CDLI Bibliographic Data

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Consulting Bibliographic data

Exploring bibliographic data

Bibliography index and search

The link to the bibliography is available under "Resources" in the main menu and is called "CDLI Bibliography". The link ( brings users to the Publications page, which is both the index and a search page, where one can find bibliographic references.

If your search does not yield any result, try one keyword in the designation field, this will help match uncurated bibliographic entries.

Artifact bibliography

On a single artifact page, like for example, when scrolling down to the "Related publications" accordion and clicking on the title, the accordion will open and show the list of linked bibliographic entries.

Upon clicking on one entry, you can see the page of this publication and any artifacts related to it.

Downloading bibliographic data

You can download references related to your search ("Export" button) or to a specific artifact, on their page ("Export artifact" button). You can download references from the publications index too ("Export Publications" button).

Understanding bibliographic data

Bibliographic data fields

All the bibliographic data fields are the exact same as BiBTeX except in some cases described below. See for a description of each field. Please give it a read to help us keep the data as clean as possible. For instance, 'book title' should be used when the publication is of @incollection or @inproceedings types only, and it is an obligatory field for those two publication types. There are many specificies like this one in the BiBTeX format.


The BiBTeX key is a universal, human friendly ID for publications. It holds the same role as the Assyriological publication abbreviation but is recognizable by indiviudals outside the field. It is also this data point that we use when connecting artifacts with publications. If you are preparing data to import in CDLI, try to use first author last name, year, one key word, all in one word. eg.: Englund1988timekeeping.

author and editor

In CDLI, when uploading bibliographic data, those fields are pluralized, as opposed to the BiBTeX format in which they are singular. Update these field names before submitting data in CSV format to cdli.

When downloading bibliographc data from CDLI, in the BiBTeX format, the fields will be BiBTeX compliant, but the CSV version will have the pluralized verson of these fields.

Authors should always be written the same way as in the CDLI author entry. For example "Jagersma, Abraham H.". When there are many authors, separate them using a semi-colon, like this: "Abaslou, Sina; Zamani, Amir".

To search for an author's name, see here: If you can't find an author, write to to request the addition of the author in question.

Editors follow the same rules.


If the publication is available on the internet, you can add the url in this field. It is also fine to add the doi url here.


The journal name must come from this list: If the journal you want to use is not in the list, write to to request the addition of the journal in question.

note (BiBTeX only)

When we will offer upload of bibliographic data in BiBTeX format (for now we only offer CSV), we will use the field note to store the Assyriological abbreviation of the publication. Follow previous abbreviation conventions found here:

designation (CSV only)

We use this field to store the Assyriological abbreviation of the publication. Follow previous abbreviation conventions found here:

Bibliographic data formats


You can read more about the BiBTeX format on the official BiBTeX website and at the BiBTeX Wikipedia entry.





More information regarding bibliographic data in cdli will be available in the user guides in the future.
Cite this Doc
Pagé-Perron, Émilie. 2024. “User Guides: CDLI Bibliographic Data.” Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. September 15, 2024.
Pagé-Perron, É. (2024, September 15). User guides: CDLI Bibliographic Data. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative.
Pagé-Perron, É. (2024) User guides: CDLI Bibliographic Data, Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. Available at: (Accessed: September 15, 2024).
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	year = {2024},
	month = {sep 15},
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TI  - User guides: CDLI Bibliographic Data
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