ARET 02, 52 (P241770)

Administrative tablet excavated in Ebla (mod. Tell Mardikh), dated to the Ebla (ca. 2350-2250 BC) period and now kept in National Museum of Syria, Idlib, Syria

Image © Directorate-General for Antiquities and Museums, Syrian Arab Republic


column 1
1. 1(u@c) 5(asz@c) _an-na_
2. SZUB si-in
3. 1(asz@c) _ma-na_ SZA-PI-5(disz) _a-gar5_
4. 1(asz@c) _nig2-tur_
5. 7(asz@c) 1/2(asz@c) _an-na_
column 2
1. SZUB si-in
2. 5(u@c) 2(asz@c) 1/2(asz@c) _a-gar5_
3. 1(asz@c) _nig2-tur_
4. ba-ba
5. ma-ri2{ki}