Cuneiform Digital Library Journal & Bulletin Information

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About the CDLJ

The Cuneiform Digital Library Journal is an electronic journal constituted in conjunction with the organization and work of the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative to afford contributors to that effort the opportunity to make known to an international community the results of their research into topics related to those of the CDLI.

The CDLJ is a refereed e-journal for Assyriology. We are interested in publishing a broad and international range of cuneiform research articles that will appeal to academic researchers as well as interested members of the public.

Contributions dealing with the major themes of the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative, that is, with text analyses of cuneiform documents (incorporating text, photographs, data, drawings, interpretations), early writing, paleography, administrative history, mathematics, metrology, and the technology of modern cuneiform editing are welcome. Articles in the Cuneiform Digital Library Journal are chosen for their quality academic content and for their use of the electronic medium.

The editorial board of the Cuneiform Digital Library Journal consists of representatives from leading universities, research institutions and museums around the world, including the University of Oxford, the CNRS, Paris, the CSIS, Madrid, the CNR, Rome, the Johns Hopkins University, the University of Chicago, Cornell University, and UC Berkeley. The Journal is hosted by the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative, LA/Oxford/Berlin, and is managed by Jacob L Dahl, and maintained by Laura F Hawkins. Without the guidance and support of a number of other people, it is unlikely that the journal would be in its present form. We should mention particularly Judith Winters, chief editor of Internet Archaeology, for her kind permission allowing us to "lift" from her site many of the policy and guideline statements now a part of these pages.

Please report any problems, comments or suggestions to

Authors who are interested in submitting papers to the CDLJ should read our editorial policy and our guidelines for authors. The CDLJ offers:

  • Publication in a peer-reviewed journal.
  • World-wide distribution.
  • Seamless intermeshing of data, interpretation and discussion.
  • The ability to let others analyze your data on-line, or download data to their own computers.
  • A variety of indexing methods which allow both structured searching and full-text indexing.
  • Color graphics throughout your paper.

About the CDLB

The Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin is an electronic journal constituted in conjunction with the organization and work of the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative to afford contributors to that effort the opportunity to make known to an international community the results of their research into topics related to those of the CDLI.

The CDLB is a refereed e-journal for Assyriology and is conceived as a sister publication of the Cuneiform Digital Library Journal. While the latter journal seeks substantive contributions dealing with the major themes of the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative, that is, with text analyses of cuneiform documents (incorporating text, photographs, data, drawings, interpretations), early writing, paleography, administrative history, mathematics, metrology, and the technology of modern cuneiform editing are welcome, articles in the Bulletin should be short notes of at most five pages that deal with specific topics, collations, etc., and do not attempt to offer synthetic treatments of complex subjects.

The editorial board of the Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin consists of representatives from leading universities, research institutions and museums around the world, including the University of Oxford, the CNRS, Paris, the CSIS, Madrid, the CNR, Rome, the Johns Hopkins University, the University of Chicago, Cornell University, and UC Berkeley. The Bulletin is hosted by the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative, LA/Oxford/Berlin, and is managed by Jacob L Dahl, and maintained by Laura F Hawkins. Without the guidance and support of a number of other people, it is unlikely that the journal would be in its present form. We should mention particularly Judith Winters, chief editor of Internet Archaeology, for her kind permission allowing us to "lift" from her site many of the policy and guideline statements now a part of these pages.

Please report any problems, comments or suggestions to

Authors who are interested in submitting papers to the CDLB should read our editorial policy and our guidelines for authors. The CDLB offers:

  • Publication in a peer-reviewed journal.
  • World-wide distribution.
  • Seamless intermeshing of data, interpretation and discussion.
  • The ability to let others analyze your data on-line, or download data to their own computers.
  • A variety of indexing methods which allow both structured searching and full-text indexing.
  • Color graphics throughout your paper.

CDLJ&B Editorial board

Name Institution
Jacob L Dahl, editor-in-chief University of Oxford, Oxford
Laura F Hawkins, managing editor Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Émilie Pagé-Perron University of York and University of Oxford, Oxford
Jerrold Cooper (emeritus) Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 
Jan Gerrit Dercksen Leiden University
Bertrand Lafont National Center of Scientific Research, Paris
Manuel Molina Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid
David I. Owen (emeritus) Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Niek Veldhuis UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
Susanne Paulus University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Marco Bonechi Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Rome

CDLJ&B editorial policy

The Cuneiform Digital Library Journal (CDLJ) and the Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin (CDLB) are refereed electronic journals for Assyriology seeking the submission of articles that combine high academic caliber with an attempt to exploit the potential of electronic publication.

The aim of both journals is to publish a range of articles offering text analyses of cuneiform documents (incorporating text, photographs, data, drawings, interpretations), treatments of early writing, of cuneiform writing systems, and of cuneiform paleography, of Mesopotamian administrative history, mathematics, metrology, and of the technology of modern cuneiform editing. Notes about texts included in the CDLI data set will be linked to their corresponding pages, and vice versa. There is no word count or page limit for submissions to the CDLJ. Our only requirements are that articles should contribute to the knowledge of the economic, social and intellectual history of early literate Babylonia, and that they should exploit the capabilities of the WWW medium. The CDLB on the other hand offers contributors a forum for the rapid distribution of short notes of NABU size dealing with the major themes of the CDLI. The language of submissions is to be English.

The journals intend to publish articles in their web pages as soon as they have successfully completed the process of peer review and the insertion of eventual corrections and additions by the author(s). All articles will be archived under the formula YEAR:NUMBER, and will appear in two formats, insofar as a dual presentation is possible. Articles will on the one hand be presented in HTML pages with a provisional convention to represent Assyriological diacritics; on the other hand, the same articles will be downloadable in PDF format, thus allowing readers a hardcopy version of contributions including standard diacritics.

Geographical scope

The geographical focus of journal publications will necessarily be Mesopotamia. Comparative articles dealing with, for instance, proto-Elamite or archaic Chinese, will be welcome.

Chronological scope

The editors see the journals as forums for the electronic dissemination of contributions to the history, in its broadest sense, of the 4th and 3rd millennium B.C. Analyses of orthography, lexicography, administrative history and related topics derived from 2nd and 1st millennium corpora will be considered for inclusion. Articles will be retrievable by period and subject.

Subject matter

The journals will publish articles on a restricted range of Assyriological issues, including editions of smaller tablet collections using electronic media, archival reports, socio-economic studies, and theory and methodology. Articles will be chosen both for their academic content and their approach to the opportunities provided by electronic publication.

Publication schedule

The journals intend to reduce the delay between submission and publication dates well below that of academic print journals. Both the CDLB and the CDLJ will, however, be refereed journals and thus will make every effort to care for a high level of academic discourse in their pages. Authors should expect a two to four month interval between submission of a draft text with illustrations and its publication for substantive contributions to the Journal, at most two months for those made to the Bulletin. The time to publication will include a period of preprint posting for all contributions (see below).

Guidelines for Authors

If you are about to make plans for the publication of an Assyriological paper, please consider what the journals can offer:

  • Publication in a Peer-Reviewed Journal.
  • Rapid World-Wide distribution.
  • Internconnectivity of data, interpretation and discussion.
  • The ability to let others analyse your data on-line, or download data to their own computers.
  • A variety of indexing methods which allow both structured searching and full-text indexing.
  • Color graphics throughout your paper.

See our Guidelines for Authors for further details, from how to submit a proposal to our style guidelines.

Peer review

Peer review in Assyriological journals has not always been as strict as might be wished. We see an even greater danger of non-refereed publications in the internet, and are thus intent on establishing and following a strict process of review of all submissions to this journal.

We will strive to make the editorial process move as rapidly as possible. All submissions to the CDLJ will be screened by CDLI staff at UCLA for their compatibility with the goals of the journal, following which they will be circulated to at least two outside referees, either members of the CDLJ editorial board, or to acknowledged specialists in fields closely related to the topic of the submission. Submissions to the CDLB will move more rapidly through a shortened review process, with a quick review of their Internet compatibility and academic quality by LA staff, followed by thier review by one outside specialist before they are posted in the CDLB pages.

Preprints, updates

CDLJ&B will embed in the process of online publication a preprint phase for all contributions. In the case of more substantive articles in the Journal, this preprint phase will last 60 days; shorter Bulletin articles will be posted as preprints for a period of 30 days. This phase of preliminary publication will follow the completion of peer review and is meant merely to give the author(s) the opportunity to correct typographical or bibliographical errors, or to insert important data that has become available subsequent to submission and manuscript changes initiated by peer review. The PDF files corresponding to marked up preprint versions of submissions will be clearly identified as such. Revision of finished pages requires substantial editorial effort, so that a preprint phase should not be seen by author(s) as an opportunity to post unfinished research.

Journal editors will not change content of contributions once they have been formally published (that is, following removal of the "preprint" etiquette), even if mistakes are discovered or if new data would render an interpretation obsolete. However we welcome subsequent addenda or 'new editions' of research published in the journal or bulletin which will be linked to the original piece of work (and vice versa), thus building on its foundations. Authors are requested to contact the editors about all their update requirements.


The journals will publish articles in English. Given the international force of the English language, we believe that this choice will guarantee the broadest possible readership, without severely limiting the ability of scholars to make their ideas known to our public.


The journals will not, as a rule, publish book reviews or review print publications, but please feel free to contact us if you think you have a special case.

However, the CDLB does encourage reviews of works published in an electronic format (either on CD-ROM or as webpages). E-publications with print counterparts are also considered. We will also review specifically philological software packages, but our policy is generally not to review anything that is solely published in print.

CDLJ&B author guidelines

Before you submit your article to us for consideration, please think about its structure. However, here are a few pointers for you to think about at this stage.

Structuring your Text

  • Use the benefits of the Web to your advantage and remember that you are not writing for the printed, linear page. CDLJ and CDLB are not looking for a linear text that simply uses images as supplementary illustrations.
  • Think in visual terms about the final structure. You could write hierarchically where important detail can be included “lower down” in the structure—after all, depth and the building up of layers and meaning are concepts that every archaeologist is familiar with! Alternatively you could use a “core and periphery” model, setting out a central theme in one file with links to files that provide the details and examples.
  • Readers can jump into an article from a variety of sometimes unexpected directions, so you should not make assumptions about what the reader may or may not already know. The conventional “see above,” “see below,” “as already mentioned,” are not helpful (cross-references like this work better as hypertext links anyway).
  • Think about your audience. Consider including a glossary of terms for the non-specialist, or a database of finds with clickable maps to pinpoint regions/interrogate sites and finds. A summary or series of summary sections allow readers to pick out where they want to go at a glance, and so delve "deeper" into the article.
  • Use sub-sections liberally but remember to name and number headings.
  • Bibliographic references can be entered into a tagged database so that they can be easily retrieved.
  • Feedback has shown us that a substantial proportion of readers use the CDLJ as a reliable source of primary reference material. Double-check your data and your references before submission. It is your responsibility to provide the correct information.
  • Articles in the CDLJ can be of any word length, while CDLB contributions are limited to ca. 1500 words, excluding bibliography.

Using links

  • Files are linked together in all manner of ways. We may also add links to your article once it has been submitted to us—but you know your text best and we encourage you to think about where the links might go and how that might affect the reading of your article.
  • If you are writing in LaTex please use the templates: CDLJ template, CDLB template.

Images and Multimedia

  • Unlike print, it costs no more to use color in your images and diagrams than it does to include it as black and white. Images are important to the reader. They help to maintain interest but they are also very efficient means of communicating ideas, especially over the web.
  • We welcome articles that can incorporate all manner of multimedia and other visual aids too—interactive maps, diagrams, video and virtual reality. If you are including a database as part of your article, it will be important to consider its internal structure and how you would like the end product to look and be queried. If you have not already created your database, it would be useful for us to see an outline of your proposed structure at an early stage.

Submitting your Article

  • Ensure that you have included all the correct bibliographic information in your draft (properly and consistently referenced). Make sure that you have copy-edited your text. It is a waste of referees’ and journal staff’s time to correct poor spelling and bad grammar - and last but not least, sloppy drafts create a poor impression of your work in the referee’s mind (whom you are trying to impress after all!).
  • If you do not know how to ‘mark up,’ don't panic. Although we do prefer papers to be submitted in LaTex, we don't expect you to learn unless of course you want to! A word-processed file of your paper or a text file with ‘cues’ indicating links/new sections etc.—like a play with stage directions—will also be fine.
  • Once we have received this draft, your article will be sent to an appropriate specialists in the field for peer-review.

If you have any other ideas, just get in touch with us and we can work through them together.


CDLJ&B Structure of contributions

Paper Structure

There will naturally be variations, but every article in the CDLJ has a certain basic structure. Unlike conventional journal articles, however, the structure is made up of a series of separate interlinked files rather than one single document split into a series of sub-sections. Every article in the CDLJ has its own sub-directory ( and within this directory, there can, dependent on the size of the article, be:

  • an abstract
  • a table of contents
  • a table of figures or images
  • a series of interlinked files that make up the main body of text, the images and any other multimedia elements
  • endnotes
  • a bibliography

The CDLJ recommends that you create a series of files for your article that mimic this structure from the very start rather than splitting your text up at a later stage, which can be very time-consuming. Such files are much quicker to load but they also enable you as the author to have control of section length and can help you to tailor your writing for the medium. It is possible that your paper may have to be re-structured in some way during editorial work, but we will keep you informed of major changes that we feel are necessary just as we expect you to do likewise.

Naming your files

We also recommend you to name your files in a particular way so that a) we can see the structure of your paper but also b) to avoid losing files owing to errors in naming.

Please do not call your files cdlj.html/cdlj.doc, etc. Instead, name the files so that an indication of order is given and use your surname together with the date of the file's completion (in the form YEAR+MONTH+DAY, e.g., 20020119 for January 19, 2002), in the case of multiple files followed by understroke and the file marker, finally after a dot "." the file suffix (e.g. smith20020223_abstract.doc, jones20020303_figure1.jpg).

The abstract page (e.g., smith20020223_abstract.doc)

This is often called the article 'homepage' and contains the article title, the paper summary and your contact details. It will be up to you to let us know if you want changes to be made in this entry file.

The table of contents page (e.g., smith20020223_contents.doc)

Sometimes called the 'site map', this page is used to set out the paper structure and provides links to every file in the article. When creating your toc file, give careful consideration to the titles of each section (file) and their relationship or hierarchy when marking out section numbering (if relevant). If your paper is not linear in structure, it may be possible to provide an actual 'map' of your article instead. Contact us if this would be something you would like to explore.

The table of figures (e.g., smith20020223_figures.doc)

This page is used to list and specify every single image (plans, photographs etc.) in your article and will link directly to them either as they appear in the text or as individual images. Please list the figure numbers, the figure captions as well as the file name of the image to which they correspond.
N.B. We recommend that the figure number in the image file name corresponds to the number in the figures file e.g.


  • Figure 12: Settlement pattern of 3rd millennium Umma (link to 12.gif/12.jpg)
  • Figure 13: A cook's residence in the main court (link to 13.gif/13.jpg)
  • Figure 14: Photo of the text MVN 15, 204 (link to 14.gif/14.jpg)
  • and so on...

You may also use the tof file to provide other information about the figures e.g. who was responsible for the photo/drawing of plan etc. Ensure that all the figures you list in the tof file actually correspond to your text. Please also refer to our notes on image copyright.

Main body of text - series of files

It is important to be fairly rigorous in the labelling of sections and sub-sections.


This file should contain all the references cited within the article. It is your responsibility to check that all references are correct and are cited in the text of the article. We encourage you to adopt a system for filing bibliographic references during your initial research and writing, and always make the time to take complete bibliographic details.

CDLJ&B Style

The journals will appear both as html pages, and as PDF-formatted files using Unicode wherever possible. We strongly recommend that no cuneiform fonts be used in submissions to these journals, since they cannot be reproduced in internet presentation.

The following guidelines are meant primarily for submissions of more substantive contributions to the CDLJ, but can be understood as general recommendations for the much simplified format of submissions to the Bulletin. If after reading through these guidelines you are still unsure about how to present material for final submission and publication, please contact us with your questions (email

Paper Structure

There will naturally be variations, but every article in the CDLJ&B have a certain basic structure. Parts of a paper comprise:

  • an abstract
  • main body of text, the images, and any other multimedia elements
  • endnotes
  • a bibliography

Follow the LaTeX template for more guidance.

Presentation of the text - some recommendations

Abbreviations and contractions

Generally follow the rule that abbreviations (i.e. shortened forms which do not end with the last letter of the original word) and contractions (i.e. shortened forms which end with the last letter of the original word) are followed by a full stop
e.g.   pp.   Fig.   PI.
e.g.   Mr.   Dr.   Mrs.   St.   

Use A.D., B.C., etc. Metrological units (m, mm, km) are regarded as symbols and therefore do not require a full stop. Omit stops from series of initials such as YAT, HMSO, RIBA, RIC, CBA, OS, sf (small find).

Do not use the ampersand, & for 'and'.

For dimensions (e.g. in tablet catalogues) use the following abbreviations and list them in this order:

D. - diameter, H. - height. W. - width. T. - thickness
In such dimensions, and in references. etc., leave a space between an abbreviation with full stop and a number, and between a number and a standard unit of measurement e.g:
no. 16
pp. 22-26
H. 23mm
c. 1100

The CDLI has compiled a list of recommended abbreviations for Assyriological publications.

Compass points

  • These should be written out in full, except in catalogues and notes
    e.g. south, south-east, south-southeast (note the use of hyphens)
  • For alignments use oblique '/', except for cardinal points
    e.g. north-south. but north-east/south-west.


  • Dates should be cited in the order: day, month, year (without commas)
    e.g. 1 January 1974
  • Names of months should be cited in full in the text, but in short form in catalogues and notes. The standard abbreviations are Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., May, June, July, Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec.
  • Write years in full form.
    e.g. 866-869, 1801-1807, 1813-1817, 1841-1860, 1860-1868.
    Use 1840s, 1860s (no apostrophe).
  • As noted above, use A.D./B.C. with full stops. A.D. should precede a date and B.C. should follow it.
  • Names of centuries should be abbreviated except at the beginning of a sentence, e.g. '4th century', not 'fourth century'. Hyphens are required when expressing a date range.
    e.g. late 1st-late 4th century, late 9th/early 10th century-c. 930/5
    Hyphens are also necessary when the date is used adjectivally,
    e.g. 12th-century church, 1st-century settlement.

Hyphens and Italics

Generally follow The Chicago Manual of Style, 14th ed., rev. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1993)

Numbers and measurements

  • Give numbers one to twenty in words, then use numerals. However, always use words when the number comes at the beginning of a sentence. Use numerals when the number is followed by units.
    e.g . '5km', '7mm'.
  • As with dates, use the full range, e.g. 20-25mm, not 20-5mm
  • Attempt to recreate the numerical/meterological system of the original texts in your discussion. An interpretation of 1;2,3 gur as "450 liters" serves to hide the metroloigical relationships implicit in ancient administrative records. In discursive text, metric units should normally be used, except for distances in miles, but non-metric equivalents may be added in brackets where appropriate (e.g. when a building was originally described as 100ft long).
  • Drawings and illustrations should have a metric scale.
  • Use standard abbreviations for metric units (km, kg, m, mm etc.) without final full stops. Square meters should be expressed as m2.
  • Use standard international units, i.e. meters and millimeters; measurements to the nearest millimeter should be in mm. Omit zeros after decimal points unless it is essential to indicate the degree of accuracy. Where consecutive dimensions are in the same unit of measurement, m or mm should be put after the last item only.

Places and place-names

Sites and places referred to should be clearly located, both at the first reference and, for lengthy texts, if re-introduced later in the report.

  • Modern English forms of foreign place-names should be used. Older forms or foreign spellings may also be included when they are used in literature cited, but care is needed to ensure that places referred to can be clearly identified and located by the reader.


  • Quotations of less than two lines in a foreign language should be within the main text, in quotation marks. Longer quotations and all English quotations should be in Roman type, and indented.
  • Extracts from documents should copy the original spelling except for standardization of 'u' and 'v'. 'i' and 'bj', etc., in accordance with modern practice.
  • Omissions in quotations should be indicated by three spaced full stops.
  • Additions within the quotation must be placed within square brackets. Quotations should be directly followed by a footnote reference, or the reference in parentheses e.g. (Greenfield 1982, 303b-6a).


Generally follow American English standards of the Merriam-Webster's Dictionary.

Citing printed works

We leave it to the authors to choose between the standard footnote apparatus common in Assyriology and the test reference used in the social sciences.

Using a footnote apparatus

Consult the stylesheet of the publication Orientalia for guidelines in the use of footnotes in your article. Punctuation should generally follow the guidelines of The Chicago Manual of Style, 14th ed., rev. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1993).

Within the text

In the text the brief reference, in brackets, comprises: author's or editor's surname; date of publication; comma, page number(s) not preceded by p. or pp. If two authors share the same surname and year of publication, give initials as well as surname. If more than one work by the same author in the same year is cited, the works should be distinguished with a lower case letter e.g. 1959a, 1959b etc. (not as 1959, 1959a etc.). If there are two or three authors, give all names. If there are more than three authors, quote the first name and use the formula `et al.'.

(Drake 1736, 34)
(Le Patourel 1968b, 167, fig.2)
(Coutts and Worthington 1986, 24)
(Dolley, Moriarty and Jones 1970a, 12-14)
(Smith et al., 1988)

The brief reference should be expanded to a full reference in the bibliography.

Where there is no appropriate author's or editor's name, as for some published historical sources or institutional publications, or where the name of the source, not the author, is normally cited, use a shortened version of the source or the institution in italics. List the abbreviations in the bibliography.

(Bede, Ecc. Hist., iv, 25)
(York Minster Fab. R., 237)
(RCHMY 1, 68-9)

In the bibliography/reference section

The bibliography is an alphabetical list of all authorities quoted in the article.


For a book: 

We recommend the following style:
the name(s) of all author(s) or the body responsible for authorship as given on the title page, with initial coming after the surname
date of publication
title of book as on title page in italics FULL STOP
number of volume in Arabic numerals FULL STOP
place of publication FULL STOP

Drake, F. 1736 Eboracum. London.
Down, A. and Rule, M. 1971 Chichester Excavations. 1. Chichester.

Where a book forms part of a series, the name of the series and the number should also be given.

Rogerson, A. 1976. Excavations on Fuller's Hill, Great Yarmouth. East Anglian Archaeological Reports. 2. Gressenhall.

For a periodical

Author's name as given at the head of the article (initials after the surname)
date of publication
article title between quotation marks FULL STOP
journal title in italics FULL STOP
volume number in Arabic numerals FULL STOP
page numbers of article FULL STOP

Lancy, J.T. 1965 "Note on a hog-back recently found in York." Yorkshire Archaeology Journal. 41. 339-40.

For a contribution within a book or an article

Author's name (initials after surname)
date of publication
article title between quotation marks FULL STOP
the word 'In'
full reference for source work as given above for a book or periodical, but without year and with initials before surname FULL STOP
page numbers of contribution FULL STOP

Harden, D. B. 1961 "Domestic window glass, Roman, Saxon and medieval." In E. M. Jope (ed.) Studies in Building History . London. 39-63.
Crowfoot, E. 1969 "Textiles." In P.J. Tester "Excavations at Fordcroft, Orpington." Archaeologia Cantiana. 84. 50-3.


Citing Electronic Sources

Within the text

As with printed works, use the either a full footnote reference, or the Harvard referencing system when citing electronic sources in the endnote apparatus or in the body of your article.

V. McNeil (, Comments on the death of courage, email to J. Smith (, 12 July 2001
(Nissen 1998, email communication)
(Seales, 1999)

These will be linked to the bibliography/reference section of your article but in the case of citing an article published in the journals, it will be directly linked to the abstract of the article in question.

When referring to a general resource, service or homepage in your text, include the URL in angled brackets.

e.g. "...Smith will have deposited a copy of his data with the Archaeology Data Service by the time of publication..."

"... the website of the Oxford Sumerian Literature project ( will provide further detail ..."

In the bibliography

Individual Works

Author/editor(s),Title of Work, Date of publication, Edition statement (if given), Medium (if not online), Publication information (Place of publication: publisher, date if given), URL, Access date.

Oxford English Dictionary. 1992. 2nd edition. CD-ROM. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Landow, George P. 1992 Hypertext: the convergence of contemporary critical theory and technology. Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore and London. Accessed: 25 January 2000.

Parts of Works

Author/editor(s), Article title between quotation marks, Title of Main Work, Edition statement (if given), Publication information (Place of publication: publisher, date if given but not required for well-known resources), URL, Access date.

Daniel, G. "Archaeology". Encyclopaedia Britannica. Available:,5716,115327+1,00.html Accessed: 25 January 2000.

Archaeology Data Service "Guidelines for Depositors". Version 1.1. Available: Accessed: 25 January 2000.

Landow, George P. 1992 "Textual Openness". Available: Accessed 26 January 2000.

Journal Articles

Author(s), Article Title, Journal Title, Issue, URL, Access date.

Warren, G. 1997 "Seascapes: Navigating the coastal Mesolithic of Western Scotland". Assemblage 2. Accessed: 29 December 1999.

Vince, A. 1997 "Publishing archaeology on the Web: who reads this stuff anyway?". Internet Archaeology 3.

Individual content within works or articles should be cited as the following:
Vince, A. 1997 `Publishing archaeology on the Web: who reads this stuff anyway?' Internet Archaeology 3, 3.1

Internet Archaeology citations do not require the Access Date entry.

Discussion List Messages

Author, Subject of Message, Date, Discussion List, URL or other means of accessing archive, Access date.

Oberlander-Tarnoveanu, I. "Re: funding, links and the WWW' 24 July 1998. Online posting. Intarch-Interest. Available: Accessed: 15 August 1999.

Personal electronic communications (E-mail)

Sender (Sender's email address), Subject of Message, email to recipient (Recipient's email address), Date of message.

Heyworth, Mike ( "Britarch Archive". email to J.D. Smith ( 3 March 2001.

Preparing and submitting images

The images we are referring to here are static pictures. Images presented in other formats such as VRML or MPEG/video should be discussed with editorial staff before their submission.

Scanning images (and getting them right for presentation over the web) can be a very time-consuming, and often costly effort, and is therefore the author's responsibility - the staff of the CDLJ cannot be responsible for this work. We will, however, discuss with you the scaling and other modifications of images which we consider necessary for an effective presentation. See the CDLI's Methods and Conventions page ("Digitization of cuneiform tablets and images") for recommendations on scanning physical objects, color or black-and-white photos, and line-art (for instance, tablet autographs), and for a walk-through in producing vector images with the Adobe program Illustrator (scalable vector graphics are now web-implementable and will form a part of future CDLI presentations).

Image preparation

Please note the following few points when you are preparing your images for publication over the web.

  • Scale: Given that the size of an image on screen is dependent on the settings of the users's monitor and browser, it is best to incorporate the scale into a legend of your graphics when they are produced. If a photograph has a scale, please inform us of the size of the scale used.
  • Thumbnails: It would be very useful to create a set of 'thumbnail' images. These thumbnails, or small scaled-down images, take less time to download and are visually pleasing. Thumbnails are linked to full-sized images.
  • Formats: You should always save for yourself your raw data images, now commonly kept in TIFF format. Internet publications prefer compressed copies of these raw files, in either 'jpg' or 'gif' format. We recommend 'gif' files for single color, in particular gray-scale images. For color photographs and complex, colorful illustrations, we recommend 24-bit scans in jpg compression.
  • File size (and storage) is not really an issue for us, but you should be aware of the transmission restrictions of many web users, and scale your images accordingly. Despite improving bandwidth, images greater than 100Kb should be considered exceptional.
  • Scanning and image size: You will have your own standard for the image resolution of your scans. Consult the the CDLI's Methods and Conventions page for recommendations, but consider the possibilities in scaling the internet offers in advance of submitting your image to us. Test them on your own browser while you still have access to the object or photos being digitized.

Send your image files to the journals either as email attachments or by ftp.

CDLJ&B Referee guidelines

The following set of guidelines have been compiled to help guide referees who have been asked to comment on an article submitted to the journals, but authors may also find it useful to read through this section.

Information for Referees

Please send your comments to; refer to our editorial policy and guidelines for authors, and contact the editor if you have other questions.

Authors have been assured of the privacy and security of their submitted work, so we ask that you do not refer to the work that the draft describes before it has been published. We hope that you will adopt a positive, impartial attitude towards the article under review but if you feel you are unable to judge a submission for any reason within a reasonable time frame, please inform us.

As a referee, you are essential to our existence as a quality journal of record. Without your time and effort, our articles would not be adequately evaluated. We appreciate your help and very much welcome suggestions for improvement of our peer-review process.

Your Report

Please prepare a report for the author(s) of the article you have been asked to assess, structured around the topics listed below. Your comments should be straightforward, constructive and in sufficient detail for the author to follow your line of reasoning, and where applicable, suggestions for major revisions should be included. If revisions are requested, please be as explicit as possible, and distinguish revisions you consider necessary from those you consider desirable but optional.

The draft article may not be in the journal style when you review it, but note that you are not requested to correct style, language or grammar. However, errors which a copy editor may not recognize e.g. misspellings of site names/species, incorrect or outmoded terminology, inappropriate jargon etc. should be pointed out. If you deem necessary, your report may be divided up into two sections: comments for transmission to the author and comments for the editor only. If you choose to do this, please mark your sections clearly.

  • Does the article adhere to the editorial policy of the journal to which it has been submitted
  • Is the information new
  • Is the information of international interest
  • Is the information factually accurate
  • Overall is the article appropriate in topic, quality and originality
  • Does the article supply all relevant documentation
  • Is the title appropriate
  • Does the abstract provide the correct emphasis
  • Is the article well structured and organized
  • Is the objective clear and adequate in its approach and execution
  • Is the research design/methodology/framework/theoretical position clearly described
  • Is the discussion length and relevance appropriate
  • Are the interpretations and conclusions sound and supported by the discussion
  • Do the references reflect an appropriate level of familiarity with the subject area
  • Is the overall level of clarity (e.g. terminology) acceptable
  • Are the images/figures appropriate
  • Are there any irrelevant sections
  • Do you recommend this article for publication in the CDLJ or the CDLB:
    1. with minor revisions
    2. with major revisions
    3. would not recommend without substantial rewriting and restructuring

Please provide any further comments that may be of help to the author. The editors have to balance your judgment with their own and that of the other referee(s), so it will sometimes happen that your recommendations will not be followed.

Please keep a copy of your assessment.

Please contact the editors ( if you have any questions.


How should I cite the journals?

PDF versions of contributions to CDLJ&B are offered only as a courtesy for those authors and readers who need a print version for dossiers, or who want a printed copy for lakeside reading and notes. Academic reference to such contributions should be restricted exclusivley to the archival html versions. While these citations will include no pagination, we do structure papers in sections and subsections to facilitate reference to specific content. Thus, citation of a full journal paper will take the form of Földi, Zsombor & Head, Ronan, “Two Tablets from the  Johns Hopkins University Collection,” CDLB 2014/4, short form simply CDLB 2014/4; reference to a part of that publication will have the short form CDLB 2014/4 §2.1.2, or CDLB 2014/4 figure 2, and so on.

Will access to CDLJ and CDLB always be free?

We cannot anticipate all the contingencies of an internet publication directed from the offices of the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative on the UCLA campus. It is our stated aim to insure that this journal is distributed to its international readership free of charge, either in the form of subscription or download fees, and, to insure that the digital data of the CDLJ is preserved in the long term, we are committed to transferring all contributions to the independent archiving service of the California Digital Library at the earliest feasible moment.

What are the differences between internet publication and print?

The difference between publication on the internet and publication in print can be minimal, if the same structure is suitable to both media. Thus, highly hierarchical reports with numerous nesting headings can be transferred to the web with relatively little change in format. It may be that this is the only change that need be made, but in most cases the paper's readability and usefulness will be improved by the addition of hypertext links and the provision of contents and section pages. At the other extreme, many web papers will not have a single linear thread running though them but should be approached through a variety of means - text indices, visual indices, timelines, clickable maps and so on. At the end of the day, such a paper may bear only a passing resemblance to its paper counterpart.

How does the review process for articles submitted to the journals work?

All Bulletin contributions will go through two editors, as a rule a CDLI staff member in Los Angeles and one outside specialist close to the topic of the note; those sent to the Journal will be refereed by LA staff and by two outside specialists, either experts in the topic not associated with these publications, or members of an editorial board.

Why are submissions restricted to those written in English?

We are aware of the reaction some have expressed to this editorial policy of the journals. While we want to be sensitive to the nuanced arguments that can often be made only in the author's native language, still there has been a certain Euro-centrism in the policies of some journals in naming a list of acceptable submission languages including usually English, German, French, and now Italian and even Spanish. We applaud the journals that continue to offer the possibility of submissions in a number of languages, but hope that with our restriction to English we will not eliminate from either the Bulletin or the Journal substantive contributions from scholars whose first language is not English, while at the same time ensuring the broadest possible readership among non-European regions of the globe that for the most part encourage, through policies educational, economic and social, a reading competence in English as first choice.

If you have any other questions, please contact the editor (

CDLJ&B Terms of use

Terms and Conditions of Use

Access to the pages of the Cuneiform Digital Library Journal and the Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin is unrestricted for non-commercial use.

The following Terms and Conditions govern your use of the whole of the journal web sites and the materials accessible on or from the sites. Please read them carefully and refer to them as necessary as you explore the journal and bulletin. Your use of the CDLI online journals site implies that you accept these Terms and Conditions.

The Cuneiform Digital Library Journal and the Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin are published by the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. We welcome fair use of all material published in the journals. If you want to republish material, please contact us ( The Journal may not be posted or in any way mirrored on the WWW or any other part of the internet except at the official publication site at the University of California, Los Angeles, and the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin.


All materials contained in the journals CDLJ and CDLB are subject to copyright claims and other proprietary rights. Except as otherwise noted, copyright of all contributions within each issue remains with the authors; copyright of all contributions elsewhere within the domain remains with the CDLI. The ethical rights of the authors to their work also remain with the authors. The journals hold non-exclusive rights in respect to electronic publication and dissemination.

You may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles. Links in other WWW pages to the journal should use the URL The journals do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of these materials. This information is made available on an "as is" and "as available" basis with no warranty of any kind. The journals may make improvements and/or changes to the WWW pages at any time and shall not be responsible for any loss, cost, or damage, including consequential damage, caused by reliance on these materials.

The opinions stated in the articles of the journals are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the management of the CDLI and its online journals.

Links to external websites may be provided throughout the journal but the journals accept no responsibility for the content of these websites.

Please contact the journals if you are in any doubt as to what this statement of use covers.

Cite this Posting
CDLI contributors. 2024. “Cuneiform Digital Library Journal & Bulletin Information.” Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. September 15, 2024.
CDLI contributors. (2024, September 15). Cuneiform Digital Library Journal & Bulletin Information. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative.
CDLI contributors (2024) Cuneiform Digital Library Journal & Bulletin Information, Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. Available at: (Accessed: September 15, 2024).
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