Transliteration history

Nisaba 15, 0312 (P453761)

Update made on 2013-10-13 at 13:44:02 by Englund, Robert K. for Englund, Robert K.
&P453761 = Nisaba 15, 0312
#atf: lang sux
1. 2(u) n [...] gur
2. a2 gurusz# [...]-hu-ni dumu [...]
3. x [...]
1. ba-a-ga kuruszda i3-[dab5]
2. iti {gesz}apin
3. mu us2#-sa {d}szu-{d}[suen] lugal uri5{ki}-ma-[ke4] bad3 mar-tu mu-ri-iq-ti-id-ni-im [mu]-du3

Total 1 record(s)

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