HSS 14, 028 (P416566)

Letter tablet excavated in Gasur/Nuzi (mod. Yorgan Tepe), dated to the Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) period and now kept in Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

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1. a-na {disz}mesz-tu4
2. qi2-bi2-ma
3. um-ma {disz}ar-ru-um-ti-ma
4. _lal3-mesz_ gab2-bu-um-ma
5. sza u2-mu-um-ma
6. te-pu-szu!
7. u3 _1(disz) dal i3_
8. sza i-na ba2-ba2-nu
1. _gar_-nu i-din
2. li-bi-lu-ni
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