Foxvog, Daniel A.
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- Birth Year: 1944
- This name should be presented in "Western name order"
Biography and Research
Telephone: 1 707 869 3780 (home)
- Born June 25, 1944 at Oroville, CA
- 1966: BA in Linguistics – University of California at Berkeley
- 1968: MA in Near Eastern Studies – University of California at Berkeley
- 1974: PhD in Near Eastern Studies – University of California at Berkeley
Professional Career
Department of Near Eastern Studies – University of California at Berkeley
- 1970-1971 Associate in Assyriology
- 1971-1972 Acting Instructor in Assyriology
- 1972-1973 Acting Assistant Professor in Assyriology
- 1974-2001 Lecturer in Assyriology (hiatus 1995-1998)
- Retired July 2001
Academic Courses Taught
- Akkadian – 1970-2000
- Sumerian – 1975-2001
- Mesopotamian Literature and Documents (year course) – 1977-2000
- Mesopotamian Religious Texts – 1976-77
- Babylonian Religion – 2001
- Special and Individual Studies – 1972-2001
- “Texts and Fragments (63-68),” JCS 24 (1972) 87-88
- “Texts and Fragments (82),” JCS 24 (1972) 174
- The Sumerian Ventive. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. University of California, June 1974
- “Assyrian Texts 1,”Assur I/4 ( Malibu, 1974)
- “Benno Landsberger's Lexicographical Contributions,” with A. D. Kilmer. JCS 27 (1975) 3-129
- “The Sumerian Ergative Construction,” OrNS 44 (1975) 395-425
- “Texts and Fragments (101-106),” JCS 28 (1976) 101-106
- Review of B. Alster, The Instructions of Shuruppak. OrNS 45 (1976) 371-374
- “Royal Inscriptions at Berkeley,” RA 72 (1978) 41-46
- Review of R. Kutscher, Oh Angry Sea. OrNS 48 (1979) 422-427
- “Funerary Furnishings in an Early Sumerian Text from Adab,” Mesopotamia 8 (Copenhagen, 1980) 67-75
- Review of D. Snell, Workbook of Cuneiform Signs. Language 57 (1981) 226-228
- Review of W. Farber , Beschwrungsrituale an Ištar und Dumuzi. JAOS 102 (1982) 160-161
- Review of H. Sauren, Der Genius der Sonne und der Stab des Asklepius. BiOr 39 (1982) 334-339
- “Tests and Fragments,” JCS 35 (1983) 182
- “Lamma/Lamassu,” with A. D. Kilmer and W. J. Heimpel, RlA VI (1983) 446-453
- “Music,” with A.D. Kilmer, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia III (1986) 436-453
- “Music,” with A.D. Kilmer, Harpers Bible Dictionary (1985) 665-671
- “A Third Arua Summary from Ur III Lagash,” RA 80 (1986) 19-29
- “A Summary of Non-Sealed Labor Assignments from Umma,” ASJ 8 (1986) 59-75
- “A Manual of Sacrificial Procedure,” Fs. Sjoberg (1989) 167-176
- “Cuneiform Tablets in California Private Collections,” ASJ 15 (1993) 71-79
- “Astral Dumuzi,” Fs. Hallo (1993) 103-108
- Review of P. Attinger, Elements de linguistique sumerienne. OLZ 89 (1994) 42-46
- “A New Lagaš Text Bearing on Uruinimgina's Reforms,” JCS 46 (1994) 11-15
- “A New Drehem Text, AS 1/x/9,” NABU 1994/2, 28 (No. 28)
- “Sumerian Brands and Branding Irons,” ZA 85 (1995) 1-7
- “Ur III Economic Texts at Berkeley,” ASJ 18 (1996) 47-92
- “Sumerian KA-AL again,” NABU 1998/1, 7-8 (No. 7)
- Review of S.M. Chiodi, Offerte ”Funebri” nella Lagaš Presargonica. AfO 48/49 (2001/2002) 175-180
- “Nos. 63-64: Akkadian Synonym Lists,” with A.D. Kilmer & J. Carnahan, CTMMA II (2005) 249-256
2007 version
Foxvog, Daniel A. 1971-1972. “Texts & Fragments.” Journal of Cuneiform Studies 24 (3): 87–88. [JCS 24 (pp. 87-88) (Foxvog1971-1972TextsFragments)]
Foxvog, Daniel A. 1972. “Texts and Fragments.” Journal of Cuneiform Studies 24 (4): 174–77. [JCS 24, 177 (Foxvog1972TextsFragments)]
Foxvog, Daniel A. 1975. [Assur 1/4, 08 (Foxvog1975-220533)]
Foxvog, Daniel A. 1976. “Texts and Fragments 101-106.” Journal of Cuneiform Studies 28 (2): 101–6. [JCS 28 (pp. 101-106) (Foxvog1976JCS28)]
Foxvog, Daniel A. 1978. “Royal Inscriptoins at Berkeley.” Revue d’Assyriologie et d’Archéologie Orientale 72 (1): 41–46. [Foxvog, RA 72/1 (1978) (Foxvog1978-VJBXHNI9)]
Foxvog, Daniel A. 1978. “Royal Inscriptions at Berkeley.” Revue d’Assyriologie et d’Archéologie Orientale 72: 41–46. [RA 72, p.41-46 (Foxvog1978inscriptions)]
Foxvog, Daniel A. 1980. “Funerary Furnishings in an Early Sumerian Text from Adab.” In Death in Mesopotamia, 8:67–75. Mesopotamia. Copenhagen Studies in Assyriology. Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag. [Mesopotamia 8 (Foxvog1980Mes8)]
Foxvog, Daniel A. 1983. “Texts and Fragments.” Journal of Cuneiform Studies 35: 182. [JCS 35, p.182 (Foxvog1983texts)]
Foxvog, Daniel A. 1986. [RA 080, 026 (Foxvog1986-35260)]
Foxvog, Daniel A. 1986. “A Summary of Non-Sealed Labor Assignments from Umma.” Acta Sumerologica 8: 59–75. [ASJ 8, p.59-75 (Foxvog1986summary)]
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