Jean, SA 69
Collection: Special Collections and Archives, John T. Richardson Library, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Museum no.: Souvay 52
Provenience: Umma (mod. Tell Jokha)
Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Object Type: tag
Material: clay
Date: --.--.00.00
atf: lang sux
1. kiszib3 ur-nigar
2. ki inim-ma-ni-zi-da-sze3
3. mu a-sza3 ur?-ku3?-nun-na-ka-sze3
Has seal impression(s)
Impressed with seal(s): S000087
Primary Publication: Genouillac, Henri de (1911) Trouvaille 45
Collection: Special Collections and Archives, John T. Richardson Library, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Museum no.: Souvay 09
Provenience: Puzriš-Dagan (mod. Drehem)
Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Object Type: bulla
Material: clay
atf: lang sux
object bulla
surface a
1. 1(u) 1(disz) gu4
2. dub didli
3. {d}en-lil2-la2
4. szu ba-ti
surface b
blank space
seal impression
surface c
blank space
seal impression
seal 1
1. {d}en-lil2-la2
2. dumu i3-kal-la
3. sipa gu4 niga
Primary Publication: Freedman, R. David (1975) StLouis 058
Collection: Special Collections and Archives, John T. Richardson Library, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Museum no.: Souvay 61
Provenience: Umma (mod. Tell Jokha)
Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Amar-Suen.07.01.00
Primary Publication: Freedman, R. David (1975) StLouis 059
Collection: Special Collections and Archives, John T. Richardson Library, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Museum no.: Souvay 62
Provenience: Umma (mod. Tell Jokha)
Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Amar-Suen.07.04.01
Primary Publication: Freedman, R. David (1975) StLouis 060
Collection: Special Collections and Archives, John T. Richardson Library, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Museum no.: Souvay 59
Provenience: Umma (mod. Tell Jokha)
Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Amar-Suen.07.04.22 ?
Primary Publication: Freedman, R. David (1975) StLouis 062
Collection: Special Collections and Archives, John T. Richardson Library, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Museum no.: Souvay 54
Provenience: Umma (mod. Tell Jokha)
Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Amar-Suen.07.08.22
Primary Publication: Freedman, R. David (1975) StLouis 063
Collection: Special Collections and Archives, John T. Richardson Library, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Museum no.: Souvay 57
Provenience: Umma (mod. Tell Jokha)
Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Amar-Suen.07.10.00
Primary Publication: Freedman, R. David (1975) StLouis 064
Collection: Special Collections and Archives, John T. Richardson Library, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Museum no.: Souvay 56
Provenience: Umma (mod. Tell Jokha)
Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Amar-Suen.07.08.25
Primary Publication: Freedman, R. David (1975) StLouis 065
Collection: Special Collections and Archives, John T. Richardson Library, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Museum no.: Souvay 53
Provenience: Umma (mod. Tell Jokha)
Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Amar-Suen.07.11.27
Primary Publication: Freedman, R. David (1975) StLouis 068
Collection: Special Collections and Archives, John T. Richardson Library, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Museum no.: Souvay 58
Provenience: Umma (mod. Tell Jokha)
Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Šū-Suen.06.12.21
Primary Publication: Freedman, R. David (1975) StLouis 069
Collection: Special Collections and Archives, John T. Richardson Library, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Museum no.: Souvay 60
Provenience: Umma (mod. Tell Jokha)
Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Ibbi-Suen.01.04.13 ?
Primary Publication: Freedman, R. David (1975) StLouis 070
Collection: Special Collections and Archives, John T. Richardson Library, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Museum no.: Souvay 55
Provenience: Umma (mod. Tell Jokha)
Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Ibbi-Suen.01.09.02
Primary Publication: Freedman, R. David (1975) StLouis 071
Collection: Special Collections and Archives, John T. Richardson Library, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Museum no.: Souvay 63
Provenience: Umma (mod. Tell Jokha)
Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Has seal impression(s)
Impressed with seal(s): S003415.1
Primary Publication: Freedman, R. David (1975) StLouis 073
Collection: Special Collections and Archives, John T. Richardson Library, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Museum no.: Souvay 07
Provenience: Umma (mod. Tell Jokha)
Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Amar-Suen.02.00.00 (us2 year)
atf: lang sux
1. 1(gesz2) 5(u) la2 1(disz@t) [gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3]
2. gurx(|SZE.KIN|)-a a-sza3# [{d}szara2]
3. u3 a-sza3 la2-[mah]
4. ugula ba-sa6
5. kiszib3 lugal-e2-mah-e
blank space
seal impression
1. mu us2-sa {d#}[amar]-{d}suen lugal
seal 1
1. lugal-e2-mah-e
2. dub-sar
3. dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Primary Publication: Freedman, R. David (1975) StLouis 074
Collection: Special Collections and Archives, John T. Richardson Library, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Museum no.: Souvay 47
Provenience: Umma (mod. Tell Jokha)
Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Amar-Suen.03.00.00
Has seal impression(s)
Impressed with seal(s): S999999
Primary Publication: Freedman, R. David (1975) StLouis 084
Collection: Special Collections and Archives, John T. Richardson Library, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Museum no.: Souvay 08
Provenience: Umma (mod. Tell Jokha)
Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Šulgi.48.12.00
Has seal impression(s)
Impressed with seal(s): S003675.2
Primary Publication: Freedman, R. David (1975) StLouis 089
Collection: Special Collections and Archives, John T. Richardson Library, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Museum no.: Souvay 06
Provenience: Umma (mod. Tell Jokha)
Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Amar-Suen.08.06.00
atf: lang sux
1. 2(disz) {gi}kid
en: 2 kid-mats,
2. ki-la2-bi 2/3(disz)
en: the extent: 2/3 (surface sar);
calculation: 2 x 1/3 (surface sar, ca. 12 sq.m. each) = 2/3
3. ki ur-{d}szul-pa-e3-ta
en: from Ur-Šulpa’e,
4. kiszib3 lugal-nig2-lagar-e
en: under seal of Lugal-nig-lagare;
1. iti szu-numun
en: month “Sowing,”
blank space
seal impression
2. mu en eridu{ki} ba-hun
en: year: “The priest of Eridu was installed.”
seal 1
1. lugal-si-NE-e
en: Lugal-siNEe,
2. dub-sar
en: scribe,
3. dumu ur-e2-nun-na
en: son of Ur-Enunna.
Primary Publication: Freedman, R. David (1975) StLouis 106
Collection: Special Collections and Archives, John T. Richardson Library, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Museum no.: Souvay 02
Provenience: Umma (mod. Tell Jokha)
Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Šulgi.25.00.00
Primary Publication: Freedman, R. David (1975) StLouis 119
Collection: Special Collections and Archives, John T. Richardson Library, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Museum no.: Souvay 04
Provenience: Puzriš-Dagan (mod. Drehem)
Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Šulgi.48.09.03
atf: lang sux
1. 1(disz) ud5 a-dara4
2. 1(disz) masz-da3
3. ba-usz2
4. u4 3(disz)-kam
5. ki lu2-dingir-ra-ta
1. ur-nigar{gar}
2. szu ba-ti
3. iti ezem-mah
4. mu ha-ar-szi{ki} ki-masz{ki} hu-ur5-ti u4 1(asz)-a ba-hul
Primary Publication: Freedman, R. David (1975) StLouis 121
Collection: Special Collections and Archives, John T. Richardson Library, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Museum no.: Souvay 05
Provenience: Puzriš-Dagan (mod. Drehem)
Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Amar-Suen.03.05.04
atf: lang sux
1. 3(disz) udu
2. 2(disz) u8
3. ba-usz2 u4 4(disz)-kam
4. ki na-lu5-ta
1. ur-nigar{gar}
2. szu ba-ti
3. iti ezem-{d}nin-a-zu
4. mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum{ki} ba-hul
Primary Publication: Freedman, R. David (1975) StLouis 125
Collection: Special Collections and Archives, John T. Richardson Library, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Museum no.: Souvay 50
Provenience: Puzriš-Dagan (mod. Drehem)
Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Amar-Suen.06.07.23
atf: lang sux
1. 1(disz) masz-da3
2. ba-usz2
3. u4 2(u) 3(disz)-kam
4. ki lu2-dingir-ra-ta
1. {d}szul-gi-iri-mu
2. szu ba-ti
3. iti ezem-{d}szul-gi
4. mu sza-asz-ru{ki} ba-hul
1. 1(disz)