CDLI Literary 000389, ex. 002 (P346161)

Literary tablet excavated in Ur (mod. Tell Muqayyar), dated to the Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) period and now kept in British Museum, London, UK

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Museum Collection(s)

British Museum, London, UK

Museum Number

BM —


Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)


Ur (mod. Tell Muqayyar)

Artifact Type




Genre / Subgenre(s)

Literary (ETCSL Ur-Namma D (witness) Ur version)





Has fragments Witness

  beginning broken
1'. [...] mu-un-ba-[al-e]
 en: Who will dig the canal here?
2'. i7# [pa4-bi]-luh-ha a-ba mu#-un#-[ba-al-e]
 en: The canal whose (outlying) ditches are clean, who will dig the canal here?
3'. i7# {gesz}gisal-a-gar-ra# a#-ba# mu#-[un-ba-al-e]
 en: The canal in which the oar is set (to start a journey?), who will dig the canal here?
4'. i7 a-ba mu-un-ba#-al#-[e]
 en: Who will dig the canal here?
5'. ur-{d}namma ku3-tuku mu-un-ba-[al-e]
 en: Ur-Namma, the one who has silver, will dig here
6'. i7 a-ba mu-un-ba-al#-[e]
 en: Who will dig the canal here?
7'. {d}szul-gi nig2-tuku mu-un-ba#-[al-e]
 en: Shulgi, the one who has possessions, will dig here
8'. i7 a-ba mu-un-ba-al-e
 en: Who will dig the canal here?
9'. lugal sza3 zi-da nam tar-ra nam-nir-ra sag il2
 en: The king whose fate was decided in the fertile womb, who raises his head in authority
10'. ur-{d}namma sul igi il2-la kur-gal u4 {d}en-lil2-la2-ke4
 en: Ur-Namma, the youth who is watched by the Great Mountain, the storm of (i.e. that is?) Enlil
11'. {d}nun-nam-nir ki-en-gi uri-e me-am3 mu-un-suh-e
 en: Where in Sumer and Akkad will Nunamnir chose?
12'. nibru{ki}-e hur-sag nam-ti-la-ka nam-mi im-mi-in-tar
 en: In Nippur, at the “mountain range of life,” he decreed my(!?) fate
13'. uri2{ki}-e e2-mud-kur-ra-kam
 en: At Ur, it being in the Emudkura shrine
14'. {gesz}gu-za-a-ni suhuszx(DU@s)-bi im-mi-in-gin6
 en: He secured the foundations of his throne
15'. aga me-lam2 me-tesz2 nam-lugal-la sag-ga2 im-mi-gal2
 en: The crown and the (accompanying) aura, (eliciting) the “praise” of kingship, he(!?) put on my(?) head
16'. {gesz}gidri ku3 ug3 1(szar2) si-si-e sa2 szu-ga2 im-mi-in-sa2
 en: He made the pure scepter that puts the many people in order the equal of my hand(?)
17'. enkar szibir#? esz#-giri17# zi#-gal2#? DU#-DU-e [...]
 en: He gave to my hand the enkara weapon, the staff(?) and the nose-rope that convey the people
18'. [...]
 en: ...
19'. [...]-NE
 en: ...
1. [...] x gal2 sag kun gal2-la#-[...]
 en: ... possessing a head and tail (i.e., the beginning and end of a canal?)/present at the head and tail(?)
2. [...] gur3#-ru ki#-tusz sza3 hul2-la#
 en: ... bearing ..., a dwelling that makes the heart rejoice
3. [...] x-da ur2-bi im-mi-in-gin6
 en: ... made its foundation firm
4. [...]-na-kam gu2-da am bi-szu2
 en: ...
5. [...]-zi ku3-babbar-ra gub-ba-am3 [...] im-mi-ir-mi-re
 en: The gizi reed growth, “standing in silver"(?), flourishes
6. [...] u4 he2-gal2-la bala ub-ba {i7}EZEN-ku3 mu sze
 en: My canal(?) (that furnishes?) a day of abundance, a reign(?) of ..., the “pure ...” canal is named
7. [...] da#-ri ka-ke du-a-ba i7 pa4-bi-luh mu sze
 en: Named an everlasting name that is suitable for the mouth, the canal whose (outlying) ditches are clean canal is named
8. ga2 iri{ki}-ga2 a-ra2-bi ku6-ab te-li-bi mu-sze-na
 en: (As for?) me, the way of (the canal of?) my city is fish(?), its float/excess(?) is birds
9. {i7}EZEN-ku3 iri{ki}-bi ku6-ab te-li-bi mu-sze-na
 en: The “pure ...” canal, it flow(!?) is fish(?), its float/excess(?) is birds
10. i7 pa4-bi-luh a-ra2-bi ku6-ab te-li-bi mu-sze-na
 en: The canal whose (outlying) ditches are clean, its flow is fish(?), its float/excess(?) is birds
11. he2-gal2-bi ku6 hu-ma-ra-ab-de6 e2-kisz-nu-gal2-sze3
 en: Abundantly it brought fish to the Ekišnugal temple
12. gu2-gu2-bi {u2}munzer lu2-e u2-lal3 gu7-e
 en: On its banks are munzer plants which one eats (like?) the “honey plant”
13. a-gar3 gal-bi# sze gu-nu mu2-mu2 {gesz#}tir#-gin7#? su-su-[...]
 en: Making mottled barley/crops grow in its meadows (so that it) sways like a forest/for it to be denuded (at harvest time) like a forest(?)
14. lugal an-ub#-[...]-bi sze-ga {d#?}[...]
 en: The king of the four regions, obedient one of Enlil
15. ur#?-{d#?}[namma ... ki]-en#-gi uri#-[...]
 en: Ur-Namma, the shepherd and provider in Sumer and Akkad, loved by Enlil
16. [...] x [...]
 en: ...
  rest broken

Consult previous versions and their differences
Consult sign list of Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)
Consult word list of Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)

  • Artifact type: Tablet
  • Material: Clay
  • Measurements (mm):
  • Weight:
  • Artifact Preservation:
  • This artifact is composed of fragments.
  • Condition Description:
  • Join Information:
  • Seal no.:
  • Seal information:
  • Artifact comments:

  • Genre(s): Literary (ETCSL Ur-Namma D (witness) Ur version)
  • Language(s): Sumerian

  • history: UET 6, 0076 + 0518

    [Gadd1963] Gadd, Cyril J., and Aaron Shaffer. 1963, 1966.

  • Composite No.:
  • Museum No.: BM —
  • Accession No.:

  • Provenience: Ur (mod. Tell Muqayyar)
  • Elevation:
  • Stratigraphic Level:
  • Excavation No: U 16895
  • Findspot Square:
  • Findspot Comments:

Created Creator Type Authors Project Reviewer Status Action
2023-06-28 at 23:15:35 Rattenborg, Rune Artifact Hafford, William B.; Rattenborg, Rune Geomapping Landscapes of Writing Rattenborg, Rune approved View
2023-06-15 at 20:34:30 Rattenborg, Rune Artifact Rattenborg, Rune Geomapping Landscapes of Writing Rattenborg, Rune approved View
2019-06-11 at 11:05:33 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2019-05-29 at 21:02:01 Englund, Robert K. Atf Peterson, Jeremiah CDLI approved View
2006-11-02 at 00:00:00 CDLI Artifact Foxvog, Daniel A.; Guerra, Dylan; Peterson, Jeremiah; Veldhuis, Niek; Wolfe, Jared N. CDLI approved View

This artifact is a witness to the following composite(s):

Composite Score
CDLI Literary 000389 (Ur-Namma D) composite (P469691) View the score

General Notes: -
CDLI Notes:

P346161 leadP346161 lead

Cite this Artifact
“CDLI Literary 000389, Ex. 002 Artifact Entry.” (2006) 2023. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). June 28, 2023.
CDLI Literary 000389, ex. 002 artifact entry (No. P346161). (2023, June 28). Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). (Original work published 2006)
CDLI Literary 000389, ex. 002 artifact entry (2023) Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). Available at: (Accessed: November 7, 2024).
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	year = {2023},
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DA  - 2023/6/28/
PY  - 2023
ID  - P346161
LB  - CDLI:P346161
M1  - 2024/11/7/
TI  - CDLI Literary 000389, ex. 002 artifact entry
UR  -
ER  - 
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