Nisaba 15, 0505 (P453888)
Administrative tablet excavated in Irisagrig (mod. uncertain), dated to the Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) period and now kept in AnonymousMetadata / catalogue
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Text data
As ATF As JTFLinked annotations
As TTL As JSON-LD As RDF/JSON As RDF/XMLMuseum Collection(s)
anonymousMuseum Number
Anonymous 453888Period
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)Provenience
Irisagrig (mod. uncertain)Artifact Type
ClayGenre / Subgenre(s)
-Has seal impression(s)
1. _3(bur3) 1(esze3) GAN2 uru4-a_
2. _sze-bi 1(u) 2(asz) gur_
3. _ki_ e-la-nu-id
4. ki-ma a-na e2-u4-1(u)-5(disz)
5. i-na e-re-si-in
6. u3-qa2-ta2-u3-ma
7. _kiszib3_ e-la-nu-id _szabra_
8. a-na _ensi2_ u3-ba-la-ni
1. i-di3-{d}iszkur _dub-sar_
2. ni-isz _lugal_ it-ma
3. lu i-du-ku-szu-ma
4. _kiszib3_ puzur4-ma-ma
blank space
seal impression
5. _iti_ ezem-a-bi
6. _mu_ [{d}szu]-{d}suen _lugal_ [uri5{ki}-ma]-ke4# [_e2_ {d}szara2] umma#{ki}-ka _[mu]-du3_
seal 1
1. puzur4-ma-ma
2. [_dumu_ u-bar-um]
3. [_dam-gar3_]
Consult previous versions and their differences
Consult sign list of Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Consult word list of Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
- Artifact type: Tablet
- Material: Clay
- Measurements (mm):
- Weight:
- Artifact Preservation:
- Condition Description:
- Join Information:
- Seal no.:
- Seal information:
- Artifact comments:
- Genre(s): Administrative
- Language(s): Akkadian
primary: Nisaba 15, 505
[Owen2013Nisaba15] Owen, David I. 2013. Cuneiform Texts Primarily from Iri-Saĝrig / Āl-Šarrākī and the History of the Ur III Period. Volume I: Commentary and Indexes. Volume II: Catalogue and Texts. Nisaba 15. Bethesda, Maryland: CDL Press.
history: Fs Charpin, p.777-797, p. 780-781 1
[Owen2019] Owen, David I. 2019. “‘Death for Default’ Redux. Akkadian Field Cultivation and Other Akkadian Contracts from Iri-Saĝrig.” In De l’argile Au Numérique. Mélanges Assyriologiques En l’honneur de Dominique Charpin, edited by Grégory Chambon, Michaël Guichard, and Anne-Isabelle Langlois, 777–97. Publications de l’Institut Du Proche-Orient Ancien Du Collège de France 3. Leuven: Peeters.
- Composite No.:
- Museum No.: Anonymous 453888
- Accession No.:
- Provenience: Irisagrig (mod. uncertain)
- Elevation:
- Stratigraphic Level:
- Excavation No:
- Findspot Square:
- Findspot Comments:
- Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
- Dates Referenced: Šū-Suen.09.05.00
- Alternative Years:
- Date Comments:
- Accounting Period: 0
Created | Creator | Type | Authors | Project | Reviewer | Status | Action |
2016-07-28 at 15:43:57 | CDLI | Atf | CDLI | CDLI | approved | ||
2013-10-13 at 13:44:02 | Englund, Robert K. | Atf | Englund, Robert K. | CDLI | approved | ||
2013-09-19 at 00:00:00 | CDLI | Artifact | Aupperle, Eric; Owen, David I. | CDLI | approved |
Consult this artifact as presented on the website of collections and projects:
This artifact is impressed by the following seal(s):
Seal | Provenience | Period | Date |
CDLI Seals 005768 (composite) (P458478) | Irisagrig (mod. uncertain) | Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) |