&P346171 = CDLI Literary 000481, ex. 016
#atf: lang sux
1. a-ra-zu-ne [...]
#tr.en: I am one (whose) supplication/prayers make Ninlil rejoice
2. ga2-la nu-dag-ge# [...]
#tr.en: I am the unceasing one serving Nuska
3. ki-ur3#?-sze3 szu#?? [...]
#tr.en: I am one whose hand is oriented(?) towards the Ki'ur
4. nig2 tum2-tum2-e im2#-e [...]
#tr.en: I am the fitting one for carrying things and running(?)
5. ul4#-ul4-la# dub3 nu-kusz2#-[...]
#tr.en: I am one constantly hurrying (but) whose knees do not tire
6. nesag tum3# e2#! UD nu-x-[...]
#tr.en: I am the bringer of the nesag offering who does not allow light to pass through(?) the Ebabbar temple
7. nibru{ki}-sze3# he2-gal2# [...]
#tr.en: I am the one who chases(?) abundance towards/on behalf of Nibru
8. kesz3{ki}!-a iszib-bi x-[...]
#tr.en: In Keš I am the one serving as(?) its išib priest
9. uri2#{ki}-sze3# i3 sag# [...]
#tr.en: On behalf of Urim I am the first rate butter and cream
10. 1(u) eridu{ki}-sze3! ga2-la nu#-dag#?-[...]
#tr.en: On behalf of Eridu I am its unceasing one
# line tally of ten
11. ki unu{ki}-sze3 nindaba [...]
#tr.en: On behalf of the site of Unug I am the great nindaba offerings
12. e2-kur-ta nam#-ti# szum2-ma [...]
#tr.en: I am the one given life by the Ekur temple(?)
13. zi-sza3#-gal2# uru2#-ni#-sze3# al# [...]
#tr.en: I am the one who wishes for vitality on behalf of his city
14. {d}li#-pi2#-it#-esz18-dar sipa kur-kur-[...]
#tr.en: I am lipit-Ištar, the shepherd of the lands
15. lugal me3#?-sze3# ku#-kur du7#-du7# [...]
#tr.en: I am the king, a wave thrashing towards battle
16. da#-da#-ra nam#-szul#?-[...]
#tr.en: I am one who does not loosen the knots of the bindings of youthfulness
17. giri2-ur3-ra u3#?-[...]
#tr.en: I am the one sharpening the giri'ura knife
18. me3#-a nim-gin7# [...]
#tr.en: In battle I am the one flashing like lightning
1. suhuszx(DU) gin6-na erin2#-[...]
#tr.en: I am one who establishes the foundation and destroys among the troops
2. 1(u) {na4}KA-kal#? na4# x-x-[...]
#tr.en: I am the sagkal stone(?), the stone that ...(?)
# with line tally 10
3. {kusz}gur21{+urx(SILA4?)} igi tab ugnim#-ma# [...]
#tr.en: I am a shield, the watcher of the army
4. x-e#?-si#?-A2# ur-sag igi zalag-ga zu2#-kesz2# gin6-ne2#?-[...]
#tr.en: I am the bright-faced hero who solidifies the troop formation
5. {d}li-pi2-it-esz18-dar dumu# {d}en-lil2#?-me#?-en#?
#tr.en: I am lipit-Ištar, the son of Enlil
6. {kusz}ummu3 a# sed4# zi# gurusz-a#? [...]
#tr.en: I am a waterskin (of) cold water, the life of the young man/worker
7. igi gal2 kaskal#-a an-dul7 erin2-na-me#-[en]
#tr.en: I am the one who watches the campaign, the (protective) shade of the troops
8. lugal tusz#?-a-ni bara2#?-ga gen-na-me#-[en]
#tr.en: I am a king that when he sits, he goes on(!?) the dais
9. sza3 dugud-da inim-sze3 gal2-la#-me#-[en]
#tr.en: I put important thoughts to words(?)
10. dim2-ma kal!(KID) su13 a#-ra2-e# kin2#-ga2#? [...]
#tr.en: I am one (who possesses) profound intellect and counsel(!?), seeking the (correct) way
11. nig2-nam nu-AN-GU-le-me-en# [...]
#tr.en: I am one who does not hurry(!?) anything, ...
12. 1(u) sza3 su3-ra2 gesztu2 dagal-la-me#-[en]
#tr.en: I am one (who possesses) profound thought and broad understanding
# with line tally 10
$ blank space
13. im-gid2-da {d}nin-gesz-zi-[da-...]
#tr.en: Single column tablet of Ningešzida-...
14. {iti#}NE-NE-gar u4 1(u) 3(disz)-[kam]
#tr.en: It is the month of NENEgar, 13th day
15. mu {+i3-si}isin2-na [...]
#tr.en: The year Isin ...
1. ki uszu3-me#-en
#tr.en: ...