Primary Publication: Allotte de la Fuÿe, François-Maurice (1908-1920) DP 51
Collection: Louvre Museum, Paris, France
Museum no.: AO 13259
Provenience: Girsu (mod. Tello)
Period: ED IIIb (ca. 2500-2340 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Urukagina_l.02.00.00
atf: lang sux
column 1
1. 2(asz@c) ma-sa2 gal-gal ku6
2. 5(asz@c) nig2-du3-a {gesz}haszhur
3. 3(asz@c) nig2-du3-a {gesz}pesz3
4. 1(ban2@c) zu2-lum
5. 1(asz@c) udu 1(asz@c) masz
6. 2(barig@c) zi3 sig15
7. 2(barig@c) dabin
column 2
1. 2(barig@c) imgaga3
2. 2(barig@c) ninda kum4-ma
3. 3(barig@c) munu4 si mu2
4. 1(asz@c) zabar3 dili2 ma2 dilmun
5. {d}nin-a-su
6. 3(asz@c) ma-sa2 ku6
7. 3(asz@c) nig2-du3-a {gesz}haszhur
column 3
1. 2(asz@c) nig2-du3-a {gesz}pesz3
2. 1(asz@c) udu#
3. 1(barig@c) zi3 sig15
4. 1(barig@c) dabin
5. {d}eresz-ki-gal
6. 3(asz@c) ma-sa2 ku6
7. 3(asz@c) nig2-du3-a {gesz}haszhur
8. 2(asz@c) nig2-du3-a {gesz}pesz3
column 4
beginning broken
1'. {d}[mes]-an#-[du]
2'. <x> ma-sa2 gu-la ku6
3'. 1(u@c) bar-udu siki gun3
4'. 1(disz@t) gur4-gur4 3(disz@t) sila3 i3-ir-a
column 1
1. nu-sag {d}nin-a-su
2. 3(asz@c) ma-sa2 ku6
3. 1(u@c) bar-udu siki gal-gal
4. erisz-dingir
5. {d}nin-a-su
6. u4# [{d}]nin-[...]
column 2
1. 2(ban2@c) zu2-lum
2. 1(barig@c) gesztin
3. 4(ban2@c) ga'ar gal-gal
4. 1(barig@c) ga'ar gun3
5. 2(asz@c) LAK743 i3 de2
6. dingir-re2-ne-sze3
7. hal-ha-dam
8. iti ezem-{d}ba-ba6-ka-ka
column 3
1. sa6-sa6
2. dam URU-KA-gi-na
3. lugal
4. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4
5. {d}nin-a-su
6. ki-en-gi4
7. szu e-na-tak4
8. 2(|ASZxDISZ@t|)
Witness to composite(s): Q000343
Primary Publication:
Collection: Penn Museum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Museum no.: CBS 06894
Provenience: Nippur (mod. Nuffar)
Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
atf lang sux
1. [...] x
2. [...] ba-ni-in-dab5#-be2-esz
3. x [...]-ta
4. [...]-x-a-asz
5. ku3 {d}inanna-ke4# x x x sza3-ga-ni nam-DU
6. ku3 {d}inanna-ke4 na-am2-mu-ud-na-na-sze3 er2-gig i3-sze8-sze8
7. [...] dam-ni [x x] a2-na [...]
8. [...] NI [x x] x [...]
9. [...]-gin7 im-mi-[...] im#-mi-x-[...]
10. {u2}numun2 i3-bur12-re {u2}numun2 i3-ze2-e
11. dam lu2 ur2-zu-ne-ne [nu2]-a me dam kal-la-mu
12. dumu lu2 ur2-zu-ne-ne nu2-a me dumu kal-la-mu
13. x x x
14. {u2}numun2 i3-bu-re {u2}numun2 i3-ze2-e
15. x x x
16. [me-am3 mu-lu]-mu# me-am3 mu-un-|KAxX|-e
17. [me-am3 mu-lu]-mu me-am3 mu-un-TAG-TAG-x-e
18. x x x
19. [nim-e ku3] {d}inanna-ra gu3 mu-na#-de2-e
20. [ga2-e ki] u2-zu ga-mu-re-[pa3] a-na-am3 nig2-ba-mu-um
21. [ku3 {d}inanna]-ke4 num-e mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4
22. [za-e ki mu-lu-mu] ba-ab-pa3-de3-en nig2-ba a-ra-ba-e
23. x x x
24. [...] ga-mu-un-dul-dul
25. [nim-e ku3 {d}inanna]-ra im-ma-an-[...]
26. [ki-sikil {d}inanna-ke4] num#-e nam mu-ni-[ib2-tar-re]
27. [...] x-ka!(SAG) e2-an-na-ka# [...]
28. [du5-mu] lu2# ku3#-zu-ke4-ne-ne-da [...]
29. x x x
30. x x x
31. x x x
32. x x x
33. x x x
34. x x x
35. [ku3 {d}inanna-ke4 {d}dumu-zi sag-bi-sze3 bi2]-in-[szum2-mu]
36.a. [ku3 {d}eresz-ki-gal-la-ke4]
36.b. za3-[mu10-zu du10-ga-am3]
Witness to composite(s): Q000343
Primary Publication:
Collection: Penn Museum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Museum no.: CBS 13902
Provenience: Nippur (mod. Nuffar)
Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
atf lang sux
1. [...]-x {gesz}gag-ta [...]
2. ku3# {d}eresz-ki-gal-la-ke4 gala#-[...] x-na-ni-ib-gi4#?-[...]
3. uzu ne?-sag3 me ne-sag3-ga# [...]
4. uzu nig2-sag3-x? he2!-a
5. uzu# nig2-sag3-ga#? {gesz}gag-ta la2-a im-me-ne-szum2#-usz#
6. 1(disz) u3 nam-ti u3 a nam-ti-la ugu#-[...] bi2#-in-szub-bu-usz
7. {d#}inanna# ba-gub
8. x x x
9. {d}a-nun-na-ke4-ne ba-ab-ha-za-asz
10. a-ba-am3 lu2# kur-ra#-ta NE kur-ra-ta?
11. u4-da {d}inanna kur-ta ba-e11-de3
12. sag# dili# sag#-a-na ha-ba-ab-szum2-mu
13. {d}inanna kur#-ta# ba-e11-de3
14. x x x
15. gal5#-la2 gal-gal gi dub-ba-na-ke4?
16. za3-ga-na# ba-an-da?-be-esz
17. lu2 x x x
18. x x x
19. bar-ra-na aga3#-us nu-me-a {gesz}gidri
20. lu2 e-ne-ra# in#-szi-re7-esz-am3
21. lu2 {d}inanna-ra in-szi-re7-esz-am3
22. u2 nu-zu-me-esz a nu-zu-me-esz
23. zi3#? dub-dub-ba nu-gu7-me-esz
24. [...] bala#-bala nu-na8-na8-me-esz
25. ur2# lu2-ka dam szu ti-a-me-esz
26. ubur# emeda{da} la2-ka dumu szu ti-a-me-esz
27. x x x
28. x x x
1. [...] giri3-ni-sze3 ba-an-szub
2. [...]-da-an-tusz tug2 mudra6-ra ba-an-mu4?
3. [...]-e-ne ku3 {d}inanna-ra gu3 mu-un-na-de2-e
4. [...]-x iri-zu-sze3 DU-ba e-ne ga?-ba-ab-DU-mu-de3-en#
5. [...] {d#}inanna-ke4? [...]-e-ne mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4
6. sukkal# e-ne-eg3 sa6-sa6-ga-mu
7. ra#-gaba e-ne-eg3 ge#-en-ge-na-mu
8. [...] x [...]-mu szu# [...]-un#-bar#-re#? na# di ga#-mu
9. [...]-eg3 [...]-ga x [...]
10. [...] du6-du6-dam# ma-an#-na?-x-[...]
11. [...] gu2-en-na x-an#-du12-am3#
12. [...]-dingir-re-ne ma-[...]-nigin
13. [...]-ni ma-an#-hur# giri17#-ni# ma-an#-hur
14. [...]-mu#-lu-da nu-di hasz4-gal-a-ni ma-an-hur
15. [...]-lu nu-tuku-gin7 tug2 dili-a im-ma-an-mu4
16. [...]-kur-ra e2 {d}mu-ul-lil2-la2-sze3
17. uri5#{ki}-ma e2 {d}nanna-sze3
18. iri#-ze2-eb{ki} e2 {d#}am-an-ki-ga-sze3
19. e-ne ma-a-ra mu-un-ti-le-en
20. ga-an#-szi-re7-de3-en umma{ki}-a sig4-kur-sza3-ga-sze3 ga#-an-szi-re7-de3-en
21. umma#-[...] sig4-kur-sza3-ga#-ta
22. {d#}szara2# iri#-ni# giri3#-ni szu ba-an-szub
23. sahar#-ra ba#-da-an-tusz tug2# mudra6-ra ba-an-mu4
24. gal5#-la2-e-ne ku3 {d}inanna-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e
25. {d}inanna iri-zu-sze3 DU-ba e-ne ga-ba-ab-DU-mu-de3
26. ku3# {d}inanna-ke4 gal5-la2-e-ne mu#-na#-ni-ib-gi4-gi4#
27. lu2#-du# du# {d}szara2-mu
28. umbin ku5-ku5-ra-mu gu2-tar la2-mu
29. ne ta-gin7 nam-ma-ra-ni-ib-ze2-eg3-gen
30. ga-e-re7-en-de3-en bad3-tibira{ki}-a e2-musz3-kalam-ma-sze3 ga-an-szi-re7-en-de3-en
31. bad3-tibira{ki}-a e2-musz3-kalam-ma-ta
Witness to composite(s): Q000343
Primary Publication:
Collection: Penn Museum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Museum no.: CBS 13908 + unn.
Provenience: Nippur (mod. Nuffar)
Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
atf lang sux
1. e2 gal2-lu i3-[...]
2. i3-du8 e2 gal2-lu {d}[...]
3. i3-du8 e2 gal2-lu dili-mu-sze3 ga-ku4#
4. {d}ne-ti i3-du8 gal kur-ra-ke4
5. ku3 {d}inanna-ra! mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4
6. a-ba-me-en za-e
7. me-e {d}ga-sza-an-an-na ki {d}utu e3-a-asz
8. tukumbi# za-e an-na ki {d}utu e3-a-asz
9. a-na# ba-du-un kur nu-gi4-sze3
10. har-ra-an lu2 du-u3-bi nu-gi4-gi4-de3 sza3-zu a-gin7 de6-mu-un
11. ku3 {d}inanna-ke4 mu-na-ni-ib2-gi4-gi4
12. nin9 gal-mu {d}ga-sza-an-ki-gal-sze3
13. mu dam-a-ni u3-mu-un gu4-gal-an-na ba-an-ug5-ga
14. ki-se3-ga-na i-bi2 du8-u3-de3
15. kasz se3-ga-na gu-ul ba#-ni-in-de2! ur5-sze3 he2-a
16. {d#}ne-ti i3-du8 gal kur-ra-ke4
17. ku3# {d#}inanna-ke4 mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4
18. gub#-gub#-ba!-ab#! {d}inanna nin-ga2# ga-an-na-ab#-du11#
19. nin#-[...]-x {d#}[...]-ki#-gal-la-ra ga-an-na-du11 [...] ga-an-na-ab!-du11
20. {d}[...] i3-du8 gal kur-ra-ke4
21. nin-[...] x {d}eresz-ki-gal-la-ra
22. e2-a#-ni-sze3 ba#-szi-in-ku4 gu3 mu-na-de2
23. x-[...] ki-sikil disz-am
blank space
Witness to composite(s): Q000343
Primary Publication:
Collection: British Museum, London, UK
Museum no.: BM 080054
Provenience: Sippar-Amnanum (mod. Tell ed-Der)
Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
atf lang sux
column 1
beginning broken
1'. [x x] x [...]
2'. abul# [...]
3'. e2#-an-na#-[...]
4'. me 7(disz)-[...]
5'. me mu#?-[...]
6'. me du10 giri3# [...]
7'. ba-a-[...]
8'. hi-li# [...]
9'. {na4#}[...]
rest broken
beginning broken
1'. [...]
2'. x {d}inanna me kur-ra
3'. {d#}inanna garza kur-[...]
4'. gam-gam-ma-ni tug2 [...]
5'. {d}eresz-ki-gal-la# [...]
6'. nin9-a-ni {gesz}gu-za-[...]
7'. e-ne {gesz}gu-za-a-ni-ta# [...]
8'. {d}a-nun-na di-ku5 7(disz) [...]
9'. inim-ma AN x [...]
10'. inim-ne-ne [...]
rest broken
column 1
1. [...]-x-dar-re-a
2. [...]-ba-da-gam-me
3. [...] mu-un-na-ni-ib2-gi4-gi4
column 2
1. dumu-mu an gal al# [...]
2. me kur-ra me x [...]
3. x-x [...]
rest broken
Primary Publication: Köcher, Franz (1964) BAM 3 214
Collection: Arkeoloji Müzeleri, Istanbul, Turkey; Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin, Germany
Museum no.: Ist A 00013 + Ist A 00393
Provenience: Assur (mod. Qalat Sherqat)
Period: Middle Assyrian (ca. 1400-1000 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
atf: lang akk
column 1
1. _be_-ma _na igi-mesz_-szu2 _nigin_-du-szu2
2. _gesztug-mesz_-szu2 i-sza2-gu-ma
3. _uzu-mesz_-szu2 szim-ma-ta
4. _tuku-tuku_-u2
5. _sza3_-szu2 it-ta-na-at-s,ab
6. _gar_-in _gig_-szu2 nu-zu-zu
7. _na bi_ ka-sip
8. _nu-mesz_-szu2 _du3-mesz_-ma ina _ki gul-mesz_
9. ana _{d}eresz-ki-gal_ pa-ag-du
10. ana _usz11-bur2-da kam2_
11. sza2 _nu-mesz_-szu2 _du3-mesz_-ma
12. ina _ki gul-mesz DISZ {d}eresz-ki-gal_
13. [x x] x _du_
14. [x x x x] _kam2_
15. [x x x x] _imhur4#_
16. [x x x x x] x
rest broken
column 2
1. _nig2-nam {szim}li dub_-ak
2. _udu-siskur ku3-ga du3_-usz
3. _{uzu}zag uzu-me-zag_ szu-me-e sza2
4. _kasz-sag bal_-qi2
5. _na bi_ ina _ugu {gesz}szinig ku3_
6. tu-t,u2-s,a-su-ma 1(u) 4(disz) _nu-mesz im_
7. li-pi _i3-udu duh-lal3_ sza2 _lu2-usz11_
8. u _munus-usz11 du3_-usz _il2_-ma
9. ana _igi {d}utu_ ki-am _du11-ga_
single ruling
10. _{d}utu di-ku5 an_ u _ki_-ti
11. _di-ku5 ba-usz2_ u _ti-la_ at-ta-ma
12. ana _il2_-szu qu-lam-ma
13. a-lak-ti li-szat
14. _lu2-usz11_ u _munus-usz11 ti_
15. [...] x-at _kusz ti-la_-at
16. [... x]-ia _kusz tur-mesz_
rest broken
column 1
beginning broken
1'. an#-ni#-tu2# _du11-ga_-ma ana# _id2#_ x
single ruling
2'. 2(u) _til_ x
single ruling
3'. _{d}utu di-ku5_ kisz-sza2-a-ti
4'. mu-du-u2 ka-la-ma
5'. _{d}utu_ ina ba-lu-ka e-pesz _hi-a_
6'. _hi-a ul du3_-usz u pa-at-hat an-na-a
7'. _ul_ i-pa-tu-pa ina ba-lu-ka
8'. _{d}utu_ an-nu-u2 _nu lu2-usz11 mu_
9'. u _munus-usz11 mu_ sza2 kisz-pi ru-he-e
10'. ru-sze-e up-sza-sze-e la _du11-ga-mesz_
11'. nap-sza2-sza2-ti na-asz-pa-ra-a-ti
12'. _hul#-gal2# zi-ku5_-t,e3-e _ka-dab-da-kam_
13'. _di-bal-e-da_-ma _kur2_-e
14'. u lem-ne2-et t,a3-me2 e-pu-sza2
15'. [...] x x x x x x x x
column 2
beginning broken
1'. [...] ni-pi-sze
2'. sza _szu_ kisz-pi
3'. _szu {m}{d}KU.A isz-ma-ni _masz-masz_
4'. _a {m}utu-masz masz-masz_
5'. _ki me me me masz-masz-ma_
Primary Publication: Köcher, Franz (1964) BAM 3 234
Collection: —
Museum no.: unknown
Provenience: Assur (mod. Qalat Sherqat)
Period: —
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
atf: lang akk
1. _DISZ_ mi-ih-ra ma-hi-ir-ma ki-i im-hu-ru-szu ul i#!-[di?]
2. hul-qu _zi-ga_ ka-a-a-nam _tuku-tuku_-szi s,i-i-ti sze-am u kas-pi-[ma? x]
3. _zi-ga {lu2}ir3_ u _geme2 gu4-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ u _usduha ur-gi7-mesz szah#-[mesz?]_
4. u3 _nam-lu2-u18-lu_ mit-ha-risz im-da-nu-tu2 _gaz sza3_-bi _tuku-tuku_-[szi]
5. _du11-ga nu sze3-ga_ sa-su-u la a-pa lu i-s,i-im-tu2 _ka un-mesz_ hi-a-t,u#
6. i-na _ki-na2_-szu2 _mud-mud_-ud ri-mu-tu _tuku_-szi a-du bi-nu-te-szu2 ana _dingir_ u _lugal#_ [x]
7. _sza3_-bi-szu2 ma-li mi-na-tu-szu2 _dub-dub_-ak pi-qa la pi-qa i-par2-ru-ud
8. ur-ra u _ge6_ la _na2_-lal _masz2-ge6-mesz_ par2-da-a-ti _igi-du8-a-mesz_ ri-mu-tu _tuku-tuku_
9. _ninda_ u _kasz_ mut,-t,u a-mat i-qab-bu-u2 i-masz-szi _lu2 bi_ szip-sat _dingir_ u _{d}u-dar ugu_-szu2 _tuku_-szi
10. _dingir_-szu2 _{d}u-dar_-szu2 _ki_-szu2 ze-nu-u2 _DISZ na bi szu nam-rim-ma szu dingir-ra_
11. _szu nam-lu2-u18-lu gig_ hi-im-ma-te _gig_ ar2-ni _ad_ u _ama szesz_ u _nin_
12. _im-ri-a im-ri-a im-ri-a dab_-szu2-ma a-na _du8_-ri-szu2!(RI)-ma a-di-ra-te-szu2 a-na la ka-sza2-di#-[szu2]
single ruling
13. _kid3-kid3-bi min nu nam-rim_ sza2 _nita_ u _munus_ sza2 _im ki-gar du3_-usz _mu_-szu2-nu ina _masz-sila3_ 2(gesz2) 3(u) [x x x]
14. _{tug2}gu2-e3_ {tug2}ma-ak-lu-lu _{tug2}bar-sig sig2 za-gin3 ge6_ u!(ASZ) _babbar mu4-mu4_-si _na4 babbar#?_-a ina _gu2#?_-[x x x]
15. _{tug2}gu2-e3_ {tug2}ma-ak-lu-lu _{tug2}bar-sig {tug2}ib2-la2_ sza _{sig2}aka3 babbar_ sza-par2-[szu2]
16. _szuku_-su _bir-mesz ninda-mesz had2-a uzu had2-a {kusz}e-sir {kusz}da-e-sir {gesz}ga#-[rig2]_
17. _{gesz}bal?_ szid-di-tu2 ki-ri-is-su {gesz}szi-qa-tu2 _i3 du10-ga szum2_-szi s,u-de2-e tu#-[s,a-da-szi?]
18. ba-ah-ra tu-tab-bak-szi ina _igi {d}utu kesz2-kesz2_-ma _{dug}a-da-gur5 gin#?_-[x]
19. _zu2-lum-ma {zi3}esza dub_-ak _ninda-i3-de2-a lal i3-nun-na gar_-an nik-na-qu#
20. _udu-siskur ku3 dadag du3_-usz _{uzu}zag {uzu}me-he2 {uzu}ka-ne te_-ha _kasz-sag# [de2_-qi2?]
21. i-na _igi {d}utu nu nam-rim_ szu2-nu-ti _il2_-ma _mu-ne_-szu2-nu ta#-[zak-kar]
single ruling
22. _en2_ {d}sza2-masz nisz _an_-e _ki_-tim _en_ kit-te u mi3-sza2-ri a-na _kar_-ir x [x x]
23. _ki-gar_ u2-qa-disz _igi-mesz_-szu2-[nu sza2 _ku3-babbar?]_ ad#-din ina ner-bi sza2 de2-a ina up-sza2-sze-e sza2 [x x x]
24. i-na _ki-gar im-mesz_-szu2-nu ak#-ri#-is, ina _igi dingir_-ut-ti-ka _gal_-tu2 ab-ni-szu2-[nu-ti-ma]
25. x x [x _mu4]-mu4#?_-su#-nu-ti _szuku_-su _bir-mesz ninda-mesz had2-a uzu had2-a nigin#?_ pu kud#? x [x]
26. mit-ha-risz u2-mal#-li-ma na-a-da _a-mesz szed-mesz_ a-qi2-su#-nu-[ti]
27. u2-kab-bi-su-nu-ti# u2-szar-ri-ih-szu2-nu-ti lu-u _nita2_ szu-u an-nu-u _nu_-[szu2]
28. lu-u _munus_ szi-i an-nu-u2# _nu_-sza2 _dam!_ szu-hu-zu an-ni-tu lu _dam#_-su#
29. mu-tu szu-hu-zu an#-nu-u2 lu _dam_-sa an-nu-u lu ha-mi3-ru-um#-ma#?
30. an-ni-tu lu hi-ir-tu# _{d}utu en lal_-u2 mu-du-u2 _du3-a-bi_
31. ana-ku _nenni a nenni ir3_ pa#-lih-ka ina _u4_-me an-ne2-e _igi_-ka as,-bat
32. u2-sa-pa _dingir_-ut-ka _gal#?_-tu2#? _mu_ ma-mit sza2 _dab_-ni-ma _us2-us2_-ni _u4_-mu u mu-[szi]
33. u2-sza2-ha-hu _uzu-mesz-mu_ ana na#-kas2 _zi_-ia _gub_-zu ina qi2-bit _dingir_-ti-ka _gal#_-[ti]
34. a-na pu-uh _uzu-mesz-mu_ u la-ni-ia# _szum2_-szu2-nu-ti pu-hu-u2-a di-na-nu-u2-a lib#-[szu-u-ma?]
35. a-na _[{d}eresz-ki-gal?]_ szar#-rat-[ra]-bi#-ti# <sza2> _ki#!_-tu2# pu-uh ra#-ma-ni-ia ina _ki_-tim a-qeb-bir#?
36. [...] at#-tu#-nu muh-ra#-ni-ma at-tu-nu pi-tan-ni#-[ma]
37. [...] x [x x] muh#-ra-ni-ma at-tu-nu pi-tan#-[ni-ma]
38. [...] x a x [x x] ri# a _ki-min_ ki#? [x]
39. [...] x ku nu# ma-mit x [...]
40. [...] ma#-mit {d#}[x ...]
41. [...] ma#-mit [...]
42. [...] ma#-mit [...]
Primary Publication: Köcher, Franz (1971) BAM 4 332
Collection: Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin, Germany
Museum no.: VAT 13697
Provenience: —
Period: —
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
atf: lang akk
column 1
beginning broken
1'. _[{iti}]ne# nu-[mesz]_-szu2# [ina x x]-ir#? _{iti#}ne#_ a#-na# _gidim#_ paq-du#
2'. [...] _u4_-me u2-za-bal-ma usz2 [ana] _usz11#-bur2#_
single ruling
3'. _[{d}]utu kesz2 udu siskur bal_-qi2 _ur5#-gin7 du11#-ga_
4'. [al]-si-ka {d}sza2-mas szi-[man]-ni
5'. [mu?]-hur#? ta-ni-hi-a szu-du-lu#-pu#-ti
6'. _[nig2]-gig# igi_-an-ni li-mad ar#-hi-isz#
7'. [an]-ha-ku-ma szu-du-lu-pa#-ku szu-nu-ha-ku szu-tad#-du-ra-ku
8'. [a]-na nam-ra-s,i-it _zalag2_-ka# u2-pi-iq# be-li2#
9'. {d#}sza2#-masz _en_ di-ni ana ka-a-sza2 as#-hur-ka
10'. [a]-na ni-isz _szu-min_-ia qu-lam-ma szi-me qa-ba-a-a
11'. szi#-man-ni-ma mu-gur tes2-li-ti
12'. di#-ni de-e-ni _esz-bar-a-a_ pu-ru-us3
13'. _gin7# a#-mesz_ a-na _szu-min {d}utu_ sum-nu an-na-a# 3(disz)#-szu2# _szid_-nu
single ruling
14'. _[en2] {d#}utu_ be-li2 _szar5 danna_ tal-li-ka mu#-szi-ta
15'. [ana _szar5] danna#_ tasz-ku-na pa-ni#-ka#
16'. [te]-et#-ti-qa _kur-mesz_-e ne2#-[su-tu2]
17'. [te-et]-ti#-qa# _kur-mesz_-e# [...]
18'. [te-et-ti]-qa# _kur-mesz#_-[e]
19'. [te-et]-ti#-qa# _kur#-[mesz_-e]
rest broken
column 2
beginning broken
1'. x [...]
2'. ina x [...]
3'. {d}sza2-masz# [...]
4'. ana _an_ ma#? KI#? [...]
5'. it-ti x [...]
6'. ana x x [...]
7'. me#? x x [...]
8'. x x x [...]
9'. x x [...]
10'. x [...]
11'. ina x [...]
12'. x [...]
13'. x [...]
rest broken
column 1
beginning broken
1'. x [...]
2'. x x [...]
3'. sza2 x [...]
4'. sza2#? [...]
rest broken
column 2
beginning broken
1'. [x x x] x [...]
2'. [x x]-ta# [...]
3'. [x x]-ta# x [x] x x [...]
4'. [x x] ad#? sur ru x [x] x [x] isz#? x x
5'. [ana ma]-har# _{d}utu di-ku5 nig2#?-ba#?_ mah#-ra#-a#-ta#
6'. [nu]-dun#-nu-u na-ad#-na#-ka#
7'. [tak]-li#-ma-tu2 si-mat KI-tim kul2#-lu-mat#-ka#
8'. _[nu-mesz]_ kasz-sza2-pi-ia u kasz-szap-ti#-ia2#
9'. [ana ma]-har# _{d}utu_ ka-a-sza2 ap-qid#-su#-<nu-ti>
10'. [a]-na# _kur-nu-gi4_ u2-ru it#-ti-ka
11'. la# tu-masz-szar-[szu2]-nu-ti
12'. _[zi] {d#}utu#_ mur#-te-di-ka# tum4#-ma-ta
13'. [zi {d}i2-gi3-gi3] _dingir#-mesz_ e-la-ti _min_
14'. _[zi_ {d}a-nun-na]-ki# _dingir#-mesz_ szap-lu#-ti _min_
15'. _[zi {d}lugal-ir9-ra] {d#}nin#-a-zu# {d#}nin#-gesz-zi-da _min_
16'. _[zi {d}eresz-ki]-gal# _gaszan ki#_-tim# _min_
17'. [szum-ma tum-masz]-szar#-[szu]-nu#-[ti]
rest broken
Witness to composite(s): Q000261: Q003908
Primary Publication: Genouillac, Henri de (1930) TRS 1 = TCL 15 10
Collection: Louvre Museum, Paris, France
Museum no.: AO 05376
Provenience: uncertain (mod. uncertain)
Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
atf: lang sux
column 1
1. {d}en-ki
2. {d}nin-ki
3. {d}en-mul
4. {d}nin-mul
5. {d}en-ul
6. {d}nin-ul
7. {d}en-nun
8. {d}nin-nun
9. {d}en-kur
10. {d}nin-kur
11. {d}en-kin-gal
12. {d}nin-kin-gal
13. {d}en-szar2
14. {d}nin-szar2
15. {d}en-hal
16. {d}nin-hal
17. {d}en-bulug3
18. {d}nin-bulug3
19. {d}en-girisz
20. {d}nin-girisz
21. {d}en-da-szurim-ma
22. {d}nin-amasz
23. {d}en-du6-ku3-ga
24. {d}nin-du6-ku3-ga
25. {d}en-an-na
26. {d}nin-an-na
27. {d}en-u4-til3-la
28. {d}nin-u4-til3-la
29. {d}en-me-szar2-ra#
30. {d}nin-me-szar2-ra#
31. an
32. an-szar2-gal
33. {d}en-iri-ul-la
34. {d}urasz
35. {d}nin-i3-li
36. {d}namma
37. {d}ama-tu-an-ki
38. {d}en-lil2
39. {d}nu-nam-nir
40. {d}kur-gal
41. {d}esz3
42. {d}ezen-sag
43. {d}balag-di
44. {d}tarah-gal
45. {d}bahar2
46. {d}sanga
47. {d}asz-te
48. {d}nin-lil2
49. {d}nin-tum-ma-al
50. {d}sud3
column 2
1. {d}sig4-za-gin3
2. {d}maszkim-ge6-lu2-har-ra-an-na
3. {d}lum-ma
4. {d}ha-da-ni-isz
5. {d}en-lil2-la2-zi
6. {d}ur-{d}suen
7. {d}da-gan
8. {d}nin-ku3-sig17
9. %a {d}kak-ka3
10. %a {d}be-la-at-bi-ri
11. an-bu
12. {d}nin-urta
13. {d}u4-ta-u18-lu
14. {d}nimin-DU
15. {d}sza3-dubur-re?
16. {d}nin-nibru{ki}
17. {d}nin-pu2-la2
18. {d}nin-iri-sag-ga2
19. {d}nin-nig2-gi-na
20. {d}nin-u4-zal-le
21. {d}saman#
22. {d}inim-ma-ni-zi
23. {d}lamma
24. {d}nin-kar-nun-na
25. {d}kinda2-zi
26. {d}en-ki#
27. {d}tarah-abzu#
28. {d}tarah#-DIM2
29. {d}tarah-ban3-da
30. {d}tarah-nun-na
31. {d}nu-dim2-mud
32. {d}lugal-abzu
33. {d}{i7}idigna
34. {d}nin-ildu2
35. {d}abgal-|KAxSZE|
36. {d}dam-gal-nun-na#
37. {d}nin-gi-ku3-ga
38. {d}nin-dim2-an-na
39. {d}asal-lu2-hi
40. {d}asal
41. {d}asal-alim#-nun-na
42. {d}pa4-nun-an-ki
43. {d}e4#-ru6
44. {d}ur-e4#-ru6#
45. {d}lugal#?-[...]-x
46. {d}ensi2-mah
47. {d}gesz#-la2#-abzu
column 3
1. {d}[...]-NUN#-ME
2. {d}sig7-nimgir
3. {d}sirsir
4. {d}igi-he2-gal2
5. {d}ka-he2-gal2
6. {d}la-ha-ma-abzu
7. {d}marduk
8. {d}tu-tu
9. %a {d}zar-pa-ni-tum
10. {d}nin-bara2-gi4-si
11. {d}dumu-zi-abzu
12. {d}ba?-ki-gu-la
13. %a {d}na-bi-um
14. %a {d}tasz-me-tum
15. {d}nin-hur#-sag-ga2
16. dingir-mah
17. {d}nin-mah
18. {d}a-ru-ru
19. {d}nin-tu
20. {d}nin-du6-babbar-ra
21. {d}nin-szig5-szig5#
22. {d}nin-men#-na#
23. {d}nin#-szesz2#
24. {d}lu2#-gu-la
25. {d}[szul]-pa-e3
26. {d}u4-al-TAR
27. {d}lugal-ur3-ra
28. {d}lugal-u4-da#
29. {d}bara2-ul-e-[gar]-ra
30. {d}GALAM?
31. {d}uri3-MASZ
32. {d}gesz-hur-an-ki
33. {d}ASZ-AN-{sza}sza4
34. {d}nusku
35. {d}e2-kur-re-si
36. {d}en-za3-ga
37. {d}sag-bi-sze3-e3-a
38. {d}enszada
39. {d}sa-dara3-nun-na
40. {d}nin-ki-ag2-nun-na
41. {d}dumu-abzu
42. {d}UM-x-x-gal2#?-la#?
43. {d}nin-ka-asz-bar-an-ki
44. {d}{+a-la-du}alad2
45. {d}nerah
46. {d}udug-ka-ka
column 4
1. {d}lama-ka-ka#
2. {d}nin-x
3. {d}nin-gidri#
4. [{d}]nin-me-szu-du7#
5. {d}suen
6. {d}nanna
7. {d}dil-im2-babbar
8. {d}{gesz}gesznu-gal
9. {d}AB2-KAR2
10. {d}men-e-du7
11. {d}dumu-nun-na
12. {d}nin-gal
13. {d}nin-gublaga
14. {d}sun2-zi
15. {d}lugal-gu4
16. {d}nin-e2-i3-gara2
17. {d}nu-musz-da
18. %a {d}nam-ra-[at]
19. {d}nin#-x-a
20. {d}e-ta?-mu
21. {d}alamusz
22. {d}nin-uri2{ki}-ma
23. {d}ama-ra-he2-ag2-e
24. {d}nin-ku3-nun-na
25. {d}ga-a-u2
26. {d}nin-unu
27. {d}nun-bar-an-na
28. {d}utu
29. {d}utu
30. {d}{gesz}gesznu
31. {d}sag-kar2
32. {d}gidri-sze3-du7
33. {d}nin-sa-za
34. {d}{+sze3?}szer7
35. {d}su3-ag2
36. {d}su3-gan-KAM
37. {d}utu-{d}utu
38. {d}si-sa2
39. {d}nig2#?-si-sa2
40. {d}nin-gin6-na
41. {d}EZEN-mah#
42. {d}pap-nun#-na
43. {d}nin-BARAG
44. {d}en-ga-nu2
45. {d}szakkan2
46. {d}sikil-la-me-si
47. {d}iszkur
48. {d}{+mu-ur}mur3
49. {d}lugal-{tu17}dalhamun
column 5
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. {d}[...]
4. %a {d}u2-s,ur-a-wa-su2
5. {d}inanna
6. {d}inanna
7. an-zib2-ba
8. {d}nin-szar6
9. {d}nin-e2-gal
10. {d}{ki-min}BU-|KAxKAR2|
11. {d}in-nin
12. an-nu-ni-tum
13. {d}a2-nu-na
14. {d}inanna-kisz{ki}-a
15. {d}inanna-ugnim
16. {d}inanna-ni-nu-a
17. {d}nin-e2-an-na
18. {d}inanna-[...]-x
19. {d}nin#-szen-szen-na#
20. {d}nin-in-ti-na
21. {d}nin-e2-MUSZ3-A
22. {d}nin-gir-gi-lu
23. {d}nin-GABA
24. {d}UN-u6
25. {d}NIN-gun3-nu
26. {d}nin-ka-imin
27. {d}nin-ka-limmu2
28. {d}nin-hur-sag-kalam-ma
29. {d}nin-aratta{ki}
30. {d}nin-iri-ki-gar-ra
31. {d}nin-gu2-bar-ra
32. {d}nin-iri-a-mu-un-tum2
33. {d}nin-a-nim-ma
34. {d}nin-bad3-dur2-ra
35. {d}nin-ib-gal
36. {d}nin-gu-la
37. {d}nin-e2-HA-ma#
38. {d}nin-ra-gaba
39. {d}nin-a-ra-zu
40. {d}nin-bara2-gi4
41. {d}nin-e2-gab2-ba{ki}
42. {d}nin-{gesz}dimgul
43. {d}nin-har-ra-an-na#
44. {d}nin-gu2-edin-na
45. {d}igi-la-ba-x
46. {d}igi-bar-lu2-til3
47. {d}KA-ba-lu2-sa6#
48. {d}nig2-u6-di-du10#
49. {d}x
column 1
1. {d}e2#-sa#-par4#
2. {d}ab-ba-szu2-szu2
3. {d}AB-ta-gi4-gi4
4. {d}KA-KUR2-KA-KA
5. {d}ub-da-a-lah4
6. {d}da-a-lah4
7. {d}{gesz}ig-e-nu-gi4-e
8. {d}za-ra-e-nu-gi4-e
9. {d}ama-dag-si
10. {d}ama-szu12?-de3-imin-bi
11. {d}da-da
12. {d}du-du
13. {d}nin-hi-nun-na
14. {d}ub-sahar-ra
15. {d}be-la-at-ur-ri
16. an-usan
17. {d}x-x-x
18. [{d}...]-a
19. {d}x?-x
20. {d}gug-kal-la
21. {d}nin-si4-an-na
22. {d}gasiszx(LAL3)
23. {d}si-mu2
24. {d}mah-di-an-na
25. {d}kab2-ta
26. {d}dumu-zi
27. {d}en-nimgir-si
28. {d}ama-uszum
29. {d}uszumgal-an-na
30. {d}ME-nun-an-na
31. {d}ama-uszum-gal-an-na
32. {d}am-a-ra-li
33. {d}ALAN
34. {d}na-na-a
35. {d}in-nin-sa6-ga
36. %a {d}mu6-a-ti
37. {d}lugal-ban3-da
38. {d}nin-sun2
39. {d}lu-lu
40. {d}lugal-marad-da
41. {d}nin-zu-an-na
42. {d}tug2-nam-en-an-mu4
43. {d}nam2-nun-na
44. {d}ku-ku#
45. {d}nin-[...]
46. [...]
column 2
1. {d}nin-kilim{+gi4-li2}
2. {d}mul-ki-gal
3. {d}nin-karkar{ki}
4. {d}nin-mar{ki}
5. {d}na-zi
6. {d}nansze
7. {d}nin-dar-a
8. {d}szul-pa-e3-DAR-a
9. {d}szul-pa-e3-amasz-a
10. {d}da-mu
11. {d}gesztin-an-na
12. {d}nin-e2-gun3-a
13. {d}nin-|URUxKAR2|
14. {d}GIBIL-LIL2-e
15. {d}nin-gesz-zi-da
16. {d}a-zi-mu2-a
17. {d}nin-amasz#-ku3#-ga
18. {d}nin#-[...]-a
19. {d}ama#-a-[...]
20. {d}kal-kal
21. {d}e2-gal2-lu-zu
22. {d}nin-min-tab-ba
23. {d}lugal-ki-sa2-a
24. {d}ig-ku3
25. {d}nin-imma
26. {d}musz3-me-kul-kul
27. {d}a-ba4-ba4
28. {d}nin-pirig
29. {d}ir-da
30. {d}a-ba4-ba4-saga
31. {d}ku3-sig17-ban3-da
32. {d}asznan
33. {d}ha-ia3
34. {d}nisaba
35. {d}nun#-bar#-sze#-gu#?-[nu?]
36. {d}en-nu-gi4#
37. {d}uri3-gal
38. {d}nanibgal
39. {d}nanibgal-gal
40. {d}ku3-su3
41. {d}indagara
42. {d}nin#?-SAR
43. {d}ir3#-ra-gal
44. {d}nin-ka-si
45. {d}sirasz
46. {d}pa5#-din-du10
47. {d}szu#-zi#-an#-na#
48. [...]-x-ma
49. [...]
50. [...]
column 3
1. {d}nin-gu2-pa4-sir2-ka
2. {d}nin-girimx(|A.HA.BU.KUD.DU|)
3. {d}e2-ta-e11-de3
4. {d}edin-na-IM-szum2-ma
5. {d}lugal-edin-na
6. {d}lugal-szu-nir-ra
7. {d}lugal-za3-e3
8. {d}lu2-lal3
9. {d}sa-e3
10. {d}nin#-edin-na
11. {d}x
12. {d}u4#-sahar-ra
13. {d}ku3#-mul-mul
14. {d}irhan#
15. {d}galam-har
16. {d}[esz8]-dar#?
17. {d}igi-sar-ra-ab#?
18. {d}li9-si4
19. {d}nin-sikil-la
20. {d}ab-u2
21. {d}kulla
22. {d}gu2-la2
23. {d}nin-ti-mud
24. {d}[nin]-til3#-la-ug5-ga
25. {d}[...]-sze3-e3-a
26. {d}[nin]-tin#-ug5-ga
27. {d}[pa]-bil#-sag
28. {d}lugal#-am#-ur2-ra
29. {d}en-dag-ga
30. {d}nin-isin2{si-na}
31. {d}nin-kar-ra-ak
32. {d}kur-ra-ib2-ba
33. {d}masz2-ri-gu7
34. {d}nin-nig2-gu3-na-ra
35. {d}nin-a2-dam-ku3-ga
36. {d}ME-ME-sa6-ga
37. {d}nin-iri
38. {d}nin-kir11-sig
39. {d}nin-iri-gibil
40. {d}ama-gurusz-e-ne
41. {d}ga-ga
42. {d}e2-a-diri-ga
43. {d}nin-ma2-gur8-ra
44. {d}ama-gi-kid-mah
45. {d}ma2-mu-un-du3
46. {d}nin-ga2-bur-ra
47. {d}dim#?-ku3-ga
column 4
1. {d}x-ba-du6-da
2. {d}nin#-A-GA2-kur#-bad
3. {d}nin#?-|IRIxKI|
4. {d}nin-[...]-x-le
5. {d}nun-gal#
6. {d}nin-e2#-[gal?]
7. {d}gu-nu-[ra]
8. {d}KA-[x]
9. {d}UR-masz#
10. {d}szu-mah#
11. {d}nam2{nam}-mah
12. {d}igi-su4-su4
13. {d}tu6-bi2-in-du11-ba-sa6
14. {d}en-zi-ni-sze3
15. {d}nin-a-zu
16. {d}nin-giri16-da
17. {d}giri16-kalam-ma
18. {d}eresz#-ki-gal
19. {d}al#-la2-tum3
20. {d}tiszpak
21. {d}NUMUN-AB2
22. {d}mar-du10-[...]
23. {d}nam-[tar]
24. {d}husz-bi#?-sa6#?
25. {d}lugal-ir9-[ra]
26. {d}ku3-an-ne2-si#{{ka-a-nu}}
27. {d}mes-lam-ta-e3-a
28. {d}nin-szubur
29. {d}ha-mun!(DIM)-szubur
30. {d}e2-du11-ga-du10-ga
31. {d}lugal-esz3-a
32. {d}NIN-ga2-ug5-ga
33. {d}ne3-iri11-gal
34. {d}ma-mi-tum
35. {d}u3-bu-bu
36. {d}husz-ki-a
37. %a {d}i-szar-ki-di-isz-szu11
38. {d}gu4-a2-nun-gi4-a
39. %a {d}szu-bu-la
40. {d}lugal-gu4-si-su
41. {d}lugal-tilla2
42. {d}lugal-dur-ra
43. {d}lugal-iri-bar-ra
44. {d}lugal-iri-sza3-ga
45. {d}lugal-inim-gi-na
46. {d}lugal-tug2-nam-en-an-mu4
47. {d}lugal-sag-gi4-a
48. {d}[lugal-x?]-x-nu
49. [{d}lugal ...]
50. [{d}lugal ...]
column 5
1. {d}lugal-ki-sun5-na
2. {d}lugal-gu2-du8-a{ki}
3. {d}lugal-a-pi-ak
4. {d}lugal-i3-si-in{ki}
5. {d}lugal-mes-lam
6. {d}lugal-an-za-gar3
7. {d}lugal-me-szu-du7
8. {d}lugal-gesz-du3-a
9. {d}lugal-{gesz}szinig
10. {d}lugal-{gesz}asal2
11. {d}lugal-sukud-ra2
12. {d}lugal-kur-dub2
13. {d}lugal-ku3-nun-na
14. {d}lugal-sa-ba-NI
15. {d}lugal-e2-nun#-na#
16. {d}lugal-ki-gu-la#
17. {d}lugal-he2-gal2#
18. {d}lugal-[...]
19. {d}lugal-x-|URUxKI|
20. {d}lugal-NIG2-LAGAR?
21. {d}imin-gu7
22. {d}nin-iri-bar-ra
23. {d}nar
24. {d}KA-KA-lal3-ga
25. {d}lumha
26. {d}nin-KA-du10-ga
27. %a {d}il-szu-uh
28. {d}en-ki-im-du
29. {d}he2-gal2
30. {d}gira2
31. {d}gibil6
32. {d}nun-bar-husz
33. {d}nun-ur4-ra
34. {d}nunurra
35. {d}nin-a2-gal
36. {d}simug
37. {d}en-a2-nun
38. {d}PA
blank space
Witness to composite(s): QIshtardescent
Primary Publication:
Collection: British Museum, London, UK
Museum no.: BM —
Provenience: Nineveh (mod. Kuyunjik)
Period: Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
atf: lang akk
1. a-na _kur-nu-gi4-a_ qaq-qa-ri {d#}[eresz-ki-gal]
2. {d}inanna _dumu-munus_ {d}sin u2-zu-un-sza2 [isz-kun]
3. isz-kun-ma _dumu-munus_ {d}sin u2-zu-un#-[sza2]
4. a-na _e2_ e-t,e-e szu-bat {d}ir-[kal-la]
5. a-na _e2_ sza e-ri-bu-szu2 la a-s,u#-[u2]
6. a-na har-ra-ni sza a-lak-ta-sza2 la ta-a-a-[rat]
7. a-na _e2_ sza e-ri-bu-szu2 zu-um-mu-u2 nu-[u2-ra]
8. a-szar _sahar-hi-a_ bu-bu-us-su-nu a-kal-szu-nu t,i-it,#-[t,u]
9. nu-u2-ru ul im-ma-ru i-na e-t,u-t,i asz2-[bu]
10. lab-szu-ma _gim_ is,-s,ur-ri s,u-bat kap-pi
11. _ugu {gesz}ig_ u _{gesz}sag-kul_ sza2-bu-uh ep-ru
12. {d}inanna a-na _ka2 kur-nu-gi4-a_ ina ka-sza2-di-sza2
13. a-na _{lu2}i3-du8_ ba-a-bi a-ma-tum iz-zak-kar
14. _{lu2}i3-du8_-me-e pi-ta-a ba-ab-ka
15. pi-ta-a ba-ab-ka-ma lu-ru-ba a-na-ku
16. szum-ma la ta-pat-ta-a ba-a-bu la er-ru-ba a-na-ku
17. a-mah-ha-as, dal-tum sik-ku-ru a-szab-bir
18. a-mah-ha-as, si-ip-pu-ma u3-sza2-bala-kat3 _{gesz}ig-mesz_
19. u2-sze-el-la-a mi-tu-ti _gu7-mesz_ bal-t,u-ti
20. _ugu_ bal-t,u-ti i-ma-i-du mi-tu-ti
21. _{lu2}i3-du8_ pa-a-szu2 i-pu-usz-ma i-qab-bi
22. iz-zak-ka-ra a-na _gal_-ti {d}isz#-tar#
23. i-zi-zi be-el-ti la ta-na-da-asz2-szi
24. lu-ul-lik _mu_-ki lu-sza2-an-ni a-na szar-ra-ti {d}eresz#-ki#-gal
25. e-ru-um-ma _{lu2}i3-du8_ iz-zak-ka#-ra# [a-na {d}eresz-ki-gal]
26. an-ni-tu me-e a-ha-ta-ki {d}isz-tar i-za#-[az i-na ba-bi-ka]
27. mu#-kil-tu sza2 kep-pe-e _gal-mesz_ da-li#-[ha-at ap-si-i ma-har {d}e2-a _lugal_]
28. {d}eresz-ki-gal# an-ni-ta# i-na# [sze-mi-sza2]
29. ki-ma ni-kis# {gesz}bi-ni# e-ru-[qu pa-nu-sza2]
30. ki-ma sza2-bat ku-ni-ni is,-li-[ma sza-ba-tu-sza2]
31. mi-na-a lib3-ba-sza2 ub-la-an-ni mi-na-a kab-ta#-[sa-ma usz-par2-da-an-ni-ma]
32. an-ni-tu-me-e a-na-ku it-ti [{d}a-nun-na-ki _a-mesz_ a-szat-ti]
33. ki-ma _ninda-mesz_ a-kal _im_ ki-ma _kasz-mesz#_ [a-szat-ta-a _a-mesz_ dal-hu-te]
34. lu-ub-ki a-na _gurus_mesz_ sza e-zi-bu {munus}hi-[re-ti]
35. lu-ub-ki a-na _{munus}ki-sikil-mesz_ sza _ta ur2_ {lu}ha-i-ri-szi-na# [szal-lu-pa-ni]
36. a-na _{lu2}tur_ la-ke-e lu-ub-ki sza ina la _u4-mesz_-szu3 t,ar-[du]
37. a-lik _{lu2}i3-du8_ pi-ta-asz2-szi ba-ab-[ka]
38. up-pi-is-si-ma ki-ma _garza_mesz_ la-bi-ru-ti#
39. il-lik _{lu2}i3-du8_ ip-ta-asz2-szi ba-ab-[szu]
40. er-bi be-el-ti gu2-du8-a{ki} li-risz-ki#
41. _e2-gal kur-nu-gi-a_ li-ih-du ina pa-ni-ki
42. 1(disz)-en _ka2_ u2-sze-rib-szi-ma um-ta-s,i it-ta-bal _aga gal_-a sza _sag-du_-sza2
43. am-mi-ni _i3-du8_ ta-at-bal _aga gal_-a sza _sag-du_-ia
44. er-bi be-el-ti sza _{d}nin-ki_-ti3 ki-a-am _garza-mesz_-sza2
45. 2(disz)-a _ka2_ u2-sze-rib-szi-ma um-ta-s,i it-ta-bal in-s,a-ba-te sza _gesztu-min_-sza2
46. am-mi-ni _i3-du8_ ta-at-bal in-s,a-ba-te sza _gesztu-min_-ia
47. er-bi be-el-ti sza _{d}nin-ki_-ti3 ki-a-am _garza-mesz_-sza2
48. 3(disz)-szu _ka2_ u2-sze-rib-szi-ma um-ta-s,i it-ta-bal _{na4}nunuz-mesz_ sza _gu2_-sza2
49. am-mi-ni _i3-du8_ ta-at-bal _{na4}nunuz-mesz_ sza _gu2_-ia
50. er-bi be-el-ti sza _{d}nin-ki_-ti3 ki-a-am _garza-mesz_-sza2
51. 4(disz)-u2 _ka2_ u2-sze-rib-szi-ma um-ta-s,i it-ta-bal du-di-na-te sza2 _gaba_-sza2
52. am-mi-ni _{lu2}i3-du8_ ta-at-bal du-di-na-te sza2 _gaba_-ia
53. er-bi be-el-ti sza _{d}nin-ki_-ti3 ki-a-am _garza-mesz_-sza2
54. 5(disz)-szu2 _ka2_ u2-sze-rib-szi-ma um-ta-s,i it-ta-bal szib-bu _na4-tu_ sza _murub4-mesz_-sza2
55. am-mi-ni _{lu2}i3-du8_ ta-at-bal szib-bu _na4-tu_ sza _murub4-mesz_-ia
56. er-bi be-el-ti sza _{d}nin-ki_-ti3 ki-a-am _garza-mesz_-sza2
57. 6(disz)-szu2 _ka2_ u2-sze-rib-szi-ma um-ta-s,i it-ta-bal _har-mesz szu_-sza2 u _giri3_-sza2
58. am-mi-ni _{lu2}i3-du8_ ta-at-bal _har-mesz szu_-ia u _giri3_-ia
59. er-bi be-el-ti sza _{d}nin-ki_-ti3 ki-a-am _garza-mesz_-sza2
60. 7(disz)-u2 ka2 u2-sze-rib-szi-ma um-ta-s,i it-ta-bal s,u-bat bal-t,i sza2 zu-um-ri-sza2
Witness to composite(s): Q000343
Primary Publication:
Collection: Hilprecht Collection, University of Jena, Jena, Germany
Museum no.: HS 1480 + HS 1580 + HS 2505
Provenience: Nippur (mod. Nuffar)
Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
atf lang sux
column 1
beginning broken
1'. [...]-szub# x x x [...]
2'. [...]-un-szub kur-ra mu-[...] x [...]
3'. [...]-ga e2#-[...]-un#-szub
4'. zabala2#{ki} gi#-[...]-un#-szub
5'. umma{ki}-a ib-gal mu#-un-szub
6'. uri2{ki}-ma e2-dilmun#-na# mu-un-szub
7'. kisig{ki}-a amasz-e2-ku3 mu-un-szub
8'. gir2-su{ki}-a e2-esz2-dam-ku3 mu-un-szub
9'. adab{ki}-a e2-szar2-ra mu-un-szub
10'. nibru{ki}-a bara2#-dur2-gar-ra mu-un-szub
11'. i3-si-i-na{ki} e2-sig4-me-sze3-du7 mu-un-szub
12'. kisz{ki}-a hur-sag-kalam-ma mu-un-szub
13'. akszak{ki}-a an!-za-gar3 mu-un-szub
14'. szuruppak{ki}-e nigar{gar}-ku3 mu-un-szub
15'. ka-zal-lu{ki} e2-sza3-hul2-la mu-un#-szub#
16'. a-ga-de3{ki}-a e2 ul-masz mu-un-szub
17'. me 7(disz)-bi za3 mu-ni-in-kesz2
18'. me mu-un-ur4!-ur4 szu-ni-sze3 mu-un-la2
19'. me du10 giri3 gub-ba i-im#-gen#
20'. {tug2}szu-gur-ra men edin-na sag-ga2-na mu-un-gal2
21'. hi-li sag-ki-na szu ba-szi-in-ti
22'. {na4}za di4-di4 gu2-na ba-ni-in-la2
23'. {na4}nunuz tab-ba gaba-na ba-ni-im-si
24'. {tug2}pala3 nam-nin-a bar-ra-na bi2-in-dul
25'. szimbi lu2 he2-du igi-ni x-NI-ba!-gar
26'. tu-di-da lu2 ga2-nu ga2-nu [...]
27'. har ku3-sig17 szu-na ba-ni-in-la2#
28'. gi 1(disz) ninda esz2-GAN2 za-gin3 szu ba-ni-in-du8
29'. sukkal-a-ni {d}x-ra
30'. ga2-nu sukkal zi e2-an-na-mu
31'. sukkal e-ne-eg3 sa6-sa6-ga-mu
32'. ra-gaba e-ne-eg3 ge-en-ge#
33'. u4-da kur-sze3 am3# e11-de3-en-na
34'. ud-da ki gub-ba-asz ba-du-en#-na-ta
35'. er2 du6-du6-da mar-mar-ma-ni-[...]
36'. szem# gu2#-en-na du12-du12-a-ma-ni-[...]
37'. [...]-x-e-ne [...]
38'. [...] hur#-ma-ab giri17-zu# hur-ma-ab
39'. [...] u6 di-zu [...]
40'. [...] x nu-di [...]
n lines broken
41'. [...] hur-ma-ab
42'. [...] hasz4?-gal-zu! hur-ma-ab
43'. [...] x tug2 dili-a mu4?-ma-ab
44'. [...] mu-ul-lil2-la2-sze3 me-ri-zu dili u3-mu-un-gub
45'. [...] mu-ul-lil2-la2-sze3 er2
46'. [...] x x mu-lu mu-lu kur-ra nam-x-[...]
47'. [...]
48'. [...]
rest broken
column 2
beginning broken
1'. x [...]
2'. ki-x [...]
3'. u4-da# [...]
4'. i-[...]
5'. IGI-a
6'. ku3 [...]
7'. {na4}za-gin3
8'. {gesz}taszkarin-zu# gesz nagar-ra [...]
9'. ki-sikil ga-sza-an-na x [...]
10'. a-a-mu {d}am!-an-ki-ra [...]
11'. a-a {d}am-an-ki u3-[...]
12'. u2 nam-ti-la a nam-ti-la# [...]
13'. {d}inanna kur-sze3 [...]
14'. {d}nin-szubur?-ra-ke4 [...]
15'. x x x
16'. x x x
17'. {d}inanna
18'. {gesz}ig# kur-ra x szu x [...]
19'. abul kur-ra-ke4 gu3 x-x-[...]
20'. e2 gal2-u3 i3-du8 e2# [...]
21'. e2 gal2-u3 {d}bi2-ti dili-mu-sze3 x-[...]
22'. {d}bi2-ti i3-du8 gal kur# [...]
23'. ku3 {d}inanna-ra inim mu-na#-[...]
24'. a-ba-me-en za-[...]
25'. me-e ga-sza-an#-na ki {d}utu [...]
26'. tukumbi za-e {d}inanna ki {d}utu e3-[...]
27'. a-na ba-du-un kur nu-gi4# [...]
28'. kaskal lu2# ib! lu2# nu-gi4-gi4-de3 sza3-zu a-[...]
29'. nin9 gu-la-mu ga-sza-an-ki-gal-[...]
30'. nin-a-ni u3-mu-un gu4-gal-an-na ba-an-ug5#-[...]
31'. NIG2-se3-ga-ni i-bi2 du8-u8
32'. kasz ki-se3-ga-ni gal x?-bi2 ur5 he2-en-na-[...]
33'. {d}bi2-ti i3-du8 gal kur-ra [...]
34'. ku3 {d}inanna-ra mu-na-ni-ib-[...]
35'. gub#-ba-a nin-mu [...] x x [...]
36'. nin-ga2! {d}x [...] x [...]
37'. {d}bi2-ti# [...]
38'. nin x [...]
rest broken
column 1
beginning broken
1'. inim [...]
2'. abul kur-ra# [...]
3'. e2-gal ganzer [...]
4'. ku3 {d}inanna-ra [...]
5'. ga2-nu {d}inanna# [...]
6'. {d}inanna ku4-ku4-da-[...]
7'. {tug2}szu-gur-ra men edin x [...]
8'. ta-am3 ne-e si-a {d}inanna [...]
9'. {d}inanna garza kur-ra-ke4 ka-zu [...]
10'. abul 2(disz)-kam-ma ku4-ku4-da#-[...]
11'. {na4}za-gin3 [...] gu2-na lu2# [...]
12'. ta-am3 ne-e si-a {d}inanna [...]
13'. {d}inanna garza kur-ra-ke4 ka-zu [...]
14'. abul 3(disz)-kam-ma ku4-ku4#-[...]
15'. {na4}nunuz tab-ba gaba-na x [...]
16'. ta-am3 ne-e si-a {d}inanna me kur-ra#-ke4# [...]
17'. {d}inanna garza kur-ta-ke4 ka-zu# na-an-[...]
18'. abul 4(disz)-kam-ma ku4-ku4-da-ni-ta#
19'. tu-di-da lu2 ga2-nu ga2-nu gaba-na lu2 ba-[...]
20'. ta-am3 ne-e si-a {d}inanna me kur-ra-ke4# szu# [...]
21'. {d}inanna garza kur-ra-ke4 ka-zu na-[...]
22'. abul 5(disz)-kam#-ma ku4-ku4-ta-[...]
23'. x x [...] x ba-da#-[...]
24'. ta-am3 ne-e si-a {d}inanna [...]
25'. {d}inanna garza kur-ra-ke4 ka-zu na-an#-[...]
26'. KA2 6(disz)-kam-ma kur-ra-da-ni#-[...]
27'. gi 1(disz) ninda esz2-GAN2 za-gin3 szu#-[...] lu2 x-[...]
28'. ta-am3 ne-e si-a {d}inanna me kur-[...]
29'. abul 7(disz)-kam-ma ku4-ku4#-[...]
30'. gam-gam-ma-ni tug2 zil#-zil#-la#-ni-[...]
31'. nin-a-ni {gesz}gu-za# [...]
32'. e-ne {gesz}gu-za-ni-ta [...]
33'. {d}a-nun-na di-ku5 7(disz)-bi [...]
34'. igi mu-un-szi-in-bar x [...]
35'. inim mu-un-x-x-[...]
36'. x x [...]
37'. x [...]
38'. x [...]
rest broken
column 2
beginning broken
1'. [...] x [...]
2'. [...] zu# x [...]
3'. [...] sa6#-ga-zu za-dim# [...]
4'. [...] gesz# nagar-ra-ka nam#-[...]
5'. [...] ga#-sza-an-na# kur-ra nam-[...]
6'. [...] en-lil2 lipisz bala-a-ni {d}nin-[...] mu-un#-[...]
7'. [...] an
8'. [...] an gal al bi2-in-du11 ki gal x [...]-in-du11
9'. [...]-ra me al nu-di-da sa2 bi2-in-[...]-x he2-eb-us2
10'. a-a {d}en-lil2 inim-bi nu-mu-na!-an-DU# [...] ba-gen
11'. igi {d}suen-na-sze3 er2# [...] sze8-sze8
12'. a-a {d}x mu mu-lu kur# [...]-da-an-gam-e
13'. ku3 sa6-ga-zu sahar kur-ra-ka nam#-[...]-szar2-re
14'. {na4}za-gin3 sa6-ga-zu za-dim# [...]-si-il-si-il-le [...]
15'. {gisz}taszkarin gisz nagar-ra-ka [...]-dar#-re
16'. ki-sikil ga-sza#-an-na kur-ra [...]-gam-e
17'. a-a {d}x [...]
18'. dumu-mu an gal al bi2-in-du11 [...]-in#-du11
19'. {d}inanna an gal al bi2-in-du11# [...]-in#-du11
20'. [...] x me al nu-di-da sa2# x [...]-eb-us2
21'. [...]
22'. igi# {d}en-ki-sze3 [...]
23'. a-a {d}en-ki du5-mu-zu mu-[...]-x-an-gam-e
24'. ku3 sa6-ga-zu sahar kur-ra-ke4 nam-[...]-x-x-re
25'. {na4}za-gin3 sa6-ga-zu za zadim-e nam-[...]-x-x-[...]-il-i
26'. {gesz}taszkarin-zu gisz nagar-ra-ka nam-ba-da-dar-[...]-re
27'. ki-sikil ga-sza-an-na kur-ra nam-ba-da-an-U-e
28'. a#-a {d}en-ki inim-bi ba-e-de3-gub
29'. umbin si-ni mu-sir2 ba-ra-an-de6 kur-gar#-ra-asz ba#-an#-dim2#
30'. umbin 3(disz)-kam-ma mu-sir2 ba-ra-an-de6 gala-tur-ra-asz ba-[...]
31'. {d}en-ki-ke4 gala-tur-ra kur-gar-ra gu3 mu-na-[...]
32'. gen-na-an-ze2-en giri3 kur-sze3 nu2-ba-an-[...]-en#
33'. {gesz}ig nim-gin7 u3-mu-un-dal-dal-ze2-en
34'. za-ra x-gin7 u3-mu-un-gur-gur-re-en-ze2-en
35'. ama gan-e nam-x-dumu-ne-ne-sze3
36'. {d}eresz-ki-gal-la-ke4 i3-nu2 tu-ra-am3
37'. mur-ku3-ga-ni gada nu-un-bur2
38'. gaba-ni bur szagan-gin7 nu-un-gid2
39'. x-si-ni {uruda}lul-bi-gin7 an-da-gal2
40'. x-ni ga-rasz{sar}-gin7 sag-ga2-na mu-un-ur4-ur4
41'. u3-u8-a sza3-mu du11-ga-ni
rest broken
Witness to composite(s): Q000343
Primary Publication:
Collection: British Museum, London, UK
Museum no.: BM —
Provenience: Ur (mod. Tell Muqayyar)
Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
atf: lang sux
beginning broken
1.a'. [...]
1.b'. [...] gada nu-x-[...]
en: Linen does not spread over her holy knees
2'. [...] {dug}szagan nu-um-[...]
en: Her chest does not protrude like a flask
3.a'. umbin#?-si-ni {uruda#}lub#-bi-gin7 am-da-gal2
en: Her fingernails are lodged (in her flesh?) like lubi axes,
3.b'. siki#?-ni ga-rasz{sar#}-[gin7 ...]-ur4#?-re
en: her hair is plucked like leeks upon her head
4.a'. u4-a sza3-gu10 bi2-in#-du11#-<<x>>-ga-am3
en: When she cries “alas, my heart,”
4.b'. kusz2#-u3-me-en nin#?-me# x x x [...]-ga#?-ne#?-[...]
en: say “you are exhausted, our lady, (from saying) “alas, my heart"(!?)
5.a'. u4-a bar-gu10 bi2-in-du11-ga-am3
en: When she cries “alas, my liver,”
5.b'. [kusz2]-u3#-me-en a# x-[...]-ga#?-ne-[...]
en: say “you are exhausted, (from saying) “alas, my liver"(!?)
6.a'. a-ba-am3 za-e-me-en-ze2-en
en: (She will say) Who are you?
6.b'. sza3-gu10# sza3#-gu10#-sze3!? bar-gu10 bar-gu10-sze3!? du11#?-ga-na#?-ab?-ze2-[...]
en: Speak, to my heart, my heart(!?), to my liver, my liver(?)
7.a'. dingir he2-me-en-ze2-en inim ga-mu-ra-an-du11
en: If you are gods, I will speak a word to you,
7.b'. lu2-lu7 he2-me-en-ze2-en nam-zu? bi2-ib2#-x-x
en: if you are humans, I will(?) determine your fate (of death)
8.a'. zi an-na zi ki#-[...] pa3-de3-de3-ze2-na-za-na
en: Invoke the life of heaven and earth (in an oath)
8.b'. [...]
en: ...
9.a'. a i7-bi ma-ra-ba#-NE#? szu#!? nu#!?-um#?-gid2-de3
en: The river water will be offered to you but not accepted,
9.b'. a-sza3 sze-ba ma-ra-ba szu nu-um-gid2-de3#!?
en: the barley of the field will be offered to you but not accepted
10'. uzu nig2 sag3-ga {gesz}gag#-ta# la2 szum2-ma-ab-ze2-en du11-ga-ma-ab-de6-ze2-en
en: Say “Give the beaten meat that hangs from the peg”
11'. uzu nig2 sag3-ga ga-sza-an-ne-ne
en: The beaten meat (was) their lady
12'. nig2 lugal <<me-en>> he2-a nig2 nin-bi he2-a szum2-ma-ze2-en du11-ga-ma-ab-de6-ze2-en
en: Say “that, whether it is the king or the queen"(!?) give it to us”
13'. uzu nig2 sag3-ga {gesz}gag-ta# la2-a im-ma-da-ab-szum2-mu-ze2-en
en: You will give the beaten meat hanging from the peg
14.a'. 1(disz)-am3 u2# nam-ti-la 1(disz)-am3 a nam#-ti#-la#? ugu#!-ni# ba#?-an-szub-bu-esz
en: They(!?) will have cast upon her, it was one (with the) food of life, it was one (with the) water of life,
14.b'. {d}inanna ba-gub
en: and Inanna will stand (alive again)
15'. {d}eresz-ki-gal gala# kur-gar-ra# [...]-ke4
en: Ereškigala ... the lamentation singer and the kurgara priest
16'. tum2#?-mu-un-en-ze2-en ga-sza-an-ne-ne#? [...] ba NE NE x KU?
en: "Bring their lady ...”
17'. {d}inanna inim {d}en-ki-[...] kur#-ta e11!
en: Inanna, brought from the netherworld by the orders of Enki
18'. {d}inanna kur-ta e11-da-bi#? {d}a-nun-na-ke4-ne#? [...]-x-ha?-za-an
en: When Inanna ascended from the netherworld, Anuna seized her
19'. a#-ba#?-am3#? lu2#? kur-ta im-x-e11#-de3 kur-ta silim#-ma#-ni bi2-in-e11-de3
en: (Saying) “Who is it that ascends from the netherworld, who is brought up from the netherworld intact?”
20.a'. [... {d}]inanna#? kur-ta bi2-e11-de3#
en: If Inanna is to be brought up(?) from the netherworld,
20.b'. sag-dili sag-ga2-na ba-ab-szum2-mu-de3
en: she is to give an able-bodied (replacement) on her own head
21.a'. [...]
en: ...
21.b'. [...]-x sukkal? nu-me-a {gesz}tukul#? szu#?-na bi2-in-duh
en: The one before her, although he was not a vizier, held a weapon(?)
22'. [...]-x ra#-gaba# nu#-me-a {gesz}x-ra bi2-in-duh
en: The one behind her, although he was not a vizier, ...
23.a'. [...] x
en: ...
23.b'. [...] gal#? {gi#}dub#-ba#-an-na za3-ga-na x x [...]
en: The small galla demons, as a šukur enclosure, the large galla demons, (as) a dubban fence, held fast at her side
24'. [...]-szi#?-re7#-[...]
en: They came for her
25'. lu2#? [...]
en: They came for Inanna
26'. zi3 dub-[...]-na8#?-na8#? [...]
en: They were not consumers of heaped flour, they were not drinkers of drawn water
27'. dumu# x [...] x x x x x [...] x lu2-ka ba-ra-si-il-le#-[...]
en: They lifted the child from the lap of a man(?), they tore away the spouse from the lap(?) of a man
28'. x x [...] ama5?-na-ka? im-ma-ta-an-e3#?-[...]
en: They drove out ... from her quarters(?)
29'. szum2#{sar} nig2 ses-a nu-gaz2-e-me-esz lu2 ku6 nu-gu7#-me-esz lu2 ga-rasz!{sar} nu#-gu7!(NAG)-[...]
en: They did not crush bitter garlic, they were people who did not eat fish, they were people who did not eat(!) leeks
30'. x {d}inanna mu-un-szi-re7{+re}-[...]
en: ... went towards Inanna(?)
31'. u4# [{d}]inanna-ke4 kur-ta e11#-da-ni-ta {d}nin!-szubur#-ra-ke4 ka2 ganzer# [...]
en: After Inanna came up from the netherworld, Ninšubur fell at her feet before her at(?) the gate of Ganzer
32'. sahar#-ra# ba#-tusz# tug2#!? mudra6#-ra [...]-mur10#?
en: She sat in the dirt, she wore a filthy garment
33'. galla#-e-ne#? ku3# {d}inanna-ke4 gu3 mu-na-de2#-[...] iri#?-zu-sze3#? [...]-x ga-ba-[...]
en: The galla demons spoke to holy Inanna, “Inanna, go towards your city, we shall take him away (as a corpse)
34'. ku3# {d#}inanna-ke4#? galla-e-ne mu-na-ni-ib-gi4#?-gi4#? [...] x x-ra?-gu10
en: Holy Inanna replied to the galla demons, “My ...
35'. sukkal#? inim sa6-sa6#-ga#-gu10# ra#-gaba e-ne-eg3# ge-en#?-[...]-gu10
en: My flattering vizier, my rider of the verified word
36'. e#-ne#-eg3 x x x [...]-ga x x x SZE3 x x-gu10#!?
en: My(?) ... the word
37'. er2# du6#?-du6-dam! mar-mar#!?-ra#-ni x [...]-en#-na tuku#?-ma-[...]
en: When she initiates the lament of the ruin heaps, play the šem drum of the assembly/throne room
38'. e2#? [dingir]-re#?-e-ne nigin2-nigin2#-x-a#?-ni i#-bi2#-[ni ma]-hur#? giri17?-ni ma#-hur#
en: When she circled the temples of the gods, she scratched her face for me, she scratched her nose(!?) for me
39'. gesztux(|GISZ.TUG2|)#-ni ki? u6#?-di# ma#-hur# ki# lu2#?-[...] hasz4#?-gal-la-ni ma-hur#?
en: She scratched her ear, a visible place, for me, she scratched a place unseen with a man(?), her (inner) thigh, for me
40'. x-[...] e2 {d}en-lil2-la2-sze3 uri2#{ki#}-[...]-sze3!?
en: To the Ekur(?), the temple of Enlil, to Urim and the temple of Nanna
41'. [...]-ze2#-eb{ki} e2 {d#}am#-an-ki-[ga-sze3 ...]-gub
en: To Eridu and the temple of Enki she singularly set out
42'. [...] x ZA? AB? x-e [...]-x
en: ...
43'. [... dam]-an#?-ki#-ga#? er2 bi2-szesz2#-szesz2 dam#?-an#?-ki-[...] x x [...]
en: She wept before(?) Enki, and Enki(?) sustained me(?)
44'. ne ta#-gin7 nam-mu#-ra-ab-ze2-de3-en#? [...]
en: How could I give her to you? ...
45'. umma#{ki#}-a szeg12-kur-sza3-ba-sze3 ga#-am3#-szi-re7-de3-en#?
en: We shall go to Umma and the Ešegkuršaga temple
46'. {d}x igi#?-ni#-sze3# giri3-ni ba#-an-szub x sahar#?-ra#!? ba-tusz x x tug2 mudra6#-[...]
en: Šara! fell at her feet before her(?), ... sat in the dirt, and wore a filthy garment
47'. galla#-e#-[ne ku3] {d#}inanna#-ke4# gu3 mu-na-de2#-e# {d}inanna iri#{ki#?}-zu#?-sze3# DU-[...]
en: The galla demons were speaking to Inanna, “Inanna, go to your city”
48'. me-en-[de3-en ...]-ab-tum4#?-mu-de3#-x-[...]
en: We shall bring him away (as a corpse)
49'. ku3 {d#}inanna#-ke4 galla#-[...]-na#-[...]
en: Holy Inanna replied to the galla demons ...
50'. x al-hur?-re x [...] gu2-la2-gu10#?
en: He is scratching(?) ..., ..., my hairdresser(!?)
51'. ne# ta-gin7 nam-[...]-x-de3-en#?
en: How could I give him (as a corpse) to you?
52'. bad3-tibira#{ki#?}-x e2-[...]
en: We shall go to Badtibira and the Emuškalama temple
53'. {d}lu2-lal3 igi#?-ni-sze3 ba-an#-szub#
en: Lulal fell before(?) her
54'. {d}lu2-lal3 sahar-ra ba-an#-tusz#
en: Lulal sat in the dirt
55'. {d}lu2-lal3 tug2 mudra6-ra# ba-an#-[mur10]
en: Lulal wore a dirty garment
56'. galla-e-ne ku3# {d#}inanna#-ke4 gu3# mu-na-de2-e {d}inanna iri#-zu#-[...]-na#?
en: The galla demons were speaking to Inanna, “Inanna, go to your city
57'. [me]-en#-de3-[en ...]-ab#-tum4-mu-de3#-[en]
en: We shall bring him away (as a corpse)”
58'. ku3 {d}inanna [...]-ne# mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-[gi4]
en: Holy Inanna replied to the galla demons
59'. {d}lu2-lal3 a2 zi-da#-gu10 [...]
en: Lulal, fixed (at) my right side
60'. {d}lu2-lal3 a2 gab2-bu-gu10 [...]
en: Lulal, fixed (at)(?) my left side
61'. {d}lu2-lal3 za3-e3-gu10# [...]
en: Lulal, fixed (at)(?) my outer pillar/as my foremost one(?)
62'. ne# [...]-ab-ze2-eg3-ga2-de3-en
en: ..., why would I give him(!) to you?
63'. {gesz#?}haszhur#? [...] larsa{ki}-ma# [...]
en: The greatest apple tree in the plain(?) of larsa ...
64'. {gesz}haszhur? gu#-la [...] larsa#{ki}-ma# [...]-x-szi-re7-de3-[...]
en: Let us go to the great apple tree in the plain(?) of larsa
65'. {d}dumu-zi# bara2#!? mah [...]-tusz#
en: Dumuzi sat upon the supreme dais(!?)
66'. mah-a x-a [...]-in-gar
en: He sat in splendor in the seat(!?)
67'. kar-kid# hasz2#!?-a-ni [...]-x-dab5
en: A prostitute held his thigh tightly(?)
beginning broken
1'. [...] mu-na-ra-dub-dub-bu-[...]
en: ... poured out the seven churns(?)
2'. [...] mu-na#-tuku4-tuku4-e#-[...]
en: ... shook the head at him
3'. [...]-mu#-[...]-tag#-tag#-[...]
en: The shepherd(?) was not playing the reed pipe ...(?)
4'. [...] x {na4#?}x [...] za3#-ga-na [...]
en: ... seized/assailed at his side
5'. [...]-in-bar igi usz2-am3#
en: She looked at him, it was the look of death
6'. [...] x-da#?-tuku4-tuku4# sag#? nam-tag dugud [...]
en: She shook her head at(?) him, it was the head(shake that accused one of) grievous sin
7'. [...] galla-e-ne mu-x-x-ib-gi4#-gi4#
en: Holy Inanna was replying to the galla demons
8'. [...] mu#?-[...]-szi#?-re7#?-re-esz-am3#
en: ... who is (one of the ones) who came towards him
9'. [...] szu#? nu-bar-re-ze2-en
en: ..., you will not release him
10'. [...] x x [...]-dab5#-be2#-esz
en: They seized ...
11'. lu2#? nin-e [... mu]-un#-szi-re7#-esz#-am3#
en: He was the man (among those) whom the lady compelled to come towards him(!?)
12'. {d}dumu-zi [mu]-un#-szi-re7-esz
en: They came towards Dumuzi
13'. {d}dumu-zi er2# im#-ma-an-pa3 sig7#-[sig7] i3#?-ga2-ga2#
en: Dumuzi wept, he was emitting sobs
14'. gurusz#-e a-na#-am3# i3#?-ak# [a]-na-am3 bi2-x
en: Thus the youth: “What has been done, what ...”
15'. [...] NUN# ku3#?-ga#? nu-x
en: ... the holy(?) ... not ...
16'. [...] x x nu-KU?
en: ...
17'. [...] x i3#-ug5#?-ga-de3
en: ... who is to die(?)
18'. [...] an#?-sze3 szu ba-szi#-in-zi
en: He raised his hands heavenwards for Utu
19'. [...]-me#-en# lu2 nu-x-me-en
en: I am ..., I am the one who does not ...
20'. [...] i3 gur3-ru-me-en
en: I am the one who brings butter to the temple of your mother
21'. [...]-sze3 gar9 gur3-ru#-me-en
en: I am the one who brings cream to the temple of Ningal
22'. [...]-sze3 x gur3-[ru]-me-en
en: I am the one who brings ... to ...
23'. unu{ki}-[...] ak#-a-me-en
en: I am the one who makes the bridal payment on behalf of Unug
24'. nundum#? ku3#? [...] su#?-x [...]-me#-en#
en: I am the one who kisses the holy lips(?)
25'. dub3#? [...] du11#?-[me-en]
en: I am the one who plays among the holy knees of Inanna(?)
26'. [...]-kam#!? u3-mu-ni-in-si#
en: After you prepare my hands (as those of) a gazelle/snake
27'. [...] u3-mu-ni-in-si#
en: After you prepare my feet (as those of) a gazelle/snake
28'. galla#?-[...]-kar#? nam#?-mu#?-[...]-x-ha#?-[...]-en
en: I shall escape my galla demon, they shall not seize me
29'. [...] x-[...]-ti#
en: Utu accepted his tears
30'. [...]-si#
en: He prepared his hands (as those of) a gazelle/snake
31'. [...]-si#
en: He prepared his feet (as those of) a gazelle/snake
32'. [...] x x x [...] x
en: ...
33'. [...]-e#-ne# ga#-[...] nam#-mu#-ni#-ha#!?-za-[...]-ne#
en: I shall escape my galla demon, they shall not seize me
34'. [...] x [...]-x-esz
en: ...
35'. [...] x
en: ...
36'. [...]
en: ...
37'. [...] x x bi? x [...]
en: ...
38'. [...] x mu-u4-na-ni [...] i3#?-szesz2#?-[...]
en: Holy Inanna wept bitterly for her spouse(?)
39'. [... {d}]dumu#?-zi-de3 [...] x x x nam# [...]
en: ... Dumuzi ...
40'. [...] dam#?-ni [...] x-na [...]
en: ...
41'. [...] dam#?-ni# x [...] x [...]
en: ...
42'. [...] x-gin7 im-mi-x-[...] MI x [...]
en: ...
43'. [...]-re {u2}numun2 i3#-ze2#?-[...]
en: She tore out rushes, she cut rushes
44'. [...]-ne# ur2#?-zu-ne-ne [...]-x dam# [...]
en: Spouses who lie in your (spouse's) lap(!?), where is my precious spouse?
45'. [...]-ne# ur2-zu-ne-[ne ...]
en: Sons who lie in your (father's) lap(!?), where is my precious son(?)
46'. [...] x [...]
en: ...
47'. [...] x [...]
en: ...
48'. [...] x-tag-[...]
en: ...
49'. [...] mu#-na-[...]
en: ...
50'. [...] ta#!?-am3 x [...]
en: ... what ...?
51'. [...] mu-na-x-[...]
en: ...
52'. [...] x x a x [...]
en: ...
53'. x [...]
en: ...
54'. nim-e ku3# {d#}inanna#-ke4# [...] x [...]
en: The fly ... holy Inanna
55'. ki-sikil {d}inanna-ke4 nim# x [...]-ni-x-tar#?-re#?
en: Young woman Inanna was decreeing a fate for the fly(?)
56'. e2-kasz-a-ka#? zabar gesztin? nag#?-a-ke4 hu-mu-ra#?-[...]-a-ze2?-[...]
en: In the tavern may you (pl.) make the bronze vessel of wine drinking(?) flow over for yourself(!?)
57'. du5?-mu lu2? ku3#-zu#?-ke4-ne-gin7 nam-[...]
en: As members of(?) the “wise men” ...
58'. x [...] tar-ra {d}inanna-ke4 ur5 he2#-en#-nam# [...]
en: Thus was the decreed fate of Inanna(?)
59'. [...]-x er2 im#-szesz2#-szesz2#
en: ... Inanna(!?) was weeping
60'. x-gu10 im-ma-gen szu-sze3 mu-da-ab#-x-[...]
en: My(?) ... arrived, and is ... to the hand
61'. x x me-li!?-e#!?-a [...] x x [...]
en: ... alas(?) ...
62'. za-e mu sa9?-am3 nin9#?-zu sa9?-am3#
en: You, (when) the year is half (completed)(?), your sister, (when) the year is half (completed)(?)
63'. u4# za-e al di-di-e u4#-bi he2-KU-[...]
en: The days that you desire/are requested(?), those days shall be (of) captivity(!?)
64'. u4 nin9?-zu# al di-di-e u4#-bi# he2-su3#?-su3#?-[...]
en: The days that your sister desires/is requested(?), those days shall be long(er)(?)
65'. ku3# {d}inanna-ke4 {d#}dumu#-zi sag-bi-sze3# e3#? bi2-in-szum2-mu#
en: Holy Inanna gave Dumuzi, the precedent maker(?) (as a replacement)
66'. ku3 {d}eresz-ki#-gal-la-ke4
en: Holy Ereškigal,
67'. za3-mi2-zu du10-ga-am3
en: your praise is sweet
double ruling
69'. szu-nigin2 gesz2-gesz2-ninnu-esz5
en: Total, one hundred seventy three(!?) lines
70'. im-gid2-da 3(disz)-kam za3 til-la an gal-ta ki gal-sze3!
en: The 3rd (in a series of) single-column extract(s), in its entirety, (text with the incipit) “from great heaven towards great earth”
Witness to composite(s): Q000344
Primary Publication:
Collection: British Museum, London, UK
Museum no.: BM —
Provenience: Ur (mod. Tell Muqayyar)
Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
atf: lang sux
1. galla# tur ka ba-a-szi-bad-de6 galla gu-la-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e#
en: The junior galla demon opened his mouth and was speaking to the eldest galla demon
2. ga2-nam-ma-an-ze2-en ur2 ku3 {d}inanna-ka-sze3 ga-da-re7-en-de3-en
en: Come! let us go to the holy lap of Inanna
3. galla unu{ki}-sze3 ba-ni-in-ku4-re-esz ku3 {d}inanna-ke4 mu-ni-in-dab5!?-be2-ne
en: The galla demons entered Unug and were seizing(?) Inanna there
4. ga2-nu {d}inanna kaskal-zu-sze3 NI-BA gen-na kur-sze3# e11-de3
en: Come, Inanna! Go ... towards your path, descend to the netherworld
5. ki#? sza3-ge4 de6-a-zu-sze3 gen-na kur-sze3 e11-de3
en: Go to the place you have plotted against(?), descend to the netherworld
6. ki {d}eresz-ki#!-gal-la-sze3 gen-na kur-sze3 e11-de3
en: Go to the place of Ereškigal, descend to the netherworld
7. {tug2}ba13 ku3 {tug2}pala3-a tug2 nam-eresz-zu nam-ba#?-mur10-mur10-un kur-sze3 e11#-de3#
en: You should not wear the holy ba garment or the pala garment, the garments of your queenship, go to the netherworld
8. men ku3 me-te ka silim-ma sag-zu-a um-ta-ga2-ar kur-sze3 e11#-de3#
en: After you remove the holy crown, the ornament of glorification, upon your head, in order to descend to the netherworld
9. hi-li-a igi#?-zu# szu# la-ba-ni-in-du7 kur-sze3 e11-de3
en: You (should) not equip/perfect your face(?) with allure
10. ur-idim tur#? giri3-zu x [...]-un#-duh#-duh kur-sze3 e11-de3
en: You should unfasten(?) the small(?) uridim dogs(?) at/from your feet, descend to the netherworld
11. x za#-e e11-de3 x [...] nu-BU-BU
en: ... you go down, ... does not ...
12. ku3 {d}inanna-ke4 mu-un-bur2-bur2-re-esz [...]-x-x-NE-esz
en: They released holy Inanna, they ... her
13. {d}inanna ni2-te-na {d}dumu-zi szu-sze3 ba#?-an#?-szum2#
en: Inanna herself handed over Dumuzi
14. gurusz-e {gesz}<rab3>-mah giri3-ni im-ma-an-gar-re-en-de3-en
en: As for the youth, we will put his feet in the great <beam(?)>
15. gurusz-e {gesz}es2-ad szub-bu-de3-en-de3-en gesz-gu2 gu2-ni gar-re-en-de3#-en#
en: As for the youth, we will cast the esad trap/restraint (upon him), we will place neck in the neckstock
16. {uruda}ubri2 {uruda}kibir2 {uruda}szukur mah-e igi-ni-sze3 ba-an-szi-ib2-il2-il2
en: The ubri spear, kibir weapon(?) and the great šukur spear were raised before him
17. {uruda}ha-zi-in gal-gal-la u3-sar i3-ke3-e-ne
en: They were sharpening large hazin axes
18. gurusz-e mu-ni-in-gub-bu-de3-esz mu-ni-in-durun-de3-esz
en: As for the male, they were (about) to stand, they were to sit(?)
19. esz2 murgu2-na i3-szub-bu-de3-en-de3-en gab2-gaz# gub-bu-de3-en-de3#-en
en: We will cast a rope upon his shoulder: position the executioner!
20. gurusz-e a2-na mu-un-la2-e-de3-esz {tug2}esz-darax(SIKI) u3?-mu-un-szi-in-ak-esz
en: As for the youth, they were to bind his arm, and then tighten it up(?)
21. tug2 ni2-te-na igi-na mu-ni-in-dul-u3#-de3-esz
en: They were to cover his own face with his own garment
22. gurusz-e {d}utu-ra an-sze3 szu-ni ba-an-na-zi
en: The youth raised his hands heavenwards for Utu
23. {d}utu gu5-li-zu ga2-e-me-en szul-me-en za-e mu-GIM
en: Utu, I am your comrade, like you(?) I am a youth
24. nin9#-zu nam-dam-sze3 ba-an-tuku-a
en: The one who married your sister
25. e-ne kur-sze3 e11-de3
en: She descends to the netherworld
26. mu e#-ne kur-sze3 e11-de3
en: Because she descends to the netherworld
27. ga2-e ki-gar-ra-bi-sze3 kur-sze3 ba-ab-szum2-mu-de3
en: I, as a substitute, am to be given to the netherworld
28. {d}utu di-ku5 nig2-si-sa2 za-e-me-en nam-ba-szaga-de3
en: Utu, you are the judge of justice, you are never to oppress (anyone)
29. szu-ga2 u3-mu-e-kur2-kur2 uludim2-gu10 u3-mu-e-bala
en: After you have altered my hands and changed my form
30. szu galla-gu10-ne ga-ba-e-da-ze-er nam-mu-ha-za-asz
en: I shall elude the hand of my (pursuing) galla demons, they must not grasp (me)
31. musz-sag-kal-gin7 sza3-tum2 hur-sag-ga2 hu-mu-ni-in-bala-bala
en: As a sagkal snake, I(!) shall traverse the meadows and(?) the mountain range
32. ki nin9 {d}gesztin-an-na-sze3 zi-gu10 ga-ba-an-szi-in-de6
en: I shall take refuge with (my) sister Gštinanna
33. {d}utu er2-na szu ba-an-szi-in-ti
en: Utu accepted his weeping
34. szu-ni mu-ni-in-kur2-kur2 ulutim2-ma-ni mu-ni-in-bala
en: He altered his hands and changed his form
35. musz-sag-kal-gin7 sza3-tum2 hur-sag-ga2 mu-ni-in-bala-bala
en: As a sagkal snake, he traversed the meadows and(?) the mountain range
36. {d}dumu-zi-de3 muszen szu surx(SAG)-du3{muszen} ri-a-gin7 zi-ni ur5-da i3-ak#?-x
en: Dumuzi, like a bird flying (from) the claws of a falcon, guarded for his very life
37. ki {d}gesztin-an-na zi-ni ba-szi-in-de6
en: He took refuge with Geštinanna
38. [{d}]gesztin-an-na szesz-a-ni igi ba-ni-in-duh-am3
en: geštinanna saw her brother
1. te#-na# mu-ni-in-hur#-hur# giri17#-na mu-ni-in-hur-hur
en: She scratched her cheeks, she scratched her nose
2. |IGI.GAG|#? za3-ga-na mi-ni-in-duh tug2-ni mi-ni-in-da-da-ra
en: She unleashed a spear/thorn(?) in her side, she split apart(?) her garment
3. gurusz ag2-gig-ra i-lu ag2-gig-ga hu-mu-ni-ib2-be2
en: She was intoning a lament of anathema for the youth (afflicted by) anathema
4. a szesz-gu10 a szesz-gu10 gurusz u4-bi nu-um-x-x
en: Alas, my brother, alas, my brother, the days of the youth do not ...
5. a szesz-gu10 su8-ba {d}ama-uszumgal-an-na gurusz u4-bi x-x nu-x-x-gur?
en: Alas, my brother, the shepherd Ama'ušumgalana, the days of the youth do not ...
6. a szesz-gu10 gurusz dam nu-tuku dumu nu-tuku
en: Alas, my brother, the youth who does not have a spouse, who does not have a son
7. a szesz-gu10 gurusz gu5-li nu-tuku du10-us2-sa nu-tuku
en: Alas, my brother, the youth who does not have a comrade, who does not have a friend
8. a szesz-gu10 gurusz ama-ni sa6-ga-ni nu-duh
en: Alas, my brother, the youth whose mother “did not release her good(ness)"(?)
9. galla {d}dumu-zi-de3 mu-ni-in-kikken2-de3 mu-ni-in-nigin-de3#-esz
en: The galla demons were seeking out Dumuzi, they were roaming around
10. galla tur galla gu-la-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e-ne
en: The junior galla demons were speaking to the eldest demons
11. galla arhusz nu-tuku ad-da ama dam? szesz nin9 dumu nu-tuku-me-esz
en: They were galla demons without compassion, who did not have a father, mother, spouse, brother, sister, or son
12. x-me-da gal? UN-ta#? gar-ra an-ki-ta ri-a-bi
en: ... removed from(?) ..., the one set apart from the universe
13. za-e-ne-ne galla <me>-en-ze2-en lu2 za3 tag?-ge x-x-me-esz
en: You are gala demons(!?), those who are to be reglected ... (!?)
14. szu nig2-sa6-ga nu-tuku-me-esz sa6-ga hul nu-zu me!-esz
en: They did not have the power of goodness(?), they did not know good and evil
15. lu2-u3 e2 nu ni2-te-na zi-ni silim-ma a-ba-a igi mu-ni-in-duh
en: Who has seen someone with a healthy life without a home and all alone?
16. ki gu5-li-bi nu-um-szi-du-de3-en ki mussa-bi nu-um-szi-du-de3-en
en: I(?) will not go to where the friend is, I will not go to where the in-law is
17. su8-ba-ra ki {d}gesztin-an-na-ka-sze3 ga-an-szi-re7-en-de3-en
en: We shall go for the shepherd where {geš}tinanna is
18. galla-e-e-ne szu-ta ba-ab-sag3-sag3-ge-me-esz mu-ni-in-kin2?-kin2?-de3-esz
en: They were the galla demons who were to smite him(!) by hand(?), they were seeking him
19. i-lu-bi ka-ga14-na nu-mu-un-til-la-am3
en: The lament was not yet finished in her mouth
20. galla ki {d}gesztin-an-na!-sze3 ba-e-szi-re7{+re}-esz
en: (When) the galla demons came to where {geš}tinanna was
21. ki szesz-zu# la2-ma-ra-ab e-ne mu-ni-ib2-be2 e-ne inim-bi nu-mu-na-ab-be2
en: "(One of them(?)) was saying “Show where your brother is,” but she was saying not a word to him
22. siki ni2-te-na ur2-ra ba-ni-in-ze2-eg3 inim-bi nu-mu-na-ab-be2
en: He made her shave(!?) her own hair in her crotch, but she was not saying a word to him
23. szu!? ni2-te-na igi#?-na ba-ni-in-hur-hur inim-bi nu-mu-na-ab-be2
en: He made her scratch her face(?) with her own hands(!?), but she was not saying a word to him
24. szu!? ni2-te-na tug2-na ba-ni-in-bir7-bir7 inim-bi nu-mu-na-ab-be2
en: He made her own hands(?) shred her garment, but she was not saying a word to him
25. sahar#? ur2-ra-na ba-ni-in-de2-de2 inim-bi nu-mu-na-ab-be2
en: He poured dirt/sand(?) in her crotch, but she was not saying a word to him
26. {d}dumu-zi-de3 e2 {d}gesztin-an-na-ke4 nu-um-me-ni-in-pa3-de3
en: He did not find Dumuzi in the house of Geštinanna
27. galla# [tur] galla# gu-la-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e-ne
en: The junior galla demons were speaking to the eldest demons
28. ga2-nam#-[...]-en# amasz ku3-ga-sze3 ga-an-szi-re7-de3-en!
en: Come! let us go to the pure sheepfold
29. {d}dumu-zi-de3# amasz# [...]-x mu-ni-in-szub-be2-de3-esz
en: Dumuzi ... the sheepfold ... they were casting/ducking down ...
30.a. mu-ni-in-nigin-de3-esz# [...]-x-be2-de3-esz
en: They were searching, they were ...,
30.b. mu-ni-in-kin2?-de3#-esz# igi ba-ni#-in-duh-am3#
en: they were seeking, he was seen
31. gurusz-ra e2 sumun-na-gin7 {uruda}ha-zi-in szu ga-ba-szi-in-ti
en: (Saying) “I shall take the ax to the youth like a dilapidated house”
32. giri2-ur3-ra mu-ni-in-sar-sar-re-esz ki#? si-ga mu-ni-in-tu10#-tu10-esz
en: They carved him(?) with giri'ura knife, they smote him in a silent place
33. nin9-e na-ag2 szesz-na-sze3 iri-a muszen#?-gin7#? im-ma-an-nigin
en: The sister roamed around in the city like a bird(?)
34. szesz-gu10 ag2-gig-ga me?-sze3? ga-DU# e2 na-me ga-an-ku4#?
en: My brother (who suffered) this anathema! Where shall I go?(?) I shall enter no one's house(?)
Witness to composite(s): Q000364
Primary Publication:
Collection: British Museum, London, UK
Museum no.: BM —
Provenience: Ur (mod. Tell Muqayyar)
Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
atf: lang sux
1. u4 ri-a u4 su3-u4 ri-a
en: Those distant days, those distant remote days
2. ge6 ri-a ge6 bad-ra2 ri-a
en: Those distant nights, those distant remote nights
3. mu ri-a mu su3-u4 ri-a
en: Those distant years, those distant remote years
4. u4 nig2-ul-e pa e3-a-ba
en: At that time, when a primeval entity was made manifest
5. u4 ul nig2-ul-e mi2 zi du11-ga-a-ba
en: At that ancient time, when a primeval entity was cared for
6. esz3 kalam-ma-ka ninda szu2-a-ba
en: When bread was “tasted?” (lit. “covered") in the shrine(s) of the land
7. {im}szu-rin-na kalam-ma-ka nig2-tab ak-a-ba
en: When the firebox was prepared(?) in the oven(s) of the land
8. an ki-ta ba-ta-bad-ra2-a-ba
en: When heaven had been separated from earth
9. ki an-ta ba-ta-su3-ra2-a-ba#
en: When earth had been separated from heaven
10. 1(u) mu nam-lu2-lu7 ba#-an#-gar-ra-a#-ba#
en: When ... established the name of humanity on ...
with line tally 10
11. u4 an-ne2 an# [...]-a#-ba#
en: When An had brought away the sky
12. {d}en-lil2-le ki ba-an#?-[...]
en: When Enlil had brought away the earth
13. {d#}eresz-ki-gal-la kur-ra sag# rig7#?-[...]
en: When ... gifted that of the netherworld on behalf of Ereškigal/When that of the netherworld was gifted on behalf of Ereškigal
14. [ba]-u5#-a#-ba# [ba-u5]-a-ba#
en: When he rode, when he rode
15. a-a kur#-[sze3 ba-u5]-a-ba
en: When the father rode towards the netherworld
16. {d}en-<ki>-ke4 kur-[sze3] ba-u5#-a-ba
en: When Enki rode towards the netherworld
17. lugal-ra tur#-tur# ba-da-an-ri
en: For the king, ... cast down the small (stones)
18. {d}en-ki-ra gal#-gal# ba-da-an-ri
en: For Enki, ... cast down the large (stones)
19. tur-tur-bi na4-szu-a-kam
en: The little ones were hammer-stones/hand-sized stones(?)
20. 1(u) gal-gal-bi na4 gi gu4-u4-da-kam
en: The large ones were stones that made the reeds shake
with line tally 10
21. ur2 ma2 tur-ra {d}en-ki-ka#?-kam
en: It was the keel of the little boat of Enki
22. nig2-bunx(SZEG10)-na du7 am3-mi-szu2#?-szu2#?
en: The bobbing turtle, was overwhelmed
23. lugal#-ra a ma2 sag!-ga2#-[ke4]
en: For the king, the water of the prow
24. [ur]-bar-ra-gin7 tesz2 mu-un-na#-gu7#-[...]
en: Was attacking in a pack like wolves
25. [lugal]-ra# a ma2 egir#-ra-ke4
en: For Enki the water of the stern
26. [...] sag# gesz im#-x-[...]
en: Was slaughtering like a lion
27. [...]-am3# {gesz}ha#-lu-ub4 disz [...]
en: At that time, there was a single tree, a halub tree
28. [...]-x ku3-ga du3-[...]
en: The one that was planted on the bank of the Euphrates(!?)
29. [...]-x a na8-na8-da-x
en: The one that was to drink water (from) the Euphrates(?)
30. [1(u) ...]-ba mu-ni-in-bur12 pa-pa x [...] mu#?-[...]
en: The power of the southern wind tore it out at its roots, it ripped it out its branches(?)
with line tally 10
1. [...] a im-ma-ab-[...]
en: The Euphrates struck it with (flood)water
2. [...]-ta# ni2 te-te-[...]
en: The woman, who was fearing(?) the command of An, was coming (by)
3. [...]-ta# ni2 te-te-[...]
en: Fearing(?) the command of Enlil, was coming by
4. [...] unu{ki}-sze3 ba-ni-in-ku4#-[...]
en: She grasped the tree in her hand and brought it to Uruk
5. [... {d}]inanna-sze3 im-ma-ni-in-ku4-ku4#-[...]
en: She was bringing it towards the flowering orchard of Inanna
6-7. [...] gesz# szu-na# li-bi2-in-du giri3#-ni-ta am3 <<li>>-bi2#-in-du
en: The woman did not plant the tree as it was in(?) her hand, it was by means of her foot that she planted it
8-9. munus#-e# gesz szu-na a# li-bi2-in-du11 giri3-ni#-ta-am3 <a> bi2-in-du11
en: The woman did not water the tree as it was in(?) her hand, it was by means of her foot that she watered it
10. 1(u) me-na-am3 {gesz}gu-za gi-rin-ba i3-tusz-de3-en bi2-in-du11
en: She said “When am I to sit on its flowering throne?”
with line tally 10
11. me#-na#-am3 gesz-na2 gi-rin-ba i3-nu2-de3-en bi2-in-du11
en: She said “When am I to I lie down on its flowering bed?”
12. gesz ba-gur4 kusz-bi nu-mu-un-da-dar
en: The wood thickened, but its bark could not be split
13. ur2-bi-a musz tu6 nu-zu-a-e gud3 im-ma-ni-ib2#-us2
en: At its base a snake that was immune to incantations made a nest
14. pa-bi-a muszen {d}anzu2{muszen}-de3 amar im-ma-ni-ib2#?-gar
en: In its branches the Anzu bird placed (its) chick
15. szab-bi ki-sikil-lil2-la2-ke4 e2 im-ma-ni#-[...]
en: The demon maiden of the empty wind made a house in its middle
16. ki-sikil# [zu2] bir9#-bir9 sza3 hul2-[...]
en: The laughing, rejoicing young woman
17. ku3 {d}inanna-ke4 er2 e-ne ba-x-[...]
en: Holy Inanna, how she was weeping
18. u4 zal#-le-de3#? an-ur2# zalag#-[...]
en: The day was about to break, the horizon was about to light up
19. buru5 u4 zal-le szeg10 gi4-gi4#-de3#?
en: The little birds at daybreak were about to shriek
20. 1(u) {d}utu agrun-ta e3-a#-ni#
en: When Utu came out from his chamber
with line tally 10
21. nin9-a-ni ur-sag {d}utu-ur2
en: His sister, to the hero Utu
22. ku3 {d}inanna-ke4 gu3 mu-un-na-de2-e
en: Holy Inanna was speaking
23. szesz-gu10 u4 ri-a na-ag2 ba-tar-ra-ba
en: My brother, long ago, when fate was decreed
24. u4 he2-ma-al-la ka-na-ag2 ba-e-zal-la-ri
en: When days of abundance elapsed in the land
25. u4 an-ne2 an ba-an-i-ir-re-a-ba
en: When An had brought away the sky
26. {d}mu-ul-lil2-le ki ba-an-i-ir-re-a-ba
en: When Enlil had brought away the earth
27. {d}ga-sza-an-ki-gal-la-sze3 kur-ra sag rig7-bi-sze3 im-ma#-ab-rig7-ga-a-ba
en: When ... gifted that of the netherworld on behalf of Ereškigal/When that of the netherworld was gifted on behalf of Ereškigal
28. [ba]-u5#-a-ba ba-u5-a-ba
en: When he rode, when he rode
29. [... kur]-sze3#? ba-u5-a-ba
en: When the father rode towards the netherworld
30. [1(u) {d}]am#-an-ki kur-sze3 ba-u5-a-ba
en: When Enki rode towards the netherworld
with line tally 10
31. u3#-mu-un-ra tur-tur ba-da-an-ri
en: For the lord, ... cast down the small (stones)
32. dam-an-ki-ra gal-gal ba-da-an-ri
en: For Enki, ... cast down the large (stones)
33. tur-tur-bi na4-szu-x-kam
en: The little ones were hammer-stones/hand-sized stones(?)
1. iti {d}NE#-NE-gar u4 2(u) 6(disz)-kam#
en: Month of NENEgar, 26th day
Witness to composite(s): Q000343
Primary Publication:
Collection: Arkeoloji Müzeleri, Istanbul, Turkey
Museum no.: Ist Ni 09685
Provenience: Nippur (mod. Nuffar)
Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
atf lang sux
beginning broken
1'. [...] x x [...]
2'. {na4#}nunuz tab-ba [...]
3'. {tug2#}pala3 nam-nin-a x x [...]
4'. szimbi# lu2 he2-em-du igi-ni [...]
5'. tu-di-da lu2 ga2-nu ga2-nu x [...]
6'. har ku3-sig17 szu-na i-im#-[...]
7'. gi 1(disz) ninda esz2-gan2 za-gin3 szu-na i-im#-[...]
8'. u4-ba {d}eresz-ki-gal-la-ke4 hasz2 bar-bi [...]
9'. numdun zu2 bi2-in-gub inim sza3-sze3 ba-tig4#
10'. i3-du8 gal-ni-ir gu3 mu-na-de3-e#
11'. ga2-nu {d}bi2-ti i3-du8 gal kur-ra-mu#
12'. inim a-ra-ab-be-en-na-mu gu2-na la-ba-an-szub-x-x
13'. abul kur-ra 7(disz)-bi {gesz}si-gar-bi he2-eb-ur3
14'. e2-gal2 ganzer dili-bi {gesz}ig-bi szu ha-ba-an-us2
15'. [...]-ne ku4-ku4-da-ni-ta
16'. [...]
rest broken
beginning broken
1'. x [...] ne#-e#
2'. x [...] x szu al-du7-du7
3'. {d}x x kur#-ra-ke4# ka-zu na-an-ba-e
4'. x [...]-kam#-ma ku4-ku4 x x mar#
5'. [...] x x gu2-na lu2 ba-x-an-x-[...]
6'. [...]-am3# ne!-e
7'. [...] {d#}inanna# me kur-ra-ke4 szu al-du7-du7#
8'. [...]-ra#-ke4 ka-zu na-an-ba-e#
9'. [...] ku4-ku4#-[...]
10'. [...] lu2# [...]
Primary Publication: Figulla, Hugo H.; Martin, William J. (1953) UET 5 369
Collection: National Museum of Iraq, Baghdad, Iraq
Museum no.: IM 057352
Provenience: Ur (mod. Tell Muqayyar)
Period: Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Date: Gungunum.10.10.00
atf: lang sux
1. 4(asz) sze gur <<MASZ2>>
2. szu-la2 masz2 nu-tuku
3. ki gur-ru-um-ta
4. a-at-ta-a
5. szu ba-an-ti
6. iti szu-numun-a
7. sze i3-la2-e
1. mu lugal-bi in-pa3
2. igi t,a3-ab-{d}eresz-ki-gal
3. igi mu-su-lu-um
4. igi a-li2-illat-ti
5. igi ni-sa-nu-um
6. kiszib3 lu2 inim-ma-bi-mesz
7. iti ab-e3
8. mu {gesz}szu-nir nesag-ga2
Witness to composite(s): Q003619
Primary Publication: Tadmor, Hayim; Yamada, Shigeo (2011) RINAP 1 Tiglath-pileser III x2003, ex. 001
Collection: National Museum of Iraq, Baghdad, Iraq
Museum no.: IM 125000
Provenience: Kalhu (mod. Nimrūd)
Period: Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: stone > metamorphic rock > marble
Date: Tiglath-pileser3.00.00.00
atf: lang akk
1. _mu_ {d}utu {d}eresz-ki-gal {d}a-nun-a-ki
2. _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ sza2 _ki_-ti {munus}ia-ba-a
3. _munus-e2-gal_ ina mu-te _nam zi_-ti
4. ik-szu2-da-sze-ma ur-hu _ad-mesz_-szu2 ta-lik
5. man-nu _egir_-u2 lu _munus-e2-gal_
6. sza2 ina _{gesz}gu-za_ tu-sza2-ba lu _munus-erin2-mesz e2-gal_
7. na-ra-an-te _man_ sza2 ul-tu2 _ki-mah_-ia
8. i-da-ka-in-ni lu mam-ma sza2-nu-u-ma#
9. it-ti-ia i-sza2-kan-nu u3 a-na
10. szu-ku-ti-ia qa-su ina _hul_-te _lal_-s,u
11. sza2 _{na4}kiszib3_ sza2 _ki-mah_ szu-a-tu2 _bad_-u2
12. e-le-nu ina szu-ru-ru {d}szam-szi
13. e-t,e2-ma-szu2 ina s,u-me-e ka-ma-te
14. li-ir-pu-du
1. szap-la-nu ina _ki_-tim ina na-qa me-e
2. _kasz sag {gesz}gesztin_ u2-pu-un-tu
3. it-ti {d}a-nun-na-ki ta-kal-li-mu
4. la i-ma-har {d}nin-gesz-zi-da
5. {d}pi2-t,u-hi-du-gul _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_
6. sza2 _ki_-tim sza-lam-di zi-qi-qi
7. la s,a-la-lum li-mi3-du
8. a-na du-ri da-ri-isz
blank space
Composite No.: Q003619
Primary Publication: Tadmor, Hayim; Yamada, Shigeo (2011) RINAP 1 Tiglath-pileser III x2003 composite
Collection: —
Museum no.: —
Provenience: Kalhu (mod. Nimrūd)
Period: Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC)
Object Type: —
Material: —
Date: Tiglath-pileser3.00.00.00
atf: lang akk
object composite text
surface a
1. _mu_ {d}utu {d}eresz-ki-gal {d}a-nun-a-ki
2. _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ sza2 _ki_-ti {munus}ia-ba-a
3. _munus-e2-gal_ ina mu-te _nam zi_-ti
4. ik-szu2-da-sze-ma ur-hu _ad-mesz_-szu2 ta-lik
5. man-nu _egir_-u2 lu _munus-e2-gal_
6. sza2 ina _{gesz}gu-za_ tu-sza2-ba lu _munus-erin2-mesz e2-gal_
7. na-ra-an-te _man_ sza2 ul-tu2 _ki-mah_-ia
8. i-da-ka-in-ni lu mam-ma sza2-nu-u-ma
9. it-ti-ia i-sza2-kan-nu u3 a-na
10. szu-ku-ti-ia qa-su ina _hul_-te _lal_-s,u
11. sza2 _{na4}kiszib3_ sza2 _ki-mah_ szu-a-tu2 _bad_-u2
12. e-le-nu ina szu-ru-ru {d}szam-szi
13. e-t,e2-ma-szu2 ina s,u-me-e ka-ma-te
14. li-ir-pu-du
15. szap-la-nu ina _ki_-tim ina na-qa me-e
16. _kasz sag {gesz}gesztin_ u2-pu-un-tu
17. it-ti {d}a-nun-na-ki ta-kal-li-mu
18. la i-ma-har {d}nin-gesz-zi-da
19. {d}pi2-t,u-hi-du-gul _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_
20. sza2 _ki_-tim sza-lam-di zi-qi-qi
21. la s,a-la-lum li-mi3-du
22. a-na du-ri da-ri-isz
blank space
Composite No.: Q000343
Primary Publication:
Collection: —
Museum no.: —
Provenience: Nippur (mod. Nuffar)
Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)
Object Type: —
Material: —
atf: lang sux
object composite text
surface a
1. an gal-ta ki gal-sze3 gesztu2-ga-ni na-an-gub
en: From the great heaven she set her mind on the great below.
2. dingir an gal-ta ki gal-sze3 gesztu2-ga-ni na-an-gub
en: From the great heaven the goddess set her mind on the great below.
3. {d}inanna an gal-ta ki gal-sze3 gesztu2-ga-ni na-an-gub
en: From the great heaven Inana set her mind on the great below.
4. nin-gu10 an mu-un-szub ki mu-un-szub kur-ra ba-e-a-e11
en: My mistress abandoned heaven, abandoned earth, and descended to the underworld.
5. {d}inanna an mu-un-szub ki mu-un-szub kur-ra ba-e-a-e11
en: Inana abandoned heaven, abandoned earth, and descended to the underworld.
6. nam-en mu-un-szub nam-lagar mu-un-szub kur-ra ba-e-a-e11
en: She abandoned the office of en, abandoned the office of lagar, and descended to the underworld.
7. unu{ki}-ga e2-an-na mu-un-szub kur-ra ba-e-a-e11
en: She abandoned the Eanna in Uruk, and descended to the underworld.
8. bad3-tibira{ki}-a e2-musz3-kalam-ma mu-un-szub kur-ra ba-e-a-e11
en: She abandoned the E-muš-kalam in Bad-tibira, and descended to the underworld.
9. zabala{ki}-a gi-gun4{ki}-na mu-un-szub kur-ra ba-e-a-e11
en: She abandoned the Giguna in zabala, and descended to the underworld.
10. adab{ki}-a e2-szar-ra mu-un-szub kur-ra ba-e-a-e11
en: She abandoned the E-šara in Adab, and descended to the underworld.
11. nibru{ki}-a bara2-dur2-gar-ra mu-un-szub kur-ra ba-e-a-e11
en: She abandoned the Bara-dur-gara in Nibru, and descended to the underworld.
12. kisz{ki}-a hur-sag-kalam-ma mu-un-szub kur-ra ba-e-a-e11
en: She abandoned the Hursag-kalama in Kiš, and descended to the underworld.
13. a-ga-de3{ki}-a e2-ul-masz{ki} mu-un-szub kur-a ba-e-a-e11
en: She abandoned the E-Ulmaš in Agade, and descended to the underworld.
13.a. umma{ki}-a eb-gal mu-un-szub kur-ra ba-e-a-e11
en: She abandoned the Ebgal in Umma, and descended to the underworld.
13.b. uri2{ki}-ma e2-dilmun-na mu-un-szub kur-ra ba-e-a-e11
en: She abandoned the E-Dilmuna in Ur, and descended to the underworld.
13.c. kisig2{ki}-a amasz-e2-ku3 mu-un-szub kur-ra ba-e-a-e11
en: She abandoned the Amaš-e-ku in Kisiga, and descended to the underworld.
13.d. gir2-su{ki}-a e2-esz2-dam-ku3 mu-un-szub kur-ra ba-e-a-e11
en: She abandoned the E-ešdam-ku in Girsu, and descended to the underworld.
13.e. i3-si-in-na{ki} e2-szeg12-mu-sze3-du7 mu-un-szub kur-ra ba-e-a-e11
en: She abandoned the E-sig-meše-du in Isin, and descended to the underworld.
13.f. akszak{ki}-a an-za-gar3 mu-un-szub kur-ra ba-e-a-e11
en: She abandoned the Anzagar in Akšak, and descended to the underworld.
13.g. szuruppak{ki}-e nigin3-gar-ku3 mu-un-szub kur-ra ba-e-a-e11
en: She abandoned the Nigin-gar-ku in Šuruppak, and descended to the underworld.
13.h. ka-zal-lu{ki} e2-sza3-hul2-la mu-un-szub kur-ra ba-e-a-e11
en: She abandoned the E-cag-hula in Kazallu, and descended to the underworld.
14. me 7(disz)-bi za3 mu-ni-in-kesz2
en: She took the seven divine powers.
15. me mu-un-ur4-ur4 szu-ni-sze3 mu-un-la2
en: She collected the divine powers and grasped them in her hand.
16. me du10 giri3 gub-ba i-im-gen
en: With the good divine powers, she went on her way.
17. tug2-szu-gur-ra men edin-na sag-ga2-na mu-un-gal2
en: She put a turban, headgear for the open country, on her head.
18. hi-li sag-ki-na szu ba-ni-in-ti
en: She took a wig for her forehead.
19. {na4}za-gin3 di4-di4-la2 gu2-na ba-an-la2
en: She hung small lapis-lazuli beads around her neck.
20. na4-nunuz tab-ba gaba-na ba-ni-in-si
en: She placed twin egg-shaped beads on her breast.
21. {tug2}pala3 tug2 nam-nin-a bar-ra-na ba-an-dul
en: She covered her body with a pala dress, the garment of ladyship.
22. szembi lu2 he2-em-du he2-em-du igi-na ba-ni-in-gar
en: She placed mascara “Let a man come, let him come” on her eyes.
23. tu-di-da lu2 ga2-nu ga2-nu gaba-na ba-an-gid2
en: She pulled the pectoral “Come, man, come” over her breast.
24. har ku3-sig17 szu-na ba-an-du8
en: She placed a golden ring on her hand.
25. gi-1(disz)-ninda2 esz2-GAN2 za-gin3 szu ba-ni-in-du8
en: She held the lapis-lazuli measuring rod and measuring line in her hand.
26. {d}inanna kur-sze3 i-im-gen
en: Inanna traveled towards the underworld.
27. sukkal-a-ni {d}ga-sza-an-szubur-ra egir-a-na i-im-gen
en: Her minister Ninšubur traveled behind her.
28. ku3 {d}inanna-ke4 {d}nin-szubur-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e
en: Holy Inanna says to Ninšubur:
29. ga2-nu sukkal zi e2-an-na-gu10
en: “Come my faithful minister of Eanna,
30. sukkal e-ne-ag2 sa6-sa6-ga-gu10
en: my minister who speaks fair words,
31. ra-gaba e-ne-ag2 ge-en-ge-na-gu10
en: my escort who speaks trustworthy words
32. u4-da kur-sze3 e11-de3-en
en: “On this day I will descend to the underworld.
33. u4-da kur-sze3 gen-na-gu10-ne
en: When I have arrived in the underworld,
34. er2 du6-du6-dam mar-mar-ma-ni-ib
en: make a lament for me on the ruin mounds.
35. szem3 gu2-en-na du12-du12-a-ma-ni-ib
en: Beat the drum for me in the sanctuary.
36. e2 dingir-re-e-ne nigin2-nigin2-na-ma-ni-ib
en: Make the rounds of the houses of the gods for me.
37. i-bi2-zu hur-ma-ab giri17-zu hur-ma-ab
en: “Lacerate your eyes for me, lacerate your nose for me.
1 ms. adds the line: Lacerate your ears for me, in public.
38. ki mu-lu-da nu-di hasz4-gal-zu hur-ma-ab
en: In private, lacerate your buttocks for me.
39. mu-lu nu-tuku-gin7 tug2 dili-a mu4-ma-ab
en: Like a pauper, clothe yourself in a single garment
40. e2-kur-re e2 {d}mu-ul-lil2-la2-sze3 me-re-zu dili gub-mu-un
en: and all alone set your foot in the E-kur, the house of Enlil.
41. e2-kur-re e2 {d}mu-ul-lil2-la2-sze3 ku4-ku4-da-zu-ne
en: “When you have entered the E-kur, the house of Enlil,
42. i-bi2 {d}mu-ul-lil2-la2-sze3 er2 szesz2-a
en: lament before Enlil:
43. a-a {d}mu-ul-lil2 du5-mu-zu mu-lu kur-ra nam-ba-da-an-gam-e
en: “Father Enlil, don’t let anyone kill your daughter in the underworld.
44. ku3 sa6-ga-zu sahar kur-ra-ka nam-ba-da-ab-szar2-re
en: Don’t let your precious metal be alloyed there with the dirt of the underworld.
45. za-gin3 sa6-ga-zu za zadim-ma-ka nam-ba-da-an-di-il-si-il
en: Don’t let your precious lapis lazuli be split there with the mason’s stone.
46. {gesz}taszkarin-zu gesz nagar-ra-ka nam-ba-an-dar-dar-e
en: Don’t let your boxwood be chopped up there with the carpenter’s wood.
47. ki-sikil {d}ga-sza-an-na kur-ra nam-ba-da-an-gam-e
en: Don’t let young lady Inanna be killed in the underworld.”
48. u4-da {d}mu-ul-lil2 e-ne-eg3-ba nu-ri-gub uri2{ki}-sze3 gen-na
en: “If Enlil does not help you in this matter, go to Ur.
49. uri2{ki} e2-mu12-kur-ra-ka
en: In the E-mukura at Ur,
50. e2-kisz-nu-gal2 {d}nanna-sze3 ku4-ku4-da-zu-ne
en: when you have entered the E-kišnugal toward Nanna,
51. i-bi2 {d}nanna-sze3 er2 szesz2-a
en: lament before Nanna:
52. a-a {d}nanna du5-mu-zu mu-lu kur-ra nam-ba-da-an-gam-e
en: “Father Nanna, don’t let anyone kill your daughter in the underworld.
53. ku3 sa6-ga-zu sahar kur-ra-ka nam-ba-da-ab-szar2-re
en: Don’t let your precious metal be alloyed there with the dirt of the underworld.
54. za-gin3 sa6-ga-zu za zadim-ma-ka nam-ba-da-an-di-il-si-il
en: Don’t let your precious lapis lazuli be split there with the mason’s stone.
55. {gesz}taszkarin-zu gesz nagar-ra-ka nam-ba-an-dar-dar-e
en: Don’t let your boxwood be chopped up there with the carpenter’s wood.
56. ki-sikil {d}ga-sza-an-na kur-ra nam-ba-da-an-gam-e
en: Don’t let young lady Inanna be killed in the underworld.”
57. u4-da {d}nanna e-ne-ag2-ba nu-ri-gub uru2-ze2-eb{ki}-sze3 gen-na
en: “And if Nanna does not help you in this matter, go to Eridu.
58. uru2-ze-eb{ki} e2 {d}am-an-ki-ka3-sze3 ku4-ku4-da-zu-ne
en: In Eridu, when you have entered the house of Enki,
59. i-bi2 {d}am-an-ki-ka3-sze3 er2 szesz2-am3
en: lament before Enki:
60. a-a {d}am-an-ki du5-mu-zu mu-lu kur-ra nam-ba-da-an-gam-e
en: “Father Enki, don’t let anyone kill your daughter in the underworld.
61. ku3 sa6-ga-zu sahar kur-ra-ka nam-ba-da-ab-szar2-re
en: Don’t let your precious metal be alloyed there with the dirt of the underworld.
62. za-gin3 sa6-ga-zu za zadim-ma-ka nam-ba-da-an-di-il-si-il
en: Don’t let your precious lapis lazuli be split there with the mason’s stone.
63. {gesz}taszkarin-zu gesz nagar-ra-ka nam-ba-an-dar-dar-e
en: Don’t let your boxwood be chopped up there with the carpenter’s wood.
64. ki-sikil {d}ga-sza-an-na kur-ra nam-ba-da-an-gam-e
en: Don’t let young lady Inanna be killed in the underworld.”
65. a-a {d}am-an-ki u3-mu-un mu-usz-gesz-tug2 da-ma-al-la-ke4
en: “Father Enki, the lord of great wisdom,
66. u2 nam-ti-la mu-un-zu a nam-ti-la mu-un-zu
en: knows about the life-giving plant and the life-giving water.
67. e-ne ma-ra hu-mu-un-ti-le-en
en: He is the one who will restore me to life.”
68. {d}inanna kur-sze3 gen-na-ni-ta
en: When Inanna traveled on towards the underworld,
69. sukkal-a-ni {d}nin-szubur-ra-ke4 egir-a-ni i3-im-gen
en: her minister Ninšubur traveled on behind her.
70. sukkal-a-ni {d}nin-szubur-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e
en: She says to her minister Ninšubur:
71. gen-na {d}ga-sza-an-szubur-gu10 sag kesz2 he2-ak
en: “Go now, my Ninšubur, and pay attention.
72. e-ne a-ra-du11-ga-gu10 gu2-zu la-ba-szi-szub
en: Don’t neglect the instructions I gave you.”
73. {d}inanna e2-gal ganzer-sze3 um-ma-te
en: When Inanna arrived at the palace Ganzer,
74. {gesz}ig kur-ra-ka szu hul ba-an-us2
en: she pushed aggressively on the door of the underworld.
75. abul kur-ra-ka gu3 hul ba-an-de2
en: She shouted aggressively at the gate of the underworld:
76. e2 gal2-u3 i3-du8 e2 gal2-u3
en: “Open up, doorman, open up.
77. e2 gal2-u3 {d}ne-ti e2 gal2-u3 dili-gu10-sze3 ga-ku4
en: Open up, Neti, open up. I am all alone and I want to come in.”
78. {d}ne-ti i3-du8 gal kur-ra-ke4
en: Neti, the chief doorman of the underworld,
79. ku3 {d}inanna inim mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4
en: answers holy Inanna:
80. a-ba-me-en za-e
en: “Who are you?”
81. me-e {d}ga-sza-an na-na ki {d}utu e3-a-asz
en: “I am Inanna going to the east.”
82. tukum-bi za-e {d}inanna ki {d}utu e3-a-asz
en: “If you are Inanna going to the east,
83. a-na-am3 ba-du-un kur nu-gi4-sze3
en: why have you traveled to the land of no return?
84. har-ra-an lu2 du-bi nu-gi4-gi4-de3 sza3-zu a-gin7 tum2-mu-un
en: How did you set your heart on the road whose traveller never returns?”
85. ku3 {d}inanna-ke4 mu-na-ni-ib2-gi4-gi4
en: Holy Inanna answers him:
86. nin9 gal-gu10 ku3 {d}ga-sza-an-ki-gal-la-ke4
en: “Because lord Gud-gal-ana,
87. mu dam-a-ni u3-mu-un gu4-gal-an-na ba-an-ug5-ga
en: the husband of my elder sister holy Ereškigal, has died;
88. ki-se3-ga-na i-bi2 du8-u3-de3
en: in order to have his funeral rites observed,
89. kasz ki-se3-ga-na gu-ul ba-ni-in-de2 ur5 he2-na-nam-ma
en: she offers generous libations at his wake; that is the reason.”
90. {d}ne-ti i3-du8 gal-kur-ra-ke4
en: Neti, the chief doorman of the underworld,
91. ku3 {d}inanna-ra mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4
en: answers holy Inanna:
92. gub-ba-a {d}inanna nin-ga2 ga-an-na-ab-du11
en: “Stay here, Inanna. I will speak to my mistress.
93. nin-gu10 {d}eresz-ki-gal-la-ra ga-an-na-du11 inim-zu ga-an-na-ab-du11
en: I will speak to my mistress Ereškigal and tell her what you have said.”
94. {d}ne-ti i3-du8 gal kur-ra-ke4
en: Neti, the chief doorman of the underworld,
95. nin-a-ni {d}eresz-ki-gal-la-ra
en: to his mistress Ereškigal
96. e2-a-ni-sze3 ba-szi-in-ku4 gu3 mu-na-de2
en: entered the house and said:
97. nin-gu10 ki-sikil 1(disz)-am3
en: “My mistress, there is a lone girl outside.
98. {d}inanna nin9-zu e2-gal ganzer-sze3 um-ma-te
en: It is Inanna, your sister, and she has arrived at the palace Ganzer.
99. {gesz}ig kur-ra-ka szu hul ba-an-us2
en: She pushed aggressively on the door of the underworld.
100. abul kur-ra-ka gu3 hul ba-an-de2
en: She shouted aggressively at the gate of the underworld.
101. e2-an-na mu-un-szub kur-ra ba-e-a-e11
en: She has abandoned Eanna and has descended to the underworld.
102. me 7(disz)-bi za3 mu-ni-in-kesz2
en: “She has taken the 7 divine powers.
103. me mu-un-ur4-ur4 szu-ni-sze3 mu-un-la2
en: She has collected the divine powers and grasped them in her hand.
104. me du10 giri3 gub-ba i-im-gen
en: She has come on her way with all the good divine powers.
105. tug2-szu-gur-ra men edin-na sag-ga2-na mu-un-gal2
en: She has put a turban, headgear for the open country, on her head.
106. hi-li sag-ki-na szu ba-ni-in-ti
en: She has taken a wig for her forehead.
107. {na4}za-gin3 di4-di4-la2 gu2-na i-im-la2
en: She has hung small lapis-lazuli beads around her neck.
108. na4-nunuz tab-ba gaba-na i-im-si
en: “She has placed twin egg-shaped beads on her breast.
109. {tug2}pala3 nam-nin-a bar-ra-na i-im-dul
en: She has covered her body with the pala dress of ladyship.
110. szembi lu2 he2-em-du igi-ni i-im-gar
en: She has placed mascara “Let a man come” on her eyes.
111. tu-di-da lu2 ga2-nu ga2-nu gaba-na i-im-gid2
en: She has pulled the pectoral “Come, man, come” over her breast.
112. har ku3-sig17 szu-na i-im-la2
en: She has placed a golden ring on her hand.
113. gi-1(disz)-ninda esz2-GAN2 za-gin3 szu-na i-im-du8
en: She is holding the lapis-lazuli ‘reed-1-ninda’ measuring rod and measuring line in her hand.”
114. u4-ba {d}eresz-ki-gal-la-ke4 hasz2 bar-bi bi2-in-ra
en: When she heard this, Ereškigal slapped the side of her thigh.
115. nundum zu2 bi2-in-gub inim sza3-sze3 ba-ti
en: She bit her lip and took the words to heart.
116. {d}ne-ti i3-du8 gal-ni-ir gu3 mu-na-de2-e
en: She says to Neti, her chief doorman:
117. ga2-nu {d}ne-ti i3-du8 gal kur-ra-gu10
en: “Come Neti, my chief doorman of the underworld,
118. inim a-ra-du11-ga-gu10 gu2-zu la-ba-an-szub-be2-en
en: don’t neglect the instructions I will give you.
119. abul kur-ra 7(disz)-bi {gesz}si-gar-bi he2-eb-us2
en: Let the seven gates of the underworld be bolted.
120. e2-gal ganzer dili-bi {gesz}ig-bi szu ha-ba-an us2
en: Then let each door of the palace Ganzer be opened separately.
121. e-ne ku4-ku4-da-ni-ta
en: As for her, after she has entered,
122. gam-gam-ma-ni tug2 zil-zil-la-ni-ta lu2 ba-an-de6
en: and crouched down and had her clothes removed, they will be carried away.”
123. {d}ne-ti i3-du8 gal kur-ra-ke4
en: Neti, the chief doorman of the underworld,
124. inim nin-a-na-sze3 sag kesz2 ba-szi-in-ak
en: paid attention to the instructions of his mistress.
125. abul kur-ra 7(disz)-bi {gesz}si-gar-bi bi2-ib2-us2
en: He bolted the 7 gates of the underworld.
126. e2-gal ganzer dili-bi {gesz}ig-bi szu ba-an-us2
en: Then he opened each of the doors of the palace Ganzer separately.
127. ku3 {d}inanna-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e
en: He says to holy Inanna:
128. ga2-nu {d}inanna ku4-um-ma-ni
en: “Come on, Inanna, and enter.”
129. {d}inanna ku4-ku4-da-ni-ta
en: And when Inanna entered,
1 ms. adds 2 lines: the lapis-lazuli measuring rod and measuring line were removed from her hand, when she entered the first gate,
130. tug2-szu-gur-ra men edin-na sag-ga2-na lu2 ba-da-an-ze2-er
en: the turban, headgear for the open country, was removed from her head.
131. ta-am3 ne-e
en: “What is this?”
132. si-a {d}inanna me kur-ra-ke4 szu al-du7-du7
en: “Be satisfied, Inanna, a divine power of the underworld has been fulfilled.
133. {d}inanna garza kur-ra-ke4 ka-zu na-an-ba-e
en: Inanna, you must not open your mouth against the rites of the underworld.”
134. abul 2(disz)-kam-ma ku4-ku4-da-ni-ta
en: When she entered the 2nd gate,
135. {na4}za-gin3 di4-di4-la2 gu2-na lu2 ba-da-an-ze2-er
en: the small lapis-lazuli beads were removed from her neck.
136. ta-am3 ne-e
en: “What is this?”
137. si-a {d}inanna me kur-ra-ke4 szu al-du7-du7
en: “Be satisfied, Inanna, a divine power of the underworld has been fulfilled.
138. {d}inanna garza kur-ra-ke4 ka-zu na-an-ba-e
en: Inanna, you must not open your mouth against the rites of the underworld.”
139. abul 3(disz)-kam-ma ku4-ku4-da-ni-ta
en: When she entered the 3rd gate,
140. na4-nunuz tab-ba gaba-na lu2 ba-da-an-ze2-er
en: the twin egg-shaped beads were removed from her breast.
141. ta-am3 ne-e
en: “What is this?”
142. si-a {d}inanna me kur-ra-ke4 szu al-du7-du7
en: “Be satisfied, Inanna, a divine power of the underworld has been fulfilled.
143. {d}inanna garza kur-ra-ke4 ka-za na-an-ba-e
en: Inanna, you must not open your mouth against the rites of the underworld.”
144. abul 4(disz)-kam-ma ku4-ku4-da-ni-ta
en: When she entered the 4th gate,
145. tu-di-da lu2 ga2-nu ga2-nu gaba-na lu2 ba-da-an-ze2-er
en: the pectoral “Come, man, come” was removed from her breast.
146. ta-am3 ne-e
en: “What is this?”
147. si-a {d}inanna me kur-ra-ke4 szu al-du7-du7
en: “Be satisfied, Inanna, a divine power of the underworld has been fulfilled.
148. {d}inanna garza kur-ra-ke4 ka-zu na-an-ba-e
en: Inanna, you must not open your mouth against the rites of the underworld.”
149. abul 5(disz)-kam-ma ku4-ku4-da-ni-ta
en: When she entered the 5th gate,
150. har ku3-sig17 szu-na lu2 ba-da-an-ze2-er
en: the golden ring was removed from her hand.
151. ta-am3 ne-e
en: “What is this?”
152. si-a {d}inanna me kur-ra-ke4 szu al-du7-du7
en: “Be satisfied, Inanna, a divine power of the underworld has been fulfilled.
153. {d}inanna garza kur-ra-ke4 ka-zu na-an-ba-e
en: Inanna, you must not open your mouth against the rites of the underworld.”
154. abul 6(disz)-kam-ma ku4-ku4-da-ni-ta
en: When she entered the 6th gate,
155. gi-1(disz)-ninda esz2-GAN2 za-gin3 szu-na lu2 ba-da-an-ze2-er
en: the lapis-lazuli measuring rod and measuring line were removed from her hand.
156. ta-am3 ne-e
en: “What is this?”
157. si-a {d}inanna me kur-ra-ke4 szu al-du7-du7
en: “Be satisfied, Inanna, a divine power of the underworld has been fulfilled.
158. {d}inanna garza kur-ra-ke4 ka-zu na-an-ba-e
en: Inanna, you must not open your mouth against the rites of the underworld.”
159. abul 7(disz)-kam-ma ku4-ku4-da-ni-ta
en: When she entered the 7th gate,
160. {tug2}pala3 tug2 nam-nin-a bar-ra-na lu2 ba-da-an-ze2-er
en: the pala dress, the garment of ladyship, was removed from her body.
161. ta-am3 ne-e
en: “What is this?”
162. si-a {d}inanna me kur-ra-ke4 szu al-du7-du7
en: “Be satisfied, Inanna, a divine power of the underworld has been fulfilled.
163. {d}inanna garza kur-ra-ke4 ka-zu na-an-ba-e
en: Inanna, you must not open your mouth against the rites of the underworld.”
164. gam-gam-ma-ni tug2 zil-zil-la-ni-ta lu2 ma-an-de6
en: After she had crouched down and had her clothes removed, they were carried away.
165. nin9-a-ni {gesz}gu-za-ni-ta im-ma-da-an-zi
en: Then she made her sister Ereškigal rise from her throne,
166. e-ne {gesz}gu-za-ni-ta dur2 im-mi-in-gar
en: and instead she sat on her throne.
167. {d}a-nun-na di-ku5 7(disz)-bi igi-ni-sze3 di mu-un-da-ku5-ru-ne
en: The Anuna, the seven judges, rendered their decision against her.
168. igi mu-szi-in-bar i-bi2 usz2-a-kam
en: They looked at her—it was the look of death!
169. inim i-ne-ne inim lipisz gig-ga-am3
en: They spoke to her—it was the speech of anger!
170. gu3 i-ne-de2 gu3 nam-tag-tag-ga-am3
en: They shouted at her—it was the shout of heavy guilt!
171. munus tu-ra uzu nig2 sag3-ga-sze3 ba-an-ku4
en: The afflicted woman was turned into a corpse!
172. uzu nig2 sag3-ga {gesz}gag-ta lu2 ba-da-an-la2
en: And the corpse was hung on a hook.
173. u4 3(disz) ge6 3(disz)-am3 um-ta-zal-la-ta
en: After 3 days and 3 nights had passed,
174. sukkal-a-ni {d}nin-szubur-ra-ke4
en: her minister Ninšubur
2 mss. add 2 lines: her minister who speaks fair words, her escort who speaks trustworthy words,
175. inim nin-a-na-sze3 gesztu2 ba-szi-in-gub
en: carried out the instructions of her mistress.
176. er2 du6-du6-dam mu-un-na-ga2-ga2
en: She made a lament for her in her ruined (houses).
177. szem3 gu2-en-ne mu-un-du12-a
en: She beat the drum for her in the sanctuaries.
178. e2 dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 mu-un-na-nigin2-nigin2
en: She made the rounds of the houses of the gods for her.
179. igi-ni mu-un-na-hur giri17-ni mu-un-hur
en: She lacerated her eyes for her, she lacerated her nose.
180. ki lu2-da nu-u6-di hasz4-gal-a-ni mu-un-na-hur
en: In private she lacerated her buttocks for her.
181. mu-lu nu-tuku-gin7 tug2 dili-a im-ma-an-mur10
en: Like a pauper, she clothed herself in a single garment,
182. e2-kur e2 {d}en-lil2-la2-sze3 giri3-ni dili mu-un-gub
en: and all alone she set her foot in the E-kur, the house of Enlil.
183. e2-kur e2 {d}en-lil2-la2-sze3 ku4-ku4-da-ni-ta
en: When she had entered the E-kur, the house of Enlil,
184. igi {d}en-lil2-la2-sze3 er2 im-ma-sze8-sze8
en: she laments before Enlil:
185. a-a {d}mu-ul-lil2 du5-mu-zu mu-lu kur-ra nam-ba-da-an-gam-e
en: “Father Enlil, don’t let anyone kill your daughter in the underworld.
186. ku3 sa6-ga-zu sahar kur-ra-ka nam-ba-da-ab-szar2-e
en: Don’t let your precious metal be alloyed there with the dirt of the underworld.
187. {na4}za-gin3 sa6-ga-zu za zadim-ka nam-ba-da-an-si-il-si-il
en: Don’t let your precious lapis lazuli be split there with the mason’s stone.
188. {gesz}taszkarin-zu gesz nagar-ra-ka nam-ba-dar-dar-re
en: Don’t let your boxwood be chopped up there with the carpenter’s wood.
189. ki-sikil {d}ga-sza-an-na kur-ra nam-ba-da-an-gam-e
en: Don’t let young lady Inanna be killed in the underworld.”
190. a-a {d}en-lil2 lipisz bala-a-ni {d}nin-szubur-ra-ke4 mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4
en: In his rage father Enlil answers Ninšubur:
191. dumu-gu10 an gal al bi2-in-du11 ki gal al bi2-in-du11
en: “My daughter craved the great heaven and she craved the great below as well.
192. {d}inanna an gal al bi2-in-du11 ki gal al bi2-in-du11
en: Inanna craved the great heaven and she craved the great below as well.
193. me kur-ra me al nu-di-da sa2 bi2-in-du11-ga-bi kur-re he2-eb-us2
en: The divine powers of the underworld are divine powers which should not be craved, for whoever gets them must remain in the underworld.
194. a-ba-am3 ki-bi sa2 in-na-an-du11-e11-de3 al mu-ni-in-du11
en: Who, having got to that place, could then expect to come up again?”
195. a-a {d}en-lil2 inim-bi nu-mu-na-gub uri2{ki}-sze3 ba-gen
en: Thus father Enlil did not help in this matter, so she went to Ur.
196. uri2{ki} e2-mu12-kur-ra-ka
en: In the E-mud-kura at Ur,
197. e2-kisz-nu-gal2 e2 {d}nanna-sze ku4-ku4-da-ni-ta
en: when she had entered the E-kišnugal, the house of Nanna,
198. igi {d}nanna-sze3 er2 im-ma-sze8-sze8
en: she laments before Nanna:
199. a-a {d}nanna du5-mu-zu mu-lu kur-ra nam-ba-da-an-gam-e
en: “Father Nanna, don’t let your daughter be killed in the underworld.
200. ku3 sa6-ga-zu sahar kur-ra-ka nam-ba-da-ab-szar2-e
en: Don’t let your precious metal be alloyed there with the dirt of the underworld.
201. {na4}za-gin3 sa6-ga-zu za zadim-ka nam-ba-da-an-si-il-si-il-i
en: Don’t let your precious lapis lazuli be split there with the mason’s stone.
202. {gesz}taszkarin-zu gesz nagar-ra-ka nam-ba-dar-dar-re
en: Don’t let your boxwood be chopped up there with the carpenter’s wood.
203. ki-sikil {d}ga-sza-an-na kur-ra nam-ba-da-an-gam-e
en: Don’t let young lady Inanna be killed in the underworld.”
204. a-a {d}nanna lipisz bala-a-ni {d}nin-szubur-ra-ke4 mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4
en: In his rage father Nanna answers Ninšubur:
205. dumu-gu10 an gal al bi2-in-du11 ki gal al bi2-in-du11
en: “My daughter craved the great heaven and she craved the great below as well.
206. {d}inanna an gal al bi2-in-du11 ki gal al bi2-in-du11
en: Inanna craved the great heaven and she craved the great below as well.
207. me kur-ra me al nu-di-da sa2 bi2-in-du11-ga-bi kur-re he2-eb-us2
en: The divine powers of the underworld are divine powers which should not be craved, for whoever gets them must remain in the underworld.
208. a-ba-am3 ki-bi sa2 in-na-an-du11-e11-de3 al mu-ni-in-du11
en: Who, having got to that place, could then expect to come up again?”
209. a-a {d}nanna inim-bi nu-mu-na-gub uru2-ze2-eb{ki}-sze3 ba-gen
en: Thus father Nanna did not help her in this matter, so she went to Eridu.
210. uru2-ze2-eb{ki} e2 {d}en-ki-ka3-sze3 ku4-ku4-da-ni-ta
en: In Eridu, when she had entered the house of Enki,
211. igi {d}en-ki-ka3-sze3 er2 im-ma-sze8-sze8
en: xshe laments before Enki:xx
212. a-a {d}en-ki du5-mu-zu mu-lu kur-ra nam-ba-da-an-gam-e
en: “Father Enki, don’t let anyone kill your daughter in the underworld.
213. ku3 sa6-ga-zu sahar-ka nam-ba-da-ab-szar2-e
en: Don’t let your precious metal be alloyed there with the dirt of the underworld.
214. {na4}za-gin3 sa6-ga-zu za zadim-ka nam-ba-da-an-si-il-si-il-i
en: Don’t let your precious lapis lazuli be split there with the mason’s stone.
215. {gesz}taszkarin-zu gesz nagar-ra-ka nam-ba-dar-dar-re
en: Don’t let your boxwood be chopped up there with the carpenter’s wood.
216. ki-sikil {d}ga-sza-an-na kur-ra nam-ba-da-an-gam-e
en: Don’t let young lady Inanna be killed in the underworld.”
217. a-a {d}en-ki {d}nin-szubur-ra-ke4 mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4
en: Father Enki answered Ninšubur:
218. dumu-gu10 a-na bi2-in-ak ge26-e mu-un-kusz2-u
en: “What has my daughter done? She has me worried.
219. {d}inanna a-na bi2-in-ak ge26-e mu-un-kusz2-u
en: What has Inanna done? She has me worried.
220. nin kur-kur-ra-ke4 a-na bi2-in-ak ge26-e mu-un-kusz2-u
en: What has the mistress of all the lands done? She has me worried.
221. nu-u8-gig an-na-ke4 a-na bi2-in-ak ge26-e mu-un-kusz2-u
en: What has the hierodule of An done? She has me worried.”
1 ms. adds 1 line: Thus father Enki helped her in this matter.
222. umbin-si-in mu-dur7 ba-ra-an-de6 kur-gar-ra-asz ba-an-dim2
en: He removed some dirt from the tip of his fingernail and created the kur-gar.
223. umbin-si 2(disz)-kam-ma mu-dur7 ba-ra-an-de6 gala-tur-ra-asz ba-an-dim2
en: He removed some dirt from the tip of his 2nd fingernail and created the gala-tur.
224. kur-gar-ra u2 nam-ti-la ba-an-szum2
en: To the kur-gar he gave the life-giving plant.
225. gala-tur-ra a nam-ti-la ba-an-szum2
en: To the gala-tura he gave the life-giving water.
226. a-a {d}en-ki gala-tur-ra kur-gar-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e
en: Then father Enki speaks out to the gala-tura and the kur-gar:
227. gen-na-an-ze2-en giri3 kur-sze3 nu2-ba-an-ze2-en
en: Go and direct your steps to the underworld.
228. {gesz}ig nim-gin7 dal-dal-e-de3-en-ze2-en
en: Flit past the door like flies.
229. za-re lil2-gin7 gur-gur-re-de3-en-ze2-en
en: Slip through the door pivots like phantoms.
230. ama-gan-e nam dumu-ne-ne-sze3
en: The birth-mother, on account of her children,
231. eresz-ki-gal-la-ke4 i-nu2-nu2-ra-am3
en: Ereškigal, is lying there.
232. mur ku3-ga-na gada nu-um-bur2
en: Her holy shoulders are not covered by a linen cloth.
233. gaba-ni bur szagan-gin7 nu-um-gid2
en: Her breasts are not full like a cagan vessel.
234. szu-si-ni {uruda}lub-bi-gin7 am3-da-gal2
en: Her nails are like a pickaxe (?) upon her.
235. siki-ni ga-rasz{sar}-gin7 sag-ga2-na mu-un-ur4-ur4-re
en: The hair on her head is bunched up as if it were leeks.
236. u-u8-a sza3-gu10 du11-ga-ni
en: “When she says “Oh my heart,”
237. kusz2-u3-me-en nin-me a sza3-zu du11-ga-zu-ne-ne
en: you are to say “You are troubled, our mistress, oh your heart.”
238. u-u8-a bar-gu10 du11-ga-ni
en: When she says “Oh my liver,”
239. kusz2-u3-me-en nin-me a bar-zu du11-ga-zu-ne-ne
en: you are to say “You are troubled, our mistress, oh your liver.”
240. a-ba-am3 za-e-me-en-ze2-en
en: (She will then ask:) “Who are you?
241. sza3-gu10-ta sza3-zu-sze3 bar-gu10-ta bar-zu-sze3 du11-ga-na-ab-ze2-en
en: Speaking to you from my heart to your heart, from my liver to your liver—
242. dingir he2-me-en-ze2-en inim ga-mu-ra-an-du11
en: if you are gods, let me talk with you;
243. lu2-ulu3 he2-me-en-ze2-en nam-zu-ne he2-eb-tar-re
en: if you are mortals, may a destiny be decreed for you.”
244. zi an-na zi ki-a pa3-de2-ne-ze2-na-am3
en: Make her swear this by heaven and earth.
245. e11-[...]-ab-ze2-en
en: Go on out,
246. a i7-bi ma-ra-ba-e-ne szu nam-ba-gid2-i-en-ze2-en
en: They will offer you a riverful of water—don’t accept it.
247. a-sza3 sze-ba ma-ra-ba-e-ne szu nam-ba-gid2-i-en-ze2-en
en: They will offer you a field with its grain—don’t accept it.
248. uzu nig2 sag3-ga {gesz}gag-ta la2 szum2-me-ab du11-ga-na-ab-ze2-en
en: But say to her: “Give us the corpse hanging on the hook.”
249. uzu nig2 sag3-ga ga-sza-an-zu-ne-ne
en: (She will answer:) “That is the corpse of your queen.”
250. nig2 lugal-me en he2-a nig2 nin-bi he2-a szum2-ma-ze2-en du11-ga-na-ab-ze2-en
en: Say to her: “Whether it is that of our king, whether it is that of our queen, give it to us.”
251. uzu nig2 sag3-ga {gesz}gag-ta la2-a im-ma-da-ab-szum2-mu-ze2-en
en: She will give you the corpse hanging on the hook.
252. 1(disz)-am3 u2 nam-ti-la 1(disz)-am3 a nam-ti-la ugu-na szub-bu-de3-en-ze2-en
en: 1 of you sprinkle on it the life-giving plant and 1 the life-giving water.
253. {d}inanna ha-ba-gub
en: Thus let Inanna rise up.”
254. gala-tur kur-gar-ra inim {d}en-ki-ka3-sze3 sag kesz2 ba-szi-in-ak-esz
en: The gala-tura and the kur-gar paid attention to the instructions of Enki.
255. {gesz}ig nim-gin7 mu-un-dal-dal
en: They flitted through the door like flies.
256. za-ra lil2-gin7 mu-un-gur-gur
en: They slipped through the door pivots like phantoms.
257. ama gan-e nam dumu-ne-ne-sze3
en: The birth-mother, because of her children,
258. {d}eresz-ki-gal-la-ke4 i-nu2-nu2-re-am3
en: Ereškigal, was lying there.
259. mur ku3-ga-na gada nu-un-bur2
en: Her holy shoulders were not covered by a linen cloth.
260. gaba-ni bur szagan-na nu-un-gid2
en: Her breasts were not full like a cagan vessel.
261. szu-si-ni {uruda}lub-bi-gin7 an-da-gal2
en: Her nails were like a pickaxe (?) upon her.
262. siki-ni ga-rasz{sar}-gin7 sag-ga2-na mu-un-ur4-ur4
en: The hair on her head was bunched up as if it were leeks.
263. u3-u8-a sza3-gu10 du11-ga-ni
en: When she said “Oh my heart,”
264. kusz2-u3-me-en nim-me a sza3-zu in-na-ne-esz
en: they said to her “You are troubled, our mistress, oh your heart.”
265. u3-u8-a bar-gu10 du11-ga-ni
en: When she said “Oh my liver,”
266. kusz2-u3-me-en nin-me a bar-zu in-na-ne-esz
en: they said to her “You are troubled, our mistress, oh your liver.”
267. a-ba-am3 za-e-me-en-ze2-en
en: (Then she asked:) “Who are you?
268. sza3-gu10-ta sza3-zu-sze3 bar-gu10-ta bar-zu-sze3 ba-e-de3-en-ze2-en
en: I tell you from my heart to your heart, from my liver to your liver—
269. dingir he2-me-en-ze2-en inim ga-mu-ra-an-du11
en: if you are gods, I will talk with you;
270. lu2-ulu3 he2-me-en-ze2-en nam-zu-ne ga-mu-re-eb-tar
en: if you are mortals, may a destiny be decreed for you.”
271. zi an-na zi ki-a mu-ni-in-pa3-de3-esz
en: They made her swear this by heaven and earth.
272. [...]-e11-de3-de3-esz
en: they went on out,
273. i7 a-ba mu-ne-ba-e szu nu-um-ma-gid2-de3
en: they were offered a river with its water—they did not accept it.
274. a-sza3 sze-ba mu-ne-ba-e szu nu-um-ma-gid2-de3
en: They were offered a field with its grain—they did not accept it.
275. uzu nig2 sag3-ga {gesz}gag-ta la2 szum2-me-eb in-na-an-ne-esz
en: They said to her: “Give us the corpse hanging on the hook.”
276. ku3 {d}eresz-ki-gal-la-ke4 gala-tur kur-garza mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4
en: Holy Ereškigal answers the gala-tura and the kur-gar:
277. uzu nig2 sag3-ga nig2 ga-sza-an-zu-ne-ne-kam
en: “The corpse is that of your queen.”
278. nig2 lugal-me nig2 nin-me he2-a szum2-me-eb in-na-an-ne-esz
en: They said to her: “Whether it is that of our king or that of our queen, give it to us.”
279. uzu nig2 sag3-ga {gesz}gag-ta la2 im-me-ne-szum2-usz
en: They were given the corpse hanging on the hook.
280. 1(disz)-am3 u2 nam-ti-la 1(disz)-am3 a nam-ti-la ugu-a bi2-in-szub-bu-usz
en: 1 of them sprinkled on it the life-giving plant and 1 the life-giving water.
281. {d}inanna ba-gub
en: And thus Inanna rose up.
282. {d}eresz-ki-gal-la gala-tur kur-gar-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e
en: Ereškigal says to the gala-tura and the kur-gar:
283. tum2-mu-un-ze2-en ga-sza-an-zu-ne-ne [...]-zu-ne-ne ba-dab5
en: “Bring your queen ..., your ... has been seized.”
284. {d}inanna inim {d}en-ki-ka3-ta kur-ta e11
en: Inanna, because of Enki’s instructions, was about to ascend from the underworld.
285. {d}inanna kur-ta e11-da-ni
en: But as Inanna was about to ascend from the underworld,
286. {d}a-nun-na-ke4-e-ne ba-ab-ha-za-asz
en: the Anuna seized her:
287. a-ba-am3 lu2 kur-ta im-ta-e11-de3 kur-ta silim-ma-ni bi2-in-e11-de3
en: “Who has ever ascended from the underworld, has ascended unscathed from the underworld?
288. u4-da {d}inanna kur-ta-ba-e11-de3
en: If Inanna is to ascend from the underworld,
289. sag-dili sag-ga2-na ha-ba-ab-szum2-mu
en: let her provide a substitute for herself.”
290. {d}inanna kur-ta ba-e11-de3
en: So when Inanna left the underworld,
291. lu2 igi-na sukkal nu-me-a {gesz}gidri szu bi2-in-du8
en: the one in front of her, though not a minister, held a sceptre in his hand;
292. bar-ra-na ra-gaba nu-me-a {gesz}tukul ur2-ra bi2-in-la2
en: the one behind her, though not an escort, carried a mace at his hip,
293. gal5-la2 tur-tur gi-szukur-gin7
en: while the small demons, like a reed enclosure,
294. gal5-la2 gal-gal gi dub-ba-an-na-gin7 za3-ga-na ba-an-dab5-be-esz
en: and the big demons, like the reeds of a fence, restrained her on all sides.
295. lu2 e-ne-ra in-szi-re7-esz-am3
en: Those who accompanied her,
296. lu2 {d}inanna-ra in-szi-re7-esz-am3
en: those who accompanied Inanna,
297. u2 nu-zu-me-esz a nu-zu-me-esz
en: know no food, know no drink,
298. zi3 dub-dub-ba nu-gu7-me-esz
en: eat no flour offering
299. a bala-bala-a nu-na8-na8-me-esz
en: and drink no libation.
300. kadra nig2 du10-ge szu nu-gid2-me-esz
en: They accept no pleasant gifts.
301. ubur ummeda{da} la2-ka dumu szu ti-a-me-esz
en: They take away the child hanging on a wet-nurse’s breasts.
305.a. szum2{sar} nig2-ses-a nu-gum-e-me-esz
en: They crush no bitter garlic.
305.b. lu2 ku6 nu-gu7-me-esz lu2 ga-rasz{sar} nu-gu7-me-esz
en: They eat no fish, they eat no leeks.
305.c. lu2 {d}inanna mu-un-szi-re7-esz-am3
en: They, it was, who accompanied Inanna.
306. {d}inanna kur-ta e11-da-ni
en: After Inanna had ascended from the underworld,
307. {d}nin-szubur-ra-ke4 kan4 ganzer-ra-ka giri3-ni-sze3 ba-an-szub
en: Ninšubur threw herself at her feet at the door of the Ganzer.
308. sahar-ra ba-da-an-tusz tug2-mu-dur7-ra ba-an-mu12
en: She had sat in the dust and clothed herself in a filthy garment.
309. gal5-la2-e-ne ku3 {d}inanna-ra gu3 mu-un-na-de2-e
en: The demons said to holy Inanna:
310. {d}inanna iri-zu-sze3 gen-ba e-ne ga-ba-ab-tum2-mu-de3-en
en: “Inanna, proceed to your city, we will take her back.”
311. ku3 {d}inanna-ke4 gal5-la2-e-ne mu-un-ne-ni-gi4-gi4
en: Holy Inanna answers the demons:
312. sukkal e-ne-ag2 sa6-sa6-ga-gu10
en: “This is my minister of fair words,
313. ra-gaba e-ne-ag2 ge-en-gi-na-gu10
en: my escort of trustworthy words.
314. na de5-ga-gu10 szu nu-un-bar-re
en: She did not forget my instructions.
315. e-ne-ag2 ma-ra-ab-du11-ga-gu10-usz gu2-ni la-ba-da-an-szi-szub
en: She did not neglect the orders I gave her.
316. er2 du6-du6-dam ma-an-ga2-ga2
en: She made a lament for me on the ruin mounds.
317. szem3 gu2-en-na ma-an-du12-am3
en: She beat the drum for me in the sanctuaries.
318. e2 dingir-re-e-ne ma-an-nigin2-nigin2
en: She made the rounds of the gods’ houses for me.
319. i-bi2-ni ma-an-hur giri17-ni ma-an-hur
en: She lacerated her eyes for me, lacerated her nose for me.
1 ms. adds 1 line: She lacerated her ears for me in public.
320. ki mu-lu-da nu-di hasz4-gal-a-ni ma-an-hur
en: In private, she lacerated her buttocks for me.
321. mu-lu nu-tuku-gin7 tug2 dili-a im-ma-an-mu12
en: Like a pauper, she clothed herself in a single garment.
322. e2-kur-re e2 {d}mu-ul-lil2-la2-sze3
en: “To the house of Enlil,
323. uri5{ki}-ma e2 {d}nanna-sze3
en: and to Ur, to the house of Nanna,
324. uru2-ze2-eb{ki} e2 {d}am-an-ki-ka3-sze3
en: and to Eridu, to the house of Enki,
325. giri3-ni dili mu-un-gub
en: all alone she directed her steps.
1 ms. adds 1 line: She wept before Enki.
326. e-ne ma-a-ra mu-un-ti-le-en
en: She brought me back to life.
327. e-ne ta-gin7 nam-ma-ra-ab-ze2-eg3-en-ze-en
en: How could I turn her over to you?
328. ga-an-szi-re7-de3-en umma{ki}-a szeg12-kur-sza3-ga-sze3 ga-am3-szi-re7-de3-en
en: Let us go on. Let us go on to the Šegkuršaga in Umma.”
329. umma{ki}-a szeg12-kur-sza3-ga-ta
en: At the Šegkuršaga in Umma,
330. {d}szara2 iri-ni-a giri3-ni-sze3 ba-an-szub
en: Šara, in his own city, threw himself at her feet.
331. sahar-ra ba-da-an-tusz tug2-mu-dur7-ra ba-an-mu12
en: He had sat in the dust and dressed himself in a filthy garment.
332. gal5-la2-e-ne ku3 {d}inanna-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e
en: The demons say to holy Inanna:
333. {d}inanna iri-zu-sze3 gen-ba e-ne ga-ba-ab-tum2-mu-de3
en: “Inanna, proceed to your city, we will take him back.”
334. ku3 {d}inanna-ke4 gal5-la2-e-ne mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4
en: Holy Inanna answered the demons:
335. en3-du du {d}szara2-gu10
en: “Šara is my singer,
336. umbin ku5-ku5-ra-gu10 gu2-tar la2-gu10
en: my manicurist and my hairdresser.
337. en3 ta-gin7 nam-ma-ra-ni-ib-ze2-eg3-gen
en: How could I turn him over to you?
338. ga-e-re7-en-de3-en ba3-tibira{ki}-a e2-musz3-kalam-ma-sze3 ga-an-szi-re7-en-de3-en
en: Let us go on. Let us go on to the E-muškalama in Bad-tibira.”
339. bad3-tibira{ki}-a e2-musz3-kalam-ma-ta
en: At the E-muškalama in Bad-tibira,
340. {d}lu2-lal3-e iri-ni-a giri3-ni-sze3 ba-an-szub
en: Lulal, in his own city, threw himself at her feet.
341. sahar-a im-da-an-tusz tug2-mu-dur7-ra ba-an-mu12
en: He had sat in the dust and clothed himself in a filthy garment.
342. gal5-la2-e-ne ku3 {d}inanna-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e
en: The demons said to holy Inanna:
343. {d}inanna iri-zu-sze3 gen-ba e-ne ga-ba-ab-tum2-mu-ub-de3-en
en: “Inanna, proceed to your city, we will take him back.”
344. ku3 {d}inanna-ke4 gal5-la2-e-ne mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4
en: Holy Inanna answers the demons:
345. {d}lu2-lal3 za3 e3-a a2 zi-da gab2-ba-gu10 us2-sa
en: “Outstanding Lulal follows me at my right and my left.
346. e-ne ta-gin7 nam-ma-ra-ab-ze2-eg3-en-ze2-en
en: How could I turn him over to you?
347. ga-e-re7-de3-en {gesz}haszhur gul-la edin kul-aba4{ki}-sze3 ga-an-szi-re7-en-de3-en
en: Let us go on. Let us go on to the great apple tree in the plain of Kulaba.”
348. {gesz}haszhur gul-la edin kul-aba4{ki}-sze3 giri3-ni-sze3 ba-e-re7{re}-esz
en: They followed her to the great apple tree in the plain of Kulaba.
349. {d}dumu-zi tug2 mah-a i-im-mu12 mah-a dur2-a dur2 im-ma-gar
en: There was Dumuzi clothed in a magnificent garment and seated magnificently on a throne.
350. gal5-la2-e-ne hasz4-a-na i-im-dab5-be2-esz
en: The demons seized him there by his thighs.
351. {dug}szakir 7(disz)-e ga mu-un-de2-esz-am3
en: The 7 of them poured the milk from his churns.
352. 7(disz)-am3 x-TU-ra-gin7 sag mu-un-da-sag3-ge-ne
en: The seven of them shook their heads like ...
353. sipa-de3 gi-gid2 gi-di-da igi-ni szu nu-mu-un-tag-ge-ne
en: They would not let the shepherd play the pipe and flute before her (?).
354. igi mu-un-szi-in-bar igi us2-a-ka
en: She looked at him, it was the look of death.
355. inim i-ne-ne inim lipisz gig-ga
en: She spoke to him (?), it was the speech of anger.
356. gu3 i-ne-de2 gu3 nam-tag-tag-ga
en: She shouted at him (?), it was the shout of heavy guilt:
357. en3-sze3 tum3-mu-an-ze2-en
en: “How much longer? Take him away.”
358. ku3 {d}inanna-ke4 su8-ba {d}dumu-zi-da szu-ne-ne-a in-na-szum2
en: Holy Inanna gave Dumuzi the shepherd into their hands.
359. lu2 e-ne lu2 mu-un-ne-re7-esz-am3
en: Those who had accompanied her,
360. lu2 {d}dumu-zi mu-un-szi-re7-esz-am3
en: who had come for Dumuzi,
361. u2 nu-zu-me-esz a nu-zu-me-esz
en: know no food, know no drink,
362. zi3 dub-dub-ba nu-gu7-me-esz
en: eat no flour offering,
363. a bala-bala-a nu-na8-na8-me-esz
en: drink no libation.
364. ur2 dam nig2 du10-ge-esz2 nu-sig9-ge-esz
en: They never enjoy the pleasures of the marital embrace,
365. dumu nig2-ku7-ku7-da ne nu-su-ub-me-esz
en: never have any sweet children to kiss.
366. dumu lu2 du10-ub-ta ba-ra-an-zi-ge-esz
en: They snatch the son from a man’s knee.
367. e2-gi4-a e2 uszbar-ra-ka um-ta-an-e3-esz
en: They make the bride leave the house of her father-in-law.
368. {d}dumu-zi-de3 er2 im-da-pa4 szex(SIG7)-szex(SIG7) i3-ga2-ga2
en: Dumuzi let out a wail and turned very pale.
369. gurusz-e {d}utu-ra an-sze3 szu-ni ba-an-na-zi
en: The lad raised his hands to heaven, to Utu:
370. {d}utu murum5-gu10-me-en ge26-e mussa-zu-me-en
en: “Utu, you are my brother-in-law.
371. e2 ama-zu-sze3 i3 gur3-ru-me-en
en: I am your relation by marriage. I brought butter oil to your mother’s house
372. e2 {d}nin-gal-sze3 ga gur3-ru-me-en
en: I brought cheese to Ningal’s house.
373. szu-gu10 szu musz-a u3-mu-ni-in-szum2
en: Turn my hands into snake’s hands
374. giri3-gu10 giri3 musz-a u3-mu-ni-in-szum2
en: and turn my feet into snake’s feet,
375. gal5-la2-gu10 ga-ba-da-kar nam-mu-un-ha-za-ne
en: so I can escape my demons, let them not keep hold of me.”
376. {d}utu er2-na szu ba-an-szi-in-ti
en: Utu accepted his tears.
1 ms.adds 1 line: Dumuzi’s demons could not keep hold of him.)
377. szu-ni szu musz-a mu-e-ni-szum2
en: Utu turned Dumuzi’s hands into snake’s hands.
378. giri3-ni giri3 musz-a mu-e-ni-szum2
en: He turned his feet into snake’s feet.
379. gal5-la2-e-ne ba-ni-kar
en: Dumuzi escaped his demons.
1 ms. adds 1 line: Like a sagkal snake he ...
380. [...] ba-ni-in-dab5-be2-esz-a
en: having seized ...,
381. [...]-be2
en: ...
382. [...]-esz
en: ...
383. ku3 {d}inanna-ke4 [...]-ni sza3-ga-ni nam-DU
en: Holy Inanna ... her heart.
384. ku3 {d}inanna-ke4 mu-ud-na-ni er2 gig i3-sze8-sze8
en: Holy Inanna wept bitterly for her husband.
385. ku3 {d}inanna-ke4 [...] {d}dumu-zi-de3 [...] sza3-ga-ni nam-DU
en: Holy Inanna ... Dumuzi ... her heart ...
386. [...] dam-ni [...] a2-na [...]
en: ... her husband ... by force ...
387. [...] NI [...] x [...]
en: ...
388. [...]-gin7 im-mu-[...] im-mi-x-[...]
en: ... like ...
389. {u2}numun2 i3-bur12-re {u2}numun2 i3-ze2-e
en: She tore at her hair like esparto grass, she ripped it out like esparto grass.
390. dam lu2 ur2-zu-ne-ne nu2-a me dam kal-la-gu10
en: “You wives who lie in your men’s embrace, where is my precious husband?
391. dumu lu2 ur2-zu-ne-ne nu2-a me dumu kal-la-gu10
en: You children who lie in your men’s embrace, where is my precious child?
392. me-am3 mu-lu-gu10 me-am3 mu-un-x-e
en: Where is my man? Where ...?
393. me-am3 mu-lu-gu10 mu-am3 mu-un-TAG-TAG-x-e
en: Where is my man? Where ...?”
394. nim-e-ku3 {d}inanna-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e
en: A fly speaks to holy Inanna:
395. ge26-e ki lu2-zu ga-mu-re-pa4 a-na-am3 nig2-ba-gu10-um
en: “If I show you where your man is, what will be my reward?”
396. ku3 {d}inanna-ke4 nim-e mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4
en: Holy Inanna answers the fly:
397. za-e ki mu-lu-gu10 ba-ab-pa4-de3-en nig2-ba a-ra-ba-e
en: “If you show me where my man is, I will give you this gift:
398. [...] ga-mu-un-dul-dul
en: I will cover ... .”
399. nim-e ku3 {d}inanna-ke4 im-ma-an-[...]
en: The fly helped (?) holy Inanna.
400. ki-sikil {d}inanna-ke4 nim-e nam mu-ni-ib2-tar-re
en: The young lady Inanna decreed the destiny of the fly:
401. e2 kasz-a-ka zabar GIR3 nag-a-ke4 hu-mu-ra-[...]-a-ze2-[...]
en: “In the beer-house and the tavern (?), may there ... for you.
402. du5-mu lu2 ku3-zu-ke4-ne-gin7 nam x [...]
en: You will live (?) like the sons of the wise.”
403. i3-ne-esz2 nam-tar-ra {d}inanna-ke4 ur5 he2-en-ne-nam-ma-am3
en: Now Inanna decreed this fate and thus it came to be.
404. [...] er2 im-sze8-sze8
en: ... was weeping.
405. nin9 im-ma-gen szu-sze3 mu-da-ab-si
en: She came up to the sister (?) and ... by the hand:
406. i3-ne-esz2 me-le-e-a x-gu10
en: “Now, alas, my ...
407. za-e mu ba7-am3 nin9-zu mu ba7-am3
en: You for half the year and your sister for half the year:
408. u4 za-e al di-di-e u4-bi he2-tusz-e
en: when you are demanded, on that day you will stay,
409. u4 nin9-zu al di-di-e u4-bi he2-gur2-e
en: when your sister is demanded, on that day you will be released.”
410. ku3 {d}inanna-ke4 {d}dumu-zi sag-bi-sze3 x x bi2-in-szum2-szum2-mu
en: Thus holy Inanna gave Dumuzi as a substitute ...
411. ku3 {d}eresz-ki-gal-la-ke4
en: Holy Ereškigal:
412. za3-mi2-zu du10-ga-am3
en: sweet is your praise.
Composite No.: Q000364
Primary Publication:
Collection: —
Museum no.: —
Provenience: —
Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)
Object Type: —
Material: —
atf: lang sux
object composite text
surface a
1. u4 re-a u4 su3-ra2 re-a
en: In those days, in those distant days,
2. ge6 re-a ge6 ba9-ra2 re-a
en: in those nights, in those remote nights,
3. mu re-a mu su3-ra2 re-a
en: in those years, in those distant years,
4. u4 ul nig2-du7-e pa e3-a-ba
en: in days of yore, when the necessary things had been brought into manifest, existence
5. u4 ul nig2-du7-e mi2 zi du11-ga-a-ba
en: in days of yore, when the necessary things had been for the first time properly cared for,
6. esz3 kalam-ma-ka ninda szu2-a-ba
en: when bread had been tasted for the first time in the shrines of the Land,
7. {im}szu-rin-na kalam-ma-ka nig2-tab ak-a-ba
en: when the ovens of the Land had been made to work,
8. an ki-ta ba-da-ba9-ra2-a-ba
en: when the heavens had been separated from the earth,
9. ki an-ta ba-da-sur-ra-a-ba
en: when the earth had been delimited from the heavens,
10. mu nam-lu2-u18-lu ba-an-gar-ra-a-ba
en: when the fame of mankind had been established,
11. u4 an-ne2 an ba-an-de6-a-ba
en: when An had taken the heavens for himself,
12. {d}en-lil2-le ki ba-an-de6-a-ba
en: when Enlil had taken the earth for himself,
13. {d}eresz-ki-gal-la-ra kur-ra sag rig7-bi-sze3 im-ma-ab-rig7-a-ba
en: when the nether world had been given to Ereškigal as a gift,
14. ba-u5-a-ba ba-u5-a-ba
en: when he set sail, when he set sail,
15. a-a kur-sze3 ba-u5-a-ba
en: when the father set sail for the nether world,
16. {d}en-ki kur-sze3 ba-u5-a-ba
en: when Enki set sail for the nether world—
17. lugal-ra tur-tur ba-an-da-ri
en: against the king a storm of small hailstones arose,
18. {d}en-ki-ra gal-gal ba-an-da-ri
en: against Enki a storm of large hailstones arose,
19. tur-tur-bi na4 szu-kam
en: The small ones were light hammers,
20. gal-gal-bi na4 gi gu4-u4-da-kam
en: the large ones were like stones from catapults (?).
21. ur2 {gesz}ma2 tur-re {d}en-ki-ka3-ke4
en: The keel of Enki’s little boat
22. nig2-bun2-na du7-am3 mi-szu2-szu2
en: as if it were being butted by turtles was trembling,
23. lugal-ra a {gesz}ma2-sag-ga2-ke4
en: against the king the waves at the bow of the boat
24. ur-bar-ra-gin7 tesz2 mu-na-gu7-e
en: like wolves were eating together,
25. {d}en-ki-ra a {gesz}ma2-egir-ra-ke4
en: against Enki the waves at the stern of the boat
26. ur-mah-gin7 sag gesz im-ra-ra
en: like a lion were attacking.
27. u4-bi-a gesz 1(disz)-am3 {gesz}ha-lu-ub2 1(disz)-am3 gesz 1(disz)-am3
en: At that time, there was a single tree, a single ḫalub tree, a single tree,
28. gu2 i7 buranun-na ku3-ga-ka du3-a-bi
en: growing on the bank of the pure Euphrates,
29. i7 buranun-na a na8-na8-da-bi
en: being watered by the Euphrates.
30. a2 u18-lu ur2-ba mu-ni-in-bur12 pa-ba mu-ni-in-suh
en: The force of the south wind uprooted it and stripped its branches,
31. i7 buranun-na a im-ma-ni-ib-ra
en: and the Euphrates picked it up and carried it away.
32. munus-e inim an-na-ta ni2 te-a du
en: A woman, respectful of An’s words, was walking along;
33. inim {d}en-lil2-la2-ta ni2 te-a du
en: respectful of Enlil’s words, was walking along,
34. gesz szu-na mu-un-dab5 unu{ki}-sze3 ba-ni-in-ku4-re
en: and took the tree and into Unug,
35. {gesz}kiri6 gi-rin {d}inanna-sze3 im-ma-ni-in-ku4-ku4-re
en: into Inanna’s luxuriant garden brought it.
36. munus-e gesz szu-na li-bi2-in-du giri3-ni-ta bi2-in-du
en: The woman planted the tree not with her hands, but with her feet.
37. munus-e gesz szu-na a li-bi2-in-du11 giri3-ni-ta bi2-in-du11
en: The woman planted the tree not with her hands, but with her feet planted it.
38. me-na-am3 {gesz}gu-za gi-rin ba-ni-tusz-de3-en bi2-in-du11
en: “When will this be a luxuriant chair on which I can take a seat?” she said;
39. me-na-am3 gesz-nu2 gi-rin ba-ni-nu2-de3-en bi2-in-du11
en: “When this will be a luxuriant bed on which I can lie down?” she said;
40. mu 5(disz)-am3 mu 1(u)-am3 ba-e-zal-la re
en: 5 years, 10 years went by,
41. gesz ba-gur4 kusz-bi nu-mu-un-da-dar
en: the tree grew massive; its bark, however, did not split.
42. ur2-bi-a musz tu6 nu-zu-e gu4 im-ma-ni-ib-us2
en: At its roots, a snake immune to incantations made itself a nest.
43. pa-bi-a muszen anzu4{muszen}-de3 amar im-ma-ni-ib-gar
en: In its branches, the Anzud bird settled its young.
44. szab-bi-a ki-sikil lil2-la2-ke4 e2 im-ma-ni-ib-du3
en: In its trunk, the phantom maid built herself a dwelling,
45. ki-sikil zu2 li9-li9 sza3 hul2-hul2
en: the maid who laughs with a joyful heart.
46. ku3 {d}inanna-ke4 er2 e-ne ba-sze8-sze8
en: But silver Inanna cried!
47. u4 zal-le-da an-ur2 zalag-ge-da
en: When dawn was breaking, when the horizon became bright,
48. buru5 u4 zal-le szeg10 gi4-gi4-da
en: when the little birds, at the break of dawn, began to clamor,
49. {d}utu agrun-ta e3-a-ni
en: when Utu had left his bedchamber,
50. nin9-a-ni ku3 {d}inanna-ke4
en: his sister silver Inanna
51. ur-sag szul {d}utu-ra
en: to the young warrior Utu: said
52. szesz-gu10 u4 re-a na-ag2 ba-tar-ra-a-ba
en: “My brother, in those days when destiny was determined,
53. u4 he2-ma-al-la ka-na-ag2-ga2 ba-e-zal-la re
en: when abundance overflowed in the Land,
54. u4 an-ne2 an ba-an-ir-ra-a-ba
en: when An had taken the heavens for himself,
55. {d}mu-ul-lil2-le ki ba-an-ir-ra-a-ba
en: when Enlil had taken the earth for himself,
56. {d}ga-sza-an-ki-gal-la-ra kur-ra sag rig7-ga-sze3 im-ma-ab-rig7-ga-a-ba
en: when the nether world had been given to Ereškigala as a gift;
57. ba-u5-a-ba ba-u5-a-ba
en: when he set sail, when he set sail,
58. a-a kur-sze3 ba-u5-a-ba
en: when the father set sail for the nether world,
59. {d}am-an-ki kur-sze3 ba-u5-a-ba
en: when Enki set sail for the nether world—
60. u3-mu-un-ra tur-tur ba-an-da-ri
en: against the lord a storm of small hailstones arose,
61. {d}am-an-ki-ra gal-gal ba-an-da-ri
en: against Enki a storm of large hailstones arose.
62. tur-tur-bi na4 szu-a-kam
en: The small ones were light hammers,
63. gal-gal-bi na4 gi gu4-u4-da-kam
en: the large ones were like stones from catapults (?).
64. ur2 {gesz}ma2 tur-re {d}am-an-ki-ka3-ke4
en: The keel of Enki’s little boat was trembling
65. sze-en-bun2-na du7-am3 i3-szu2-szu2
en: as if it were being butted by turtles,
66. u3-mu-un-ra a {gesz}ma2-sag-ga2-ke4
en: against the lord the waves at the bow of the boat
67. ur-bar-ra-gin7 tesz2 mu-un-na-gu7-e
en: like wolves together were eating,
68. {d}am-an-ki-ra a {gesz}ma2-egir-ra-ke4
en: against Enki the waves at the stern of the boat were attacking Enki like a lion.”
69. ur-mah-gin7 sag gesz im-ra-ra
en: like a lion were attacking.”
70. u4-bi-a mu di-ta-am3 {gesz}ha-lu-ub2 di-ta gesz TUG2 di-ta-am3
en: “At that time, there was a single tree, a single ḫalub tree, a single tree (?),
71. gu2 i7 buranun-na ku3-ga-ka du3-a-ba
en: growing on the bank of the pure Euphrates,
72. i7 buranun-na a na8-na8-da-bi
en: being watered by the Euphrates.
73. a2 {tum9}u18-lu ur2-ba mu-ni-in-bur12 pa-ba mu-ni-in-suh
en: The force of the south wind uprooted it and stripped its branches,
74. i7 buranun-na a im-ma-ni-ib-ra
en: and the Euphrates picked it up and carried it away.
75. nu-nus e-ne-eg3 an-na-ta ni2 te-a du
en: I, a woman, respectful of An’s words, was walking along;
76. e-ne-eg3 {d}mu-ul-lil2-la2-ta ni2 te-a du
en: respectful of Enlil’s words, was walking along,
77. mu szu-ga2 mu-un-dab5 unu{ki}-sze3 ba-ni-in-ku4
en: and took the tree and brought it into Unug,
78. {gesz}kiri6 gi-rin ku3 ga-sza-an-na-sze3 im-ma-ni-in-ku4-ku4
en: into silver Inanna’s luxuriant garden.”
79. nu-nus-gen mu szu-ga2 li-bi2-in-du me-ri-gu10-ta bi2-in-du
en: “I, the woman, planted the tree not with my hands, but with my feet.
80. {d}ga-sza-an-na-gen mu szu-ga2 a li-bi2-in-de2 me-ri-gu10-ta a bi2-du
en: I, Inanna, planted the tree not with my hands, but with my feet.
81. me-na-am3 {gesz}gu-za gi-rin ba-ni-tusz-u3-de3-en bi2-in-du11
en: “When will this be a luxuriant chair on which I can take a seat?”
82. me-na-am3 gesz-nu2 gi-rin ba-ni-nu2-de3-en bi2-in-du11
en: “When will this be a luxuriant bed on which I can lie down?” she said;
83. mu 5(disz)-am3 mu 1(u)-am3 ba-e-zal-la re
en: 5 years, 10 years had gone by,
84. mu ba-gur4 kusz-bi nu-mu-un-da-dar
en: the tree had grown massive; its bark, however, did not split.
85. ur2-bi-a musz tu6 nu-zu-e gu4 im-ma-ni-ib-us2
en: At its roots, a snake immune to incantations made itself a nest.
86. pa-bi-a muszen anzu4{muszen} amar im-ma-ni-ib-gar
en: In its branches, the Anzu bird settled its young.
87. szab-ba-bi-a ki-sikil lil2-la2-ke4 e2 im-ma-ni-in-us2
en: In its trunk, the phantom maid built herself a dwelling,
88. ki-sikil zu2 li9-li9 sza3 hul2-hul2
en: the maid who laughs with a joyful heart.
89. ku3 {d}inanna-ke4 er2 e-ne ba-sze8-sze8
en: But silver Inanna cried!”
90. szesz-a-ni ur-sag szul {d}utu inim-bi nu-mu-de3-gub
en: Her brother, the young warrior Utu, however, did not stand by her in the matter.
91. u4 zal-le-da an-ur2 zalag-ge-de3
en: When dawn was breaking, when the horizon became bright,
92. muszen buru5{muszen} u4 zal-le szeg10 gi4-gi4-da
en: when the little birds, at the break of dawn, began to clamor,
93. {d}utu agrun-ta e3-a-ni
en: when Utu had left his bedchamber,
94. nin9-a-ni ku3 {d}inanna-ke4
en: his sister silver Inanna
95. ur-sag {d}gilgamesz2 gu3 mu-na-de2-e
en: to the warrior Gilgameš speaks:
96. szesz-gu10 u4 re-a na-ag2 ba-tar-ra-a-ba
en: “My brother, in those days when destiny was determined,
97. u4 he2-ma-al-la ka-na-ag2 ba-e-zal-la re
en: when abundance overflowed in the Land,
98. u4 an-ne2 an ba-an-ir-ra-a-ba
en: when An had taken the heavens for himself,
99. {d}mu-ul-lil2-le ki ba-an-ir-ra-a-ba
en: when Enlil had taken the earth for himself,
100. {d}ga-sza-an-ki-gal-la-ra kur-ra sag rig7-ga-sze3 im-ma-ab-rig7-ga-a-ba
en: when the nether world had been given to Ereškigala as a gift;
101. ba-u5-a-ba ba-u5-a-ba
en: when he set sail, when he set sail,
102. a-a kur-sze3 ba-u5-a-ba
en: when the father set sail for the nether world,
103. {d}am-an-ki kur-sze3 ba-u5-a-ba
en: when Enki set sail for the nether world—
104. u3-mu-un-ra tur-tur ba-an-da-ri
en: against the lord a storm of small hailstones arose,
105. {d}am-an-ki-ra gal-gal ba-an-da-ri
en: against Enki a storm of large hailstones arose.
106. tur-tur-bi na4 szu-kam
en: The small ones were light hammers,
107. gal-gal-bi na4 gi gu4-u4-da-kam
en: the large ones were like stones from catapults (?).
108. ur2 {gesz}ma2 tur-re {d}am-an-ki-ka3-ke4
en: The keel of Enki’s little boat
109. sze-en-bun2-na du7-am3 i3-szu2-szu2
en: as if it were being butted by turtles was trembling,
110. u3-mu-un-ra a {gesz}ma2-sag-ga2-ke4
en: against the lord the waves at the bow of the boat
111. ur-bar-ra-gin7 tesz2 mu-un-na-gu7-e
en: like wolves rose to devour
112. {d}am-an-ki-ra a {gesz}ma2-egir-ra-ke4
en: against Enki the waves at the stern of the boat
113. ur-mah-gin7 sag gesz im-ra-ra
en: like a lion were attacking.”
114. u4-bi-a mu di-ta-am3 {gesz}ha-lu-ub2 di-ta-am3 gesz TUG2 di-ta-am3
en: “At that time, there was a single tree, a single ḫalub tree, a single tree (?),
115. gu2 i7 buranun-na ku3-ga-ka du3-a-ba
en: growing on the bank of the pure Euphrates,
116. i7 buranun-na a na8-na8-da-bi
en: being watered by the Euphrates.
117. a2 {tum9}u18-lu ur2-ba mu-ni-in-bur12 pa-ba mu-un-ni-in-suh
en: The force of the south wind uprooted it and stripped its branches,
118. i7 buranun-na a im-ma-ni-ib-ra
en: and the Euphrates picked it up and carried it away.
119. nu-nus-e e-ne-eg3 an-na-ta ni2 te-a du
en: I, a woman, respectful of An’s words, was walking along;
120. e-ne-eg3 {d}mu-ul-lil2-la2-ta ni2 te-a du
en: respectful of Enlil’s words, was walking along,
121. mu szu-ga2 mu-un-dab5 unu{ki}-sze3 ba-an-ni-ku4
en: and took the tree and brought it into Unug,
122. {gesz}kiri6 gi-rin ga-sza-an-an-na-sze3 im-ma-ni-in-ku4-ku4-re
en: into Inanna’s luxuriant garden.”
123. nu-nus-e mu szu-na li-bi2-du11 giri3-ni-ta bi2-in-du
en: “The woman planted the tree not with her hands, but with her feet.
124. {d}ga-sza-an-na-ke4 mu szu-na a li-bi2-de2 giri3-ni-ta bi2-in-du
en: Inanna watered it using not her hands, but her feet.
125. me-na-am3 {gesz}gu-za gi-rin ba-ni-tusz-u3-de3-en bi2-in-du11
en: “When will this be a luxuriant chair on which I can take a seat?” she said;
126. me-na-am3 gesz-nu2 gi-rin ba-ni-nu2-de3-en bi2-in-du11
en: “When will this be a luxuriant bed on which I can lie down?” she said;
127. mu 5(disz)-am3 mu 1(u)-am3 ba-e-zal-la re
en: 5 years, 10 years had gone by,
128. mu ba-gur4 kusz-bi nu-mu-un-da-dar
en: the tree had grown massive; its bark, however, did not split.
129. ur2-bi-a musz tu6 nu-zu-e gu4 im-ma-ni-ib-us2
en: At its roots, a snake immune to incantations made itself a nest.
130. pa-bi-a muszen anzu4{muszen}-de3 amar-bi im-ma-ni-ib-gar
en: In its branches, the Anzu bird settled its young.
131. szab-ba-bi-a ki-sikil lil2-la2-ke4 e2 im-ma-ni-in-du3
en: In its trunk, the phantom maid built herself a dwelling,
132. ki-sikil zu2 li9-li9 sza3 hul2-hul2
en: the maid who laughs with a joyful heart.
133. ku3 {d}inanna-ke4 er2 e-ne ba-sze8-sze8
en: I, silver Inanna, cried!”
134. nin9-a-ni inim in-na-an-du11-ga
en: In the matter which his sister had told him about,
135. szesz-a-ni ur-sag {d}gilgamesz2 inim-bi ba-de3-gub
en: her brother, the warrior Gilgamesh, stood by her.
136. {tug2}ib2-ba-ru sza3-ba 5(u) ma-na-am3 ib2-ba-na ba-an-du3
en: to his waist his ... belt of 50 minas weight he strapped—
137. 5(u)-am3 3(u) gin2 ba-szi-in-ak
en: 50 minas were to him as 30 shekels.
138. {uru4}ha-zi-in-na-ni har-ra-an-na-ka-ni
en: His bronze axe used for expeditions,
139. 7(asz) gun2 7(disz) ma-na-ka-ni szu-ni-a ba-an-dab5
en: which weighs 7 talents and 7 minas, in his hand he took;
140. ur2-bi-a musz tu6 nu-zu-e sag gesz ba-an-ra
en: He killed the snake immune to incantations living at its roots.
141. pa-bi-a muszen anzu4{muszen}-de3 amar-bi szu ba-an-ti hur-sag-sze3 ba-an-ku4
en: The Anzu bird living in its branches took up its young and went into the mountains.
142. szab-ba-bi-a ki-sikil lil2-la2-ke4 e2 im-ma-an-ni-in-zal
en: The phantom maid living in its trunk left (?) her dwelling
143. e2-ri-e2-ri-sze3 ba-an-kar-kar-re
en: and sought refuge in the wilderness.
144. gesz ur2-ba mu-ni-in-bur12 pa-ba mu-ni-in-suh
en: As for the tree, he uprooted it and stripped its branches,
145. dumu iri-na mu-un-de3-re7-esz-am3
en: and the sons of his city, who went with him,
146. pa-bi i3-ku5-ru-ne zu2 ba-kesz2-re-ne
en: cut up its branches and bundled them
147. nin9-a-ni ku3 {d}inanna-ra {gesz}gu-za-ni-sze3 mu-na-ab-szum2-mu
en: He gave it to his sister silver Inanna for her chair.
148. gesz-nu2-da-ni-sze3 mu-na-ab-szum2-mu
en: He gave it to her for her bed.
149. e-ne ur2-bi {gesz}ellag-a-ni-sze3 ba-da-ab-dim2-e
en: As for himself, from its roots, he manufactured his ball (?)
150. pa-bi {gesz}e-ke4-ma-ni-sze3 ba-ab-dim2-e
en: and, from its branches, he manufactured his mallet (?).
151. {gesz}ellag al du11-du11-ge sila ur3-ra {gesz}ellag na-mu-un-e
en: He played with the ball (?) in the broad square, never wanting to stop playing it,
152. ni2 silim du11-du11-ge sila ur3-ra ni2 silim na-mu-un-e
en: and he praised himself in the broad square, never wanting to stop praising himself.
152a. gurusz iri-na-ka {gesz}ellag al du11-du11-ga-ne
en: The young men of his city were playing with the ball (?).
153. e-ne erin2 dumu nu-mu-un-su-a-ke4-ne TUM-ba u5-a
en: For (?) him who made the team of the widows’ children ...,
154. a gu2-gu10 a ib2-ba-gu10 a-nir im-ga2-ga2-ne
en: they lamented: “O my neck! O my hips!”
155. ama tuku dumu-ni-ir ninda mu-na-ab-de6
en: For those that had a mother, bread for her son she brought;
156. nin9 tuku szesz-a-ni-ir a mu-na-de2-e
en: for those that had a sister, she poured water for her brother.
157. u2-sa11-an-e um-ma-te-a-ra
en: As the evening came,
158. ki {gesz}ellag gar-ra-ka-ni gesz-hur in-hur-re
en: he marked the spot where the ball (?) had been placed,
159. {gesz}ellag-a-ni igi-ni-a mu-ni-in-il2 e2-a-ni-sze3 mu-un-de6
en: and he picked up his ball (?) from in front of him and took it home.
160. a2-gu2-zi-ga-ta ki gesz-hur in-hur-ra TUM-ba u5-a
en: But early in the morning as he ... the place marked,
161. szu du3-du3-a nu-mu-un-su-a-ta
en: the widows’ accusation
162. i-{d}utu ki-sikil tur-ra-ta
en: and the young girls’ complaint
163. {gesz}ellag-a-ni u3 {gesz}e-ke4-ma-ni dur2 kur-ra-sze3 ba-da-an-szub
en: caused his ball (?) and his mallet (?) to fall down to the bottom of the nether world.
163a. [...]-da-ta sa2 nu-mu-da-ab-du11
en: He could not reach them by ...
164. szu-ni mu-ni-in-du11 sa2 nu-mu-un-da-du11
en: He tried with his hand but could not reach them,
165. giri3-ni mu-ni-in-du11 sa2 nu-mu-un-da-du11
en: tried with his foot but could not reach them.
166. abul ganzer igi kur-ra-ka dur2 im-ma-ni-in-gar
en: At the gate of Ganzer, in front of the nether world, he sat down.
167. {d}gilgamesz2 er2 im-ma-an-pa3 szex(SIG7)-szex(SIG7) i3-ga2-ga2
en: Gilgamesh wept, crying bitterly:
168. a {gesz}ellag-gu10 a {gesz}e-ke4-ma-gu10
en: “O my ball (?)! O my mallet (?)!
169. {gesz}ellag la-la-bi nu-mu-un-gi4-a-gu10
en: My ball (?), I am still not satiated with its charms,
170. eszemen di nu-mu-un-sug4-ga-gu10
en: the game with it has not yet palled for me!
171. u4-ba {gesz}ellag-gu10 e2 nagar-ra-ka nu-usz-ma-da-gal2-am3
en: If only my ball (?) waited still in the carpenter’s house for me!
172. dam nagar-ra ama ugu-gu10-gin7 nu-usz-ma-da-gal2-la-am3
en: I would treat the carpenter’s wife like my own mother—
173. dumu nagar-ra nin9 banda3{da}-gu10-gin7 nu-usz-ma-da-gal2-la-am3
en: I would treat the carpenter’s child like my little sister!
174. {gesz}ellag-gu10 kur-sze3 mu-da-szub a-ba-a ma-ra-ab-e11-de3
en: My ball (?) has fallen down to the nether world—who will retrieve it for me?
175. {gesz}e-ke4-ma-gu10 ganzer-sze3 mu-da-szub a-ba-a ma-ra-ab-e11-de3
en: My mallet (?) has fallen down to Ganzer—who will retrieve it for me?
176. ARAD-da-ni en-ki-du10-e inim mu-un-ni-ib-gi4-gi4
en: His servant Enkidu answered:
177. lugal-gu10 er2 e-ne ba-sze8-sze8 sza3 hul a-na-asz mu-e-dim2
en: “My king, you weep; why does your heart worry?
178. u4-da {gesz}ellag-zu kur-ta ge26-e ga-mu-ra-ab-e11-de3
en: Today I shall retrieve your ball (?) from the nether world,
179. {gesz}e-ke4-ma-zu ganzer-ta ge26-e ga-mu-ra-ab-e11-de3
en: I shall retrieve your mallet (?) from Ganzer.”
180. {d}gilgamesz2-e en-ki-du10-ra inim mu-un-na-ni-ib-gi4
en: Gilgamesh answered Enkidu:
181. tukum-bi u4-da kur-sze3 mu-ni-in-e11-de3
en: “If today you are going to go down to the nether world,
182. na ga-de5 na de5-gu10 he2-dab5
en: let me advise you! My instructions should be followed.
183. inim ga-ra-ab-du11 inim-gu10-sze3 gesztu2-zu
en: Let me talk to you! Pay attention to my words!"
184. tug2 dan2-dan2-na-zu na-an-mu4-mu4-un
en: “You should not put on your clean garments:
185. gir5-gin7 {gesz}kim na-an-ni-ib-e3-esz
en: they would recognise immediately that you are alien.
186. i3 du10-ga bur-ra na-an-sze22-sze22-en
en: You should not anoint yourself with fine oil from a bowl:
187. ir-si-im-bi-sze3 nam-mu-e-nigin2-nigin2-ne-esz
en: they would surround you at its scent.
188. {gesz}ilar kur-ra nam-mu-e-sag3-ge
en: You should not hurl throw-sticks in the nether world:
189. lu2 {gesz}ilar ra-a nam-mu-e-nigin2-nigin2-ne-esz
en: those struck down by the throw-sticks would surround you.
190. {gesz}ma-nu szu-za nam-ba-e-ga2-ga2-an
en: You should not not hold a cornel-wood stick in your hand:
191. gidim ba-e-de3-ur4-re-esz
en: the spirits would feel insulted by you.
192. {kusz}e-sir2 giri3-za nam-mu-e-si-ge
en: You should not put sandals on your feet.
193. kur-ra gu3 nam-mu-un-ga2-ga2-an
en: You should not shout in the nether world.
194. dam ki ag2-ga2-zu ne na-an-su-ub-be2-en
en: You should not kiss your beloved wife.
195. dam hul gig-ga-zu nig2 nam-mu-ra-ra-an
en: You should not hit your wife even if you are annoyed with her.
196. dumu ki-ag2-zu ne na-an-su-ub-be2-en
en: You should not kiss your beloved child.
197. dumu hul gig-ga-zu nig2 nam-mu-ra-ra-an
en: You should not hit your son even if you are annoyed with him.
198. i-{d}utu kur-ra ba-e-dab5-be2
en: The outcry aroused would detain you in the nether world.”
199. i3-nu2-a-ra i3-nu2-a-ra
en: “She who lies there, she who lies there,
200. ama {d}nin-a-zu i3-nu2-a-ra
en: Ninazu’s mother who lies there—
201. mur ku3-ga-na tug2 nu-um-dul
en: her pure shoulders are not covered with a garment,
202. gaba ku3-ga-na gada nu-um-bur2
en: and no linen is spread over her pure breast.
203. szu-si-ni uru4 lub-gin7 an-da-gal2
en: She has fingers like a pickaxe,
204. siki-ni ga-rasz{sar}-gin7 i3-guru5-guru5
en: she plucks her hair out like leeks.”
205. en-ki-du10 inim lugal-la-na-asz szu nu-um-ma-gi7-i
en: Enkidu, however, did not heed not his master’s words.
206. tug2 dan2-dan2-na-ni im-ma-an-mur10
en: He put on his clean garments
207. gir5-gin7 {gesz}kim im-ma-an-ne-esz
en: and they recognised that he was alien.
208. i3 du10-ga {na4}bur-ra im-ma-an-szesz4
en: He anointed himself with fine oil from a bowl
209. ir-si-im-bi-sze3 im-ma-an-nigin2-nigin2-ne-esz
en: and they surrounded him at its scent.
210. {gesz}ilar kur-ra im-ma-an-sag3-ge
en: He hurled throw-sticks in the nether world
211. lu2 {gesz}ilar ra-a im-ma-an-nigin2-nigin2-ne-esz
en: and those struck down by the throw-sticks surrounded him.
212. {gesz}ma-nu szu-na im-ma-ni-in-gar
en: He held a cornel-wood stick in his hand
213. gidim ba-an-da-ur4-re-esz
en: and the spirits felt insulted by him.
214. {kusz}e-sir2 giri3-na im-ma-ni-in-si
en: He put sandals on his feet.
215. kur-ra tuku4-tuku4 im-ma-ni-in-gar
en: He caused irritation in the nether world.
216. dam ki ag2-ga2-ni ne im-ma-an-su-ub
en: He kissed his beloved wife
217. dam hul gig-ga-ni nig2 im-ma-ni-in-ra
en: and hit his wife when he was annoyed with her.
218. dumu ki-ag2-ga2-ni ne im-ma-an-su-ub
en: He kissed his beloved child
219. dumu hul gig-ga-ni nig2 im-ma-ni-in-ra
en: and hit his son when he was annoyed with him.
220. i-{d}utu kur-ra im-ma-an-dab5
en: He aroused an outcry and was detained in the nether world.
221. ur-sag {d}gilgamesz2 dumu {d}nin-sumun2-na-ke4
en: The warrior Gilgamesh, son of Ninsumun,
222. e2-kur-re e2 {d}en-lil2-la2-sze3 giri3-ni dili mu-un-gub
en: directed his steps on his own to E-kur, the temple of Enlil.
223. igi {d}en-lil2-la2-sze3 er2 im-ma-sze8-sze8
en: He cried before Enlil:
224. a-a {d}en-lil2 {gesz}ellag-gu10 kur-sze3 mu-da-an-szub {gesz}e-ke4-ma-gu10 ganzer-sze3 mu-da-an-szub
en: “Father Enlil, my ball (?) fell down into the nether world, my mallet (?) fell down into Ganzer.
225. en-ki-du10 e11-de3 i3-gi4 kur-re im-ma-an-dab5
en: Enkidu went down to retrieve them but the nether world has seized him.
226. nam-tar nu-un-dab5 a2-sag3 nu-un-dab5 kur-re im-ma-an-dab5
en: Namtar did not seize him, the Asag did not seize him; but the nether world has seized him.
227. {d}udug {d}nergal sag szu nu-du7 nu-mu-un-dab5 kur-re im-ma-an-dab5
en: The udug demon of Nergal, who spares nobody, did not seize him, but the nether world has seized him.
228. ki nam-nita-a-ke4 me3-a nu-un-szub kur-re im-ma-an-dab5
en: He did not fall in battle on the field of manhood, but the nether world has seized him.”
229. a-a {d}en-lil2 inim-bi nu-mu-de3-gub eridu{ki}-sze3 ba-gen
en: Father Enlil did not stand by him in the matter, so he went to Eridu.
230. eridu{ki} e2 {d}en-ki-ka3-sze3 giri3-ni dili mu-un-gub
en: In Eridu he directed his steps on his own to the temple of Enki.
231. igi {d}en-ki-ka3-sze3 er2 im-ma-sze8-sze8
en: He cried before Enki:
232. a-a {d}en-ki {gesz}ellag-gu10 kur-sze3 mu-da-an-szub {gesz}e-ke4-ma-gu10 ganzer-sze3 mu-da-an-szub
en: “Father Enki, my ball (?) fell down into the nether world, my mallet (?) fell down into Ganzer.
233. en-ki-du10 e11-de3 i3-gi4-en kur-re im-ma-an-dab5
en: Enkidu went down to retrieve them but the nether world has seized him.
234. nam-tar nu-un-dab5 a2-sag3 nu-un-dab5 kur-re im-ma-an-dab5
en: Namtar did not seize him, the Asag did not seize him; but the nether world has seized him.
235. {d}udug {d}nergal sag szu nu-du7 nu-mu-un-dab5 kur-re im-ma-an-dab5
en: The udug demon of Nergal, who spares nobody, did not seize him, but the nether world has seized him.
236. ki nam-nita-a-ke4 me3-a nu-un-szub kur-re im-ma-an-dab5
en: He did not fall in battle on the field of manhood, but the nether world has seized him.”
237. a-a {d}en-ki inim-bi ba-e-de3-gub
en: Father Enki stood by him in this matter.
238. ur-sag szul {d}utu-ra dumu {d}nin-gal-e tu4-da gu3 mu-na-de2-e
en: He said to the young warrior Utu, the son born by Ningal:
239. i3-ne-esz2 ab-lal3 kur-ra gal2 u3-bi2-in-tak4
en: “Open a window in the nether world immediately,
240. szubur-a-ni kur-ta e11-de3-mu-na-ab
en: and then bring up his servant from the nether world!”
241. ab-lal3 kur-ra gal2 im-ma-an-tak4
en: He opened a window in the nether world
242. si-si-ig-ni-ta szubur-a-ni kur-ta mu-da-ra-ab-e11-de3
en: and brought up his servant with his breeze (?) from the nether world.
243. gu2-ni gu2-da mu-ni-in-la2 ne mu-un-su-ub-be2
en: They hugged and kissed.
244. en3 tar-re im-mi-in-kusz2-u3-ne
en: They wearied each other with questions:
245. a2-ag2-ga2 kur-ra igi bi2-du8
en: “Did you see the order of the nether world?
246. nu-usz-ma-ab-be2-en gu5-li-gu10 nu-usz-ma-be2-en
en: If only you would tell me, my friend, if only you would tell me!”
247. tukum-bi a2-ag2-ga2 kur-ra mu-ra-ab-be2-en
en: “If I tell you the order of the nether world,
248. za-e tusz-a er2 ge26-e ga-tusz ga-er2
en: si yourself down and weep! I shall sit down and weep!
249. x szu bi2-in-tag-ga sza3-zu ba-e-hul2
en: ..., which your heart rejoiced to touch,
250. [...]-szi?-du-un bi2-in-du11
en: is ...,
251. [...] tug2 sumun-a-gin7 uh bi2-in-tag
en: worms infest it like an old garment (?);
252. [...] ki-in-dar-ra-gin7 sahar-ra a-ab-si
en: like ... of (?) a crevice, it is full of dust.”
253. en-e u8 bi2-in-du11 sahar-ra ba-da-an-tusz
en: “Alas!” he said and sat down in the dust.
254. lu2 dumu-ni 1(disz)-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak
en: “Did you see him who had 1 son?” “I saw him.” “How does he fare?”
255. {gesz}gag e2-gar8-a-na ab-du3-a gig-ga i-i
en: “He weeps bitterly at the wooden peg which was driven into his wall.”
256. lu2 dumu-ni 2(disz)-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak
en: “Did you see him who had 2 sons?” “I saw him.” “How does he fare?”
257. szeg12 2(disz)-a al-tusz ninda al-gu7-e
en: “He sits on 2 bricks, eating bread.”
258. lu2 dumu-ni 3(disz)-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak
en: “Did you see him who had 3 sons?” “I saw him.” “How does he fare?”
259. {kusz}ummu4 dag-si-ke4 a al-na8-na8
en: “He drinks water from a saddle waterskin.”
260. lu2 dumu-ni 4(disz)-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak
en: “Did you see him who had 4 sons?” “I saw him.” “How does he fare?”
261. lu2 ansze 4(disz) la2-gin7 sza3-ga-ni al-hul2
en: “His heart rejoices like a man who has four asses to yoke.”
262. lu2 dumu-ni 5(disz)-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak
en: “Did you see him who had 5 sons?” “I saw him.” “How does he fare?”
263. dub-sar sa6-ga-gin7 a2-ni gal2 bi2-in-tak4 e2-gal si sa2-bi ba-an-ku4-ku4
en: “Like a good scribe he is indefatigable, he enters the palace easily.”
264. lu2 dumu-ni 6(disz)-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak
en: “Did you see him who had 6 sons?” “I saw him.” “How does he fare?”
265. lu2 {gesz}apin-la2-gin7 sza3-ga-ni al-hul2
en: “He is a cheerful as a ploughman.”
266. lu2 dumu-ni 7(disz)-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak
en: “Did you see him who had 7 sons?” “I saw him.” “How does he fare?”
267. dub-us2 dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 {gesz}gu-za ib2-tusz di-da gesz ba-tuku
en: “As a companion of the gods, he sits on a throne and listens to judgments.”
268. tiru-e igi bi2-du8-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak
en: “Did you see the palace eunuch?” “I saw him.” “How does he fare?”
269. pa a-la-la hur-ra-gin7 ub-du11-ga-a ab-us2
en: “Like a useless alala stick he is propped in a corner.”
270. munus nu-u3-tu4 igi bi2-du8-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak
en: “Did you see the woman who never gave birth?” “I saw her.” “How does she fare?”
271. {dug}zal-lil2-da-gin7 ti-na i3-guru4 lu2 nu-mu-un-hul2-e
en: “Like a ... pot, she is thrown away violently, she gives no man joy.”
272. gurusz tur ur2 dam-na-ka tug2 nu-ub-si-ge igi bi2-du8-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak
en: “Did you see the young man who never undressed his wife?” “I saw him.” “How does he fare?”
273. esz2-szu-ak szu im-mi-du7-un esz2-szu-ak-ba er2 im-mi-in-sze8-sze8
en: “You finish a rope, and he weeps over the rope.”
274. ki-sikil ur2 dam-na-ka tug2 nu-ub-si-ge igi bi2-du8-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak
en: “Did you see the young woman who never undressed her husband?” “I saw her.” “How does she fare?”
275. gi-szu-ak szu im-mi-du7-un gi-szu-ak er2 mi-in-sze8-sze8
en: “You finish a reed mat, and she weeps over the reed mat.”
276. lu2 ibila nu-tuku igi bi2-du8-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak
en: “Did you see him who had no heir?” “I saw him.” “How does he fare?”
277. szeg12 {gesz}KID-ra-gin7 ninda al-gu7-e
en: “Like him who ... bricks (?), he eats bread.”
278. x [...] igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak
en: “...?” “I saw him.” “How does he fare?”
279. [...] um x x
en: ...
280. [...]
en: ...
281. [...]
en: ...
282. [...]
en: ...
283. [...]
en: ...
284. [...]
en: ...
285. [...]
en: ...
286. lu2 [...] ba? [...] igi bi2-du8-am3
en: “Did you see ...?”
287. u2-ni al-bar a-ni al-bar u2 gi7 al-gu7-e a gi7 al-na8-na8
en: “His food is set apart, his water is set apart, he eats the food offered (?) to him, he drinks the water offered (?) to him.”
287a. lu2 ur-mah-e gu7-a igi bi2-du8-am3
en: “Did you see him who was eaten by a lion?”
287b. a szu-gu10 a giri3-gu10 gig-ga-bi im-me
en: “He cries bitterly “O my hands! O my legs!”
287c. lu2 ur3 szub-ba igi bi2-du8-am3
en: “Did you see him who fell down from the roof?”
287d. giri3-pad-ra2-ni szu NE nu-ub-be2-esz
en: “They cannot ... his bones.”
288. lu2 sahar-szub-ba igi bi2-du8-am3
en: “Did you see the leprous man?”
289. gu4-gin7 al-dub2 uh im-da-gu7-e
en: “He twitches like an ox as the worms eat at him.”
290. lu2 me3-a szub-ba igi bi2-in-du8-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak
en: “Did you see him who fell in battle?” “I saw him.” “How does he fare?”
291. ad ama-ni sag-du nu-mu-un-dab5 dam-a-ni er2 i3-sze8-sze8
en: “His father and mother are not there to hold his head, and his wife weeps.”
292. gidim lu2 ninda sig10-ge5 nu-tuku igi bi2-du8-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak
en: “Did you see the spirit of him who has no funerary offerings?” “I saw him.” “How does he fare?”
293. szu su-ub-be2 ninda pad-pad-ra2 PA-a sila szub-ba i3-gu7-e
en: “He eats the scraps and the crumbs ... tossed out in the street.”
293a. [...] x er2 bi2-du8-am3
en: ...
293b. [...] x [...] x [...]
en: ...
294. lu2 {gesz}ma2-du3 ra igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak
en: “Did you see him hit by a ship’s board? How does he fare?”
295. a2-sze ama-gu10 lu2 he2-en-na-ab-be2
en: “Alas, my mother!” the man cries to her,
296. {gesz}ma2-du3 bur12-ra-ni a he2-em-mi-dab-be2?-esz
en: as he pulls out the ship’s board ...,
297. {gesz}sag-du ninda pad-pad-ra2-ni nig2 mu-ni-gu-ul-e
en: he ... cross beam ... crumbs.”
298. nigar{gar} tur-tur-gu10 ni2-ba nu-zu igi bi2-du8-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak
en: “Did you see my little stillborn children who never knew existence?” “I saw them.” “How do they fare?”
299. {gesz}banszur ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar lal3 i3-nun-ta e-ne im-di-e-ne
en: “They play at a table of gold and silver, laden with honey and ghee.”
300. lu2 ug7-am3? x x-na i3-usz2 igi bi2-du8-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak
en: “Did you see him who died ...?” “I saw him.” “How does he fare?”
301. ki gesz-nu2 dingir-re-e-na al-nu2
en: “He lies on a bed of the gods.”
302. lu2 izi la2 igi bi2-du8-am3 igi nu-mu-ni-du8-am3
en: “Did you see him who was set on fire?” “I did not see him.
303. gidim-a-ni nu-gal2 i-bi2-ni an-na ba-e-e11
en: His spirit is not about. His smoke went up to the sky.”
Composite No.: Q000386
Primary Publication:
Collection: —
Museum no.: —
Provenience: —
Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)
Object Type: —
Material: —
atf: lang sux
object composite text
m=A version from Nibru
surface a
1. [...]-ta kalam tesz2-a mi-ni-ib-x
en: ... entire land ...,
2. [...]-in?-sag3 e2-gal im-se3-se3
en: ... struck, the palace was devastated.
3. [...] sag-ge6 tusz-a-ba ni2 ul4-la bi2-ib2-te
en: ... panic spread rapidly among the dwellings of the black-headed people.
4. x x x x x ki-szub-ba-bi ki-en-gi-ra bi2-ib-gar
en: ... abandoned places ... in Sumer.
5. x nig2-dagal-ba iri ba-an-gul ug3-e ni2 bi2-in-te
en: ... the cities were destroyed in their entirety; the people were seized with panic.
6. uri5{ki}-ma hul-gal2 im-szi-DU sipa zi ba-ra-ab-e3
en: Evil came upon Ur and made the trustworthy shepherd pass away.
7. sipa zi ur-{d}namma ba-ra-ab-e3 sipa zi ba-ra-ab-e3
en: It made Ur-Namma, the trustworthy shepherd, pass away; it made the trustworthy shepherd pass away.
8. an-ne2 inim ku3-ga du3-a mu-un-kur2 sza3 AN x su3-ga-am3
en: Because An had altered his holy words completely, ... became empty,
9. {d}en-lil2-le nam tar-ra du3-a szu lul mi-ni-ib-bala
en: and because, deceitfully, Enlil had completely changed the fate he decreed,
10. {d}nin-mah-e x x x |LA2.A.BA|-na a-nir mu-un-ga2-ga2
en: Ninmaḫ began a lament in her ...
11. {d}en-ki-ke4 {gesz}ig gal eridu{ki}-ga gu2-bi ba-an-gi4
en: Enki shut (?) the great door of Eridug.
12. {d}nu-dim2-mud itima{ma}-a-ka ba-an-ku4 sza3-ka-tab-ba ba-an-nu2
en: Nudimmud withdrew into his bedchamber and lay down fasting.
13. inim x an-na-ka? {d}nanna si-un3-na sag-ki ba-da-ni-in-gid2
en: At his zenith, Nanna frowned at the ... words of An.
14. {d}utu an-na? nu-um-e3-e u4-de3 i-si-isz im-la2
en: Utu did not come forth in the sky, and the day was full of sorrow.
15. ama dumu-ni-sze3 hul ti-la-e
en: The mother, miserable because of her son,
16. ama lugal-la ku3 {d}nin-sumun2-na a sza3-gu10 im-me
en: the mother of the king, holy Ninsumun, was crying: “Oh my heart!.”
17. nam? ur-{d}namma mu-un-tar-ra-sze3
en: Because of the fate decreed for Ur-Namma,
18. mu sipa zi ba-ra-ab-e3-a-sze3
en: because it made the trustworthy shepherd pass away,
19. sila dagal ki-a-ne-di gal2-la-ba er2 gig i3-sze8-sze8
en: she was weeping bitterly in the broad square, which is otherwise a place of entertainment.
20. nam-lu2-ulu3 x li-bi [...] x x u3 du10 nu-mu-un-ku-ku
en: Sweet sleep did not come to the people whose happiness ...;
21. i-lu sipa zi ba-dab5-ba-na u4 mi-ni-ib-zal-e
en: they passed their time in lamentation over the trustworthy shepherd who had been snatched away.
22. a-esztub i7-da de2-a-bi ku3-gal2-bi ba-si
en: As the early flood was filling the canals, their canal-inspector was already silenced (?);
23. sze gu-nu a-gar3-re mu2-a-bi zi kalam-ma ba-su
en: the mottled barley grown on the arable lands, the life of the land, was inundated.
24. engar gan2 zi-de3 gub-x-ni mu-na-ab-tur-re
en: To the farmer, the fertile fields planted (?) by him yielded little.
25. {d}en-ki-im-du lugal e pa5-ra-ke4 uri2{ki}-ta? e pa5 ba-da-an-kar
en: Enkimdu, the lord of levees and ditches, took away the levees and ditches from Ur.
26. NA? [...] x x x PI x [...] x ki bi2-in-tag
en: ...
27. umusz [...] kalam-ma u2-gu im-ma-an-de2? u2 nir-gal2 ba-su3
en: As the intelligence and ... of the Land were lost, fine food became scarce.
28. edin-edin-e u2 sa6?-ga nu-mu-un-mu2 u2-a-nir ba-an-mu2
en: The plains did not grow lush grass any more, they grew the grass of mourning.
29. ab2-e? x [...] mu-un-x tur3 x-bi ba-gul
en: he cows ..., their ... cattle-pen has been destroyed.
30. amar ab2-szilam-[...] mur gig-ga-bi im-sza4
en: The calves ... their cows bleated bitterly.
31. sipa ku3-zu [...] x A [...] x a2? nu-mu-da-an-ag2-e
en: The wise shepherd ... does not give orders any more.
32. me3 szen-szen-na ... A SI A ba-da-ab-tab?-e?
en: ... in battle and combat.
33. lugal ka-mud-gal2 ki-en-gi-ra me-te ukken-na
en: The king, the advocate of Sumer, the ornament of the assembly,
34. ur-{d}namma ka-mud-gal2 ki-en-gi-ra me-te? ukken-na
en: Ur-Namma, the advocate of Sumer, the ornament of the assembly,
35. mas-su ki-en-gi-ra-ke4? [...] i3-nu2 tu-ra-am3
en: the leader of Sumer, ... lies sick.
36. szu-ni dab5-ba nu-mu-un-dab5? in-nu2 tu-ra-am3
en: His hands which used to grasp cannot grasp any more, he lies sick.
37. giri3-ni x x nu-um-un-da-dib? i3-nu2 tu-ra-am3
en: His feet ... cannot step any more, he lies sick.
38. [...] x x IM x USZ [...] sag? ME ba-BU
en: ...
39. sipa zi lugal gir2 gal ki-en-gi-ra-ke4
en: The trustworthy shepherd, king, the sword of Sumer,
40. ur-{d}namma lugal kalam-ma-ke4 e2-sumur-ra ba-an-te
en: Ur-Namma, the king of the Land, was taken to the ... house.
41. uri2{ki}-ma im-te ur-{d}namma e2-zu2-ra-ah-a x-ku4
en: He was taken to Ur; the king of the Land was brought into the ... house.
42. sag-ku3-gal2 e2-gal-a-na i3-nu2
en: The proud one lay in his palace.
43. ur-{d}namma lu2 erin2-e ki ag2-ga2 gu2 nu-mu-un-da-zi-ge
en: Ur-Namma, he who was beloved by the troops, could not raise his neck any more.
44. igi-gal2 x x-ra i3-nu2 gesz-la2-bi im-DU
en: The wise one ... lay down; silence descended.
45. tesz2 kalam-ma-ka ba-szub{ub} hur-sag-gin7 ba-gul
en: As he, who was the vigour of the Land, had fallen, the Land became demolished like a mountain;
46. tir ha-szu-ur2-ra-gin7 im-ma-su3 me-dim2-bi ba-kur2
en: like a cypress forest it was stripped, its appearance changed.
47. {gesz}taskarin-gin7 ki-tusz giri17-zal-la-na gin2 mu-ni-in-gar-re-esz
en: As if he were a boxwood tree, they put axes against him in his joyous dwelling place.
48. {gesz}erin duru5-gin7 e2-gal-la nu2-a mu-ni-in-bala-bala-e-ne
en: As if he were a sappy cedar tree, he was uprooted in the palace where he used to sleep (?).
49. ki-nu2 gidlam(|MUNUS.USZ.DAM|)-a-ni ba-x x x x u18-lu-da ba-da-dul
en: His spouse ... resting place;
50. szesz-a-ni-da dam-a-ni-gin7 gu2-da? am3-mi-ib-la2
en: ... was covered by a storm; it embraced it like a wife her sweetheart (?).
51. u4 du11-ga-ni sa2 mu-ni-ib?-du11 a-la-na ba-ra-e3
en: His appointed time had arrived, and he passed away in his prime.
52. siskur2 nig2 du10-ga la-ba-an-tag-ge szu gig ba-ni-x-gid2
en: His (?) pleasing sacrifices were no longer accepted; they were treated as dirty (?).
53. kadra-ni {d}a-nun-na-ke4-ne inim im-ma-an-gi4-x
en: The Anuna gods refused his gifts.
54. an musz3?-am3 x la-ba-e-gub u4-bi la-ba-ni-ib-si
en: An did not stand by an “It is enough", and he could not complete his (?) days.
55. inim {d}en-lil2-la2 du11-ga-sze3 ur5 zi-zi la-ba-gal2
en: Because of what Enlil ordered, there was no more rising up;
56. nam?-lu2-ulu3?-ni ki ba-ag2-ga2-bi igi-gal2-bi ba-kur2
en: his beloved men lost their wise one.
57. x x-la lu2 nu-zu-u3-e-ne i-im-bala-bala-e-ne
en: Strangers turned into (?) ...
58. a-gin7 ki-lul-la ur-{d}namma dug gaz-gin7 a-ba-ni-in-tak4-asz
en: How iniquitously Ur-Namma was abandoned, like a broken jar!
59. x x-a-ni |IM.U4| sir2-da-gin7 gal-bi im-szi-DU
en: His ... with grandeur like (?) thick clouds (?).
60. x x x x nu-ga2-ga2-a nig2 sza3-ge szu nu-gid2-i im-me
en: He does not ... any more, and he does not reach out for ...
61. x x x ur-{d}namma me-li-e-a nam-gu10
en: ... Ur-Namma, alas, what is it to me?
62. a-ra-li ki sag-ki kalam-ma-sze3
en: To Arali, the pre-eminent place of the Land,
63. ur-{d}namma dumu {d}nin-sumun2-ka hi-li-na ba-da-de6
en: Ur-Namma, the son of Ninsumun, was brought in his prime.
64. erin2 lugal-da i3-re7-esz-a er2 mu-da-ab-us2-e
en: The soldiers accompanying the king shed tears:
65. dilmun{ki}-gin7 kur ki nu-zu-na {gesz}ma2-bi ba-da-ab-su
en: their boat (i.e. Ur-Namma) was sunk in a land as foreign to them as Dilmun.
66. SZU MIN GAG E-E SZE3 ba-da-ab-ku5
en: ... was cut.
67. {gesz}gisal {gesz}gi-musz {gesz}zi-gan gal2-la-bi gu2-guru5 ba-ab-du11
en: It was stripped of the oars, punting poles and rudder which it had.
68. {gesz}x x x-na DUB ba-da-tab {gesz}sag-kul-bi ba-ku5
en: ...; its bolt was broken off.
69. {gesz}x x x A IGI MIN? SU ba-da-gar sahar ses-a ba-gub
en: ... was put aside; it stood (?) in saltpetre.
70. lugal x ansze-ni ba-da-dur2-ru ansze ki mu-un-di-ni-ib-tum2
en: His donkeys were to be found with the king; they were buried with him.
71. ur-{d}namma x ansze-ni ba-da-dur2-ru ansze ki mu-un-di-ni-ib-tum2
en: His donkeys were to be found with Ur-Namma; they were buried with him.
72. gesz? x kalam-ma-ke4 ba-da-bala tesz2 kalam-ma ba-kur2
en: As he crossed over the ... of the Land, the Land was deprived of its ornament.
73. kaskal kur-ra in-di3 su3-ga-am3
en: The journey to the nether world is a desolate route.
74. lugal-da {gesz}gigir ba-da-szu2 har-ra-an im-ma-da-suh3 szu nu-um-ma-nigin2-nigin2
en: Because of the king, the chariots were covered over, the roads were thrown into disorder, no one could go up and down on them.
75. ur-{d}namma-da {gesz}gigir ba-da-szu2 har-ra-an im-ma-da-suh3 szu nu-um-ma-nigin2-nigin2
en: ecause of Ur-Namma, the chariots were covered over, the roads were thrown into disorder, no one could go up and down on them.
76. i3-du8 gal kur-ra 7(disz)-bi nig2-ba ba-ab-szum2-mu
en: He presented gifts to the seven chief porters of the nether world.
77. lugal mu tuku ba-ug5-ge-esz-a
en: As the famous kings who had died
78. iszib lu2-mah nin-dingir ug5-ga masz2-e ba-dab5-ba
en: and the dead išib priests, lumaḫ priests, and nindigir priestesses, all chosen by extispicy,
79. lugal gen-na-ni ug3 mu-un-zu-usz kur-ra za-pa-ag2 mu-un-gar
en: announced the king's coming to the people, a tumult arose in the nether world.
80. ur-{d}namma gen-na-ni ug3 mu-un-zu-usz kur-ra za-pa-ag2 mu-un-gar
en: As they announced Ur-Namma's coming to the people, a tumult arose in the nether world.
81. lugal-e gu4 im-ma-ab-gaz-e udu im-ma-ab-szar2-re
en: The king slaughtered numerous bulls and sheep,
82. ur-{d}namma geszbun gal-gal-la ba-szi-in-dur2-ru-ne-esz
en: Ur-Namma seated the people at a huge banquet.
83. u2 kur-ra ses-am3 a kur-ra mun4-na-am3
en: The food of the nether world is bitter, the water of the nether world is brackish.
84. sipa zi garza kur-ra-ke4 sza3-ga-ni mu-un-zu
en: The trustworthy shepherd knew well the rites of the nether world,
85. lugal-e nidba kur-ra-ke4 gesz im-ma-ab-tag-ge
en: so the king presented the offerings of the nether world,
86. ur-{d}namma nidba kur-ra-ke4 gesz im-ma-ab-tag-ge
en: Ur-Namma presented the offerings of the nether world:
87. gu4 du7 masz2 du7 udu niga en-na ab-lah4-a
en: as many faultless bulls, faultless kids, and fattened sheep as could be brought.
88. {gesz}mitum2 {gesz}pan gal e2-mar-uru5 {gesz}gag-pan gir2 zu2 galam
en: A mace, a large bow with quiver and arrows, an artfully made barbed dagger,
89. {kusz}lu-ub2 gun3-a ib2-ba gal2-la-ba
en: and a multicoloured leather bag for wearing at the hip.
90. {d}nergal {d}en-lil2 kur-ra-ra
en: to Nergal, the Enlil of the nether world,
91. sipa ur-{d}namma-ke4 e2-gal-a-na gesz im-ma-ab-tag-ge
en: in his palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered to him.
92. gesz-gid2-da {kusz}lu-ub2 dag-si ak-a i-mi-tum pirig an-na
en: A spear, a leather bag for a saddle-hook, a heavenly lion-headed imitum mace,
93. {kusz}gurx(|E.TUM|){ur3} ki us2-sa a2 nam-ur-sag-ga2
en: a shield resting on the ground, a heroic weapon,
94. za-ha-da nig2 ki ag2 {d}eresz-ki-gal-la
en: and a battle-axe, an implement beloved of Ereškigala,
95. {d}gilgamesz3 lugal kur-ra-ke4
en: to Gilgameš, the king of the nether world,
96. sipa ur-{d}namma-ke4 e2-gal-a-na gesz im-ma-ab-tag-ge
en: in his palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered to him.
97. x kesz2-da i3 ba-ni-in-de2-a bur szagan szu du7-a
en: A ... which he filled with oil, a šagan bowl of perfect make,
98. tug2 dugud {tug2}zulumhi {tug2}pala3 nam-nin-a
en: a heavy garment, a long-fleeced garment, a queenly pala robe,
99. x x x x x SAR dalla me kur-ra
en: ... the divine powers of the nether world,
100. {d}eresz-ki-gal ama {d}nin-a-zu-ra
en: to Ereškigala, the mother of Ninazu,
101. sipa ur-{d}namma-ke4 e2-gal-la-na gesz im-ma-ab-tag-ge
en: in her palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered to her.
102. udu x x x x x x x gal? kur [...]
en: a ... sheep, ..., mountain ...,
103. gidri ku3-sig17 nam-en-na szu za-gin3-sze3 x x
en: a lordly golden sceptre, ... a shining hand,
104. {d}dumu-zi dam ki ag2 {d}inanna-ra
en: to Dumuzid, the beloved husband of inanna,
105. sipa ur-{d}namma-ke4 e2-gal-la-na gesz im-ma-ab-tag-ge
en: in his palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered to him.
105A. tu-di-tum ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar [...]
en: (1 ms. adds:) He ... a gold and silver ...,
105B. [...] {na4}za-gin3 ba-da-ra [...]
en: a lapis-lazuli ..., and a ... pin
105C. {d}dim3-pi-ku3-ge x [...]
en: to Dimpikug ...
106. gil-sa szu du7-a har ku3-sig17 ma2-gur8 BI x se3?-ga
en: perfectly wrought jewellery, a golden ring cast (?) as a ... barge,
107. {na4}gug ku3? nig2 gaba dingir-re-e-ne
en: pure cornelian stone fit to be worn on the breasts of the gods.
108. {d}nam-tar lu2 nam tar-tar-ra-ra
en: to Namtar, who decrees all the fates,
109. sipa ur-{d}namma-ke4 e2-gal-a-na gesz im-ma-ab-tag-ge
en: in his palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered to him.
110. dub-szen szu za-gin3 x nig2-nam irigal-a-ke4
en: a chest (?) with a lapis-lazuli handle, containing (?) everything that is essential in the underworld,
111. {gesz}kirid ku3 {na4}za-gin3 szu tag-ga {gesz}ga-rig2 nam-munus-a
en: a silver hair clasp adorned with lapis-lazuli, and a comb of womanly fashion
112. {d}husz-bi-sa6 dam {d}nam-tar-ra-ra
en: to Ḫušbisag, the wife of Namtar,
113. sipa ur-{d}namma-ke4 e2-gal-a-na gesz im-ma-ab-tag-ge
en: in her palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered to her.
114. {gesz}nig2-szu umbin x-bi ku3-sig17-ta gun3-a
en: a chariot with ... wheels sparkling with gold,
115. ansze KI {ansze}niskum x [...] x x x x
en: ... donkeys, thoroughbreds,
116. ansze ur2 gun3-gun3 [...] x
en: ... donkeys with dappled thighs, ...,
117. sipa mu6-sub3 A [...] x ab-us2-e
en: followed ... by a shepherd and a herdsman,
118. szul ur-sag {d}nin-gesz-zi-da-ra
en: to the valiant warrior Ningišzida,
119. sipa ur-{d}namma-ke4 e2-gal-a-na gesz im-ma-ab-tag-ge
en: in his palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered to him.
120. {na4}kiszib za-gin3 ba-da-ra i3-la2-a
en: A lapis-lazuli seal hanging from a pin,
121. tu-di-da ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar sag-bi alim-ma
en: and a gold and silver toggle-pin with a bison's head.
122. {d}dim3-pi-me-ku3-ge za3-ga-na gub-bu-ne mu-na-ab-szum2-mu
en: He gave to {Dimpimekug}, who stands by his side.
123. {tug2}sagszu gesztu2 mah lu2 zu gesz-nu11-gal
en: a headdress with the august ear-pieces (?) of a sage, made of alabaster,
124. gi-dub-ba za3-bar-ra nig2 nam-dub-sar-ra-ke4
en: a ... stylus, the hallmark of the scribe,
125. esz2-GAN2 za-gin3 gi 1(disz) ninda x x
en: a surveyor's gleaming rope, and the 1 ninda rod ...
126. gidlam(|MUNUS.USZ.DAM|)-a-ni nin-da-zi-mu2-a
en: o his spouse, Ninazimua,
127. dub-sar mah dumu a-ra-li-ra
en: the august scribe, denizen of Arali,
128. sipa ur-{d}namma-ke4 e2-gal-a-na gesz im-ma-ab-tag-ge
en: in her palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered to her
129. [...] x x [...]
en: ...
130. [...] x A BI [...] x
en: ...
131. [...] x x gal kur-ra x mu-na-da-ab-szum2?-mu
en: the great ... of the nether world, he gave
132. lugal-e nidba? kur-ra-ke4 si bi2-in-sa2-a-ta
en: after the king had presented properly the offerings of the nether world,
133. ur-{d}namma-ke4 nidba? kur-ra-ke4 si bi2-in-sa2-a-ta
en: after Ur-Namma had presented properly the offerings of the nether world,
134. [...] irigal-la-ke4-ne
en: the ... of the underworld,
135. x [...] x szu2-ke4-ne
en: the ...,
136. ur-{d}namma bara2 gal kur-ra-ke4 mu-ni-ib-tusz-u3-ne
en: seated Ur-Namma on a great dais of the nether world
137. kur-ra ki-tusz mu-na-ga2-ga2-ne
en: and set up a dwelling place for him in the nether world.
138. inim du11-ga {d}eresz-ki-gal-la-ka-ta
en: At the command of Ereškigala
139. erin2 {gesz}tukul x en-na ba-ug5-ga
en: all the soldiers who had been killed by weapons
140. lu2 nam-tag-ga en-na ba-zu-x-a
en: and all the men who had been found guilty
141. lugal-la szu-ni-sze3 im-ma-ab-szum2-mu-ne
en: were given into the king's hands.
142. ur-{d}namma ki-bi-sze3 x x x x-esz IM x x x [...]
en: Ur-Namma was ...,
143. szesz ki ag2-ga2-ni {d}gilgamesz3-da
en: so with Gilgameš, his beloved brother,
144. e-ne di kur-ra i3-ku5-de3 ka-asz kur-ra i3-bar-re
en: he will issue the judgments of the nether world and render the decisions of the nether world.
145. u4 7(disz) u4 1(u)-am3 ba-zal-la-ba
en: After seven days, 10 days had passed,
146. lugal-gu10 i-si-isz ki-en-gi-ra-ke4 sa2 nam-ga-mu-ni-ib-du11
en: lamenting for Sumer overwhelmed my king,
147. ur-{d}namma i-si-isz ki-en-gi-ra-ke4 sa2 nam-ga-mu-ni-ib-du11
en: lamenting for Sumer overwhelmed Ur-Namma.
148. bad3 uri2{ki}-ma nu-mu-un-til-la-ni
en: That he could not complete the wall of Ur;
149. e2-gal gibil na-mu-un-du3-a-ni nu-mu-un-hul2-hul2-la-ni
en: that he could no longer enjoy the new palace he had built;
150. sipa-de3 e2-a-ni sag li-bi2-in-ak-ni
en: that he, the shepherd, could no longer ... his household (?);
151. dam-a-ni ur2-ra-na a-la nu-mu-un-gi4-a-ni
en: that he could no longer bring pleasure to his wife with his embrace;
152. dumu-ni du10-ba-na li-bi2-in-pesz-a-ni
en: that he could not bring up his sons on his knees;
153. nin9 di4-di4 nu-mu-un-bulug3-bulug3-e-ne hi-li nu-mu-un-til-a-ni
en: that he would never see in their prime the beauty of their little sisters who had not yet grown up -
154. lugal-gu10 sza3-ga-ni im-si er2 gig [...]
en: - my king's heart was full of tears, he ... bitterly.
155. sipa zi i-lu nig2-me-gar ni2-te-na mi-[...]
en: The trustworthy shepherd ... a heart-rending lament for himself:
156. ge26-e nig2 ne-e ba-ak-a-gu10
en: I, who have been treated like this,
157. dingir-re-ne-er mu-ne-gub-bu-nam ki-ur3 mu-ne-gal2
en: served the gods well, set up chapels for them.
158. {d}a-nun-na-ke4-ne he2-gal2-la pa mu-ne-e3-a
en: I have created evident abundance for the Anuna gods.
159. gesz-nu2 u2 za-gin3 bara3-ga-ba gil-sa mu-ne-gar-ra-gu10
en: I have laid treasures on their beds strewn with fresh herbs.
160. dingir ki-ga2 la-ba-e-gub sza3-gu10 la-ba-ni-ib-sed
en: Yet no god stood by me and soothed my heart.
161. x-me-en nig2 geszkim sa6-ga-gu10 an-gin7 mu-ne-su3-u4
en: Because of them, anything that could have been a favourable portent for me was as far away from me as the heavens,
162. x u4-da gub-ba sa2-a-ga2 a-na szu ba-ni-ti
en: the ... What is my reward for my eagerness to serve during the days?
163. ge6-da gub-ba u3 nu-ku-ga2-a u4 im-ma-ni-til
en: My days have been finished for serving them sleeplessly during the night!
164. i3-ne-esz2 im an-ta szeg3-ge26-gin7
en: Now, just as the rain pouring down from heaven cannot turn back,
165. me-li-e-a szeg12 uri2{ki}-ma-sze3 szu nu-um-ma-nigin2-nigin2
en: alas, nor can I turn back to brick-built Ur.”
166. a2?-sze gidlam(|MUNUS.USZ.DAM|)-gu10 nu-mu-un-su-am3
en: “Alas, my wife has become a widow (?)!
167. i-lu a-nir nig2 gig-ga-a u4 mi-ni-ib-zal-zal-e
en: She spends the days in tears and bitter laments.
168. usu gal2?-la-gu10 ni2-ba til-la [...]
en: My strength has ebbed away ...
169. ur-sag-me-en szu nam?-tar?-ra x a gig [...]
en: The hand of the fate demon ... bitterly me, the hero.
170. am-gin7 x [...] x GI? szub-ba-gu10 du10 la-ba-x [...]
en: Like a cow ...
171. gu4 mah-gin7 [...] x ses-ga2 ba-[...]
en: Like a wild bull ...
172. {gesz}isimu3{sar}-gin7? x [...] x x ku3?-ga ba-szi-x [...]
en: Like an offshoot ...
173. ansze-gin7 IGI [...] x sa6?-ga-gu10-sze3 ba-ug5-ge-x
en: Like an ass ... I died.
174. gidlam(|MUNUS.USZ.DAM|) x x-gu10 ma-ab?-hul szi-in-TU-ra-x
en: ... my ... wife ...
175. i-lu a-nir nig2 gig-ga-a u4 mi-ni-ib-zal-zal-e
en: She spends the days in tears and bitter laments.
176. udug sa6-ga-ni bar-ta ba-da-gub
en: Her kind protective god has left her;
177. {d}lamma sa6-ga-ni sag-ga2-na li-bi2-in-ha-za
en: her kind protective goddess does not care for her any more.
178. {d}nin-sumun2-na-ke4 a2 mah-a-ni sag-ga2-na li-bi2-in-ge-en
en: Ninsumun no longer rests her august arm firmly on her head.
179. {d}nanna en {d}dili{im2}-babbar szu-ta nu-un-ri
en: Nanna, Lord Ašimbabbar, no longer leads (?) her by the hand.
180. {d}en-ki lugal eridu{ki}-ga x-ra ba-ra-ta-an-e3
en: Enki, the lord of Eridug, does not ...
181. GIR-GIR-a-ni im-ma-ni-in-si-ig inim szu nu-mu-un-di-ni-ib-gi4
en: Her ... has been silenced (?), she can no longer answer.
182. {gesz}ma2-gin7 tu15 sumur-ra ba-ra-ab-diri {gesz}dimgul nu-mu-na-kal
en: She is cast adrift like a boat in a raging storm; the mooring pole has not been strong enough for her.
183. ansze-edin-na-gin7 pu2 hul ba-an-tum2-mu-da? szu dugud lu2 mu-un-gar
en: Like a wild ass lured (?) into a perilous pit she has been treated heavy-handedly.
184. pirig-gin7 a-RU-ub-ba ba-szub-ba en-nu lu2 mu-un-du3
en: Like a lion fallen into a pitfall, a guard has been set up for her.
185. ur-gin7 {gesz}az-la2-e mu-un-dab5 me-a lu2 mu-un-gar
en: Like a dog kept in a cage, she is silenced.
186. {d}utu di x x gesz nu-um-mi-in-la2 a lugal-gu10 mu-un-si
en: Utu ... does not pay heed to the cries “Oh my king” overwhelming her.”
187. tigi a-da-ab gi-gid2 za-am-za-am-gu10 a-nir?-ra mu-da-an-ku4
en: “My tigi, adab, flute and zamzam songs have been turned into laments because of me.
188. gesz-gu3-di e2 nam-nar-ra-ka za3 e2-gar8-e i-ni-in-us2
en: The instruments of the house of cantorship have been propped against the wall.
189. {gesz}gu-za hi-li-bi nu-mu-til-la-gu10
en: Instead of my throne whose beauty was endless,
190. sahar pu2-sag-ga2-ka lu2 im-mi-x x x
en: I have been made to ... in a soil-filled pit
191. gesz-nu2 ki-nu2 TUR-bi nu-mu-un-til-la-gu10
en: Instead of my bed, the sleeping place whose ... was endless,
192. edin bar su3-ga-ka lu2 im-mi-in-nu2-u3-da
en: I have been made to lie down in the open, desolate steppe
193. me-li-e-a dam-gu10 er2-ra dumu-gu10 a-nir-ra
en: My wife and my children are in tears and wailing
194. lu2 nig2 du11-ga-ga2 i-lu balag di-gin7 he2-na-du12-usz
en: My people whom I used to command (?) sing like lamentation
195. u4 ur5-gin7 im-ma-ab-ak-a-gu10
en: and dirge singers because of her (?)
196. sag-kal {d}inanna nin me3-a di-ga2 nu-mu-un-ti
en: While I was so treated, foremost inanna, the warlike lady, was not present at my verdict.
197. {d}en-lil2-le kur-kur-ra inim gal-gal-sze3 kig2-gi4-a bi2-in-gi4
en: Enlil had sent her as a messenger to all the foreign lands concerning very important matters.”
198. ki-bi-ta igi-ni gar-ra-ni
en: When she had turned her gaze away from there,
199. {d}inanna e2-kur za-gin3-sze3 sun5-na-bi mu-un-ku4
en: inanna humbly entered the shining E-kur,
200. sag-ki husz {d}en-lil2-la2-ka igi dub2-dub2-bu x x
en: she ... at Enlil's fierce brow.
201. nin gal e2-an-na gam-ma-ni nam-ma-da-ra-ta-x
en: (Then Enlil said:) “Great lady of the E-ana, once someone has bowed down, he cannot ... (?) any more;
202. sipa zi e2-an-na-ta mu-un-e3 igi nu-mu-ni-in-du8
en: the trustworthy shepherd left E-ana, you cannot see him any more.”
203. nin-gu10 a x x a ba ug3-ga2 mu-un-[...] x x a ba
en: My lady ... among the people {...}
204. {d}inanna u4 husz dumu gal {d}suen-na A x x x x-ga
en: hen inanna, the fierce storm, the eldest child of Suen, ...,
205. an i3-dub2-be2 ki i3-sag3-ge
en: made the heavens tremble, made the earth shake.
206. {d}inanna-ke4 tur3 im-gul-e amasz im-tab-e
en: inanna destroyed cattle-pens, devastated sheepfolds, saying:
207. an lugal dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 in-sze3 ga-mu-un-dub2
en: “I want to hurl insults at An, the king of the gods:
208. {d}en-lil2-le sag mu-da-an-zi-ga? inim-bi a-ba mu-un-kur2
en: Who can change the matter, if Enlil elevates someone?
209. an lugal inim mah du11-ga-ni inim-bi a-ba mu-un-kur2
en: Who can change the import of the august words uttered by An, the king?
210. gesz-hur kalam-ma he2-me-a-gub-ba sag ba-ra-ba-an-us2-sa
en: If there are divine ordinances imposed on the Land, but they are not observed,
211. ki u4 e3 dingir-re-e-ne-sze3 nam-he2-gal2?-bi nu-gal2
en: there will be no abundance at the gods's place of sunrise
212. ge6-par3 ku3 esz3 e2-an-na-gu10 hur-sag-gin7 mu-un-gi4?-esz
en: My holy gipar, the shrine E-ana, has been barred up {like (?) a mountain}
213. sipa-gu10 hi-li-a-ni nu-usz-ma-an-ku4-ku4 ge26-e ba-ra-ku4-ku4-de3-en
en: If only my shepherd could enter before me in it in his prime - {I will not enter it otherwise!}
214. kal-ga-gu10 u2-szim-gin7 edin-na nu-usz-ma-da-mu2-am3
en: If only my strong one could grow for me like greenery in the desert.
215. ma2 i7-da-gin7 kar si-ga-na nu-usz-ma-da-gi-na si-ga-na
en: If only he could hold steady for me like a river boat at its calm mooring.”
216. {d}inanna-ke4 i-lu-ni he2-kur-ku-ku
en: This is how inanna {gave vent (?) to a lament over him}
217. en {d}nin-gesz-zi?-da?-ke4 [...] x-na? he2-em-mi-in-kal-ge
en: Lord Ningišzida ...
218. ur-{d}namma x x [...] ba-ug5-ga-gu10
en: Ur-Namma, my ... who was killed,
219. [...] a-na [...]-an-la2
en: ...
220. er2 1(disz)-e a-nir 1(disz)-e
en: Among tears and laments, ...
221. [...] ur-{d}namma-ra? nam mu-ni-ib-tar-re
en: ... decreed a fate for Ur-Namma:
222. x ur-{d}namma x [...]-ge?-en mu mah-zu he2-pa3
en: “Ur-Namma ..., your august name will be called upon.
223. gidri? ku3? sig-ta igi-nim-sze3 ... mu-un-na-an-tuku-tuku
en: From the south to the uplands, ... the holy sceptre.
224. e2-gal-zu-sze3 ki-en-gi [...]-pa3-de3-esz
en: Sumer ... to your palace.
225. i7 ba-al-la-zu [...] x-zu
en: The canals which you have dug, the ... which you have ...,
226. a-gar3 gal-gal mah bi2-gi4-[...]-a-zu
en: the large and grand arable tracts which you have ...,
227. gesz-gi a-ta im-ta-ab-e11-a-zu
en: the reedbeds which you have drained,
228. sze dagal sze dagal-e [...]-a?-zu?
en: the wide barley fields which you ...,
229. an-za-gar3 a2-dam ...-a-zu
en: and the fortresses and settlements which you have ...,
230. nam-lu2-ulu3 u6 [...] x-e-esz
en: The people will admire them ...
231. ur-{d}namma mu-zu x [...]-pa3?-pa3?-de3?-esz?
en: Ur-Namma, they will call upon ... your name.
232. en {d}nu-nam-nir [...] x rib-ba
en: Lord Nunamnir, surpassing ...,
233. {d}udug hul x [...] bi2-in-sar-re
en: will drive away the evil spirits ...”
234. sipa ur-{d}namma x [...] ba?-szi-in-bur3-a-ta
en: After shepherd Ur-Namma ...,
235. {d}nanna en {d}dili{im2}-babbar [...] x ri-a-bi
en: Nanna, Lord Ašimbabbar, ...,
236. {d}en-ki lugal eridu{ki}-ga [...]-ta-an-e11-da
en: Enki, the king of Eridug ...
237. x x x {d}x [...]-la? amasz tab-tab-ba
en: ... devastated sheepfolds ...
237A. sag-kal a-ma-ru mar-uru5 [...]
en: ... the foremost, the flood ...
238. [...] ku3? DU pirig an-sze3 tu-da
en: ... holy ..., lion born on high
238B. gi gam-ma KAL gal2 ba-ni-[...]
en: ... basket (?) ...
239. iri-zu-ta mi2 zi du11-ga di si sa2 ku5-ku5
en: ... your city; renders just judgments. ...
240. dumu HI RI x [...] en {d}nin-gesz-zi-da za3-mi2
en: ... Lord Ningišzida be praised!
241. lugal-gu10 x x er2-am3 i-lu-am3
en: My king ...
242. [...] er2-am3 a-nir-am3
en: ... among tears and laments;
m=A version from Susa
m=segment A
beginning broken
1'. [...] x x x (x x)
en: ...
2'. [...] x x x sag-ki-ni mi-ni-gid2
en: ... frowned at ...
3'. [...] u4-de3 i-si-isz im-la2
en: ..., the day was full of sorrow.
4'. x x x x x x itima{ma}-ka ba-an-ku4 sza3-ka-tab ba-nu2
en: ... withdrew into his bedchamber and lay down fasting.
5'. ama x dumu-ni-sze3 hul-gal2-la tusz? x
en: The mother, wretched (?) because of her son, ...
6'. ama lugal-la ku3 {d}nin-sumun2-ka a2 sza3-gu10 im-me
en: ... the mother of the king, holy Ninsumun, was crying: “Oh my heart!.”
7'. nam ur-{d}namma mu-un-bala-e-esz-am3
en: That the fate of Ur-Namma had been overturned
8'. mu sipa zi ba-ra-ab-e3-a-ta
en: and that the trustworthy shepherd had been made to pass away,
9'. sila dagal ki-e-ne-de3 gal2-la-ba er2 gig mu-a-szi-szi
en: she was weeping bitterly in the broad square, which is otherwise a place of entertainment.
10'. i-lu sipa zi ba-an-dab5-be2-NE-esz-a u4 mi-ni?-ib2-zal-zal-e
en: She spent the day in lamentation over the trustworthy shepherd who had been snatched away.
11'. nam-lu2-ulu3 lib ib2-til-la-am3 u3 du10 x x x x x-ku
en: Sweet sleep did not (?) come to the people whose happiness had come to an end.
12'. a-esztub i7-da de6-a?-ba ku3-gal2-bi ...
en: As the early flood was filling the canals, their canal-inspector ...
13'. sze gu-nu a-gar3-re x e3-a zi kalam-ma ...
en: The mottled barley come forth on the arable lands, the life of the land, ...
14'. engar gan2 zi-de3 gub-bu x [...]
en: To the farmer, the fertile fields ...
15'. {d}en-ki-im-du lugal e pa5 [...]
en: Enkimdu, the lord of levees and ditches, ...
16'. x AB? ug3 dagal-bi ba-[...]
en: ... its numerous people ...
17'. x x BU kalam-ma-kam u2 [...]
en: ... of the Land ...
18'. edin-edin-e u2 sa6? [...]
en: The plains ... fine grass ...
19'. x x x ab2 dugud-da? [...]
en: ... heavy cows ...
rest broken
m=segment B
1. ur-{d}namma ki [...]
en: Ur-Namma ...
2. szu-ni dab5-ba NU [...] x [...]
en: His hands which used to grasp, cannot ...
3. giri3-ni dab5-ba [...] ga2-ga2 [...]
en: His feet which used to tread, ...
4. za-pa-ag2 a x [...] ba gam-e USZ [...]
en: ...
5. sipa zi lugal [...] ki-en-gi-ra ur-{d}namma [...]
en: The trustworthy shepherd, the king, the ... of Sumer, Ur-Namma, ...
6. uri2{ki}-ma? ni2 gen?-na-ni ur-{d}namma e2 [...]
en: As he himself was going to Ur, Ur-Namma ... house.
7. sag-gu2-gal2 e2-gal-la i3-nu2-a ur-{d}namma lu2 iri [...]
en: The proud one lying in the palace, Ur-Namma, who ... by the troops (?), ...
8. hur nu-un-da-an-zi igi-gal2 kur-kur-ra i3-nu2 gesz-la2?-bi ...
en: He could not rise any more, the wise one of the countries lay down; silence ...
9. tesz2 kalam-ma ba-da-an-szub hur-sag-gin7 ba-gul? [...]
en: As he, who was the vigour of the Land, has fallen, the land became demolished like a mountain.
10. {gesz}tir ha-szu-ur2 ba-da-an-sag3 a-ra2 kalam-ma ba-e-suh3
en: As he, a cypress forest, was felled, the state of the Land became confused.
11. {gesz}erin? kalam-ma-ke4 ba-da-bala a-ra2 kalam-ma ba-e-kur2
en: As he, the cedar tree of the Land, was uprooted, the state of the Land became altered.
12. {gesz}taskarin-e ki-tusz giri17-zal-a-ni AGA mu-un-na-an-gar-re-esz
en: Axes (?) were set against him, a boxwood tree, in his joyous dwelling place.
13. u4 du11-ga-ni-a sa2 mi-ni-ib-du alan-a-ni ba-ra-e3
en: His appointed time arrived, and he passed away in his prime.
14. siskur2? nig2 du10-ge szu la-ba-an-tag szu gig ba-da-an-gid2
en: His (?) pleasing sacrifices were no longer accepted; they were treated as dirty (?).
15. kadra-bi {d}a-nun-na-ke4-e-ne szu nu-um-ma-gid2-e
en: The Anuna gods did not reach out for his gifts any more.
16. x musz3?-am3 x x x la-ba-ni-in-gub u4-bi nu-su3-e
en: ... did not stand by an “It is enough", his (?) days were not prolonged...,
17. x {d}en?-x x x x x-am3 ur5? zi-zi la-ba-gal2-la
en: there was no more rising up.
18. x x x x x (x x) ur-{d}namma dug gaz im-mi-ni-tak4-e
en: Ur-Namma, a broken jar, was abandoned at ...
19. [...]-ne mu-ni-bala-bala-e
en: ...
20. [...]-gin7 gal-bi im-szeg3-ge26
en: ...
21. [...] szu nu-dab5-be2 im-me
en: ...
22. [...] nam-gu10
en: “..., what is it to me?"
rest broken
m=segment C
1. [...] x BI IM x [...]
en: ...
2. [...] x A? er2 IM x [...]
en: ...
3. [...] BA? gu2-guru5 ba-x x x
en: ...
4. [...] x AN RU? {gesz}sag-kul x [...]
en: ... the bolt ...
5. [...] DA TAR sahar ses-a ba-da-an-KU-x
en: ... sat (?) in saltpetre ...
6. [...] AN SZUB har-ra-an im-suh3 szu nu-um-ma-nigin2-nigin2
en: ... the roads were thrown into disorder, no one could go up and down on them;
7. [...] x AN SZUB har-ra-an im-suh3 szu nu-um-ma-nigin2-nigin2
en: ..., the roads were thrown into disorder, no one could go up and down on them.
8. [...] ki-in-du su3-u4-da
en: ... is a long route. ...
9. [...] x RU NE giri3? x (x x) mu?-un-di-ni-ib-us2
en: ... the way ...
10. [...] kaskal kur-ra-ke4 [...]-un-di-ni-ib-us2
en: ... the journey to the nether world ...
11. [...] x BI nig2-ba ab?-[...]-mu
en: ... gifts ...
12. [...] i3-du8 gal mu-szi-x-[...] x
en: ... chief porters ...
13. [...] ba-ug5-ge [...] x
en: ... who died ...
14. ... nin-dingir masz2-e dab5-ba ba-ug5-ge x x-ta
en: ... dead nindigir priestesses, chosen by extispicy,
15. [...] x x ag2
en: ...
16. ... za-pa-ag2 bi2-gar
en: ... raised a tumult ...;
17. [...] x x x ... za-pa?-ag2 bi2-gar
en: ... raised a tumult ...
18. lugal garza kur-ra-ke4 sza3-ga-ni i3-zu
en: The king knew well the rites of the nether world,
19. ur-{d}namma garza kur-ra-ke4 sza3-ga-ni i3-zu
en: Ur-Namma knew well the rites of the nether world:
20. gu4 sig7 masz2 du-du udu niga im-ma-ab-lah4-e
en: so he brought magnificent bulls, faultless kids, and fattened sheep.
21. {gesz}mitum2 {gesz}pan gal a-ma-ru-bi? {gesz}gag-ti gir2? zu2 gal
en: A mace, a large bow with quiver and arrows, a large barbed dagger,
22. {kusz}lu-ub2 gun3-a ib2-ba gal2-la-ni
en: and a multicoloured leather bag for wearing at the hip,
23. {d}nergal {d}en-lil2 kur-ra-ke4
en: to Nergal, the Enlil of the nether world,
24. sipa ur-{d}namma-ke4 e2-gal-la-a-ni gesz im-mi-in-tag-ge
en: in his palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered to him.
25. gesz-gid2-da {kusz}lu-ub2 dag-si x {gesz}mitum pirig an-na
en: A spear, a leather bag for (?) the saddle-hook ..., a heavenly lion-headed mitum mace,
26. {kusz}gurx(|E.TUM|) ki us2-sa x {gesz?}za?-ha-da? nig2 ki ag2 {d}eresz-ki-gal-ke4
en: a shield resting on the ground, and a battle-axe, an implement beloved of Ereškigala,
27. {d}gilgamesz3 lugal kur-ra-ke4
en: to Gilgameš, the king of the nether world,
28. sipa ur-{d}namma-ke4 e2-gal-a-ni gesz im-mi-in-tag-ge
en: in his palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered to him.
29. gesz-kesz2?-da x x i3 ba-SAR-a bur szagan szu du7-a
en: ... with oil, a šagan bowl of perfect make,
30. [...] lugal-la sig GAR SZU PI me kur-ra
en: a royal ..., ... the divine powers of the nether world ...
31. x x eresz-ki-gal ama {d}nin-a-zu [...]
en: to Ereškigala, the mother of Ninazu ...
32. sipa ur-{d}namma-ke4 e2-gal-la-a-ni gesz im-mi-in-tag-ge
en: in her palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered to her.
33. {udu}a-lum udu zulumhi masz2 gal kur-ra-ke4
en: Alum sheep, long-fleeced sheep, big mountain he-goats,
34. |GISZ.SZIR| {gesz}ma-nu nam-en-na-kam szu za-gin3-na tum2-ma
en: a lordly ... of manu wood fit for a shining hand,
35. eszgiri2 szibir {gesz}ma-nu nam-sipa-da nam-en-na tum2-ma
en: and shepherd's staff and crook of manu wood, fit for a lord,
36. {d}dumu-zi dam ki ag2 {d}inanna-ra
en: to Dumuzid, the beloved husband of inanna,
37. sipa ur-{d}namma-ke4 e2-gal-a-ni gesz im-mi-in-tag-ge
en: in his palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered to him.
38. gil-sa szu du7-a har ku3-sig17 ma2-gur8 BI x sig7-ga
en: A perfectly wrought jewellery, a golden ring cast (?) as a ... barge,
39. {na4}gug ku3? x x x dingir-re-e-ne-ke4
en: pure cornelian stone ... of the gods,
40. {d}nam-tar lu2 nam tar?-[...]-ke4
en: to Namtar, who decrees all (?) the fates,
41. sipa ur-{d}namma-ke4 e2-gal-a-ni gesz im-mi-tag-ge
en: in his palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered to him.
42. dub-szen szu za-gin3 nig2-nam iri11-gal-la
en: A chest with a lapis-lazuli handle, containing (?) everything that is essential in the underworld,
43. {gesz}kirid za-gin3 szu tag-ga {gesz}ga-rig2 7(disz)? nam-munus-a
en: a hair clasp adorned with lapis-lazuli, and seven (?) combs of womanly fashion,
44. {d}husz-bi-sa6 dam {d}nam-tar-ra-ke4
en: to Ḫušbisag, the wife of Namtar,
45. sipa ur-{d}namma-ke4 e2-gal-a-ni gesz im-mi-in-tag-ge
en: in her palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered to her.
46. [...] x gun3?-a
en: ... sparkling with ...,
47. [...] ansze-nitah? gu2 nun? du11-du11
en: ... donkeys that bray loudly (?),
48. [...]-da-ab-us2-sa
en: followed by ...
49. [...] {d}nin-gesz-zi-da-ra
en: to ... Ningišzida,
50. sipa ur-{d}namma-ke4 e2-gal-a-ni gesz im-mi-in-tag-ge
en: in his palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered to him.
51. [...] ra nig2 nam-dub-sar?-kam
en: A ..., the hallmark of the scribe,
52. [...] {gesz}gag gi ninda kad?-na
en: ..., a peg and the ninda measuring rod ...
53. [...] nin-da-zi?-mu2?-a nin9 lugal-la-ra
en: to ... Ninazimua,
54. [...] dumu? a-ra-li-ta
en: ... denizen of Arali,
55. {d}gesztin-an-na nin9 lugal-la-ra?
en: and to Ĝeštin-ana, the king's sister,
56. sipa ur-{d}namma-ke4 e2-gal-la-a-ni gesz im-mi-tag
en: in her palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered to ...
57. du-di-da ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar sag-bi alim-ma
en: a golden and silver toggle-pin with a bison's head,
58. {na4}kiszib za-gin3 za3-bi ku3-sig17 u3 ba-da-ra ku3-me-a
en: and a lapis-lazuli seal with a golden edge and a pin of refined silver.
59. {d}dim3-pi-me-ku3 a2 zi-da a2 gab2-bu gub-bu-na mu-un-na-an-x-x-x
en: to Dimpimekug, who stands at the right and the left (?),
60. sipa ur-{d}namma-ke4 e2-gal-la-a-ni gesz im-mi-in-tag-ge
en: the shepherd Ur-Namma ... and offered her in her (?) palace.
61. gu4 sig7 masz2 du-du udu niga im-ma-ab-tuku-a
en: The magnificent bulls, faultless kids, and fattened sheep that he had,
62. [...] NA ensi2 gal kur-ra-ke4 mu-un-na-da-ab-ku4
en: to ..., the great ensi of the nether world
63. sipa ur-{d}namma-ke4 e2-gal-a-ni gesz im-mi-in-tag-ge
en: in his palace the shepherd Ur-Namma offered them.
64. [...] gal iri11-gal?-la?-ke4-e-ne
en: The great ... of the underworld,
65. {d}a-nun-na ninda szu tag-ga-ba
en: the Anuna, after the offerings were presented,
66. ur-{d}namma bara2 gal kur-ra-ke4 x im-mi-in-tusz-na
en: they (?) seated Ur-Namma on a great dais of the nether world
67. kur-ra? ki-tusz mu-un-na-ga2-ga2
en: and set up a dwelling place for him in the nether world.
68. inim du11-ga {d}eresz-ki-gal-la-ke4
en: At the command of Ereškigala,
69. lu2 {gesz}tukul-la in-na ba-szub-e
en: concerning (?) all the men who fell by weapons,
70. lu2 nam-tag-ga in-na ba-mud-e
en: and all the men who ... guilty.
71. szesz ki ag2-a-ni {d}gilgamesz3-ra
en: with (?) Gilgameš, his beloved brother,
72. e-ne-ne di kur-ra ku5-de3 ka-asz-bi IGI bar-re
en: he will pass the judgments of the nether world and render the decisions.
73. u4 5(disz)-am3 u4 1(u)-am3 ba-zal-a-ta
en: After five days, 10 days had passed,
74. lugal-e i-si-isz ki-en-gi-ra si gu7-mu-un-na-du11
en: lamenting for Sumer overwhelmed my king,
75. ur-{d}namma i-si-isz ki-en-gi-ra si gu7-mu-un-na-du11
en: lamenting for Sumer overwhelmed Ur-Namma.
76. bad3 uri2{ki}-ma nu-mu-un-til-le-na
en: As he could not complete the wall of Ur;
77. e2-gal gibil na-mu-un-du3-a sza3-bi nu-hul2-la?-x x
en: as he could no longer enjoy the new palace he had built;
78. sipa-de3? e2-a-ni szu-dul3 li-bi-ra-a-x x
en: as he, the shepherd, could no longer protect (?) his household;
79. dam ur2?-ra-ni la-la-bi nu-gi4-a-(x x)
en: as he could no longer bring pleasure to his wife with his embrace;
80. dumu-ni du10-ba-na li-bi2-in-peszx(SZA3)-peszx(SZA3)-na
en: as he could not bring up his sons on his knees;
81. nin9 tur x tur im-bulug3-ge26-ne hi-li-bi nu-mu-un-til-le-na
en: as he would never see in their prime the beauty of their little sisters, who are yet to grow up,
82. sipa zi i-lu nig2-me-gar ni2-ta-a-ni mi-ni-ib-be2
en: the trustworthy shepherd uttered a heart-rending lament for himself:
83. ge26-e? im-ma-zu-a ni2 im-ma-an-zu-a
en: “I, who have experienced, who have experienced fear,
84. dingir-re-e-ne mu-un-na-an-dim2-me-esz ki-ur3 la-ba-ga2-ga2
en: ... for the great gods, I have set up chapels for them.
85. {d}a-nun-na-ke4-ne he2-gal2 pa e3 ak-NE
en: I have created evident abundance for the Anuna gods.
86. {gesz}gu-za za-gin3 nig2 ba-ra-ga-asz gil-sa mu?-x-ni-ib2-gi-na
en: I have ... treasures to their ... shining thrones.
87. x x-en geszkim sa6-ga-gu10 kur an-gin7? x DU
en: ... a favourable portent for me, was ... as the nether world or the heavens ...
88. [...] x [...] x x [...] x [...]-ib?-ti
en: ...
rest broken
m=segment D
1. [...] x x BA en-nu-ug3 lu2 [...]
en: ... guard ...
2. [...] mu-un-DI me-a lu2-bi nu-x x [...]
en: ... silence ...
3. [...] a-da-ab gi-gid2? za3-za3-mi2 er2 ba-ni-x
en: ... adab, flute and zamzam songs ... laments
4. gesz-gu3-di e2 x x NE? za3 e2-gar8 ba?-ni?-us2
en: ... have been propped against the wall.
5. [...] x ... hi-li?-bi nu-mu-un-til-le-na
en: ... whose beauty was endless;
6. [...] im-mi-in-tusz-na
en: Because I have been made to sit on ...
7. [...] x x [...] nu-mu-un-til-le-na
en: ... was endless,
8. [...]-in-szub-bu-na
en: Because I have been made to fall in ...
9. [...] x KU
en: ...
10. ki-sikil {d}inanna nin me3-a x x-a?-ba si mu-da-ab-[...]
en: Maiden inanna, the warlike lady, ...
11. {d}en-lil2-le hur-sag gal-gal kig2-gi4-a? bi2-gi
en: Enlil had sent her as a messenger to all the great mountains.”
12. ki-bi-ta igi-ni gar-ra-ni
en: When she had turned her gaze away from there,
13. sipa zi e2-an-na mi-ni-ib2-e3 igi nu-mu-ni-du-x
en: the trustworthy shepherd had left the E-ana, and she (?) could not see him any more.
14. sag-ki husz {d}en-lil2 ni2 igi dub2-dub2-be2
en: She ... at Enlil's fierce brow.
15. an lugal dingir-re-e-ne in kur2 mu-un-ak-e
en: Antagonistically (?) she insulted An, the king of the gods:
16. an lugal du11-ga-a-ni du11-ga-a-ni nu-kur2-x
en: “When An, the king speaks, his words cannot be changed ...!
17. ur-{d}namma DA? MU NE ib2-la2 u4 [...]
en: Ur-Namma ...
18. u4 e3-a dingir-re-e-ne x x GA? nu-gal2-la
en: There will be no ... at the gods' place of sunrise.
19. ge6-par3 ku3 esz3 e2?-an-na [...]-da-an-BU
en: ... holy gipar, shrine E-ana ...
20. x-li-a e2? [...] la-ba-ni-in-ku4-re
en: ... not enter ...
Composite No.: QIshtardescent
Primary Publication:
Collection: —
Museum no.: —
Provenience: Assur (mod. Qalat Sherqat)
Period: Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC)
Object Type: —
Material: —
atf: lang akk
object composite text
surface a
1. a-na _kur-nu-gi4-a_ qaq-qa-ri {d}eresz-ki-gal
ts: ana kurnugi’a qaqqari ereškigal
en: To Kurnugi’a, domain of Ereškigal,
2. {d}inanna _dumu-munus_ {d}sin u2-zu-un-sza2 isz-kun
ts: ištar mārat sîn uzunša iškun
en: did Ištar, daughter of Sîn, her ear direct;
3. isz-kun-ma _dumu-munus_ {d}sin u2-zu-un-sza2
ts: iškumma mārat sîn uzunša
en: indeed did direct the daughter of Sîn her ear
4. a-na _e2_ e-t,e-e szu-bat {d}ir-kal-la
ts: ana bīt eṭê šubat irkalla
en: to the house of darkness, the dwelling of Irkalla,
5. a-na _e2_ sza e-ri-bu-szu2 la a-s,u-u2
ts: ana bīti ša ēribūšu lā āṣû
en: to the house where those who enter are not such who exit,
6. a-na har-ra-ni sza a-lak-ta-sza2 la ta-a-a-rat
ts: ana ḫarrāni ša alaktaša lā tayyārat
en: to the route whose path is one of he who does not return,
7. a-na _e2_ sza e-ri-bu-szu2 zu-um-mu-u2 nu-u2-ra
ts: ana bīti ša ēribūšu zummû nūra
en: to the house where those who enter are deprived of light,
8. a-szar _sahar-hi-a_ bu-bu-us-su-nu a-kal-szu-nu t,i-it,-t,u
ts: ašar eprū bubūssunu akalšunu ṭīṭṭu
en: Where dust (satisfies) their hunger, their food is clay,
9. nu-u2-ru ul im-ma-ru i-na e-t,u-t,i asz2-bu
ts: nūru ul immarū ina eṭûṭi ašbū
en: (where) light they do not see, in darkness they sit
10. lab-szu-ma _gin7_ is,-s,ur-ri s,u-bat kap-pi
ts: labšūma kīma iṣṣūri ṣubāt kappī
en: (where) they are clothed like birds, in garments of feathers,
11. _ugu {gesz}ig_ u _{gesz}sag-kul_ sza2-bu-uh ep-ru
ts: eli dalti u sikkūri šabuḫ epru
en: over the door and lock, dust was settled,
12. {d}inanna a-na _ka2 kur-nu-gi4-a_ ina ka-sza2-di-sza2
ts: ištar ana bāb kurnugi’a ina kašādiša
en: Ištar, at the gate of Kurnugi’a arriving,
13. a-na _{lu2}i3-du8_ ba-a-bi a-ma-tu4 iz-zak-kar
ts: ana ati bābi amātu izzakkar
en: to the gatekeeper speaks:
14. _{lu2}i3-du8_-me-e pi-ta-a ba-ab-ka
ts: atûmē pitâ bābka
en: “Gatekeeper, open your gate for me;
15. pi-ta-a ba-ab-ka-ma lu-ru-ba a-na-ku
ts: pitâ bābka lūruba anāku
en: open your gate for me, that I, indeed I, may enter;
16. szum-ma la ta-pat-ta-a ba-a-bu la er-ru-ba a-na-ku
ts: šumma lā tapattâ bābu lā erruba anāku
en: if you do not open the gate for me, so that I, indeed I, cannot enter,
17. a-mah-ha-as, dal-tu4 sik-ku-ru a-szab-bir
ts: amaḫḫaṣ daltu sikkūru ašabbir
en: I will strike the door, the lock I will break;
18. a-mah-ha-as, si-ip-pu-ma u3-sza2-bala-kat3 _{gesz}ig-mesz_
ts: amaḫḫaṣ sippūma ušabalakkat dalāti
en: I will strike the posts, I will push the doors aside,
19. u2-sze-el-la-a mi-tu-ti _gu7-mesz_ bal-t,u-ti
ts: ušellâ mītūti ikkalū balṭūti
en: I will raise up the dead; they will devour the living,
20. _ugu_ bal-t,u-ti i-ma-i-du mi-tu-ti
ts: eli balṭūti ima’’idū mītūti
en: that the dead will outnumber the living.”
21. _{lu2}i3-du8_ pa-a-szu2 i-pu-usz-ma i-qab-bi
ts: atû pâšu īpuš-ma iqabbi
en: The gatekeeper worked his mouth, saying,
22. iz-zak-ka-ra a-na _gal_-ti {d}isz-tar
ts: izzakkara ana rabīti ištar
en: speaking to great Ištar:
23. i-zi-zi be-el-ti la ta-na-da-asz2-szi
ts: izizzī bēltī lā tanaddâšši
en: “Stand, my lady, do not knock it down,
24. lu-ul-lik _mu_-ki lu-sza2-an-ni a-na szar-ra-ti {d}eresz-ki-gal
ts: lullik zikirki lušanni ana šarrati ereškigal
en: let me go and your words repeat to queen Ereškigal.”
25. e-ru-um-ma _{lu2}i3-du8_ iz-zak-ka-ra a-na {d}eresz-ki-gal
ts: ērum-ma atû izzakkara ana ereškigal
en: He entered, and the gatekeeper speaks to Ereškigal:
26. an-ni-tu me-e a-ha-ta-ki {d}isz-tar i-za-az i-na ba-bi-ka
ts: annītumē ahātaki ištar izzaz ina bābi
en: “Here now, your sister Ištar is standing at your gate,
27. mu-kil-tu sza2 kep-pe-e _gal-mesz_ da-li-ha-at ap-si-i ma-har {d}e2-a _lugal_
ts: mukiltu ša keppê rabûti dālihat apsî mahar ea šarri
en: she who holds the great hunting loops, who roils up the Apsu before king Ea.”
28. {d}eresz-ki-gal an-ni-ta i-na sze-mi-sza2
ts: ereškigal annīta ina šemîša
en: Ereškigal, hearing this,
29. ki-ma ni-kis {gesz}bi-ni e-ri-qu pa-nu-sza2
ts: kīma nikis bīni ēriqū pānūša
en: like cut tamarisk went yellow her face,
30. ki-ma sza2-pat2 ku-ni-ni is,-li-ma sza-pa2-tu-sza2
ts: kīma šapat kunīni iṣlimā šapātuša
en: like the edge of a drinking reed went black her lips.
31. mi-na-a lib3-ba-sza2 ub-la-an-ni mi-na-a kab-ta-sa-ma usz-par2-da-an-ni-ma
ts: mīnâ libbaša ublanni mīnâ kabtassama ušpardannima
en: “What brought her heart to me? What caused her liver to light up for me?
32. an-ni-tu-me-e a-na-ku it-ti {d}a-nun-na-ki _a-mesz_ a-szat-ti
ts: annītumē anāku itti anunnaki mê ašatti
en: Here now, shall I, even I, with the Anunnaki water drink?
33. ki-ma _ninda-mesz_ a-kal _im_ ki-ma _kasz-mesz_ a-szat-ta-a _a-mesz_ dal-hu-te
ts: kīma aklī akkal ṭīṭṭa kīma šikārī ašattâ mê dalḫūte
en: As if bread, shall I eat clay? As if beer, shall I drink murky water?
34. lu-ub-ki a-na _gurusz-mesz_ sza e-zi-bu {munus}hi-re-ti
ts: lubki ana eṭlūti ša ezzibū ḫīrēti
en: Let me weep for the young men who leave behind wives?
35. lu-ub-ki a-na _{munus}ki-sikil-mesz_ sza _ta ur2_ {lu2}ha-i-ri-szi-na szal-lu-pa-ni
ts: lubki ana ardāti ša ultu sūni ḫā’irīšina šallupāni
en: Let me weep weep for the maidens who from the lap of their spouses are torn?
36. a-na _{lu2}tur_ la-ke-e lu-ub-ki sza ina la _u4-mesz_-szu3 t,ar-du
ts: ana šerri lakê lubki ša ina lā ūmīšu ṭardu
en: For the weak young one let me weep, who before his days was lead away?
37. a-lik _{lu2}i3-du8_ pi-ta-asz2-szi ba-ab-ka
ts: alik atû pitâšši bābka
en: Go, gatekeeper, open for her your gate,
38. up-pi-is-si-ma ki-ma _garza-mesz_ la-bi-ru-ti
ts: uppissima kīma parṣī labirūti
en: treat her according to the ancient rules!”
39. il-lik _{lu2}i3-du8_ ip-ta-asz2-szi ba-ab-szu
ts: illik atû iptašši bābšu
en: Off went the gatekeeper, and opened for her his gate.
40. er-bi be-el-ti gu2-du8-a{ki} li-risz-ki
ts: erbī bēltī kutâ lirīški
en: “Enter, my lady, let Kuthâ rejoice over you.”
41. _e2-gal kur-nu-gi-a_ li-ih-du ina pa-ni-ki
ts: ekal kur-nugi'a liḫdu ina pāniki
en: May the palace of Kurnugi’a be happy at your presence!”
42. 1(disz)-en _ka2_ u2-sze-rib-szi-ma um-ta-s,i it-ta-bal _aga gal_-a sza _sag-du_-sza2
ts: išten bāba ušēribšima umtaṣṣi ittabal agâ rabâ ša qaqqadiša
en: The 1st gate he let her enter, and he spread out and took away the great crown of her head.
43. am-mi-ni _i3-du8_ ta-at-bal _aga gal_-a sza _sag-du_-ia
ts: ammīni atû tatbal agâ rabâ ša qaqqadiya.
en: “Why, gatekeeper, did you take away the great crown of my head?”
44. er-bi be-el-ti sza _{d}nin-ki_-ti3 ki-a-am _garza-mesz_-sza2
ts: erbī bēltī ša bēlet-erṣeti kīam parṣūša
en: “Enter, my lady, of the lady of the netherworld thus are her rules.”
45. 2(disz)-a _ka2_ u2-sze-rib-szi-ma um-ta-s,i it-ta-bal in-s,a-ba-te sza _gesztu-min_-sza2
ts: šanâ bāba ušēribšima umtaṣṣi ittabal inṣabāte ša uznīša
en: The 2nd gate he let her enter, and he spread out and took away the earrings of her ears.
46. am-mi-ni _i3-du8_ ta-at-bal in-s,a-ba-te sza _gesztu-min_-ia
ts: ammīni atû tatbal inṣabāte ša uznīya
en: “Why, gatekeeper, did you take away the earrings of my ears?”
47. er-bi be-el-ti sza _{d}nin-ki_-ti3 ki-a-am _garza-mesz_-sza2
ts: erbī bēltī ša bēlet-erṣeti kīam parṣūša
en: “Enter, my lady, of the lady of the netherworld thus are her rules.”
48. 3(disz)-szu _ka2_ u2-sze-rib-szi-ma um-ta-s,i it-ta-bal _{na4}nunuz-mesz_ sza _gu2_-sza2
ts: šalšu bāba ušēribšima umtaṣṣi ittabal erimmāti ša kišādīša
en: The 3rd gate he let her enter, and he spread out and took away the beads of her neck.
49. am-mi-ni _i3-du8_ ta-at-bal _{na4}nunuz-mesz_ sza _gu2_-ia
ts: ammīni atû tatbal erimmāti ša kišādiya
en: “Why, gatekeeper, did you take away the beads of my neck?”
50. er-bi be-el-ti sza _{d}nin-ki_-ti3 ki-a-am _garza-mesz_-sza2
ts: erbī bēltī ša bēlet-erṣeti kīam parṣūša
en: “Enter, my lady, of the lady of the netherworld thus are her rules.”
51. 4(disz)-u2 _ka2_ u2-sze-rib-szi-ma um-ta-s,i it-ta-bal du-di-na-te sza2 _gaba_-sza2
ts: rebû bāba ušēribšima umtaṣṣi ittabal dudināte ša irtiša
en: The 4th gate he let her enter, and he spread out and took away the pectoral of her chest.
52. am-mi-ni _{lu2}i3-du8_ ta-at-bal du-di-na-te sza2 _gaba_-ia
ts: ammīni atû tatbal dudināte ša iritīya
en: “Why, gatekeeper, did you take away the pectoral of my chest?”
53. er-bi be-el-ti sza _{d}nin-ki_-ti3 ki-a-am _garza-mesz_-sza2
ts: erbī bēltī ša bēlet-erṣeti kīam parṣūša
en: “Enter, my lady, of the lady of the netherworld thus are her rules.”
54. 5(disz)-szu2 _ka2_ u2-sze-rib-szi-ma um-ta-s,i it-ta-bal szib-bu _na4-tu_ sza _murub4-mesz_-sza2
ts: hamšu bāba ušēribšima umtaṣṣi ittabal šibbu aban-alādi ša qablīša
en: The 5th gate he let her enter, and he spread out and took away the belt of birthstones of her hips
55. am-mi-ni _{lu2}i3-du8_ ta-at-bal szib-bu _na4-tu_ sza _murub4-mesz_-ia
ts: ammīni atû tatbal šibbu aban-alādi ša qablīya
en: “Why, gatekeeper, did you take away belt of birthstones of my hips?”
56. er-bi be-el-ti sza _{d}nin-ki_-ti3 ki-a-am _garza-mesz_-sza2
ts: erbī bēltī ša bēlet-erṣeti kīam parṣūša
en: “Enter, my lady, of the lady of the netherworld thus are her rules.”
57. 6(disz)-szu2 _ka2_ u2-sze-rib-szi-ma um-ta-s,i it-ta-bal _har-mesz szu_-sza2 u _giri3_-sza2
ts: šeššu bāba ušēribšima umtaṣṣi ittabal šemērī qātiša u šēpiša
en: The 6th gate he let her enter, and he spread out and took away the bracelets of her hand and her foot.
58. am-mi-ni _{lu2}i3-du8_ ta-at-bal _har-mesz szu_-ia u _giri3_-ia
ts: ammīni atû tatbal šemērī qātiya u šēpiya
en: “Why, gatekeeper, did you take away the bracelets of my hand and my foot?”
59. er-bi be-el-ti sza _{d}nin-ki_-ti3 ki-a-am _garza-mesz_-sza2
ts: erbī bēltī ša bēlet-erṣeti kīam parṣūša
en: “Enter, my lady, of the lady of the netherworld thus are her rules.”
60. 7(disz)-u2 _ka2_ u2-sze-rib-szi-ma um-ta-s,i it-ta-bal s,u-bat bal-ti sza2 zu-um-ri-sza2
ts: šebû bāba ušēribšima umtaṣṣi ittabal ṣubāt balti ša zumriša
en: The 7th gate he let her enter, and he spread out and took away the garment of modesty of her body.
61. am-mi3-ni _{lu2}i3-du8_ ta-at-bal s,u-bat bal-ti sza2 zu-um-ri2-ia
ts: ammīni atû tatbal ṣubāt balti ša zumriya
en: “Why, gatekeeper, did you carry off the garment of modesty of my body?
62. er-bi be-el-ti sza {d}nin-ki-ti3 ki-a-am _garza-mesz_-sza2
ts: erbī bēltī ša bēlet erṣeti kīam parṣūša
en: “Enter, my lady, of the lady of the netherworld thus are her rules.”
63. isz-tu ul-la-nu-um-ma {d}isz-tar a-na kur-nu-gi4-a u2-ri-du
ts: ištu ullânumma ištar ana kurnugi’a ūridu
en: away from there, Ishtar to Kurnugi’a descended.
64. {d}nin-ki-gal i-mur-szi-ma ina pa-ni-sza2 ir-'-ub
ts: ereškigal īmuršima ina pāniša ir’ub
en: Ereshkigal saw her and in her presence began to shake.
65. {d}inanna ul im-ma-lik e-le-nu-usz-sza2 it-bi
ts: ištar ūl immallik elēnušša itbi
en: Ishtar did not reflect; above her she rose.
66. {d}nin-ki-gal pa-a-sza i-pu-usz-ma i-qab-bi
ts: ereškigal pâša īpušma iqabbi
en: Ereshkigal her mouth worked, speaking,
67. a-na {d}nam-tar _sukkal_-sza2 a-ma-tu4 iz-zak-kar
ts: ana namtar šukkalliša amātu izzakkar
en: to Namtar, her high minister, the words speaking:
68. a-lik {d}nam-tar [...]-ru4 ina _e2-kal_-li-ia-ma
ts: alik namtar ina ekalliyama
en: “Go, Namtar, ... in my palace, and
69. szu-s,a-asz2-szi 1(disz) szu-szi _gig_ a-na {d}inanna
ts: šuṣašši išten šuši murṣī ana ištar
en: send out against her, the sixty diseases against Ishtar:
70. _gig igi-min_ a-na _igi-min_-sza2
ts: muruṣ ināti ana inātiša
en: the disease of the eyes against her eyes,
71. _gig_ a-hi a-na a-hi-sza2
ts: muruṣ aḫi ana aḫiša
en: the disease of the side against her side,
72. _gig giri3-min_ a-na _giri3-min_-sza2
ts: muruṣ šepî ana šepîša
en: the disease of the feet against her feet,
73. _gig sza3_-bi a-na _sza3_-bi-sza
ts: muruṣ libbi ana libbiša
en: the disease of the stomach against her stomach,
74. _gig sag-du_ a-na _sag-du_-sza
ts: muruṣ qaqqadi ana qaqqadiša
en: the disease of the head against her head,
75. a-na sza2-a-sza gab-bi-sza-ma a-na zu-um-ri2-sza
ts: ana šâša gabbišama ana zumriša
en: against her, all of her, against her body!”
76. ar-ki {d}isz-tar be-el-ti a-na kur-nu-gi4-a u2-ri-du
ts: arki ištar bēlti ana kurnugi’a ūridu
en: After lady Ištar to Kurnugi’a descended,
77. a-na bur-ti _gu4_ ul i-szah-hi-it, _ansze eme3_ ul u2-sza2-ra
ts: ana būrti alpu ul išaḫḫiṭ imēru atānu ul ušâra
en: the cow the bull does not mount, the donkey the jenny does not impregnate;
78. ar-da-tu4 ina _sila_ ul u2-sza2-ra et,-lu
ts: ardatum ina sūqi ul ušâra eṭlu
en: the young woman in the street does not impregnate the young man;
79. it-til et-lu i-na kum3-mi-szu2
ts: ittīl eṭlu ina kummišu
en: lay the young man in his chamber,
80. it-til ar-da-tum i-na a-hi-sza2
ts: ittīl ardatum ina aḫiša]
en: lay the young woman on her side.
81. {d}pap-sukkal _sukkal dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ qu3-ud-du-ud ap-pa-szu2 pa-nu-szu2
ts: papsukkal šukkalli ilī rabûti quddud appašu pānūšu
en: Papsukkal, minister of the great gods: bent low was his nose, his face;
82. kar-ru la-bisz ma-le-e na-asz2? [...]
ts: karru labiš malê naš ...
en: in rags clad, unkempt hair bearing, ...
83. il-lik an-hisz i-na pa-an {d}sin _ad_-szu2 i-bak-ki [...]
ts: illik anḫiš ina pān sin abišu ibakki ...
en: he went, tired, before Sîn, his father, weeping, ...
84. i-na pa-an {d}e2-a _lugal_ il-la-ka di-ma-a-szu2 [...]
ts: ina pān ea šarri illaka dimāšu [...]
en: before Ea, the king, he was going, his tears ...:
85. {d}isz-tar a-na _ki_-tim u-rid ul i-la-a
ts: ištar ana erṣetim ūrid ul īlâ
en: “Ištar to the underworld descended, but did not ascend;
86. ul-tu ul-la-nu-um-ma {d}isz-tar a-na kur-nu-gi4-a u2-ri-du
ts: ultu ullânumma ištar ana kurnugi’a ūridu
en: since Ištar to Kurnugi’a descended,
87. a-na bur-ti _gu4_ ul i-szah-hi-it, _ansze eme3_ ul u2-sza2-ra
ts: ana būrti alpu ul išahhiṭ imēru atānu ul ušâra
en: the cow the bull does not mount, the donkey the jenny does not impregnate;
88. ar-da-tu4 ina _sila_ ul u2-sza2-ra et,-lu
ts: ardatu ina sūqi ul ušâra eṭlu
en: the young woman in the street is not impregnated by the young man;
89. it-til et,-lu i-na kum3-mi-szu2
ts: ittīl eṭlu ina kummišu
en: lay the young man in his chamber,
90. it-til ar-da-tu4 i-na a-hi-sza2
ts: ittīl ardatu ina aḫiša
en: lay the young woman on her side;
91. {d}e2-a ina em-qi lib3-bi-szu2 ib-ta-ni zik-ru
ts: ea ina emqi libbišu ibtani zikru
en: Ea, in the wisdom of his stomach, has created a man,
92. ib-ni-ma {disz}e3-szu-na-mir {lu2}as-sin-nu
ts: ibnima aṣûšu-namir assinnu
en: and he created Aṣûšu-namir, a she-man,
93. al-ka {disz}e3-szu-na-mir i-na _ka2_ kur-nu-gi4-a szu-kun pa-ni-ka
ts: alka aṣûšu-namir ina bāb kurnugi’a šukun pānīka
en: come, Aṣûšu-namir, in the gate of Kurnugi’a set you face!
94. _7(disz) ka2_ kur-nu-gi4-a lip-pe-tu-u i-na pa-ni-ka
ts: šebû bābī kurnugi’a lippettû ina pānīka
en: may the 7 gates of Kurnugi’a be opened in your face!
95. {d}eresz-ki-gal li-mur-ka-ma i-na pa-ni-ka li-ih-du
ts: ereškigal līmurkama ina pānīka liḫdu
en: May Ereškigal see you and in your face rejoice!
96. ul-tu lib3-bi-sza2 i-nu-uh-hu kat-ta-as-sa ip-pe2-red-du-u
ts: ultu libbiša inuḫḫu kattassa ippereddû
en: when her stomach is calmed, her liver happy,
97. tum3-me-szi-ma _mu dingir-mesz gal-mesz_
ts: tummešima zikir ilī rabûti
en: make her utter the oath of the great gods!
98. szu-qi _sag-mesz_-ka a-na {kusz}hal-zi-qi uz-na szu-kun
ts: šuqi rēšīka ana ḫalziqi uzna šukun
en: Raise your head, to the waterskin ear give!
99. e be-el-ti {kusz}hal-zi-qi lid-nu-ni _a-mes_ i-na lib3-bi lu-ul-ta-ti
ts: ē bēltī ḫalziqi lidnuni mê ina libbi lultati
en: “O Lady, the waterskin let them give me, that water therefrom I may drink!”
100. {d}eresz-ki-gal an-ni-ta ina sze-mi-sza2
ts: ereškigal annīta ina šemîša
en: Ereškigal, hearing this,
101. tam-ha-as, _ur2_-sza2 tasz-szu-ka u-ba-an-sza2
ts: tamhaṣ pemša taššuka ubanša
en: struck her thigh, bit her finger:
102. te-tir-sza-an-ni e-resz-tu4 la e-re-szi
ts: tetiršanni erēštu lā erēši
en: “You made a request of me that is not to be requested!
103. al-ka {disz}e3-szu-na-mir lu-zir-ka iz-ra _gal_-a
ts: alka aṣûšu-namir luzirka izra rabâ
en: Come, Aṣûšu-namir, let me lay a great curse on you!
104. _ninda-mesz {gesz}apin-mesz iri_ lu a-kal-ka
ts: aklī epenēt āli lū akalka
en: May the breads of the plows of the city be your bread!
105. {dug}ha-ba-na-at _iri_ lu ma-al-ti-it-ka
ts: ḫabanāt āli lū maltika
en: May the drainpipes of the city be your drink,
106. _gissu bad3_ lu-u2 man-za-zu-ka
ts: ṣillī dūri lū manzazūka
en: the shadows of the wall your stations,
107. as-kup-pa-tu lu mu-sza-bu-u2-ka
ts: askuppātu lū mušabūka
en: the threshold your residence!
108. szak-ru u3 s,a-mu-u2 lim-ha-s,u le-et-ka
ts: šakrū u ṣamû limḫaṣū lētka
en: May drunks and parched strike your cheek!”
109. {d}eresz-ki-gal pa-a-sza i-pu-usz-ma i-qab-bi
ts: ereškigal pâša īpušma iqabbi
en: Ereškigal worked her mouth, saying,
110. a-na {d}nam-tar _sukkal_-sza2 a-ma-ta iz-zak-kar
ts: ana namtar šukkalliša amāta izzakkar
en: to Namtar, her minister, words speaking:
111. a-lik {d}nam-tar ma-ha-as, e2-gal-gi-na
ts: alik namtar maḫaṣ egalgina
en: “Go, Namtar, strike Egalgina!
112. _{na4}i-dab-mesz_ za-'-i-na sza _{na4}pa-mesz_
ts: askuppāti za’ina ša ayyarāti
en: The thresholds adorn in coral stone!
113. {d}a-nun-na-ki szu-s,a-a i-na _{gesz}gu-za ku3-sig17_ szu-szib
ts: anunnakī šūṣâ ina kussi ḫurāṣi šūšib
en: The Anunna bring out and on thrones of gold seat them!
114. {d}inanna _a-mesz ti-la_ su-luh-szi-ma le-qa-asz2-szi ina mah-ri-ia
ts: ištar mê balāṭi suluḫšima leqâšši ina maḫriya
en: Ištar with water of life sprinkle and take her into(?) my presence!”
115. il-lik {d}nam-tar im-ha-as, _e2-gal-gi-na_
ts: illik namtar imhaṣ egalgina
en: Off went Namtar and knocked at Egalgina;
116. _{na4}i-dab-mesz_ u2-za-'-i-na sza _{na4}pa-mesz_
ts: askuppāti uza’’inā ša ayyarāti
en: the thresholds he decorated with coral stone;
117. {d}a-nun-na-ki u2-sze-s,a-a ina _{gesz}gu-za ku3-sig17_ u2-sze-szib
ts: anunnakī ušēṣâ ina kussi hurāṣi ušēšib
en: the Anunna he brought out and on thrones of gold sat them;
118. {d}isz-tar _a-mesz ti-la_ is,-luh-szi-ma il-qa-asz2-szi a-na mah-ri-sza2
ts: ištar mê balāṭi isluhšima ilqâšši ana mahriša
en: Ištar with water of life he sprinkled and took her into(?) her presence;
119. 1(disz)-en _ka2_ u2-sze-s,i-szi-ma ut-te-er-szi s,u-bat bal-ti-sza2 zu-um-ri-sza2
ts: ištēn bāba ušēṣišima utterši ṣubāt balti ša zumriša
en: out of the first gate he brought her and returned to her the loincloth of her body;
120. 2(disz)-a _ka2_ u2-sze-s,i-szi-ma ut-te-er-szi sze-mer _szu-min_ u _giri3_-sza2
ts: šanâ bāba ušēṣišima utterši šemer qātīša u šēpīša
en: out of the second gate he brought her and returned to her her bracelets and anklets;
121. 3(disz)-sza2 _ka2_ u2-sze-s,i-szi-ma ut-te-er-szi szib-bu _na4 tu_ sza2 _murub4-mesz_-sza2
ts: šalša bāba ušēṣišima utterši šibbu aban alādi ša qablīša
en: out of the third gate he brought her and returned to her the girdle of birth-stones around her waist;
122. 4(disz)-u2 _ka2_ u2-sze-s,i-szi-ma ut-te-er-szi du-di-na-te sza2 _gaba_-sza2
ts: rebû bāba ušēṣišima utterši dudinnāte ša irtiša
en: out of the fourth gate he brought her and returned to her her breast pins;
123. 5(disz)-szu2 _ka2_ u2-sze-s,i-szi-ma ut-te-er-szi _{na4}nunuz-mesz_ sza2 _gu2_-sza2
ts: hamšu bāba ušēṣišima utterši erimmāti ša kišādiša
en: out of the fifth gate he brought her and returned to her the beads around her neck;
124. 6(disz)-szu2 _ka2_ u2-sze-s,i-szi-ma ut-te-er-szi in-s,a-ba-te sza2 _gesztu-min_-sza2
ts: šeššu bāba ušēṣišima utterši inṣabāte ša uznīša
en: out of the sixth gate he brought her and returned to her the earrings on her ears;
125. 7(disz@v)-u2 _ka2_ u2-sze-s,i-szi-ma ut-te-er-szi a-gu-u ra-ba-a sza2 _sag-du_-sza2
ts: sebû bāba ušēṣišima utterši agû rabâ ša qaqqadiša
en: out of the seventh gate he brought her and returned to her the great tiara on her head.
Total 22 record(s)