OECT 06, pl. 18, K 04615 (P357096)

Literary tablet excavated in Nineveh (mod. Kuyunjik), dated to the Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) period and now kept in British Museum, London, UK

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Museum Collection(s)

British Museum, London, UK

Museum Number

BM —


Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC)


Nineveh (mod. Kuyunjik)

Artifact Type




Genre / Subgenre(s)



Akkadian, Sumerian



Has fragments

  link: def A = Q000566
1a. [iri-zu larsa{ki}-ma sza3-ge pa3-da-zu nig2-gig-ga im-ma-an-ak]
1b. _[x] [al-ka ba-ab]-i3#-li2 i-tu-ut ku-un lib3#-[bi-ka] [x]_
2a. [sila] x eszemen2-ta#? [u4] zal#-[zal-la si-ga im-ma-an-si]
2b. _[ri-be-e?]-ti-szu2 a-szar me-lul-tu4 [usz-ta-bar?]-ru-u2 [x?] im#?-ta-la#?-[a]_
3a. [erin2 sa6]-ga#-zu gu2-e-me-en gar-gar-ra# [gi-gi-sig-ga]-gin7 si-il#-si-il-[de3 ba-an-til-le-esz]
3b. _[...]-ka# dam-qa-a-tu4 sza2 ip-hu-[ra ki-ma] ki-ik-ki-szu2 ul-ta-tal-li-ta#_
4a. [gurusz-zu sze u4] ga2-gin7 ba-gur10-gur10 gurun gibil#-[gin7] gur5-gur5-ru-usz
4b. _[x] [ki]-ma# sze-im ba-asz2-li i-te-en-[s,i-du ki-ma] in#-bi# esz-szu2 uq-ta-at-ti-pu_
5a. [un-ga2 alam im]-gu2#? ba-gul-le-esz# [ni2-bi-a ba]-an#-zal-le-esz
5b. _[...] [s,a]-lam t,i-it,-t,i usz#?-[tal-pi-tu] [...] it#-ta-har-ma-t,a_
6a. [di4-di4-la2 ur2? ama-bi-ne-ta u4] bi ba#?-[an-da-kar-re-esz]
6b. _[...] um-mi-szu2-nu u4-mu lem-nu x [...]_
7a. [un-ga2 igi hur-re musz3-bi-a] ba-kur2#-[re-esz]
7b. _[...] zi#-mu-szi-na il-tak#-[ru]_
8a. [erin2 ga-an-sza-sza szu bar]-ra-am3? [kalam zi3-gin7] mu3#-mu3
8b. _[x] x x [...] [ki]-ma# qe2-mi# [i-qam]-mu#?-u#?_
9a. [szul {d}utu iri-za larsa{ki}-ma lu2] kur2-gin7 ba-gub-[be2-en?]
9b. _[...] [ba-bi]-lu# li-ma nak-ru ta-at-ta#-[zi]-iz#_
10a. [kur elam{ki}-ma buru5{muszen}-gin7 mah]-bi#? szub-ba nu-gal2#-la
10b. _[x] [ki-ma er]-be2#-e ma-a'-da-at mi-qit-ta-szu2 ul ib-ba-asz2#-szu2_
11a. su#-bir4#{ki#} [muru9 dugud-da dingir-re-e-ne ni2-te]-ga2# nu-un-zu-a
11b. _[x?] su-ba-ru kab#?-[tu?] ki#?-ma#? im#?-[ba-ri? pa?-lah?] DINGIR la-i-du-u2_
12a. ma-da-bi szu tag#-ga be4-[be4] nu#-gal2-la
12b. _ina ma-ti#-szu2 li-pit-tu2 nu-szur#-[ru-u] [...] [ul]-ib#-ba-asz2-szi_
13a. [szimaszki ki dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 nu]-gig nu-mu-un-da-il2-la-e-a
13b. _[...] na#-di3-tu4 la i3-na-asz2-szu-u2_
14a. [erin2-a-ni u2-gin7 lu-lu-a numun-a-ni] dagal#-la
14b. _[...] ru#-up#-pu#-szu2_
15a. za#-lam#-gar til-la# ki# dingir-re-e-ne-[ke4] nu-un#-zu-[a]
15b. _[x] a-szib kusz#-ta#-ru sza2 asz2-rat DINGIR.[MESZ] la# i-du#-u2_
16a. szed3#/szed3#-szed3#/szed3#-gin7 e-ne su3-ud-da im-mi-e-a dingir-ra# [zi3]-esza# ezen siskur2# nu-un-zu-a
16b. _[x] sza2# ki#-ma# ri-kib <is,?>-s,u-ru ir-tak-ka-bu a-na DINGIR# [sza?/ta?]-as-qu-u2 i-sin-nu la i-du-u_
17a. nam#-tar# dugud a2-sag3 nig2#-gig-ga nu#-mu#-un-na-te-[ga2]
17b. _nam-ta-ru kab-tu4 a-sak-ku mar-s,u# ul# i-t,e-eh-hi-szu2_
18a. mu? dingir-a-ni i3-sal-la nig2-gig#-ga-a-ni [i3]-gu7-e ugnim-a-ni silim-ma
18b. _pa?-ra-as, sza2 nisz? [ili?]-szu2#-nu a-kil [ik-ki]-bi-szu2-nu um-KUR-szu2-nu szal-ma_
19a. [mu-ia2-kam-ma-ta] uru2#?{x}-[ga2 szen-szen-na la]-ub#-du8-a nam-tar-ra a2-[bi nu-ga2-ga2]
19b. _i#-na# se#-ba-a sza2-na-a#-ti i#-[na] [x?] [ta-ha]-zu qab-lu ul ip-pat,-t,ar nam-ta-ru# is-su#-[x]_
20a. eden#-na#-ta ur-mah-a lu2#? [gu7-e] nu-mu-un-ib2-la2-[e]
20b. _i-na# s,e#-e-ri ne2-e-szu2# [...] [a]-ka#-la ul u2-mat,-[t,i]_
21a. KA# sa6#?-de3#? i3-zu# [nu?]-zu# [x]-gin7 ga2-e ba-da-ak-esz
21b. _[x] x i-[de ki sza] [...] [la i-du]-u2# a-na-ku at-ti-pu-usz_
1a. dingir x [x x x x] u4-szu2-usz siskur2#? [x] [al]-gub-be2-en KA si3-si3-ke-da-mu mah-[am3]
2b. _a-na#? [x x] u4#-mi-szam x [x x x x] [usz]-za-zu te-mi-qu-u2-a ma-a'-du_
3a. szul {d}utu nam#-bi-sze3 uru2-[zu] [larsa]{ki#} igi zi u3-mu-un-szi-te-bar
3b. _et,lu {d}sza2-masz a-na szat#-[ti ana URU]-ka#? ba-bi-lu ki-nisz nap-li-is-su-ma_
4a. a-a uru2-zu tin-tir#[{ki}] gig#-ga ul4-la#-bi du11-ga-ab
4b. _a-hu-lap iri#-ka# [...] szum-ru-s,a ar3-hisz qi2-bi_
5a. dilmun{ki} kur-ra x [...] [en3?]-sze3# KA mu-na-ab-be2
5b. _kab-bit KUR KI [x] [a]-di ma-ti qi2-bi-isz_
6a. sza3-ne-sza4 tin-tir#[{ki}] [...] szu ti-ba-ab
6b. _un-ni-na ba-bi-lu#? [...] x [x] le-qe_
7a. nig2-gig-ga ak-szu-zu-ta#? [en3] [x]-ib2-tar-ra
7b. _a-na ma-ru-usz-tu4 in-[x] [...] [szi?]-ta#?-a'-al-szu-ma_
8a. erim-husz-a sza3 uru2-zu BAD? [...]-ib2-ta#-e3
8b. _a-na-an-tu4# i-na qe2-reb# [URU-ka] [x] szu-u2#-s,i#_
9a. a2-sag3 nig2-gig sza3 tin-tir[{ki}] [...]
9b. _a-sak-ku mar#-s,u ina qe2#-reb# ba#?-[...]_
10a. [x x] ba#?-da-zu gu2-zu x [...]
10b. _[...] x-ti-ka la x [...]_
1a. [un tag4-a] szu nam#-usz2-a-ta bar-ra szub-ba?
1b. _[x] qa-at mu-ti ip-pal-t,a-a lib#-[lut,?] [x]_
2a. he2#-[ti-la? numun-bi he2]-mah#?
2b. _[...]_
3a. [...] x su3-ud-da-sze3 he2-ri-ib2#-[...]
3b. _[x] [da]-li#-ka a-na ru-qe2-e-[ti] [...]_
4a. [u3 ga2-e ni2-te-ga2-mu]-zu#? nam-ti la-[mu-na-ab]
4b. _[x] [pa]-li#-hi#-ka ba-[la-t,u?] [...]_
5a. [zi su3-ud gal2 nig2-ba-e]-x ba-[mu-na-ab]
5b. _[x] [a]-na# qisz-ti [qi?]-i-[sza?]_
  blank space
7. x x x x

Consult previous versions and their differences
Consult sign list of Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC)
Consult word list of Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC)

  • Artifact type: Tablet
  • Material: Clay
  • Measurements (mm):
  • Weight:
  • Artifact Preservation:
  • This artifact is composed of fragments.
  • Condition Description:
  • Join Information:
  • Seal no.:
  • Seal information:
  • Artifact comments:

  • primary: OECT 6, pl. 18, K. 4615

    [Langdon1927OECT6] Langdon, Stephen H. 1927. Babylonian Penitential Psalms to Which Are Added Fragments of the Epic of Creation from Kish in the Weld Collection of the Ashmolean Museum, Excavated by the Oxford-Field Museum Expedition. Oxford Editions of Cuneiform Texts, Vol. 6. Paris: Paul Geuthner.

  • history: Fs Kraus (pp. 95-109), pp.96ff.

    [Hallo1982Larsa] Hallo, William W. 1982. “The Royal Correspondence of Larsa: II. The Appeal to Utu.” In Zikir Šumim. Assyriological Studies Presented to F.R. Kraus on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday, edited by Govert van Driel, Theo J. H. Krispijn, Marten Stol, and Klaas R. Veenhof, 95–109. Leiden: E. J. Brill.

  • history: MC 24, no. 32

    [Lambert2019MC24] Lambert, Wilfred G. 2019. Cuneiform Texts from the Folios of W.G. Lambert. Edited by Andrew R. George. Mesopotamian Civilizations 24. University Park, PA : Eisenbrauns.

  • history: OECT 6, pl. 20 (K. 4958)

    [Langdon1927OECT6] Langdon, Stephen H. 1927. Babylonian Penitential Psalms to Which Are Added Fragments of the Epic of Creation from Kish in the Weld Collection of the Ashmolean Museum, Excavated by the Oxford-Field Museum Expedition. Oxford Editions of Cuneiform Texts, Vol. 6. Paris: Paul Geuthner.

  • Composite No.:
  • Museum No.: BM —
  • Accession No.: K 04615 + K 04847 + K 04958 + K 05947 + K 06598 + K 07171 + K 07571 + K 08208 + K 11068 + K 13524 + K 13763 + K 17479 + K 20098

  • Provenience: Nineveh (mod. Kuyunjik)
  • Elevation:
  • Stratigraphic Level:
  • Excavation No:
  • Findspot Square:
  • Findspot Comments:

Created Creator Type Authors Project Reviewer Status Action
2025-01-21 at 09:04:59 Firth, Richard Artifact Firth, Richard Firth, Richard approved View
2024-09-23 at 16:12:11 Firth, Richard Artifact, Other Entity Firth, Richard Firth, Richard approved View
2024-09-23 at 15:51:58 Firth, Richard Artifact, Other Entity Firth, Richard Firth, Richard approved View
2023-09-09 at 18:41:45 Rattenborg, Rune Artifact Rattenborg, Rune Geomapping Landscapes of Writing Rattenborg, Rune approved View
2023-07-05 at 18:51:39 Rattenborg, Rune Artifact Rattenborg, Rune Geomapping Landscapes of Writing Rattenborg, Rune approved View
2023-06-15 at 20:34:30 Rattenborg, Rune Artifact Rattenborg, Rune Geomapping Landscapes of Writing Rattenborg, Rune approved View
2023-01-21 at 07:42:50 Pagé-Perron, Émilie Artifact Földi, Zsombor J.; Jiménez, Enrique; Pagé-Perron, Émilie Electronic Babylonian Library Pagé-Perron, Émilie approved View
2011-10-07 at 06:49:28 CDLI Atf CDLI CDLI approved View
2007-01-29 at 00:00:00 CDLI Artifact Tinney, Stephen J. CDLI approved View

General Notes: -
CDLI Notes:

BM web siteBM web site

Cite this Artifact
“OECT 06, Pl. 18, K 04615 Artifact Entry.” (2007) 2025. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). January 21, 2025. https://cdli.ucla.edu/P357096.
OECT 06, pl. 18, K 04615 artifact entry (No. P357096). (2025, January 21). Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). https://cdli.ucla.edu/P357096 (Original work published 2007)
OECT 06, pl. 18, K 04615 artifact entry (2025) Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). Available at: https://cdli.ucla.edu/P357096 (Accessed: February 16, 2025).
	note = {[Online; accessed 2025-02-16]},
	year = {2025},
	month = {jan 21},
	title = {OECT 06, pl. 18, {K} 04615 artifact entry},
	url = {https://cdli.ucla.edu/P357096},
	howpublished = {https://cdli.ucla.edu/P357096},

DA  - 2025/1/21/
PY  - 2025
ID  - P357096
LB  - CDLI:P357096
M1  - 2025/2/16/
TI  - OECT 06, pl. 18, K 04615 artifact entry
UR  - https://cdli.ucla.edu/P357096
ER  - 
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