CUSAS 13, 030 (P329063)

Administrative tablet excavated in Adab (mod. Bismaya), dated to the Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) period and now kept in Department of Near Eastern Studies, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA

Image © Department of Near Eastern Studies, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA


  beginning broken
  beginning filed off modern times
1'. x x
2'. [n _sze] ha-zi-la iri_
3'. 5(disz) _sila3 hal-hal_
4'. 1(asz@c) _lal3 gur8-gur8_
5'. 4(ban2@c) x al x
6'. 1(asz@c) al# x
7'. 2(asz@c) x [...]
8'. 1(asz@c) x [...]
9'. 1(asz@c) [...]
10'. [...] x [...]
  rest broken
  rest filed off modern times
  beginning broken
  beginning filed off modern times
3'. 1(asz@c) ma#-[nam ...] x
4'. 2(asz@c) ma-nam _zi3_ 2(asz@c) ma-[nam ...]
5'. 2(asz@c) _siki_ 7(asz@c) _gur_ 2(barig@c) 2(ban2@c)!(2(asz@c)) SZU-[...]
6'. puzur4-ma-lik
7'. 2(asz@c) _gada-nig2-tab-ba_ [...]
8'. 1(asz@c) ma-nam _zi3-gu_
9'. 2(asz@c) _gurdub_ 2(barig@c) 1(ban2@c)!(1(asz@c)) x
10'. a-da-gal _sipa_
11'. 2(asz@c) _siki_ 4(asz@c) _gur_ 1(barig@c)
12'. 4(asz@c) _gesz-gan_
13'. na-pa2-lu5# [...]
  rest broken
  rest filed off modern times