SA 191 (P273662)

Business / Contracts tablet excavated in Uncertain (mod. uncertain), dated to the Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) period and now kept in Special Collections and Archives, John T. Richardson Library, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA

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1. 4(asz) gur sze-gesz#-[i3]
2. 2/3(disz) gin2! ku3-babbar sag
3. 3(disz) tug2!-hi-a sag
  1 erased sign between TUG1 and HI
4. szu ti-a {d}utu-ha-zi-ir
5. ki wa-tar-{d}utu
6. iti sig4-a sze u3 masz2#-bi
7. [tug2] u3# masz2-bi
8. i3-la2-e
1. igi mes-a-lum
2. igi szu-i3-li2-szu
3. igi na-ru-tum
4. kiszib lu2-inim-ma ib2-ra
5. iti# apin-du8 u3 2(u) 3(disz)-kam#
6. mu ha-am-mu-ra-pi2 lugal ra#-pi2#-qum#[{ki} u3 sza-li-bi{ki}]
  illegible seal impression
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