HSS 10, 049 (P213315)

Receipt tablet excavated in Gasur/Nuzi (mod. Yorgan Tepe), dated to the Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) period and now kept in Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

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1. 1(u@c) la2 1(asz@c) _sze gur_
2. szu-i3-li2-su
3. _abba2 iri{ki}_
4. [...] 3(asz@c)#? 2(barig@c) 3(ban2@c) _sze gur_
5. puzur4#-esz18-dar
1. [...] _sze gur_
2. isz#-ma2-dingir-tur-dar
3. in# masz-kan2{ki}-gal
  blank space
4. szunigin 2(u@c) 6(asz@c) 2(barig@c) 3(ban2@c) _sze gur_
5. szu _la2-ia3_
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