
UET 6, 0414 (P274721)

Update made on 2016-11-28 at 15:33:58 by Englund, Robert K. for Englund, Robert K.
&P274721 = UET 6, 0414
#atf: lang akk
1. al-kam _{lu2}azlag2_ lu-wa-hi-ir-ka-a-ma# su-ba-ti zu-uk#-ki
#tr.en: “Come now, cleaner, I’ll give you an order—clean my clothes!
2. sza u-wa-hi#-ru#-ka la ta-na-ad-di-i-ma
#tr.en: What I instruct you, do not lay aside,
3. sza-at ra-ma-ni-ka la te-ep-pe-esz
#tr.en: Your own (ideas), you should not do!
4. si2-is-si2-ik-tam qa2-ap-si-da-am ta-na-ad-di
#tr.en: As for the hem of the garment, you will lay down the selvage,
5. pa-nam a-na li-ib-bi-im tu-ta-ak-ka-ap
#tr.en: You will stitch the outer side to the inside,
6. qa2 szi-id-dim ta-la-aq-qa-at
#tr.en: You will pick up the thread of the (shorter) border.
7. me-eh-ha-am qa-at-nam ta-ra-as-sa3-an
#tr.en: You will soak the delicate part (of the cloth) in beer,
8. i-na ma-asz-ha-li-im ta-sza-ah-ha-al
#tr.en: You will strain it through a sieve.
9. si2-si2-ka-at qa2-ap-si-di-im tu-pa-at,-t,a#-ar
#tr.en: You will loosen the hem with the selvage.
10. asz i-na me-e na-am-ru-tim te#-di-ik#?
#tr.en: You will spray it with clear water,
# aš on the left edge, indicating 10th line
11. ki-ma ki-im-di-im-ma ta#-ka#?-pa#-ar u3 te-x-ni#?
#tr.en: You will wipe it like a kimdum cloth, and you will ... :
12. a#-na pi2-it-tim ta-sa3#-x ki-ma# szu-tu-um# x-x-bi?
#tr.en: To the weft yarns you will [brush?] so that the warp yarns ...
13. [a]-na# me-es-ke-er-tim ta#-ta#-x-[x-x]
#tr.en: You will ... in a basin(?),
14. x ku-up?-pa?# x _im-babbar_ tu#-[ba-la]-al#
#tr.en: ... you will mix alkali with gypsum (to prepare fuller’s earth?).
15. [i-na] _na4#_ ta-ma#-[ah-ha]-su2#
#tr.en: You will beat(?) it on/with/under a stone.
16. i#-na# te-er-hi-im ta-ma#-ar-ra#-[as u3 te?-x x x]
#tr.en: ... in a vessel.
17. pi2-qa2 si2-im-tam te-me-su#? ta#-[x-x-x] u3 tu-na-da#-[ad?]
#tr.en: In case you have applied a (laundry) mark, (then) you must ... and you will have to comb (the fabric).
18. i-na# _{gesz#}gidri# ma-nu_ tu-ta-ar#-[ra-ak]
#tr.en: You will tap (the garment) repeatedly with an e’ru-wood stick (to felt or smooth the fabric).
19. it#-qa2#-am na-pa-al-sa3-ah-tam tu-[...]
#tr.en: You will arrange the fleece on the washer’s stool.
20. asz szu-ta-am szi#-ip-ra-am i-na _{gesz}dala#_ x-[x]-ni#?
#tr.en: You will sew/repair the work, the (damaged) warp, with a needle.
# aš on the left edge, indicating 10th line
1. si2-si2-ik-tam ta-sza-at-ta-aq u3 tu-pa-asz-sza-ah
#tr.en: You will spread and cool the hem.
2. i-na s,i-it li-li-im tu-ub-ba-al
#tr.en: You will dry (the garment) in the break of evening,
3. ki-ma szu-tu-um la usz-ta-ak-ka-su2
#tr.en: so that the fabric will not dry (and wrinkle).
4. i-na sza-ad-di-im i-na pi-it-ni-im ta-sza-ak-ka-an#
#tr.en: (Afterwards) you will place it in a box (and that) in a chest.
5. lu pu-usz-szu-uh-kum bi-lam u2-ha-ad-da-ka ma-di-isz hu-um-t,a-am
#tr.en: No cause for concern! Bring (it) to me; I will make you very happy—promptly!
6. a-na bi-tim tu-ba-lam-ma 1(ban2) sze a-na su2-ni-ka i-sza-ap-pa-[ku]
#tr.en: You will bring (the garment) to the house, (one) will pour a seah of barley into your lap.”
7. _{lu2}azlag2_ i-ip-al-szu asz-szum e2-a be-el ne2-em-qi3-im sza u2-ba-la-t,u3#-[ni?]
#tr.en: The fuller answers him: “By Ea, the lord of wisdom who give me life!
# ‘The fuller answers’  commonly understood to be stage directions
8. e-zi-ib la ia-ti sza ta-qa-ab-bu-u2 um-me2-ni u3 mu-sza-[di-ni?]
#tr.en: Drop it! Not me! What you are saying—only my creditor and my tax collector
9. sza ki-ma ka-a-ti li-ib-ba-am i-ra-asz-szu-u2-ma#
#tr.en: have the nerve (to talk) like you!
10. szi-ip-ra-am ri#-ta-szu i-ka-asz-sza-da u2-la i-ba-asz-szi
#tr.en: Nobody’s hands could manage this work!
11. asz sza tu-wa-hi#-ru#!-ni szu-un-na-am da-ba-ba-am
#tr.en: What you have instructed me I cannot repeat,
# aš on the left edge, indicating 10th line
12. qa2-ba-am u3 tu-ur-ra-am u2-la e-le-i
#tr.en: utter or reiterate!
13. al-kam e-le-nu-um a-li-im i-na li-it a-li-im
#tr.en: Come upstream of the city, in the environs of the city—
14. ma-ah-tu-tam lu-ka-al-li-im-ka-ma-me
#tr.en: let me show you a washing-place!
15. ma-na-ha-tim ra-bi-tim sza i-na qa-ti-ka i-ba-asz-szi-a i-na ra-ma-ni-ka szu-ku-un-ma
15. ma-na-ha-tim ra-be2-tim sza i-na qa-ti-ka i-ba-asz-szi-a i-na ra-ma-ni-ka szu-ku-un-ma
#tr.en: The great work you have in your hands set yourself (to do)!
16. na-ap-ta-nu-um la i-ba-a et-ru-ba-am-ma
#tr.en: The meal time should not pass—go in there, and
# or ‘He does not come to the meal but goes in,’  commonly understood to be stage directions
17. u3# qe2-e _{lu2}azlag2_ ma-du-tim pu-szu-ur
#tr.en: the many threads of the fuller unravel!
18. szum-ma la at-ta li-ib-bi ra-ma-ni-ka tu-na-ap-pa-asz
#tr.en: If you don’t calm yourself down
# literally If not-you the stomach of yourself  exhales
19. _{lu2}azlag2_ sza i-na-ah-hi-da-kum u2-la i-ba-asz-szi
#tr.en: a fuller who will bother for you will be none.
20. i-me-esz-szu-ni-ik-kum-ma li-ib-ba-ka-mi
#tr.en: You will be mocked. Your heart
#tr.en: They will mock you. Your heart
21. asz ih-ha-am-ma-at, te-er-szi-tam
#tr.en: will burn, and a rash(?)
# aš on the left edge, indicating 10th line
22. pa-ga-ar-ka te-mi-id
#tr.en: on your body you will impose.”
23. ($ blank space $) _mu-bi szid-bi 4(u) 1(disz)_
#tr.en: The lines, their count: 41.
Cite this Inscription
CDLI contributors. 2025. “Text of UET 6, 0414, Revision 2271269.” Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. January 14, 2025.
CDLI contributors. (2025, January 14). Text of UET 6, 0414, revision 2271269. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative.
CDLI contributors (2025) Text of UET 6, 0414, revision 2271269, Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. Available at: (Accessed: January 14, 2025).
	note = {[Online; accessed 2025-01-14]},
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	year = {2025},
	month = {jan 14},
	title = {Text of {UET} 6, 0414, revision 2271269},
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AU  - CDLI contributors
DA  - 2025/1/14/
PY  - 2025
ID  - temp_id_462696822976
M1  - 2025/1/14/
TI  - Text of UET 6, 0414, revision 2271269
UR  -
ER  - 
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