OBTI 134 (P369564)

Administrative tablet excavated in Nerebtum (mod. Iščali), dated to the Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) period and now kept in Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures West Asia & North Africa Museum, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Image © Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures of the University of Chicago More info.


1. _1(u) 5(ban2) gur sze a-ra2 1(disz)-kam_
2. _5(asz) gur a-ra2 2(disz)-kam_
3. _1(u) 5(asz) 5(ban2) gur_ sze-u3
4. ni-isz-rum
1. a-na _sza-gal3 gu4 hi-a_
2. _iti_ za-ha-ra-tum u4 2(u) 4(disz)-kam
3. _mu alan ku3-sig17_ x szi-ma-ha-tu