Administrative tablet excavated in Ebla (mod. Tell Mardikh), dated to the Ebla (ca. 2350-2250 BC) period and now kept in National Museum of Syria, Idlib, Syria
© Directorate-General for Antiquities and Museums, Syrian Arab Republic
1. 3(asz@c) <GIN2> 2(disz)-NI _ku3-sig17_
2. al6
3. ar-sze3-a-hu
4. 1(u@c) 8(asz@c) _a-gar5_
5. 3(asz@c) [...]
column 2
1. 1(asz@c) gu2-li-lum sa-ha 2(disz@t)
2. du-bi2-szum
3. 3(asz@c) _ku3-sig17_
4. HAR-ru12-ba-dum
5. i-ib-ma-lik
6. [...]
7. x x x
column 3
1. ba-ba
2. ma-ri2{ki}
3. _szu ba4-ti_
4. |SZU2+SZA| _a-gar5-gar5_
5. 1(asz@c) NA4-ZU _ku3-sig17_
6. x x x
column 1
1. 2(asz@c) _la2_ 6(disz@t) NI _ku3-sig17_
2. EN-du-ga-dum
3. gu2-li-lum sa-ha-wa 2(disz@t)
4. ar-si-a-hu
column 2
1. 1(asz@c) 1/2(asz@c) _an-na_
2. TAR _a-gar5-gar5_
3. 2(asz@c) _zag_
4. en-na-BE
blank space
column 3
blank space
1. NE-ASZ2
blank space