
RIME, ex. 01 (P222359)

Update made on 2012-09-17 at 11:40:10 by Foxvog, Daniel A. for Foxvog, Daniel A.
&P222359 = FAOS 05/1, Urn 20
#version: 0.6
&P222359 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf def linktext A = Q020005
#atf: lang sux
# Q020005
@surface Text 1
@object plaque
@surface a
1. ur-{d}nansze
#tr.en: Ur-Nanše,
2. lugal lagasz
#tr.en: king of Lagaš,
3. dumu gu-ni-DU
#tr.en: son of Gu-ni-DU,
4. dumu gur-sar
#tr.en: "son" of Gursar,
5. e2 {d}nin-gir2-su
#tr.en: had the temple of Ningirsu
6. mu-du3
#tr.en: built.
7. abzu-banda3{da}
#tr.en: had the Smaller Abzu
8. mu-du3
#tr.en: built,
9. e2 {d}nansze
#tr.en: had the temple of Nanše
10. mu-du3
#tr.en: built.
@surface Text 2
@surface b
1. ur-{d}nansze
#tr.en: Ur-Nanše,
2. lugal
#tr.en: king
3. lagasz
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
4. ma2 dilmun
#tr.en: had boats of Dilmun
5. kur-ta
#tr.en: from the mountains
6. gu2 gesz mu-gal2
#tr.en: produce loads of timber.
@surface Captions
@surface c
@column 1
1. a2-ni-ta
#tr.en: Anita,
@column 2
1. ab2?-da dumu
#tr.en: Abda, a daughter,
2. a-kur-gal dumu
#tr.en: Akurgal, a son,
3. lugal-ezem dumu
#tr.en: Lugal-ezem, a son,
4. a2-ne2-kur-ra dumu
#tr.en: Ani-kura, a son,
5. mu-kur-MUSZ3-ta dumu
#tr.en: Mu-kuršubata, a son,
@column 3
1. sag dingir tuku
#tr.en: Sag-dingir-tuku,
@column 4
1. ba#-lu5 <musz>-lah5-<gal>
#tr.en: Balul, the <chief snake>-charmer,
2. a-nun-pa3 dumu
#tr.en: Anun-pa, a son,
3. men-u4-su13 dumu
#tr.en: Men-usu, a son,
4. ad-da-tur dumu
#tr.en: Addatur, a son.
4. ad-da-tur dumu
Cite this Inscription
CDLI contributors. 2025. “Text of RIME, Ex. 01, Revision 2182828.” Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. February 17, 2025.
CDLI contributors. (2025, February 17). Text of RIME, ex. 01, revision 2182828. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative.
CDLI contributors (2025) Text of RIME, ex. 01, revision 2182828, Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. Available at: (Accessed: February 17, 2025).
	note = {[Online; accessed 2025-02-17]},
	author = {{CDLI contributors}},
	year = {2025},
	month = {feb 17},
	title = {Text of {RIME}, ex. 01, revision 2182828},
	url = {},
	howpublished = {},

AU  - CDLI contributors
DA  - 2025/2/17/
PY  - 2025
ID  - temp_id_734917426583
M1  - 2025/2/17/
TI  - Text of RIME, ex. 01, revision 2182828
UR  -
ER  - 
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