&P107370 = BRM 3, 170
#atf: lang sux
@object tag
1. pisan-dub-ba
#tr.en: Basket-of-tablets:
2. kiszib3 dabx(U8)-ba lugal-me-a
#tr.en: xxx
#tr.en: sealed documents of conveyances of Lugal-me’a,
3. mu gu-za {d}en-lil2-la2 ba-dim2 u3 mu en-mah-gal-an-na ba-hun
#tr.en: xxx
#tr.en: year: “The chair of Enlil was fashioned” and year: “Enmaḫgalana was installed,”
4. u3 kiszib3 dabx(U8)-ba
#tr.en: xxx
#tr.en: and sealed documents of conveyances
1. a-szi-an
#tr.en: xxx
2. mu 4(disz)-kam
#tr.en: xxx
#tr.en: of Aši’an,
2. mu 5(disz)-kam
#tr.en: (a period of) 5 years;
3. mu gu-za-ta
#tr.en: xxx
#tr.en: from year: “Chair”
4. mu sza-asz-ru{ki}-sze3
#tr.en: xxx
#tr.en: to year: “Šašru”
5. i3-gal2
#tr.en: xxx
#tr.en: are here.
$ blank space