
CUSAS 31, 099 (P006396)

Update made on 2006-10-12 at 12:13:27 by CDLI for CDLI
&P006396 = HJN 0013
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1.a. X X , |U4x2(N01)| UR2?
1.b1. 2(N39~a)? , |U4.7(N08)|?
1.b2. 4(N01)? 2(N39~a) , |U4x2(N01)| X
2. 2(N39~a) 1(N28) , |U4x6(N01)|? GIBIL
3. 5(N01)# , EN~a#? X
4. X , X [...]
5. X 3(N39~a) , [...]
6. X , X [...]
7. [...] , [...] GU7#
@column 2
1. 1(N01) 1(N39~a) , X
2. 2(N01) 3(N39~a) , BA?
3. 2(N39~a)# 1(N24) , KUR~a# X
4. 1(N39~a) , UDU~a ZATU752
5. 1(N24) , SAL KALAM~b#
6. 1(N24) , SAL MUD UR5~a
6. 3(N39~a) , LA2 SUG5
7. 1(N24) , 1(N30~c) , E2~a# BU~a#
8. 2(N39~a) , SAL X X
9. 2(N39~a)# , DA~a E2~a
10. 1(N28)# , X X
11. 1(N28)# , ME~a#? NIN
12. X , SAL KUR~a A
13. [...] , [...] X
@column 3
1. 1(N39~a) , X 3(N57)
2. 1(N39~a) , NE~a
3. 1(N28) , X NUNUZ~a1#
4.a. 4(N39~a) 1(N24) , SZU? UR5~a SZE~a
4.b1. 1(N39~a) 1(N24) , X
4.b2. X , X
5. 2(N01) 2(N39~a) EN~a X SZE~a
6. X , KU6~a#? DU# ERIN?
7. 4(N39~a)#? , X GAN2#? UR4~a?
8. 4(N41) 1(N29A~b) 1(N29A~b) , |U4x1(N01)| 1(N24) |U4x4(N01)| BAR EZEN~b
9. 3(N04) X [...] , X [...]
10. [...] , [...]
@column 4
1. X , X
2. 4(N04) , URU~a1 X
3. 3(N04)? , KAR [...]
4. 3(N04) [...] , X X
5. 2(N41) , DA~a# PA~a#?
6. 3(N19) 4(N04) , [...] NUMUN
7. 1(N19) , X X X
8. 1(N19) 2(N04)# 2(N41)# [...] , [...]
9. [...] , [...]
@column 1
1. 1(N04) , NE~a UR5~a SZE~a
2. 1(N41) , TUR X E2~b
3. 1(N41) , SAL ZATU752 1(N04) GU7
4. 1(N19) 4(N04) , X [...]
@column 2
1.a. [...] X 1(N14)? X 1(N30~c) , SZE~a?
1.b1. [...] 6(N14)# [...] 3(N39~a)# X X , SZE~a
1.b2. 1(N19)? 4(N41) 1(N26~b) 1(N28~b) 1(N30C~b) ,
1.b3. 1(N19) 4(N41) , LAGAB~b TE
2. , SANGA~a GAL~a SANGA~a |U4x4(N01)| GU7
3.a. , ZI~a UB
3.b. , SZAM2 KU6~a KISAL~b1
Cite this Inscription
CDLI contributors. 2025. “Text of CUSAS 31, 099, Revision 1952829.” Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. January 24, 2025.
CDLI contributors. (2025, January 24). Text of CUSAS 31, 099, revision 1952829. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative.
CDLI contributors (2025) Text of CUSAS 31, 099, revision 1952829, Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. Available at: (Accessed: January 24, 2025).
	note = {[Online; accessed 2025-01-24]},
	author = {{CDLI contributors}},
	year = {2025},
	month = {jan 24},
	title = {Text of {CUSAS} 31, 099, revision 1952829},
	url = {},
	howpublished = {},

AU  - CDLI contributors
DA  - 2025/1/24/
PY  - 2025
ID  - temp_id_497453195252
M1  - 2025/1/24/
TI  - Text of CUSAS 31, 099, revision 1952829
UR  -
ER  - 
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