UET 5, 0369 (P415249)

Legal tablet excavated in Ur (mod. Tell Muqayyar), dated to the Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) period and now kept in National Museum of Iraq, Baghdad, Iraq

Image © [see publications]


1. 4(asz) sze gur <<MASZ2>>
2. szu-la2 masz2 nu-tuku
3. ki gur-ru-um-ta
4. a-at-ta-a
5. szu ba-an-ti
6. iti szu-numun-a
7. sze i3-la2-e
1. mu lugal-bi in-pa3
2. igi t,a3-ab-{d}eresz-ki-gal
3. igi mu-su-lu-um
4. igi a-li2-illat-ti
5. igi ni-sa-nu-um
6. kiszib3 lu2 inim-ma-bi-mesz
7. iti ab-e3
8. mu {gesz}szu-nir nesag-ga2