&P346161 = CDLI Literary 000389, ex. 002
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] mu-un-ba-[al-e]
#tr.en: Who will dig the canal here?
2'. i7# [pa4-bi]-luh-ha a-ba mu#-un#-[ba-al-e]
#tr.en: The canal whose (outlying) ditches are clean, who will dig the canal here?
3'. i7# {gesz}gisal-a-gar-ra# a#-ba# mu#-[un-ba-al-e]
#tr.en: The canal in which the oar is set (to start a journey?), who will dig the canal here?
4'. i7 a-ba mu-un-ba#-al#-[e]
#tr.en: Who will dig the canal here?
5'. ur-{d}namma ku3-tuku mu-un-ba-[al-e]
#tr.en: Ur-Namma, the one who has silver, will dig here
6'. i7 a-ba mu-un-ba-al#-[e]
#tr.en: Who will dig the canal here?
7'. {d}szul-gi nig2-tuku mu-un-ba#-[al-e]
#tr.en: Shulgi, the one who has possessions, will dig here
8'. i7 a-ba mu-un-ba-al-e
#tr.en: Who will dig the canal here?
9'. lugal sza3 zi-da nam tar-ra nam-nir-ra sag il2
#tr.en: The king whose fate was decided in the fertile womb, who raises his head in authority
10'. ur-{d}namma sul igi il2-la kur-gal u4 {d}en-lil2-la2-ke4
#tr.en: Ur-Namma, the youth who is watched by the Great Mountain, the storm of (i.e. that is?) Enlil
11'. {d}nun-nam-nir ki-en-gi uri-e me-am3 mu-un-suh-e
#tr.en: Where in Sumer and Akkad will Nunamnir chose?
12'. nibru{ki}-e hur-sag nam-ti-la-ka nam-mi im-mi-in-tar
#tr.en: In Nippur, at the “mountain range of life,” he decreed my(!?) fate
13'. uri2{ki}-e e2-mud-kur-ra-kam
#tr.en: At Ur, it being in the Emudkura shrine
14'. {gesz}gu-za-a-ni suhuszx(DU@s)-bi im-mi-in-gin6
#tr.en: He secured the foundations of his throne
15'. aga me-lam2 me-tesz2 nam-lugal-la sag-ga2 im-mi-gal2
#tr.en: The crown and the (accompanying) aura, (eliciting) the “praise” of kingship, he(!?) put on my(?) head
16'. {gesz}gidri ku3 ug3 1(szar2) si-si-e sa2 szu-ga2 im-mi-in-sa2
#tr.en: He made the pure scepter that puts the many people in order the equal of my hand(?)
17'. enkar szibir#? esz#-giri17# zi#-gal2#? DU#-DU-e [...]
#tr.en: He gave to my hand the enkara weapon, the staff(?) and the nose-rope that convey the people
18'. [...]
19'. [...]-NE
#tr.en: ...
1. [...] x gal2 sag kun gal2-la#-[...]
#tr.en: ... possessing a head and tail (i.e., the beginning and end of a canal?)/present at the head and tail(?)
2. [...] gur3#-ru ki#-tusz sza3 hul2-la#
#tr.en: ... bearing ..., a dwelling that makes the heart rejoice
3. [...] x-da ur2-bi im-mi-in-gin6
#tr.en: ... made its foundation firm
4. [...]-na-kam gu2-da am bi-szu2
#tr.en: ...
5. [...]-zi ku3-babbar-ra gub-ba-am3 [...] im-mi-ir-mi-re
#tr.en: The gizi reed growth, “standing in silver"(?), flourishes
6. [...] u4 he2-gal2-la bala ub-ba {i7}EZEN-ku3 mu sze
#tr.en: My canal(?) (that furnishes?) a day of abundance, a reign(?) of ..., the “pure ...” canal is named
7. [...] da#-ri ka-ke du-a-ba i7 pa4-bi-luh mu sze
#tr.en: Named an everlasting name that is suitable for the mouth, the canal whose (outlying) ditches are clean canal is named
8. ga2 iri{ki}-ga2 a-ra2-bi ku6-ab te-li-bi mu-sze-na
#tr.en: (As for?) me, the way of (the canal of?) my city is fish(?), its float/excess(?) is birds
9. {i7}EZEN-ku3 iri{ki}-bi ku6-ab te-li-bi mu-sze-na
#tr.en: The “pure ...” canal, it flow(!?) is fish(?), its float/excess(?) is birds
10. i7 pa4-bi-luh a-ra2-bi ku6-ab te-li-bi mu-sze-na
#tr.en: The canal whose (outlying) ditches are clean, its flow is fish(?), its float/excess(?) is birds
11. he2-gal2-bi ku6 hu-ma-ra-ab-de6 e2-kisz-nu-gal2-sze3
#tr.en: Abundantly it brought fish to the Ekišnugal temple
12. gu2-gu2-bi {u2}munzer lu2-e u2-lal3 gu7-e
#tr.en: On its banks are munzer plants which one eats (like?) the “honey plant”
13. a-gar3 gal-bi# sze gu-nu mu2-mu2 {gesz#}tir#-gin7#? su-su-[...]
#tr.en: Making mottled barley/crops grow in its meadows (so that it) sways like a forest/for it to be denuded (at harvest time) like a forest(?)
14. lugal an-ub#-[...]-bi sze-ga {d#?}[...]
#tr.en: The king of the four regions, obedient one of Enlil
15. ur#?-{d#?}[namma ... ki]-en#-gi uri#-[...]
#tr.en: Ur-Namma, the shepherd and provider in Sumer and Akkad, loved by Enlil
16. [...] x [...]
#tr.en: ...