Umma 034 (P139543)

Administrative tablet excavated in Umma (mod. Tell Jokha), dated to the Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) period and now kept in Institut Catholique, Paris, France

Image © [see publications]


1. 1(disz) amar gu4 mu 1(disz)
2. ur-{d}suen
3. dumu ur-{d}asznan
4. 1(disz) ab2 mu 1(disz)
5. lugal-ur2-ra-ni tir
1. 1(disz) amar gu4 mu 2(disz)
2. AN ARAD2 ra? kal
3. dumu ur2-{gesz}tukul
4. 1(disz) ab2 mu 1(disz)
5. 1(disz) sza3 {gesz}tir
6. mu-kux(DU)
  some text moved to next line
7. iti szu-numun