CT 08, pl. 25, Bu 1891-05-09, 0280 (P365188)

Legal tablet excavated in Sippar-Yahrurum (mod. Tell Abu Habbah), dated to the Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) period and now kept in British Museum, London, UK

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Museum Collection(s)

British Museum, London, UK

Museum Number

BM 080164


Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)


Sippar-Yahrurum (mod. Tell Abu Habbah)

Artifact Type




Genre / Subgenre(s)






1. _ibila_ szi-la-ma-si2
 ts: aplūt šî-lama(s)si
 en: (Concerning) the inheritance of Šî-lamassi
2. _dumu-munus_ szar-ru-ut-{d}suen
 ts: mārat šarrut-sîn
 en: daughter of Šarrut-sîn,
3. {disz}{d}a-a-szar-ra-at _dumu-munus_ ha-ma-s,i2-rum
 ts: ayya-šarrat mārat ḫamaṣirum
 en: Ayya-šarrat daughter of Ḫamaṣirum
4. re-di-it wa-ar-ka-ti-sza
 ts: rēdīt warkatīša
 en: is the inheritor of her legacy.
5. _1(disz) sar e2 du3-a_ i-na ga-gi-<<ga>>-im
 ts: ištēt mūšar bītam epšam ina gagîm
 en: A built house plot of 1 SAR in the cloister
6. _da e2_ geme2-{d}utu _dumu-munus_ i-din-{d}mar-tu
 ts: ṭēḫi bīt amat-šamaš mārat i(d)din-amurru
 en: next to the house of Amat-šamaš daughter of Iddin-amurru
7. u3 _da e2_ ga-gi5-im
 ts: u ṭēḫi bīt gagîm
 en: and next to the “House of the cloister”;
8. _1(esze3) 3(iku) GAN2 a-sza3_ i-na _a-gar3_ ka-bi-ri
 ts: ištēn ebel šalašat ikû eqlam ina ugārim kabiri
 en: a field of 9 IKU in the Kabirum irrigation district
9. i-ta _a-sza3_ na-ra-am-tum
 ts: ita eqel naramtum
 en: adjacent to the field of Narāmtum
10. _dumu-munus_ a-bi-ma-isz8-tar2
 ts: mārat abima-ištar
 en: daughter of Abima-ištar
11. u3 i-ta a-ta-pu-um
 ts: u ita ata(p)pum
 en: and adjacent to the ditch;
12. _2(disz) sar e2 du3-a_ i-na ki-di-im
 ts: šittā mūšar bītam epšam ina kīdim
 en: a built house plot of 2 SAR in the countryside
13. _da e2_ sa-la-tum
 ts: ṭēḫi bīt salatum
 en: next to the house of Salatum
14. u3 _da e2_ <u2>-tul2-{d}ma-mi
 ts: u ṭēḫi bīt utul-mami
 en: and next to the house of Utul-mami;
15. _1(disz) sag-geme2_ ku-ti-bi
 ts: ištēt amtam kutibi
 en: 1 slave woman (named) Kutibi
16. qa2-du-um wi-il-di-sza
 ts: qadum wildīša
 en: together with her offspring,
17. ma-la wi-il-du
 ts: mala wildu
 en: whomever she has given birth to
18. u3 i-wa-la-du
 ts: ū i(w)wa(l)ladu
 en: or is about to give birth to;
19. _2(iku) GAN2 a-sza3_ hu-up-tum
 ts: šinā ikû eqlam ḫuptum
 en: a ḫuptu-field of 2 IKU
20. i-na ba-ab a-li-im
 ts: ina bāb ālim
 en: at the city gate
21. qa2-du-um i-ki!-szu
 ts: qadum ikīšu
 en: together with its (boundary) ditch
22. i-ta nu-ur2-{d}utu
 ts: ita nūr-šamaš
 en: adjacent to (the property of) Nūr-šamaš
23. _dumu_ ia-qu2-ub-dingir
 ts: mār yaqub-ilum
 en: son of Yaqub-ilum
24. u3 i-ta i3-li2-{d}mar-tu
 ts: u ita ilī-amurru
 en: and next to (the property of) Ilī-amurru;
25. wa-ar-ka-<sa3> bu-sze-e-sza
 ts: warkassa būšēša
 en: her inherited (and) her personal property,
1. isz-tu pe2-e a-di _ku3-sig17_
 ts: istu pê adi ḫurāṣim
 en: everything (lit. from chaff to gold),
2. {disz}szi-la-ma-si2 um-ma-sza
 ts: šî-lama(s)si ummaša
 en: Šî-lamassi her mother
3. a-na {d}a-a-szar-ra-at ma-ar-ti-sza
 ts: ana ayya-šarrat martīša
 en: to Ayya-šarrat her daughter
4. i-di-in! ma-la i-szu-u2
 ts: i(d)din mala īšu
 en: has bequeathed. All that (Šî-lamassi) has
5. u3 i-ra-asz-szu-u2
 ts: ū iraššû
 en: or will acquire,
6. sza {d}a-a-szar-ra-at-ma
 ts: ša ayya-šarratma
 en: is Ayya-šarrat’s.
7. a-na wa-ar-ki-at u4-mi
 ts: ana warkiāt ūmī
 en: (That) in future,
8. i-na _dumu-mesz_ ha-ma-s,i2!(HA)-rum
 ts: ina mārī ḫamaṣirum
 en: among the sons of Ḫamaṣirum
9. u3 i-na _dumu-mesz_ sin-e-ri-ba-am
 ts: u ina mārī sîn-erībam
 en: and among the sons of Sîn-erībam,
10. a-na {d}a-a-szar-ra-at [u2-ul] i-ra-ga-mu
 ts: ana ayya-šarrat ul ira(g)gamū
 en: will not bring a claim against Ayya-šarrat
11. _mu_ {d}utu {d}a-a {d}marduk
 ts: nīš šamaš ayya marduk
 en: by the name of Šamaš, Ayya, Marduk
12. u3 sin-mu-ba-li2-it, _in-pa3-de3-mesz_
 ts: u sîn-muba(l)liṭ itmû
 en: and Sîn-muballiṭ they have sworn.
13. _igi_ ARAD-{d}suen _sanga_ {d}utu
 ts: maḫar warad-sîn šangê šamaš
 en: Before Warad-sîn, temple administrator of Šamaš;
14. _igi_ sza-lim-pa-li-ih-szu _sanga_ {d}utu
 ts: maḫar šalim-paliḫšu šangê šamaš
 en: before Šalim-paliḫšu, temple administrator of Šamaš;
15. _igi_ {d}nin-szubur-ma-an-szum2 _ugula lukur {d}utu_
 ts: maḫar ilabrat-manšum akil nadiāt šamaš
 en: before Ilabrat-manšum, overseer of Šamaš’s Nadītu's;
16. _igi_ bu-sza-lum _igi_ {d}utu-ta-ia-ar
 ts: maḫar bušalum maḫar šamaš-tayār
 en: before Bušalum; before Šamaš-tayār;
17. _igi_ ka-lu-mu-um
 ts: maḫar kalūmum
 en: before Kalūmum;
18. _igi_ li-bur-ra-am
 ts: maḫar liburram
 en: before Liburram;
19. _igi_ {d}utu-tab-ba-e
 ts: maḫar šamaš-tappê
 en: before Šamaš-tappê;
20. _igi_ a-ha-am-ar-szi
 ts: maḫar aḫam-arši
 en: before Aḫam-arši;
21. _igi_ {d}a-a-tal-lik
 ts: maḫar ayya-tallik
 en: before Ayya-tallik;
22. _igi_ inim-{d}a-a _dumu-munus_ ARAD-sin
 ts: maḫar awāt-ayya mārat warad-sîn
 en: before Awāt-ayya daughter of Warad-sîn;
23. _igi_ a-ha-su2-nu _dumu-munus_ sin-re-me-ni
 ts: maḫar aḫā(s)sunu mārat sîn-rēmēni
 en: before Aḫāssunu daughter of Sîn-rēmēni;
24. _igi_ {d}a-a-sza3!-ga
 ts: maḫar ayya-saĝa
 en: before Ayya-saĝa
25. _dumu-munus_ ha-an-ha-nu-um
 ts: mārat ḫanḫanum
 en: daughter of Ḫanḫanum;
26. _igi_ be-ta-ni _dumu-munus_ i-di-szum
 ts: maḫar be(t)tani mārat idišum
 en: before Bettani daughter of Idišum;
27. _igi_ na-ra-am-tum _dumu-munus_ dingir-na-s,ir
 ts: maḫar narāmtum mārat ilum-nāṣir
 en: before Narāmtum daughter of Ilum-nāṣir;
column 1
1. _igi_ a-ha-tum
 ts: maḫar aḫātum
 en: before Aḫātum
2. _dumu-munus_ im-gur-sin
 ts: mārat imgur-sîn
 en: daughter of Imgur-sîn;
3. _igi_ la-ma-si2
 ts: maḫar lama(s)si
 en: before Lamassi
4. _dumu-munus_ sin-a-bu-szu
 ts: mārat sîn-abūšu
 en: daughter of Sîn-abūšu;
column 2
1. _igi_ geme2-{d}utu
 ts: maḫar amat-šamaš
 en: before Amat-šamaš
2. _dumu-munus_ sin-e-ri-ba-am
 ts: mārat sîn-erībam
 en: daughter of Sîn-erībam;
3. _igi_ ru-ba-tum
 ts: maḫar rubātum
 en: before Rubātum
4. _dumu-munus_ {d}nanna-zi-mu
 ts: mārat nanna-zimu
 en: daughter of Nanna-zimu;
column 3
1. _igi_ geme2-{d}utu
 ts: maḫar amat-šamaš
 en: before Amat-šamaš
2. _dumu-munus_ i-din-{d}mar-tu
 ts: mārat i(d)din-amurru
 en: daughter of Iddin-amurru;
3. _igi_ ri-ba-tum
 ts: maḫar rībatum
 en: before Rībatum
4. _dumu-munus_ i-na-szu-dingir
 ts: mārat ina-qāt-ilī
 en: daughter of Ina-qāt-ilī.
column 4
1. _mu bad3 an-za-gar3 da-da_ {d}sin-mu-ba-li2-it, _ba-du3_
 ts: šattum dūr-dimat-dada sîn-muba(l)liṭ īpuš
 en: The year “Sîn-muballiṭ built Dūr-dimat-dada”.

Consult previous versions and their differences
Consult sign list of Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)
Consult word list of Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)

  • Artifact type: Tablet
  • Material: Clay
  • Measurements (mm):
  • Weight:
  • Artifact Preservation:
  • Condition Description:
  • Join Information:
  • Seal no.:
  • Seal information:
  • Artifact comments:

  • Genre(s): Legal
  • Language(s):

  • primary: CT 8, 25a

    [Pinches1899CT8] Pinches, Theophilus G. 1899. Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum 8. London: The Trustees of the British Museum.

  • history: OLA 109, p.154

    [Goddeeris2002economy] Goddeeris, Anne. 2002. Economy and Society in Northern Babylonia in the Early Old Babylonian Period (ca. 2000 - 1800 BC). Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 109. Leuven: Peeters.

  • history: HG 3, n. 678

    [Kohler1909HG3] Kohler, Josef, and Arthur Ungnad. 1909. Hammurabi’s Gesetz. Band III: Übersetzte Urkunden, Erläuterungen. Leipzig: Eduard Pfeiffer.

  • history: UAZP = VAB 5, n. 16

    [Schorr1913UAZP] Schorr, Moses. 1913. Urkunden Des Altbabylonischen Zivil- Und Prozessrechts. Vorderasiatische Bibliothek 5. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs.

  • history: Suurmeijer diss., App. p. 142-143

    [Suurmeijer2014property] Suurmeijer, Guido. 2014. “Property Transfer within the Family in Old Babylonian Sippar.” Phdthesis, Gent: Universiteit Gent.

  • Composite No.:
  • Museum No.: BM 080164
  • Accession No.: 1891-05-09 Bu, 0280

Created Creator Type Authors Project Reviewer Status Action
2024-06-14 at 09:53:10 Firth, Richard Artifact, Other Entity Firth, Richard Firth, Richard approved View
2023-08-19 at 13:32:21 Rattenborg, Rune Artifact Rattenborg, Rune; Smidt, Gustav Ryberg Geomapping Landscapes of Writing Rattenborg, Rune approved View
2023-07-21 at 13:54:08 Lafont, Bertrand Atf Guidi, Carlo Lafont, Bertrand approved View
2023-01-21 at 07:53:06 Pagé-Perron, Émilie Artifact Földi, Zsombor J.; Jiménez, Enrique; Pagé-Perron, Émilie Electronic Babylonian Library Pagé-Perron, Émilie approved View
2021-08-19 at 21:18:56 Foxvog, Daniel A. Atf Foxvog, Daniel A. CDLI approved View
2007-02-26 at 00:00:00 CDLI Artifact CDLI CDLI approved View

Consult this artifact as presented on the website of collections and projects:

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Cite this Artifact
“CT 08, Pl. 25, Bu 1891-05-09, 0280 Artifact Entry.” (2007) 2024. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). June 14, 2024. https://cdli.ucla.edu/P365188.
CT 08, pl. 25, Bu 1891-05-09, 0280 artifact entry (No. P365188). (2024, June 14). Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). https://cdli.ucla.edu/P365188 (Original work published 2007)
CT 08, pl. 25, Bu 1891-05-09, 0280 artifact entry (2024) Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). Available at: https://cdli.ucla.edu/P365188 (Accessed: February 10, 2025).
	note = {[Online; accessed 2025-02-10]},
	year = {2024},
	month = {jun 14},
	title = {CT 08, pl. 25, {Bu} 1891-05-09, 0280 artifact entry},
	url = {https://cdli.ucla.edu/P365188},
	howpublished = {https://cdli.ucla.edu/P365188},

DA  - 2024/6/14/
PY  - 2024
ID  - P365188
LB  - CDLI:P365188
M1  - 2025/2/10/
TI  - CT 08, pl. 25, Bu 1891-05-09, 0280 artifact entry
UR  - https://cdli.ucla.edu/P365188
ER  - 
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