Literary artifact dated to the Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) period
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object composite text
surface a
tablet 1
1. e-nu-ma e-lisz la na-bu-u2 sza2-ma-mu
en: When on high the heaven had not been named,
2. szap-lisz am-ma-tum szu-ma la zak-rat
en: Firm ground below had not been called by name,
3. _abzu_-u-ma resz-tu-u2 za-ru-szu-un
en: When primordial Apsu, their begetter,
4. mu-um-mu ti-amat mu-al-li-da-at gim-ri-szu2-un
en: And Mummu-Tiamat, she who bore them all,
5. _me-mesz_-szu2-nu isz-te-nisz i-hi-qu-u2-ma
en: Their waters mingled as a single body,
6. gi-pa-ra la ki-is,-s,u-ru s,u-s,a-a la sze-’-u2
en: No reed hut had sprung forth, no marshland had appeared,
7. e-nu-ma _dingir_ la szu-pu-u ma-na-ma
en: None of the gods had been brought into being,
8. szu-ma la zuk-ku-ru szi-ma-tu2 la szi-i-mu
en: And none bore a name, and no destinies determined--
9. ib-ba-nu-u2-ma _dingir_ qi2-rib-szu2-un
en: Then it was that the gods were formed in the midst of heaven.
10. {d}lah-mu {d}la-ha-mu usz-ta-pu-u2 szu-mi-iz-zak-ru
en: Lahmu and Lahamu were brought forth, by name they were called. (10)
11. a-di ir-bu-u2 i-szi-hu
en: Before they had grown in age and stature,
12. an-szar2 {d}ki-szar2 ib-ba-nu-u e-li-szu-nu at-ru
en: Anshar and Kishar were formed, surpassing the others.
13. ur-ri-ku _u4-mesz_ us,-s,i-bu _mu-an-na-mesz_
en: Long were the days, then there came forth.....
14. {d}a-num a-pil-szu-nu sza2-nin _ad_-szu2
en: Anu was their heir, of his fathers the rival;
15. an-szar2 {d}a-num bu-uk-ra-szu u2-masz-szil-ma
en: Yes, Anshar’s first-born, Anu, was his equal.
16. u3 {d}a-num tam-szi-la-szu2 u2-lid {d}nu-dim2-mud
en: Anu begot in his image Nudimmud.
17. {d}nu-dim2-mud sza2 _ad-mesz_-szu sza2-lit,-su-nu szu-ma
en: This Nudimmud was of his fathers the master;
18. pal-ka uz-nu ha-sis e-mu-qan pu-un-gul
en: Of broad wisdom, understanding, mighty in strength,
19. gu-usz-szu ma-’-disz a-na a-lid _ad_-szu2 an-szar2
en: Mightier by far than his grandfather, Anshar.
20. la i-szi sza-ni-na i-na _dingir-mesz_ at-he-e-szu2
en: He had no rival among the gods, his brothers. (20)
21. in-nen-du-ma at-hu-u2 _dingir-mesz_-ni
en: Thus were established and were... the great gods.
22. e-szu-u2 ti-amat-ma na-s,ir-szu2-nu isz-tab-bu
en: They disturbed Tiamat as they surged back and forth,
23. dal-hu-nim-ma sza2 ti-amat ka-ras-sa
en: Yes, they troubled the mood of Tiamat
24. i-na szu-’-a-ri szu-’-du-ru qi2-rib an-duru2-na
en: By their hilarity in the Abode of Heaven.
25. la na-szi-ir _abzu_-u ri-gim-szu-un
en: Apsu could not lessen their clamor
26. u3 ti-amat szu-qam2-mu-mat i-na _igi_-szu-un
en: And Tiamat was speechless at their ways.
27. im-tar-s,a-am-ma ep-szi-ta-szu-un e-li-sza
en: Their doings were loathsome unto ... .
28. la t,a-bat al-kat2-su-nu szu-nu-ti i-ga-me-la
en: Thier way was evil; they were overbearing.
29. i-nu-szu _abzu_-u za-ri _dingir_ ra-bi2-u3-tim
en: Then Apsu, the begetter of the great gods,
30. is-si-ma {d}mu-um-mu suk-kal-la-szu i-zak-kar-szu
en: Cried out, addressing Mummu, his minister: (30)
31. {d}mu-um-mu suk-kal-lu mu-t,ib-ba ka-bat-ti-ia
en: “O Mummu, my vizier, who rejoices my spirit,
32. al-kam2-ma s,i-ri-isz ti-amat i ni-il-li-ik
en: Come here and let us go to Tiamat!”
33. il-li-ku-ma qu-ud-mi-isz ta-ma-tum u2-szi-bu
en: They went and sat down before Tiamat,
34. a-ma-a-ti im-tal-li-ku asz-szum _dingir_ bu-uk-ri-szu-un
en: Exchanging counsel about the gods, their first-born.
35. _abzu_-u pa-a-szu i-pu-szam-ma
en: Apsu, opening his mouth,
36. a-na ti-amat el-le-tam-ma i-zak-kar-szi
en: Said to resplendent Tiamat:
37. im-tar-s,a-am-ma al-kat3-su-nu e-li-ia
en: “Their ways are truly loathsome to me.
38. ur-ri-isz la szu-up-szu-ha-ku mu-szi-isz la s,a-al-la-ku
en: By day I find no relief, nor repose by night.
39. lu-usz-hal-liq-ma al-kat3-su-nu lu-sa-ap-pi-ih
en: I will destroy, I will wreck their ways,
40. qu-lu lisz-sza2-kin-ma i ni-is,-lal ni-i-ni
en: That quiet may be restored. Let us have rest!” (40)
41. ti-amat an-ni-ta i-na sze-me-e-sza
en: As soon as Tiamat heard this,
42. i-zu-uz-ma il-ta-si e-lu har-me-sza
en: She was furious and called out to her husband.
43. is-si-ma mar-s,i-isz ug-gu-gat e-disz-szi-sza
en: She cried out aggrieved, as she raged all alone,
44. le-mut-ta it-ta-di a-na kar-szi-sza
en: She uttered a curse, and unto Apsu she spoke:
45. mi-na-a ni-i-nu sza2 ni-ib-nu-u2 nu-usz-hal-laq-ma
en: “What? Should we destroy that which we have built?
46. al-kat3-su-nu lu szum-ru-s,a-at-ma i ni-isz-du-ud t,a-bisz
en: Their ways indeed are most troublesome, but let us attend kindly!”
47. i-pul-ma {d}mu-um-mu _abzu_-a i-ma-al-lik
en: Then Mummu answered, giving counsel to Apsu;
48. suk-kal-lum la ma-gi-ru mi-lik mu-um-mi-szu
en: Ill-wishing and ungracious was Mummu’s advice:
49. hul-li-qam-ma a-bi al-ka-ta e-szi-ta
en: “Do destroy, my father, the mutinous ways.
50. ur-ri-isz lu-u2 szup-szu-ha-at mu-szisz lu-u2 s,al-la-at
en: Then you will have relief by day and rest by night!” (50)
51. ih-du-szum-ma _abzu_-u im-me-ru pa-nu-szu
en: When Apsu heard this, his face grew radiant
52. asz-szum lem-ne2-e-ti ik-pu-du a-na _dingir_ ma-re-e-szu
en: Because of the evil he planned against the gods, his sons.
53. {d}mu-um-mu i-te-dir ki-szad-su
en: As for Mummu, he embraced him by the neck
54. usz-ba-am bir-ka-a-szu2 u2-na-asz2-saq sza-a-szu
en: As that one sat down on his knees to kiss him.
55. mim-mu-u2 ik-pu-du pu-uh-ru-usz-szun
en: Now whatever they had plotted between them,
56. a-na _dingir_ bu-uk-ri-szu-nu usz-tan-nu-ni
en: Was repeated unto the gods, their first-born.
57. isz-mu-nim-ma _dingir_ i-dul-lu
en: When the gods heard this, they were astir,
58. qu-lu is,-ba-tu sza2-qu-um-mesz usz-bu
en: Then lapsed into silence and remained speechless.
59. szu-tur uz-na et-pe-szu te-le-u2
en: Surpassing in wisdom, accomplished, resourceful,
60. {d}e2-a ha-sis mi-im-ma-ma i-sze-’-a szib-qi2-szu-un
en: Ea, the all-wise, saw through their scheme. (60)
61. ib-szim-szum-ma us,-rat ka-li u2-kin-szu
en: A master design against it he devised and set up,
62. u2-nak-kil-szu szu-tu-ra ta-a-szu el-lum
en: Made artful his spell against it, surpassing and holy.
63. im-nu-szum-ma ina _me-mesz_ u2-szap-szi-ih
en: He recited it and made it subsist in the deep,
64. szit-tu ir-te-hi-szu s,a-lil t,u-ba-tisz
en: As he poured sleep upon him. Sound asleep he lay.
65. u2-sza2-as,-lil-ma _abzu_-a re-hi szit-tum
en: When he had made Apsu prone, drenched with sleep,
66. {d}mu-um-mu tam-la-ku da-la-pisz ku-u2-ru
en: Mummu, the adviser, was powerless to stir.
67. ip-t,ur rik-si-szu isz-ta-hat, a-ga-szu2
en: He loosened his band, tore off his tiara,
68. me-lam-mi-szu it-ba-la szu-u2 u2-ta-di-iq
en: Removed his halo and put it on himself.
69. ik-mi-szu-ma _abzu_-a i-na-ra-asz2-szu
en: Having fettered Apsu, he slew him.
70. {d}mu-um-mu i-ta-sir3 eli-szu2 ip-tar-ka
en: Mummu he bound and left behind lock. (70)
71. u2-kin-ma eli _abzu_-i szu-bat-su
en: Having thus established his dwelling upon Apsu,
72. {d}mu-um-mu it-ta-mah u2-kal s,er-ret-su
en: He laid hold of Mummu, holding him by the nose-rope.
73. ul-tu lem-ne2-e-szu2 ik-mu-u2 i-sa-a-du
en: After Ea had vanquished and trodden down his foes,
74. {d}e2-a usz-ziz-zu ir-nit-ta-szu2 eli ga-ri-szu2
en: Had secured his triumph over his enemies,
75. qir-bisz ku-um-mi-szu2 szup-szu-hi-isz i-nu-uh2-ma
en: In his sacred chamber in profound peace had rested,
76. im-bi-szum-ma _abzu_-a u2-ad-du-u2 esz-re-e-ti
en: He named it “Apsu,” for shrines he assigned it.
77. asz2-ru-usz-szu gi-pa-ra-szu2 u2-szar-szid-ma
en: In that same place his cult hut he founded.
78. {d}e2-a {d}dam-ki-na hi-ra-tusz ina rab-ba-a-te usz-bu
en: Ea and Damkina, his wife, dwelled there in splendor.
79. ina ki-is,-s,i _nam-tar-mesz_ at-ma-an _gesz-hur-mesz_
en: The Birth of Marduk In the chamber of fates, the abode of destinies,
80. le-’-u2 le-’-u2-ti _abgal dingir-mesz_ {d}en usz-tar-hi
en: A god was engendered, most able and wisest of gods. (80)
81. ina qi2-ri _abzu_-i ib-ba-ni {d}marduk
en: In the heart of Apsu was Marduk created,
82. ina qi2-rib _ku3 abzu_-i ib-ba-ni {d}marduk
en: In the heart of holy Apsu was Marduk created.
83. ib-ni-isz-ma {d}e2-a a-ba-szu
en: He who begot him was Ea, his father;
84. {d}dam-ki-na umma-szu har-sza2-as-szu
en: She who bore him was Damkina, his mother.
85. i-ti-niq-ma s,er-ret _{d}esz18-dar-mesz_
en: The breast of goddesses he did suck.
86. ta-ri-tu it-tar-ru-szu pul-ha-a-ta usz-ma-al-li
en: The nurse that nursed him filled him with awesomeness.
87. szam-hat nab-nit-su s,a-ri-ir ni-szi i-ni-szu
en: Alluring was his figure, sparkling the lift of his eyes.
88. ut,-t,u-lat s,i-ta-szu ga-szir3 ul-tu ul-la
en: Lordly was his gait, commanding from of old.
89. i-mur-szu-ma {d}a-num ba-nu-u a-bi-szu
en: When Ea saw him, the father who begot him,
90. i-risz im-mir lib3-ba-su hi-du-ta im-la
en: He exulted and glowed, his heart filled with gladness. (90)
91. usz-ta-as,-bi-szum-ma szu-un-na-at _dingir_-us-su
en: He rendered him perfect and endowed him with a double godhead.
92. szu-usz-qu ma-’-disz eli-szu2-nu a-tar mim-mu-szu
en: Greatly exalted was he above them, exceeding throughout.
93. la lam-da-ma nu-uk-ku-la mi-na-tu-szu
en: Perfect were his members beyond comprehension,
94. ha-sa-sisz la na-t,a-a a-ma-risz pa-asz2-qa
en: Unsuited for understanding, difficult to perceive.
95. 4(disz) _igi_-szu2 _4(disz) gesztu_-szu2
en: Four were his eyes, four were his ears;
96. szap-ti-szu2 ina szu-ta-bu-li _{d}gesz-bar_ it-tan-pah
en: When he moved his lips, fire blazed forth.
97. ir-ti-bu-u2 _4(disz)-ta-am3_ ha-si-sa
en: Large were all four hearing organs,
98. u3 _igi 2(disz)_ ki-ma szu-a-tu i-bar-ra-a gim-re-e-ti
en: And the eyes, in like number, scanned all things.
99. ul-lu-ma ina _dingir_ szu-tur la-an-szu
en: He was the loftiest of the gods, surpassing was his stature;
100. mesz-re-tu-szu szu-ut-tu-ha i-lit-ta szu-tur
en: His members were enormous, he was exceeding tall. (100)
101. ma-ri-u2-tu ma-ri-u2-tu
en: “My little son, my little son!”
102. ma-ri {d}utu-szi-{d}utu-szi sza2 _dingir_
en: My son, the Sun! Sun of the heavens!”
103. la-bisz mi-lam-mi esz-ret _dingir-mesz_ sza2-qisz it-bur
en: Clothed with the halo of ten gods, he was strong to the utmost,
104. pul-ha-a-tu ha-szat-si-na e-li-szu2 kam2-ra
en: As their awesome flashes were heaped upon him.
105. ib-ni-ma sza2-ar er-bit-ta u2-al-lid {d}a-num
en: Anu brought forth and begot the fourfold wind
106. qa-tusz-szu2 u2-ma-al-la-a ma-ri lim-mel-li
en: Consigning to its power the leader of the host.
107. ib-szim ep-ra me-ha-a u2-sza-az-bal
en: He fashioned ..., stationed the whirlwind,
108. u2-szab-szi a-ga-am-ma u2-dal-lah3 ti-amat
en: He produced streams to roil Tiamat.
109. dal-hat ti-amat-ma ur-ra u mu-sza i-dul-lu
en: Roiled was Tiamat, and day and night dulled.
110. _dingir_ la szup-szu-ha i-za-ab-bi-lu sza2-ri-sza2
en: The gods, given no rest, suffer in the storm.
111. ik-tap-du-ma kar-szu-us-su2-nu le-mut-ta
en: Their hearts having plotted evil, (110)
112. a-na ti-amat um-mi-szu-nu szu-nu iz-zak-ru
en: To Tiamat, their mother, said:
113. e-nu-ma _abzu_-a ha-ram-ki i-na-ru-ma
en: “When they slew Apsu, your consort,
114. i-du-usz-szu la tal-li-ki-ma qa-lisz tusz-bi
en: You did not aid him but remained still.
115. ib-ni-ma sza2-ar er-bet-ti sza2 pu-luh-ti
en: When he created the dread fourfold wind,
116. szu-ud-lu-hu kar-sza-ki-ma ul ni-s,al-lal ni-i-nu
en: Your vitals were diluted and so we can have no rest.
117. ul ib-szi lib-bu-uk-ki _abzu_-u ha-ram-ki
en: Let Apsu, your consort, be in your mind
118. u3 {d}mu-um-mu sza2 ik-ka-mu-u2 e-disz asz2-ba-ti
en: And Mummu, who has been vanquished! You are left alone!
119. isz-tu _u4_-mu at-ti dul-lu-hisz ta-dul-li
en: ... you pace about distraught,
120. u3 ni-i-ni sza2 la ni-sak-ki-pu ul ta-ra-am-mi-na-szi
en: ... without cease. You do not love us!
121. am-ra sar-ma-’u-ni hu-um-mu-ra i-na-tu-ni
en: ... our eyes are pinched, (120)
122. hu-us,-bi ab-sza2-na la sa-ki-pi i ni-is,-lal ni-i-ni
en: ... without cease. Let us have rest!
123. ep-szi ta-ha-zi gi-mil-la-szu-nu tir-ri
en: ... to battle. Avenge them!
124. x-x-ru-u2-szu-nu ep-szi-ma a-na za-qi2-qu szu-uk-ni
en: ... and render them as the wind!”
125. isz-me-ma ti-amat a-ma-tum i-t,ib el-sza
en: When Tiamat heard these words, she was pleased:
126. mim-mu-u2 at-tu-nu tusz-ta-ad-di-nu i ni-pu-usz _u4_-mu
en: “... you have given. Let us make monsters,
127. pah-ru-nim-ma _dingir_ qi2-rib-sza2
en: ... and the gods in the midst ... .
128. lem-ne2-ti usz-tah-ha-zu an _dingir_ ba-ni-szu2-un
en: ... let us do battle and against the gods ... !”
129. im-ma-as-ru-nim-ma i-du-usz ti-amat ti-bu-ni
en: They banded themselves together and marched at the side of Tiamat.
130. ez-zu kap-du la sa-ki-pu mu-sza2 u im-ma
en: Enraged, they plot without cease night and day,
131. na-szu-u2 tam-ha-ri na-zar-bu-bu lab-bu
en: They are set for combat, growling, raging, (130)
132. _ukken_-na szit-ku-nu-ma i-ban-nu-u2 s,u-la-a-ti
en: They form a council to prepare for the fight.
133. um-ma hu-bur pa-ti-qat ka-la-mu
en: Mother Hubur, she who fashions all things,
134. usz-rad-di kak-ku la mah-ri it-ta-lad _musz-mah-mesz_
en: Added matchless weapons, bore monster-serpents,
135. zaq-tu-ma szin-ni la pa-du-u at-ta-’-i
en: Sharp of tooth, unsparing of fang.
136. im-tu ki-ma da-mu zu-mur-szu-nu usz-ma-al-li
en: With venom for blood she has filled their bodies.
137. _uszumgal-mesz_ na-ad-ru-ti pul-ha-ta u2-sal-bisz-ma
en: Roaring dragons she has clothed with terror,
138. me-lam-mi usz-tasz-sza-a i-li-isz um-tasz-szi-il
en: Has crowned them with haloes, making them like gods,
139. a-mi-ir-szu2-nu szar-ba-bi-isz li-ih-har-mi-im
en: Whoever beheld them, terror overcame him,
140. zu-mur-szu2-nu lisz-tah-hi-t,am-ma la i-ne2-’u i-rat-su-un
en: And that, with their bodies reared up, none might turn them back.
141. usz-zi-iz ba-asz-mu _musz-husz_ u {d}la-ha-mu
en: She set up the Viper, the Dragon, and the monster Lahamu, (140)
142. u4-gal-la ur-idim-me u3 gir2-tab-lu2-u18-lu
en: The Great-Lion, the Mad-Dog, and the Scorpion-Man,
143. _u4_-me da-ab-ru-te ku6-lu2-u18-lu u3 ku-sa-rik-ku
en: Mighty lion-demons, the Dragon-Fly, the Centaur--
144. na-szi kak-ku la pa-du-u2 la a-di-ru ta-ha-zi
en: Bearing weapons that do not spare, fearless in battle.
145. gap-sza te-re-tu-sza2 la mah-ra szi-na-ma
en: Her decrees were firm, they were beyond resisting.
146. ap-pu-na-ma is-ten esz-ret _gin7_ szu-a-ti usz-tab-szi
en: All together eleven of this kind she brought forth.
147. i-na _dingir_ bu-uk-ri-sza szu-ut isz-ku-nu-szi pu-uh-ra
en: From among the gods, her first-born, who formed her Assembly,
148. u2-sza2-asz2-qa {d}qin-gu ina bi-ri-szu-nu sza2-a-szu2 usz-rab-bi-szu
en: She elevated Kingu, made him chief among them.
149. a-li-kut mah-ri pa-an um-ma-ni mu-’-ir-ru-tu pu-uh2-ru
en: The leading of the ranks, command of the Assembly,
150. na-sze-e _{gesz}pa_ ti-is,-bu-tu de-ku-u a-na-an-ta
en: The raising of weapons for the encounter, advancing to combat,
151. szu-ut tam-ha-ru ra-ab sik-kat2-tu-tu
en: To direct the battle, to control the fight, (150)
152. ip-qid-ma qa-tusz-szu2 u2-sze-szi-ba-asz2-szu2 ina kar-ri
en: These she entrusted to his hand as she seated him in the Council:
153. ad-di ta-a-ka ina _ukken dingir_ u2-szar-bi-ka
en: “I have cast for you the spell, exalting you in the Assembly of the gods.
154. ma-li-ku-ut _dingir-mesz_ gim-ra-at-szu-nu qa-tuk-ka usz-mal-li
en: To counsel all the gods I have given you full power.
155. lu-u2 szur-ba-ta-ma ha-’-i-ri e-du-u2 at-ta
en: Truly, you are supreme, you are my only consort!
156. li-ir-tab-bu-u2 zik-ru-ka _ugu du3_-szu2-nu {d}a-nu-uk-ka
en: Your utterance shall prevail over all the Anunnaki!”
157. id-din-szum-ma _dub nam-tar-mesz_ i-ra-tusz u2-szat-mi-ih
en: She gave him the Tablet of Destinies, fastened on his breast:
158. ka-ta _du10-ga_-ka la in-nen-na-a li-kun s,i-it pi-i-ka
en: “As for you, your command shall be unchangeable, your word shall endure!”
159. in-na-nu {d}qin-gu szu-usz-qu-u2 le-qu-u2 e-nu-tu2
en: As soon as Kingu was elevated, possessed of the rank of Anu,
160. an _dingir dumu-mesz_-szu szi-ma-ta isz-ti-ma
en: they decreed the fate for the gods, his sons:
161. ep-sza pi-i-ku-nu {d}girra li-ni-ha
en: “Your word shall make the first subside, (160)
162. im-tuk-nu kit-mu-ru ma-ag-sza-ru lisz-rab-bi-ib
en: Shall humble the ‘Power-Weapon,’ so potent in its sweep!”
tablet 2
(in progress)