CDLI Literary 000364, ex. 049 (P346143)

Literary tablet excavated in Ur (mod. Tell Muqayyar), dated to the Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) period and now kept in British Museum, London, UK

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Museum Collection(s)

British Museum, London, UK

Museum Number

BM —


Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)


Ur (mod. Tell Muqayyar)

Artifact Type




Genre / Subgenre(s)

Literary (ETCSL Gilgamesh, Enkidu and Netherworld (witness))






1. lu2 ur3-ta szub-ba igi bi2-duh#-[am3] igi i-ni-in-duh-am3# [a-na-gin7 an-ak]
 en: Did you see the man who fell from the roof? I saw him. How is he treated?
2. giri3-pad-ra2-ni szu gibil# nu-ub-du11#-[...]
 en: His bones were not mended(?)
3. lu2 {d}iszkur-ra giri3-bala mu-ni-in-ra#!? igi bi2-duh-am3 igi i-ni-duh-am3 a#-na-gin7#? an-ak#?
 en: Did you see the man who Iškur trampled (with a storm?)? I saw him. How is he treated?
4. gu4-gin7 al-BALAG eh im-da-gu7#-[...]
 en: He ... like an ox, eaten by parasites
5. lu2 me3#? szub-ba igi bi2-duh-am3 igi i-ni-duh#-am3# <a-na-gin7 an-ak>
 en: Did you see the man who fell in battle(!?)? I saw him. How is he treated?
6. u2-ni# [al]-bar a-ni al-bar u2 BU al-gu7#?-e#? a BU al-na8#?-na8#!?
 en: His food is set aside, his water is set aside, eating ... food and ... water
7. iri dingir#-ra-a al-tusz
 en: He is living in the city of his god(!)
8. lu2 inim# ama# a-a-na-ke4# ni2 nu-te-ga2-dam igi bi2-duh-am3#!? igi# i#-ni-duh-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak
 en: Did you see the man who was (intent to) not respect the command of his mother and father? I saw him. How is he treated?
9. a#! IM-gu10 a gesz-ge#?-en#?-na-gu10 szeg10 gi4 nu-x-gul-e#?
 en: He does not cease screaming “Alas, my self/wind (i.e., breath?)(!?)! Alas, my limbs(?)”
10. lu2 asz2 ama a-a-na-ke4 sa2 bi2-du11#?-ga#? igi bi2-duh-am3 igi in-duh-am3 a-na-gin7#!? an#-ak
 en: Did you see the man who was overtaken by(?) the curse(?) of his mother and father? I saw him. How is he treated?
11. ibila ba-da#-kar gidim-ma-ni szu al-[dag]-dag#?-ge
 en: His heir has absconded, his ghost roams around
12. lu2 mu dingir-na#? sag bi2-in-sal#-la igi bi2-duh-[am3] igi# i#-ni-in-duh#-am3# [a]-na-gin7 an-ak#?
 en: Did you see the man who disregarded the oath of his god? I saw him. How is he treated?
13. gidim-ma-ni u2# ses#? al#?-gu7#?-[...]
 en: His ghost eats bitter food and drinks bitter/brackish water
14. gidim# lu2 ninda si-ge5 nu#-tuku [igi bi2]-duh-am3 igi i-ni-duh-am3# [a]-na#-gin7 an-ak#?
 en: Did you see the ghost that does not have someone to place food (for him)? I saw him. How is he treated?
15. szu# su#-ub#!?-be2 utul2-a#? ninda pad#-pad#?-ra2 PA sila szub-ba i3-gu7#-e
 en: He eats scrapings of the bowl, bread crumbs ... that have fallen into the street
1. [...] mu ni2-ba nu-zu igi bi2-duh#-am3#! igi# i-ni-duh-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak
 en: Did you see the tiny stillborn babies, who do not know their own name? I saw them. How are (they) treated?
2. {gesz}bunig# ku3#!?-sig17# ku3#-babbar# lal3 i3-nun-na e-ne im-da-e-ne
 en: They play in a trough/bucket of gold and silver (filled with) honey and ghee
3. lu2 izi# la2 igi bi2-duh-am3 igi nu-mu-x-duh#-am3#
 en: Did you see the man who was set on fire(?) I did not see him
4. i-bi2-ni an-na ba-a-e11-am3#? gidim-a-ni ki-a nu-ub-dab5
 en: His smoke has risen into heaven, his ghost is not held on the ground/in the netherworld
5. lu2 dingir# lul-lul si-ge5 nam-erim2 ba-an-ku5
 en: Did you see the man who deceives the god (by) having sworn an oath?
6. igi bi2-duh-am3 igi i-ni#-duh#-am3# a-na-gin7 an-ak
 en: I saw him. How is he treated?
7. ki-a-nag sag kur-ra#-[...] x-ra x immen2-a i3-na8-e
 en: At the libation place for the dead at the top(?) of the netherworld, ..., he drinks with (perpetual) thirst/thirst consumes him(?)
8. dumu gir2-su{ki}-a x x a-a-na u3 ama-na
 en: Did you see the citizen of girsu, the ... of his father and mother?
9. igi bi2-duh-am3 igi# i#-ni-duh-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak
 en: I saw him. How is he treated?
10. igi lu2 disz-ta-am3 li-im dumu mar-tu me-esz gidim-a-ni szu# la-ba-an-ta-ra-ra gaba nu-szi-dub?-bu?-en?
 en: From before that single man (i.e., per man) there are a thousand citizens of Martu, he cannot beat them away, I(!?) do not “heap the chest” against ...(!?)
11. dumu mar-tu{ki}-a ki-a-nag sag# kur-ra-ke4 igi-ba bi2-ib2-dab5-be2-en
 en: The citizens of Martu captured me (as I was trying to escape?) before(?) the place of libations for the dead, at the top/opening(?) of the netherworld
12. dumu ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4 igi bi2-duh-am3 igi i-ni-duh-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak#
 en: Did you see the citizens of Sumer and Akkad? I saw (them). How are (they) treated?
13. a ki-lul-la a# lu3-a bi2-ib2-nag-me-esz
 en: They are made to drink the water of a place of ambush, roiled water
14. a-a-gu10 u3 ama-gu10 me-a se12-[me]-esz igi bi2-duh-am3# igi i-ni-duh-am3# [a-na-gin7 an-ak]
 en: Where do my father and mother dwell? I saw (them). How are (they) treated?
15. [min]-na#-ne-ne#? a#? ki-lul#?-[...] bi2-ib2#-nag#-[...]
 en: The two were made to drink the water of a place of ambush ...(?)

Consult previous versions and their differences
Consult sign list of Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)
Consult word list of Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)

  • Artifact type: Tablet
  • Material: Clay
  • Measurements (mm):
  • Weight:
  • Artifact Preservation:
  • Condition Description:
  • Join Information:
  • Seal no.:
  • Seal information:
  • Artifact comments:

  • Genre(s): Literary (ETCSL Gilgamesh, Enkidu and Netherworld (witness))
  • Language(s): Sumerian

  • history: UET 6, 0058

    [Gadd1963] Gadd, Cyril J., and Aaron Shaffer. 1963, 1966.

  • Composite No.:
  • Museum No.: BM —
  • Accession No.:

  • Provenience: Ur (mod. Tell Muqayyar)
  • Elevation:
  • Stratigraphic Level:
  • Excavation No: U 16878
  • Findspot Square:
  • Findspot Comments:

Created Creator Type Authors Project Reviewer Status Action
2023-06-28 at 23:15:35 Rattenborg, Rune Artifact Hafford, William B.; Rattenborg, Rune Geomapping Landscapes of Writing Rattenborg, Rune approved View
2023-06-15 at 20:34:30 Rattenborg, Rune Artifact Rattenborg, Rune Geomapping Landscapes of Writing Rattenborg, Rune approved View
2019-05-29 at 21:01:58 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2015-02-21 at 17:31:21 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2011-10-07 at 08:45:17 Wagensonner, Klaus Atf Wagensonner, Klaus CDLI approved View
2006-11-02 at 00:00:00 CDLI Artifact Foxvog, Daniel A.; Guerra, Dylan; Peterson, Jeremiah; Veldhuis, Niek; Wolfe, Jared N. CDLI approved View

This artifact is a witness to the following composite(s):

Composite Score
CDLI Literary 000364 (Gilgamesh, Enkidu and the Netherworld) composite (P469670) View the score

General Notes: -
CDLI Notes: -
Cite this Artifact
“CDLI Literary 000364, Ex. 049 Artifact Entry.” (2006) 2023. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). June 28, 2023.
CDLI Literary 000364, ex. 049 artifact entry (No. P346143). (2023, June 28). Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). (Original work published 2006)
CDLI Literary 000364, ex. 049 artifact entry (2023) Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). Available at: (Accessed: January 18, 2025).
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DA  - 2023/6/28/
PY  - 2023
ID  - P346143
LB  - CDLI:P346143
M1  - 2025/1/18/
TI  - CDLI Literary 000364, ex. 049 artifact entry
UR  -
ER  - 
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