&P346322 = CDLI Literary 000796, ex. 086 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse $ blank space 1. ir7-sag{muszen} ugu-bi 2. {gesz}kiri6 me-te-bi #tr.en: The top of the head/voice? of the irsag pigeon (is) the ornament of the orchard 3. dar{muszen} ugu-bi 4. a-sza3-ga me-te-bi #tr.en: The top of the head of the francolin (is) the ornament of the field 5. bi2-za-za ugu-bi 6. pu2-bi me-te-bi #tr.en: The top of the head of the frog (is) the ornament of its (the field or orchard's) pond(?) $ blank space @reverse $ blank space
Total 1 record(s)