CDLI Literary Descent of Ishtar (composite) (P497322)

Literary artifact excavated in Assur (mod. Qalat Sherqat), dated to the Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) period

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Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC)


Assur (mod. Qalat Sherqat)

Artifact Type




Genre / Subgenre(s)

Literary (Ishtar's descent (composite))






object composite text
surface a
1. a-na _kur-nu-gi4-a_ qaq-qa-ri {d}eresz-ki-gal
 ts: ana kurnugi’a qaqqari ereškigal
 en: To Kurnugi’a, domain of Ereškigal,
2. {d}inanna _dumu-munus_ {d}sin u2-zu-un-sza2 isz-kun
 ts: ištar mārat sîn uzunša iškun
 en: did Ištar, daughter of Sîn, her ear direct;
3. isz-kun-ma _dumu-munus_ {d}sin u2-zu-un-sza2
 ts: iškumma mārat sîn uzunša
 en: indeed did direct the daughter of Sîn her ear
4. a-na _e2_ e-t,e-e szu-bat {d}ir-kal-la
 ts: ana bīt eṭê šubat irkalla
 en: to the house of darkness, the dwelling of Irkalla,
5. a-na _e2_ sza e-ri-bu-szu2 la a-s,u-u2
 ts: ana bīti ša ēribūšu lā āṣû
 en: to the house where those who enter are not such who exit,
6. a-na har-ra-ni sza a-lak-ta-sza2 la ta-a-a-rat
 ts: ana ḫarrāni ša alaktaša lā tayyārat
 en: to the route whose path is one of he who does not return,
7. a-na _e2_ sza e-ri-bu-szu2 zu-um-mu-u2 nu-u2-ra
 ts: ana bīti ša ēribūšu zummû nūra
 en: to the house where those who enter are deprived of light,
8. a-szar _sahar-hi-a_ bu-bu-us-su-nu a-kal-szu-nu t,i-it,-t,u
 ts: ašar eprū bubūssunu akalšunu ṭīṭṭu
 en: Where dust (satisfies) their hunger, their food is clay,
9. nu-u2-ru ul im-ma-ru i-na e-t,u-t,i asz2-bu
 ts: nūru ul immarū ina eṭûṭi ašbū
 en: (where) light they do not see, in darkness they sit
10. lab-szu-ma _gin7_ is,-s,ur-ri s,u-bat kap-pi
 ts: labšūma kīma iṣṣūri ṣubāt kappī
 en: (where) they are clothed like birds, in garments of feathers,
11. _ugu {gesz}ig_ u _{gesz}sag-kul_ sza2-bu-uh ep-ru
 ts: eli dalti u sikkūri šabuḫ epru
 en: over the door and lock, dust was settled,
12. {d}inanna a-na _ka2 kur-nu-gi4-a_ ina ka-sza2-di-sza2
 ts: ištar ana bāb kurnugi’a ina kašādiša
 en: Ištar, at the gate of Kurnugi’a arriving,
13. a-na _{lu2}i3-du8_ ba-a-bi a-ma-tu4 iz-zak-kar
 ts: ana ati bābi amātu izzakkar
 en: to the gatekeeper speaks:
14. _{lu2}i3-du8_-me-e pi-ta-a ba-ab-ka
 ts: atûmē pitâ bābka
 en: “Gatekeeper, open your gate for me;
15. pi-ta-a ba-ab-ka-ma lu-ru-ba a-na-ku
 ts: pitâ bābka lūruba anāku
 en: open your gate for me, that I, indeed I, may enter;
16. szum-ma la ta-pat-ta-a ba-a-bu la er-ru-ba a-na-ku
 ts: šumma lā tapattâ bābu lā erruba anāku
 en: if you do not open the gate for me, so that I, indeed I, cannot enter,
17. a-mah-ha-as, dal-tu4 sik-ku-ru a-szab-bir
 ts: amaḫḫaṣ daltu sikkūru ašabbir
 en: I will strike the door, the lock I will break;
18. a-mah-ha-as, si-ip-pu-ma u3-sza2-bala-kat3 _{gesz}ig-mesz_
 ts: amaḫḫaṣ sippūma ušabalakkat dalāti
 en: I will strike the posts, I will push the doors aside,
19. u2-sze-el-la-a mi-tu-ti _gu7-mesz_ bal-t,u-ti
 ts: ušellâ mītūti ikkalū balṭūti
 en: I will raise up the dead; they will devour the living,
20. _ugu_ bal-t,u-ti i-ma-i-du mi-tu-ti
 ts: eli balṭūti ima’’idū mītūti
 en: that the dead will outnumber the living.”
21. _{lu2}i3-du8_ pa-a-szu2 i-pu-usz-ma i-qab-bi
 ts: atû pâšu īpuš-ma iqabbi
 en: The gatekeeper worked his mouth, saying,
22. iz-zak-ka-ra a-na _gal_-ti {d}isz-tar
 ts: izzakkara ana rabīti ištar
 en: speaking to great Ištar:
23. i-zi-zi be-el-ti la ta-na-da-asz2-szi
 ts: izizzī bēltī lā tanaddâšši
 en: “Stand, my lady, do not knock it down,
24. lu-ul-lik _mu_-ki lu-sza2-an-ni a-na szar-ra-ti {d}eresz-ki-gal
 ts: lullik zikirki lušanni ana šarrati ereškigal
 en: let me go and your words repeat to queen Ereškigal.”
25. e-ru-um-ma _{lu2}i3-du8_ iz-zak-ka-ra a-na {d}eresz-ki-gal
 ts: ērum-ma atû izzakkara ana ereškigal
 en: He entered, and the gatekeeper speaks to Ereškigal:
26. an-ni-tu me-e a-ha-ta-ki {d}isz-tar i-za-az i-na ba-bi-ka
 ts: annītumē ahātaki ištar izzaz ina bābi
 en: “Here now, your sister Ištar is standing at your gate,
27. mu-kil-tu sza2 kep-pe-e _gal-mesz_ da-li-ha-at ap-si-i ma-har {d}e2-a _lugal_
 ts: mukiltu ša keppê rabûti dālihat apsî mahar ea šarri
 en: she who holds the great hunting loops, who roils up the Apsu before king Ea.”
28. {d}eresz-ki-gal an-ni-ta i-na sze-mi-sza2
 ts: ereškigal annīta ina šemîša
 en: Ereškigal, hearing this,
29. ki-ma ni-kis {gesz}bi-ni e-ri-qu pa-nu-sza2
 ts: kīma nikis bīni ēriqū pānūša
 en: like cut tamarisk went yellow her face,
30. ki-ma sza2-pat2 ku-ni-ni is,-li-ma sza-pa2-tu-sza2
 ts: kīma šapat kunīni iṣlimā šapātuša
 en: like the edge of a drinking reed went black her lips.
31. mi-na-a lib3-ba-sza2 ub-la-an-ni mi-na-a kab-ta-sa-ma usz-par2-da-an-ni-ma
 ts: mīnâ libbaša ublanni mīnâ kabtassama ušpardannima
 en: “What brought her heart to me? What caused her liver to light up for me?
32. an-ni-tu-me-e a-na-ku it-ti {d}a-nun-na-ki _a-mesz_ a-szat-ti
 ts: annītumē anāku itti anunnaki mê ašatti
 en: Here now, shall I, even I, with the Anunnaki water drink?
33. ki-ma _ninda-mesz_ a-kal _im_ ki-ma _kasz-mesz_ a-szat-ta-a _a-mesz_ dal-hu-te
 ts: kīma aklī akkal ṭīṭṭa kīma šikārī ašattâ mê dalḫūte
 en: As if bread, shall I eat clay? As if beer, shall I drink murky water?
34. lu-ub-ki a-na _gurusz-mesz_ sza e-zi-bu {munus}hi-re-ti
 ts: lubki ana eṭlūti ša ezzibū ḫīrēti
 en: Let me weep for the young men who leave behind wives?
35. lu-ub-ki a-na _{munus}ki-sikil-mesz_ sza _ta ur2_ {lu2}ha-i-ri-szi-na szal-lu-pa-ni
 ts: lubki ana ardāti ša ultu sūni ḫā’irīšina šallupāni
 en: Let me weep weep for the maidens who from the lap of their spouses are torn?
36. a-na _{lu2}tur_ la-ke-e lu-ub-ki sza ina la _u4-mesz_-szu3 t,ar-du
 ts: ana šerri lakê lubki ša ina lā ūmīšu ṭardu
 en: For the weak young one let me weep, who before his days was lead away?
37. a-lik _{lu2}i3-du8_ pi-ta-asz2-szi ba-ab-ka
 ts: alik atû pitâšši bābka
 en: Go, gatekeeper, open for her your gate,
38. up-pi-is-si-ma ki-ma _garza-mesz_ la-bi-ru-ti
 ts: uppissima kīma parṣī labirūti
 en: treat her according to the ancient rules!”
39. il-lik _{lu2}i3-du8_ ip-ta-asz2-szi ba-ab-szu
 ts: illik atû iptašši bābšu
 en: Off went the gatekeeper, and opened for her his gate.
40. er-bi be-el-ti gu2-du8-a{ki} li-risz-ki
 ts: erbī bēltī kutâ lirīški
 en: “Enter, my lady, let Kuthâ rejoice over you.”
41. _e2-gal kur-nu-gi-a_ li-ih-du ina pa-ni-ki
 ts: ekal kur-nugi'a liḫdu ina pāniki
 en: May the palace of Kurnugi’a be happy at your presence!”
42. 1(disz)-en _ka2_ u2-sze-rib-szi-ma um-ta-s,i it-ta-bal _aga gal_-a sza _sag-du_-sza2
 ts: išten bāba ušēribšima umtaṣṣi ittabal agâ rabâ ša qaqqadiša
 en: The 1st gate he let her enter, and he spread out and took away the great crown of her head.
43. am-mi-ni _i3-du8_ ta-at-bal _aga gal_-a sza _sag-du_-ia
 ts: ammīni atû tatbal agâ rabâ ša qaqqadiya.
 en: “Why, gatekeeper, did you take away the great crown of my head?”
44. er-bi be-el-ti sza _{d}nin-ki_-ti3 ki-a-am _garza-mesz_-sza2
 ts: erbī bēltī ša bēlet-erṣeti kīam parṣūša
 en: “Enter, my lady, of the lady of the netherworld thus are her rules.”
45. 2(disz)-a _ka2_ u2-sze-rib-szi-ma um-ta-s,i it-ta-bal in-s,a-ba-te sza _gesztu-min_-sza2
 ts: šanâ bāba ušēribšima umtaṣṣi ittabal inṣabāte ša uznīša
 en: The 2nd gate he let her enter, and he spread out and took away the earrings of her ears.
46. am-mi-ni _i3-du8_ ta-at-bal in-s,a-ba-te sza _gesztu-min_-ia
 ts: ammīni atû tatbal inṣabāte ša uznīya
 en: “Why, gatekeeper, did you take away the earrings of my ears?”
47. er-bi be-el-ti sza _{d}nin-ki_-ti3 ki-a-am _garza-mesz_-sza2
 ts: erbī bēltī ša bēlet-erṣeti kīam parṣūša
 en: “Enter, my lady, of the lady of the netherworld thus are her rules.”
48. 3(disz)-szu _ka2_ u2-sze-rib-szi-ma um-ta-s,i it-ta-bal _{na4}nunuz-mesz_ sza _gu2_-sza2
 ts: šalšu bāba ušēribšima umtaṣṣi ittabal erimmāti ša kišādīša
 en: The 3rd gate he let her enter, and he spread out and took away the beads of her neck.
49. am-mi-ni _i3-du8_ ta-at-bal _{na4}nunuz-mesz_ sza _gu2_-ia
 ts: ammīni atû tatbal erimmāti ša kišādiya
 en: “Why, gatekeeper, did you take away the beads of my neck?”
50. er-bi be-el-ti sza _{d}nin-ki_-ti3 ki-a-am _garza-mesz_-sza2
 ts: erbī bēltī ša bēlet-erṣeti kīam parṣūša
 en: “Enter, my lady, of the lady of the netherworld thus are her rules.”
51. 4(disz)-u2 _ka2_ u2-sze-rib-szi-ma um-ta-s,i it-ta-bal du-di-na-te sza2 _gaba_-sza2
 ts: rebû bāba ušēribšima umtaṣṣi ittabal dudināte ša irtiša
 en: The 4th gate he let her enter, and he spread out and took away the pectoral of her chest.
52. am-mi-ni _{lu2}i3-du8_ ta-at-bal du-di-na-te sza2 _gaba_-ia
 ts: ammīni atû tatbal dudināte ša iritīya
 en: “Why, gatekeeper, did you take away the pectoral of my chest?”
53. er-bi be-el-ti sza _{d}nin-ki_-ti3 ki-a-am _garza-mesz_-sza2
 ts: erbī bēltī ša bēlet-erṣeti kīam parṣūša
 en: “Enter, my lady, of the lady of the netherworld thus are her rules.”
54. 5(disz)-szu2 _ka2_ u2-sze-rib-szi-ma um-ta-s,i it-ta-bal szib-bu _na4-tu_ sza _murub4-mesz_-sza2
 ts: hamšu bāba ušēribšima umtaṣṣi ittabal šibbu aban-alādi ša qablīša
 en: The 5th gate he let her enter, and he spread out and took away the belt of birthstones of her hips
55. am-mi-ni _{lu2}i3-du8_ ta-at-bal szib-bu _na4-tu_ sza _murub4-mesz_-ia
 ts: ammīni atû tatbal šibbu aban-alādi ša qablīya
 en: “Why, gatekeeper, did you take away belt of birthstones of my hips?”
56. er-bi be-el-ti sza _{d}nin-ki_-ti3 ki-a-am _garza-mesz_-sza2
 ts: erbī bēltī ša bēlet-erṣeti kīam parṣūša
 en: “Enter, my lady, of the lady of the netherworld thus are her rules.”
57. 6(disz)-szu2 _ka2_ u2-sze-rib-szi-ma um-ta-s,i it-ta-bal _har-mesz szu_-sza2 u _giri3_-sza2
 ts: šeššu bāba ušēribšima umtaṣṣi ittabal šemērī qātiša u šēpiša
 en: The 6th gate he let her enter, and he spread out and took away the bracelets of her hand and her foot.
58. am-mi-ni _{lu2}i3-du8_ ta-at-bal _har-mesz szu_-ia u _giri3_-ia
 ts: ammīni atû tatbal šemērī qātiya u šēpiya
 en: “Why, gatekeeper, did you take away the bracelets of my hand and my foot?”
59. er-bi be-el-ti sza _{d}nin-ki_-ti3 ki-a-am _garza-mesz_-sza2
 ts: erbī bēltī ša bēlet-erṣeti kīam parṣūša
 en: “Enter, my lady, of the lady of the netherworld thus are her rules.”
60. 7(disz)-u2 _ka2_ u2-sze-rib-szi-ma um-ta-s,i it-ta-bal s,u-bat bal-ti sza2 zu-um-ri-sza2
 ts: šebû bāba ušēribšima umtaṣṣi ittabal ṣubāt balti ša zumriša
 en: The 7th gate he let her enter, and he spread out and took away the garment of modesty of her body.
61. am-mi3-ni _{lu2}i3-du8_ ta-at-bal s,u-bat bal-ti sza2 zu-um-ri2-ia
 ts: ammīni atû tatbal ṣubāt balti ša zumriya
 en: “Why, gatekeeper, did you carry off the garment of modesty of my body?
62. er-bi be-el-ti sza {d}nin-ki-ti3 ki-a-am _garza-mesz_-sza2
 ts: erbī bēltī ša bēlet erṣeti kīam parṣūša
 en: “Enter, my lady, of the lady of the netherworld thus are her rules.”
63. isz-tu ul-la-nu-um-ma {d}isz-tar a-na kur-nu-gi4-a u2-ri-du
 ts: ištu ullânumma ištar ana kurnugi’a ūridu
 en: away from there, Ishtar to Kurnugi’a descended.
64. {d}nin-ki-gal i-mur-szi-ma ina pa-ni-sza2 ir-'-ub
 ts: ereškigal īmuršima ina pāniša ir’ub
 en: Ereshkigal saw her and in her presence began to shake.
65. {d}inanna ul im-ma-lik e-le-nu-usz-sza2 it-bi
 ts: ištar ūl immallik elēnušša itbi
 en: Ishtar did not reflect; above her she rose.
66. {d}nin-ki-gal pa-a-sza i-pu-usz-ma i-qab-bi
 ts: ereškigal pâša īpušma iqabbi
 en: Ereshkigal her mouth worked, speaking,
67. a-na {d}nam-tar _sukkal_-sza2 a-ma-tu4 iz-zak-kar
 ts: ana namtar šukkalliša amātu izzakkar
 en: to Namtar, her high minister, the words speaking:
68. a-lik {d}nam-tar [...]-ru4 ina _e2-kal_-li-ia-ma
 ts: alik namtar ina ekalliyama
 en: “Go, Namtar, ... in my palace, and
69. szu-s,a-asz2-szi 1(disz) szu-szi _gig_ a-na {d}inanna
 ts: šuṣašši išten šuši murṣī ana ištar
 en: send out against her, the sixty diseases against Ishtar:
70. _gig igi-min_ a-na _igi-min_-sza2
 ts: muruṣ ināti ana inātiša
 en: the disease of the eyes against her eyes,
71. _gig_ a-hi a-na a-hi-sza2
 ts: muruṣ aḫi ana aḫiša
 en: the disease of the side against her side,
72. _gig giri3-min_ a-na _giri3-min_-sza2
 ts: muruṣ šepî ana šepîša
 en: the disease of the feet against her feet,
73. _gig sza3_-bi a-na _sza3_-bi-sza
 ts: muruṣ libbi ana libbiša
 en: the disease of the stomach against her stomach,
74. _gig sag-du_ a-na _sag-du_-sza
 ts: muruṣ qaqqadi ana qaqqadiša
 en: the disease of the head against her head,
75. a-na sza2-a-sza gab-bi-sza-ma a-na zu-um-ri2-sza
 ts: ana šâša gabbišama ana zumriša
 en: against her, all of her, against her body!”
76. ar-ki {d}isz-tar be-el-ti a-na kur-nu-gi4-a u2-ri-du
 ts: arki ištar bēlti ana kurnugi’a ūridu
 en: After lady Ištar to Kurnugi’a descended,
77. a-na bur-ti _gu4_ ul i-szah-hi-it, _ansze eme3_ ul u2-sza2-ra
 ts: ana būrti alpu ul išaḫḫiṭ imēru atānu ul ušâra
 en: the cow the bull does not mount, the donkey the jenny does not impregnate;
78. ar-da-tu4 ina _sila_ ul u2-sza2-ra et,-lu
 ts: ardatum ina sūqi ul ušâra eṭlu
 en: the young woman in the street does not impregnate the young man;
79. it-til et-lu i-na kum3-mi-szu2
 ts: ittīl eṭlu ina kummišu
 en: lay the young man in his chamber,
80. it-til ar-da-tum i-na a-hi-sza2
 ts: ittīl ardatum ina aḫiša]
 en: lay the young woman on her side.
81. {d}pap-sukkal _sukkal dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ qu3-ud-du-ud ap-pa-szu2 pa-nu-szu2
 ts: papsukkal šukkalli ilī rabûti quddud appašu pānūšu
 en: Papsukkal, minister of the great gods: bent low was his nose, his face;
82. kar-ru la-bisz ma-le-e na-asz2? [...]
 ts: karru labiš malê naš ...
 en: in rags clad, unkempt hair bearing, ...
83. il-lik an-hisz i-na pa-an {d}sin _ad_-szu2 i-bak-ki [...]
 ts: illik anḫiš ina pān sin abišu ibakki ...
 en: he went, tired, before Sîn, his father, weeping, ...
84. i-na pa-an {d}e2-a _lugal_ il-la-ka di-ma-a-szu2 [...]
 ts: ina pān ea šarri illaka dimāšu [...]
 en: before Ea, the king, he was going, his tears ...:
85. {d}isz-tar a-na _ki_-tim u-rid ul i-la-a
 ts: ištar ana erṣetim ūrid ul īlâ
 en: “Ištar to the underworld descended, but did not ascend;
86. ul-tu ul-la-nu-um-ma {d}isz-tar a-na kur-nu-gi4-a u2-ri-du
 ts: ultu ullânumma ištar ana kurnugi’a ūridu
 en: since Ištar to Kurnugi’a descended,
87. a-na bur-ti _gu4_ ul i-szah-hi-it, _ansze eme3_ ul u2-sza2-ra
 ts: ana būrti alpu ul išahhiṭ imēru atānu ul ušâra
 en: the cow the bull does not mount, the donkey the jenny does not impregnate;
88. ar-da-tu4 ina _sila_ ul u2-sza2-ra et,-lu
 ts: ardatu ina sūqi ul ušâra eṭlu
 en: the young woman in the street is not impregnated by the young man;
89. it-til et,-lu i-na kum3-mi-szu2
 ts: ittīl eṭlu ina kummišu
 en: lay the young man in his chamber,
90. it-til ar-da-tu4 i-na a-hi-sza2
 ts: ittīl ardatu ina aḫiša
 en: lay the young woman on her side;
91. {d}e2-a ina em-qi lib3-bi-szu2 ib-ta-ni zik-ru
 ts: ea ina emqi libbišu ibtani zikru
 en: Ea, in the wisdom of his stomach, has created a man,
92. ib-ni-ma {disz}e3-szu-na-mir {lu2}as-sin-nu
 ts: ibnima aṣûšu-namir assinnu
 en: and he created Aṣûšu-namir, a she-man,
93. al-ka {disz}e3-szu-na-mir i-na _ka2_ kur-nu-gi4-a szu-kun pa-ni-ka
 ts: alka aṣûšu-namir ina bāb kurnugi’a šukun pānīka
 en: come, Aṣûšu-namir, in the gate of Kurnugi’a set you face!
94. _7(disz) ka2_ kur-nu-gi4-a lip-pe-tu-u i-na pa-ni-ka
 ts: šebû bābī kurnugi’a lippettû ina pānīka
 en: may the 7 gates of Kurnugi’a be opened in your face!
95. {d}eresz-ki-gal li-mur-ka-ma i-na pa-ni-ka li-ih-du
 ts: ereškigal līmurkama ina pānīka liḫdu
 en: May Ereškigal see you and in your face rejoice!
96. ul-tu lib3-bi-sza2 i-nu-uh-hu kat-ta-as-sa ip-pe2-red-du-u
 ts: ultu libbiša inuḫḫu kattassa ippereddû
 en: when her stomach is calmed, her liver happy,
97. tum3-me-szi-ma _mu dingir-mesz gal-mesz_
 ts: tummešima zikir ilī rabûti
 en: make her utter the oath of the great gods!
98. szu-qi _sag-mesz_-ka a-na {kusz}hal-zi-qi uz-na szu-kun
 ts: šuqi rēšīka ana ḫalziqi uzna šukun
 en: Raise your head, to the waterskin ear give!
99. e be-el-ti {kusz}hal-zi-qi lid-nu-ni _a-mes_ i-na lib3-bi lu-ul-ta-ti
 ts: ē bēltī ḫalziqi lidnuni mê ina libbi lultati
 en: “O Lady, the waterskin let them give me, that water therefrom I may drink!”
100. {d}eresz-ki-gal an-ni-ta ina sze-mi-sza2
 ts: ereškigal annīta ina šemîša
 en: Ereškigal, hearing this,
101. tam-ha-as, _ur2_-sza2 tasz-szu-ka u-ba-an-sza2
 ts: tamhaṣ pemša taššuka ubanša
 en: struck her thigh, bit her finger:
102. te-tir-sza-an-ni e-resz-tu4 la e-re-szi
 ts: tetiršanni erēštu lā erēši
 en: “You made a request of me that is not to be requested!
103. al-ka {disz}e3-szu-na-mir lu-zir-ka iz-ra _gal_-a
 ts: alka aṣûšu-namir luzirka izra rabâ
 en: Come, Aṣûšu-namir, let me lay a great curse on you!
104. _ninda-mesz {gesz}apin-mesz iri_ lu a-kal-ka
 ts: aklī epenēt āli lū akalka
 en: May the breads of the plows of the city be your bread!
105. {dug}ha-ba-na-at _iri_ lu ma-al-ti-it-ka
 ts: ḫabanāt āli lū maltika
 en: May the drainpipes of the city be your drink,
106. _gissu bad3_ lu-u2 man-za-zu-ka
 ts: ṣillī dūri lū manzazūka
 en: the shadows of the wall your stations,
107. as-kup-pa-tu lu mu-sza-bu-u2-ka
 ts: askuppātu lū mušabūka
 en: the threshold your residence!
108. szak-ru u3 s,a-mu-u2 lim-ha-s,u le-et-ka
 ts: šakrū u ṣamû limḫaṣū lētka
 en: May drunks and parched strike your cheek!”
109. {d}eresz-ki-gal pa-a-sza i-pu-usz-ma i-qab-bi
 ts: ereškigal pâša īpušma iqabbi
 en: Ereškigal worked her mouth, saying,
110. a-na {d}nam-tar _sukkal_-sza2 a-ma-ta iz-zak-kar
 ts: ana namtar šukkalliša amāta izzakkar
 en: to Namtar, her minister, words speaking:
111. a-lik {d}nam-tar ma-ha-as, e2-gal-gi-na
 ts: alik namtar maḫaṣ egalgina
 en: “Go, Namtar, strike Egalgina!
112. _{na4}i-dab-mesz_ za-'-i-na sza _{na4}pa-mesz_
 ts: askuppāti za’ina ša ayyarāti
 en: The thresholds adorn in coral stone!
113. {d}a-nun-na-ki szu-s,a-a i-na _{gesz}gu-za ku3-sig17_ szu-szib
 ts: anunnakī šūṣâ ina kussi ḫurāṣi šūšib
 en: The Anunna bring out and on thrones of gold seat them!
114. {d}inanna _a-mesz ti-la_ su-luh-szi-ma le-qa-asz2-szi ina mah-ri-ia
 ts: ištar mê balāṭi suluḫšima leqâšši ina maḫriya
 en: Ištar with water of life sprinkle and take her into(?) my presence!”
115. il-lik {d}nam-tar im-ha-as, _e2-gal-gi-na_
 ts: illik namtar imhaṣ egalgina
 en: Off went Namtar and knocked at Egalgina;
116. _{na4}i-dab-mesz_ u2-za-'-i-na sza _{na4}pa-mesz_
 ts: askuppāti uza’’inā ša ayyarāti
 en: the thresholds he decorated with coral stone;
117. {d}a-nun-na-ki u2-sze-s,a-a ina _{gesz}gu-za ku3-sig17_ u2-sze-szib
 ts: anunnakī ušēṣâ ina kussi hurāṣi ušēšib
 en: the Anunna he brought out and on thrones of gold sat them;
118. {d}isz-tar _a-mesz ti-la_ is,-luh-szi-ma il-qa-asz2-szi a-na mah-ri-sza2
 ts: ištar mê balāṭi isluhšima ilqâšši ana mahriša
 en: Ištar with water of life he sprinkled and took her into(?) her presence;
119. 1(disz)-en _ka2_ u2-sze-s,i-szi-ma ut-te-er-szi s,u-bat bal-ti-sza2 zu-um-ri-sza2
 ts: ištēn bāba ušēṣišima utterši ṣubāt balti ša zumriša
 en: out of the first gate he brought her and returned to her the loincloth of her body;
120. 2(disz)-a _ka2_ u2-sze-s,i-szi-ma ut-te-er-szi sze-mer _szu-min_ u _giri3_-sza2
 ts: šanâ bāba ušēṣišima utterši šemer qātīša u šēpīša
 en: out of the second gate he brought her and returned to her her bracelets and anklets;
121. 3(disz)-sza2 _ka2_ u2-sze-s,i-szi-ma ut-te-er-szi szib-bu _na4 tu_ sza2 _murub4-mesz_-sza2
 ts: šalša bāba ušēṣišima utterši šibbu aban alādi ša qablīša
 en: out of the third gate he brought her and returned to her the girdle of birth-stones around her waist;
122. 4(disz)-u2 _ka2_ u2-sze-s,i-szi-ma ut-te-er-szi du-di-na-te sza2 _gaba_-sza2
 ts: rebû bāba ušēṣišima utterši dudinnāte ša irtiša
 en: out of the fourth gate he brought her and returned to her her breast pins;
123. 5(disz)-szu2 _ka2_ u2-sze-s,i-szi-ma ut-te-er-szi _{na4}nunuz-mesz_ sza2 _gu2_-sza2
 ts: hamšu bāba ušēṣišima utterši erimmāti ša kišādiša
 en: out of the fifth gate he brought her and returned to her the beads around her neck;
124. 6(disz)-szu2 _ka2_ u2-sze-s,i-szi-ma ut-te-er-szi in-s,a-ba-te sza2 _gesztu-min_-sza2
 ts: šeššu bāba ušēṣišima utterši inṣabāte ša uznīša
 en: out of the sixth gate he brought her and returned to her the earrings on her ears;
125. 7(disz@v)-u2 _ka2_ u2-sze-s,i-szi-ma ut-te-er-szi a-gu-u ra-ba-a sza2 _sag-du_-sza2
 ts: sebû bāba ušēṣišima utterši agû rabâ ša qaqqadiša
 en: out of the seventh gate he brought her and returned to her the great tiara on her head.

Consult previous versions and their differences
Consult sign list of Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC)
Consult word list of Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC)

  • Artifact type: Artifact type comments:

    composite text

  • Material:
  • Measurements (mm):
  • Weight:
  • Artifact Preservation:
  • Condition Description:
  • Join Information:
  • Seal no.:
  • Seal information:
  • Artifact comments:

    composite text

  • history: SAACT 6

    [Lapinkivi2010SAACT6] Lapinkivi, Pirjo. 2010. The Neo-Assyrian Myth of Ištar’s Descent and Resurrection. State Archives of Assyria Cuneiform Texts, Volume 6. Helsinki: The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project.

  • citation: Before the Muses

    [Foster2005BeforeMuses] Foster, Benjamin R. 2005. Before the Muses : An Anthology of Akkadian Literature (3rd Edition). Bethesda, Md. : CDL Press.

  • citation: Dalley, S., Myths from Mesopotamia, rev. ed. (2000) 154-162 [translation]

    [sec130822] N.d.

  • Composite No.: QIshtardescent
  • Museum No.:
  • Accession No.:

  • Provenience: Assur (mod. Qalat Sherqat) [uncertain]
  • Elevation:
  • Stratigraphic Level:
  • Excavation No:
  • Findspot Square:
  • Findspot Comments:

Created Creator Type Authors Project Reviewer Status Action
2024-07-26 at 10:28:33 Firth, Richard Artifact, Other Entity Firth, Richard Firth, Richard approved View
2017-12-12 at 08:37:00 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2017-07-01 at 15:39:56 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2017-03-23 at 12:02:38 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2017-03-14 at 14:00:40 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2017-03-10 at 08:45:32 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2017-03-06 at 19:38:59 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2017-03-06 at 18:55:14 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2017-03-06 at 18:53:19 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2017-03-06 at 08:33:24 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2017-03-06 at 08:21:09 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2017-02-26 at 18:21:05 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2017-02-26 at 18:17:15 Englund, Robert K. Atf Ozaki Tohru CDLI approved View
2016-09-27 at 16:48:35 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2016-07-13 at 18:40:45 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2016-03-28 at 16:17:46 Englund, Robert K. Atf seshappan(?) CDLI approved View
2016-03-28 at 16:16:24 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2016-03-10 at 08:12:12 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2016-03-09 at 20:15:45 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2016-03-09 at 20:14:40 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2016-03-09 at 20:13:16 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2016-03-09 at 20:11:19 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2016-03-09 at 14:58:27 Englund, Robert K. Atf Merritt, Leland M. CDLI approved View
2016-03-09 at 14:55:29 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2016-03-09 at 12:01:54 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2016-03-09 at 11:54:09 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2016-03-02 at 14:35:19 Englund, Robert K. Atf Merritt, Leland M. CDLI approved View
2016-03-02 at 14:32:10 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2016-03-02 at 14:31:50 Englund, Robert K. Atf Merritt, Leland M. CDLI approved View
2016-03-02 at 14:30:22 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2016-02-26 at 17:28:13 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2016-02-26 at 17:16:26 Englund, Robert K. Atf Vandyke, Elizabeth G. CDLI approved View
2016-01-03 at 00:00:00 CDLI Artifact CDLI CDLI approved View

Consult this artifact as presented on the website of collections and projects:

    There is no external resource for this artifact yet.

General Notes: -
CDLI Notes: -
Cite this Artifact
“CDLI Literary Descent of Ishtar (Composite) Artifact Entry.” (2016) 2024. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). July 26, 2024.
CDLI Literary Descent of Ishtar (composite) artifact entry (No. P497322). (2024, July 26). Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). (Original work published 2016)
CDLI Literary Descent of Ishtar (composite) artifact entry (2024) Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). Available at: (Accessed: February 9, 2025).
	note = {[Online; accessed 2025-02-09]},
	year = {2024},
	month = {jul 26},
	title = {CDLI {Literary} {Descent} of {Ishtar} (composite) artifact entry},
	url = {},
	howpublished = {},

DA  - 2024/7/26/
PY  - 2024
ID  - P497322
LB  - CDLI:P497322
M1  - 2025/2/9/
TI  - CDLI Literary Descent of Ishtar (composite) artifact entry
UR  -
ER  - 
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