&P222359 = FAOS 05/1, Urn 20
#version: 0.6
&P222359 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf def linktext A = Q020005
#atf: lang sux
# Q020005
@surface Text 1
@object plaque
@surface a
1. ur-{d}nansze
#tr.en: Ur-Nanše,
2. lugal lagasz
#tr.en: king of Lagaš,
3. dumu gu-ni-DU
#tr.en: son of Gu-ni-DU,
4. dumu gur-sar
#tr.en: "son" of Gursar,
5. e2 {d}nin-gir2-su
#tr.en: had the temple of Ningirsu
6. mu-du3
#tr.en: built.
7. abzu-banda3{da}
#tr.en: had the Smaller Abzu
8. mu-du3
#tr.en: built,
9. e2 {d}nansze
#tr.en: had the temple of Nanše
10. mu-du3
#tr.en: built.
@surface Text 2
@surface b
1. ur-{d}nansze
#tr.en: Ur-Nanše,
2. lugal
#tr.en: king
3. lagasz
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
4. ma2 dilmun
#tr.en: had boats of Dilmun
5. kur-ta
#tr.en: from the mountains
6. gu2 gesz mu-gal2
#tr.en: produce loads of timber.
@surface Captions
@surface c
@column 1
1. a2-ni-ta
#tr.en: Anita,
@column 2
1. ab2?-da dumu
#tr.en: Abda, a daughter,
2. a-kur-gal dumu
#tr.en: Akurgal, a son,
3. lugal-ezem dumu
#tr.en: Lugal-ezem, a son,
4. a2-ne2-kur-ra dumu
#tr.en: Ani-kura, a son,
5. mu-kur-MUSZ3-ta dumu
#tr.en: Mu-kuršubata, a son,
@column 3
1. sag dingir tuku
#tr.en: Sag-dingir-tuku,
@column 4
1. ba#-lu5 <musz>-lah5-<gal>
#tr.en: Balul, the <chief snake>-charmer,
2. a-nun-pa3 dumu
#tr.en: Anun-pa, a son,
3. men-u4-su13 dumu
#tr.en: Men-usu, a son,
4. ad-da-tur dumu
#tr.en: Addatur, a son.
4. ad-da-tur dumu