CDLI Newsletter 2021/2: October 2021

CDLI Newsletter 2021/2: October 2021

We are excited to announce that the CDLI and Achemenet <>, and its specific sub-program called DCA (Déchiffrement du Cunéiforme Achéménide) dealing with the whole corpus of Babylonian cuneiform texts of the Persian period, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (on October 13), to work on the harmonisation of our catalogues and to ensure that persistent links between the two projects are established and maintained.

As always, we are grateful for ATF transliterations contributions from colleagues; since January, we have received new texts and corrections from or credited to: Barjamovic, Bramanti, Carr, Crisostomo, Dahl, dejong Ellis, de Ridder, Englund, Firth, Foldi, Foxvog, Galador, Girardi,  Guidi, Haddad, Hunger, Jagersma, Lafont, Laessoe, Liu, Michalowski, Musgrave, Ozaki, Pagé-Perron, Pingree, Roth, Suurmeijer, Weeden, Woestenburg, and Zolyomi.

In this newsletter we would like to highlight the contributions of Bram Jagersma and Jamie Novotny who are providing substantial amounts of corrections and additions to the Old Babylonian and Neo Assyrian files in the CDLI.

CDLI is dependent on feedback, contributions and corrections from users and we are grateful for all of these.

We continue to process and upload legacy data collected before the pandemic (National Museum of Iran, Tehran; Ashmolean Museum; Cornell Collection), and have recently uploaded or updated more than 10,000 images of cuneiform tablets and seals.

CDLI was recently awarded a small grant from the John Fell fund of the University of Oxford to upgrade our server infrastructure at the Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford, and for continued development of the New Framework for the CDLI.

During the pandemic the General Fund for Assyriology at Wolfson College Oxford, endowed through a generous gift to the College, has supported student assistants working on various projects for the CDLI.

CDLI continues to work on improving its coverage of seals and seal impressions, generously supported by the Getty Museum Director’s Fund. Recent work includes materials testing of seals in the Ashmolean museum, alignment of materials designations in the CDLI catalog with the Getty typologies for materials, and collection of legacy data for seals, and posting to web.

Since January, four Bulletin articles have been published, which can be consulted here: <>

Johandi, A., Sazonov, V. & Fink, S. “A Neo-Sumerian AdministrativeTablet in the University of Tartu Art Museum.” CDLB 2021:4.
Abaslou, S. & Zamani, A. “Newly Found Inscribed Elamite Bricks of Untaš-Napiriša in the Čahār Fasl Museum of Arak”. CDLB 2021:3.
Mohr, S. & Thompson S. M. “A Selection of Tablets and Cones from Brown University”. CDLB 2021:2.
Liu Ch. “Six Neo-Sumerian Texts in the Boston Public Library”. CDLB 2021:1.

We have also published one Journal article (go here <> for the CDLJ):

Rattenborg, R., Johansson, C., Nett, S., Ryberg Smidt, G. & Andersson, J. “An Open Access Index for the Geographical Distribution of the Cuneiform Corpus”. CDLJ 2021:1.

Finally, our pre-print service continues to attract high quality submissions, new submissions can be found here

Huber, Peter J. Third Millennium BC Chronology and Clock-Time Correction. CDLP 22.
Brunke, Hagan. On Systems of the Second Degree — Some Thoughts (and a Lot of Pictures). CDLP 21.

On behalf of the CDLI
Jacob Dahl, Bertrand Lafont, and Émilie Pagé-Perron

October 21, 2021
Posted by Pagé-Perron, Émilie

Cite this Posting
CDLI contributors. 2024. “CDLI Newsletter 2021/2: October 2021.” Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. September 13, 2024.
CDLI contributors. (2024, September 13). CDLI Newsletter 2021/2: October 2021. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative.
CDLI contributors (2024) CDLI Newsletter 2021/2: October 2021, Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. Available at: (Accessed: September 13, 2024).
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