&P108041 = CST 525
#atf: lang sux
@object tag
1. pisan-dub-ba
#tr.en: Basket-of-tablets:
2. erin2 bala-sze3 gub#-[ba]
#tr.en: xxx
#tr.en: worktroopes to bala stationed,
3. erin2 kisz#?-ga-ti#[{ki}]
#tr.en: xxx
#tr.en: worktroops of Kišgati(?)
4. im la2-ia3
#tr.en: xxx
5. u3# [nig2-ka9-ak ...]
#tr.en: xxx
#tr.en: tablets of deficits
5. u3# nig2-ka9-ak#
#tr.en: and accounts,
1. iti# pa4-[u2-e]
#tr.en: xxx
2. mu ma-[da za]-ab-sza#-li[{ki} ba-hul]
#tr.en: xxx
#tr.en: year “Pa’ue,”
2. mu# ma-[da za]-ab-sza#-li[{ki} ba-hul]
#tr.en: year: “The lands of Zabšali were destroyed.”
$ blank space