Administrative tablet excavated in Ur (mod. Tell Muqayyar), dated to the ED I-II (ca. 2900-2700 BC) period and now kept in National Museum of Iraq, Baghdad, Iraq
© [see publications]
column 1
1. 3(N01@f) , SI LUGAL EZEN~a
2. 3(N01@f) , PA~a TUN3~a
3. 1(N01@f) , SAL GI? ZI~a NANNA~a
4. 1(N01@f) , BAN~b AMA~b KU3~a
5. 1(N01@f) , URI5 PA~a
6. 1(N01@f)# , AK~a UDU~a
column 2
1. 1(N01@f) , PA~a KU6~a
2. 1(N01@f) , PA~a ERIM~a KI PIRIG~b1?
3. 1(N01@f) , NIN GAL~a# UR~a# AN#
4. 1(N01@f) , NIN AN GAL~a AK~a
5. 1(N01@f) , U4 SI A