TCL 02, 5499 (P131589)

Administrative tablet excavated in Puzriš-Dagan (mod. Drehem), dated to the Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) period and now kept in Louvre Museum, Paris, France

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Museum Collection(s)

Louvre Museum, Paris, France

Museum Number

AO 05499


Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)


Puzriš-Dagan (mod. Drehem)

Artifact Type




Genre / Subgenre(s)

Administrative (metro-mathematical)





column 1
1. [4(disz) ab2-mah2]
 en: 4 mature cows,
 fr: 4 vaches adultes,
2. [1(disz) ab2 amar ga]
 en: 1 heifer calf, suckling,
 fr: 1 génisse de lait,
3. [1(disz) gu4 amar ga]
 en: 1 bull calf, suckling,
 fr: 1 veau de lait,
4. [i3-nun-bi] 2(ban2)
 en: their butter oil: 2 ban2,
 fr: leur beurre clarifié: 2 ban2,
  calculation: 4 × 5 = 20 sila3
5. [ga-ar3-bi] 3(ban2)
 en: their (kašk) cheese: 3 ban2,
 fr: leur fromage(-kašk): 3 ban2,
  calculation: 4 × 7.5 = 30 sila3
  blank space
6. mu e2 puzur4-isz-{d}da-gan ba-du3
 en: year: “The household Puzriš-Dagan was erected;”
 fr: année: “Le domaine Puzriš-Dagan a été construit;”
7. 4(disz) ab2-mah2
 en: 4 mature cows,
 fr: 4 vaches adultes,
8. 1(disz) ab2 mu 1(disz)
 en: 1 heifer, 1 year (old),
 fr: 1 génisse de 1 an,
9. 1(disz) ab2 amar ga
 en: 1 heifer calf, suckling,
 fr: 1 génisse de lait,
10. 1(disz) gu4 mu 1(disz)
 en: 1 bull, 1 year (old),
 fr: 1 taurillon de 1 an,
11. 1(disz) gu4 amar ga
 en: 1 bull calf, suckling,
 fr: 1 veau de lait,
12. i3-nun-bi 2(ban2)
 en: their butter oil: 2 ban2,
 fr: leur beurre clarifié: 2 ban2,
  calculation: 4 × 5 = 20 sila3
13. ga-ar3-bi 3(ban2)
 en: their (kašk) cheese: 3 ban2,
 fr: leur fromage(-kašk): 3 ban2,
  calculation: 4 × 7.5 = 30 sila3
  blank space
14. mu us2-sa e2 puzur4-isz-{d}da-gan ba-du3
 en: year after: “The household Puzriš-Dagan was erected;”
 fr: année qui suit: “Le domaine Puzriš-Dagan a été construit;”
15. 4(disz) ab2-mah2
 en: 4 mature cows,
 fr: 4 vaches adultes,
16. 1(disz) ab2 mu 2(disz)
 en: 1 heifer, 2 years (old),
 fr: 1 génisse de 2 ans,
17. 1(disz) ab2 mu 1(disz)
 en: 1 heifer, 1 year (old),
 fr: 1 génisse de 1 an,
18. 1(disz) ab2!(GU4) amar ga
 en: 1 heifer calf, suckling,
 fr: 1 génisse de lait,
19. 1(disz) gu4 mu 2(disz)
 en: 1 bull, 2 years (old),
 fr: 1 taurillon de 2 ans,
20. 1(disz) gu4 mu 1(disz)
 en: 1 bull, 1 year (old),
 fr: 1 taurillon de 1 an,
21. 1(disz) gu4 amar ga
 en: 1 bull calf, suckling,
 fr: 1 veau de lait,
22. i3-nun-bi 2(ban2)
 en: their butter oil: 2 ban2,
 fr: leur beurre clarifié: 2 ban2,
  calculation: 4 × 5 = 20 sila3
23. ga-ar3-bi 3(ban2)
 en: their (kašk) cheese: 3 ban2,
 fr: leur fromage(-kašk): 3 ban2,
  calculation: 4 × 7.5 = 30 sila3
  blank space
24. mu us2-sa e2 puzur4-isz-{d}da-gan ba-du3 mu us2-sa-bi
 en: year after: “The household Puzriš-Dagan was erected,” year after that;
 fr: année qui suit: “Le domaine Puzriš-Dagan a été construit”, année qui la suit;
column 2
1. [4(disz)] ab2-mah2
 en: 4 mature cows,
 fr: 4 vaches adultes,
2. [1(disz)] ab2 mu 3(disz)
 en: 1 heifer, 3 years (old),
 fr: 1 génisse de 3 ans,
3. [1(disz)] ab2 mu 2(disz)
 en: 1 heifer, 2 years (old),
 fr: 1 génisse de 2 ans,
4. 1(disz) ab2 mu 1(disz)
 en: 1 heifer, 1 year (old),
 fr: 1 génisse de 1 an,
5. 1(disz) ab2 amar ga
 en: 1 heifer calf, suckling,
 fr: 1 génisse de lait,
6. 1(disz) gu4 mu 3(disz)
 en: 1 bull, 3 years (old),
 fr: 1 taurillon de 3 ans,
7. 1(disz) gu4 mu 2(disz)
 en: 1 bull, 2 years (old),
 fr: 1 taurillon de 2 ans,
8. 1(disz) gu4 mu 1(disz)
 en: 1 bull, 1 year (old),
 fr: 1 taurillon de 1 an,
9. 1(disz) gu4 amar ga
 en: 1 bull calf, suckling,
 fr: 1 veau de lait,
10. i3-nun-bi 2(ban2)
 en: their butter oil: 2 ban2,
 fr: leur beurre clarifié: 2 ban2,
  calculation: 4 × 5 = 20 sila3
11. ga-ar3-bi 3(ban2)
 en: their (kašk) cheese: 3 ban2,
 fr: leur fromage(-kašk): 3 ban2,
  calculation: 4 × 7.5 = 30 sila3
  blank space
12. mu sza-asz-ru{ki} ba-hul
 en: year: “Šašru was destroyed;”
 fr: année: “Šašru a été détruite;”
13. 5(disz) ab2-mah2
 en: 5 mature cows,
 fr: 5 vaches adultes,
14. 1(disz) ab2 mu 3(disz)
 en: 1 heifer, 3 years (old),
 fr: 1 génisse de 3 ans,
15. 1(disz) ab2 mu 2(disz)
 en: 1 heifer, 2 years (old),
 fr: 1 génisse de 2 ans,
16. 1(disz) ab2 mu 1(disz)
 en: 1 heifer, 1 year (old),
 fr: 1 génisse de 1 an,
17. 1(disz) ab2 amar ga
 en: 1 heifer calf, suckling,
 fr: 1 génisse de lait,
18. 1(disz) gu4-gal
 en: 1 mature bull,
 fr: 1 taureau adulte,
19. 1(disz) gu4 mu 3(disz)
 en: 1 bull, 3 years (old),
 fr: 1 taurillon de 3 ans,
20. 1(disz) gu4 mu 2(disz)
 en: 1 bull, 2 years (old),
 fr: 1 taurillon de 2 ans,
21. 1(disz) gu4 mu 1(disz)
 en: 1 bull, 1 year (old),
 fr: 1 taurillon de 1 an,
22. 1(disz) gu4 amar ga
 en: 1 bull calf, suckling,
 fr: 1 veau de lait,
23. i3-nun-bi 2(ban2)
 en: their butter oil: 2 ban2,
 fr: leur beurre clarifié: 2 ban2,
  calculation: 4 × 5 = 20 sila3
24. ga-ar3-bi 3(ban2)
 en: their (kašk) cheese: 3 ban2,
 fr: leur fromage(-kašk): 3 ban2,
  calculation: 4 × 7.5 = 30 sila3
  blank space
25. mu en {d}nanna masz2-e i3-pa3
 en: year: “The lord of Nanna was chosen via extispacy;”
 fr: année: “la prêtresse de Nanna a été choisie par extispicine;”
26. 6(disz) ab2-mah2
 en: 6 mature cows,
 fr: 6 vaches adultes,
column 3
1. 1(disz) ab2 mu 3(disz)
 en: 1 heifer, 3 years (old),
 fr: 1 génisse de 3 ans,
2. 1(disz) ab2 mu 2(disz)
 en: 1 heifer, 2 years (old),
 fr: 1 génisse de 2 ans,
3. 1(disz) ab2 mu 1(disz)
 en: 1 heifer, 1 year (old),
 fr: 1 génisse de 1 an,
4. 1(disz) ab2 amar ga
 en: 1 heifer calf, suckling
 fr: 1 génisse à la mamelle,
5. 2(disz) gu4-gal
 en: 2 mature bulls,
 fr: 2 taureaux adultes,
6. 1(disz) gu4 mu 3(disz)
 en: 1 bull, 3 years (old),
 fr: 1 taurillon de 3 ans,
7. 1(disz) gu4 mu 2(disz)
 en: 1 bull, 2 years (old),
 fr: 1 taurillon de 2 ans,
8. 1(disz) gu4 mu 1(disz)
 en: 1 bull, 1 year (old),
 fr: 1 taurillon de 1 an,
9. 2(disz) gu4 amar ga
 en: 2 bull calves, suckling,
 fr: 2 veaux de lait,
10. i3-nun-bi 2(ban2) 5(disz) sila3
 en: their butter oil: 2 ban2 5 sila3,
 fr: leur beurre clarifié: 2 ban2 5 sila3,
  calculation: 5 × 5 = 25 sila3
11. ga-ar3-bi 3(ban2) 7(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3
 en: their (kašk) cheese: 3 ban2 7 1/2 sila3,
 fr: leur fromage(-kašk): 3 ban2 7 1/2 sila3
  calculation: 5 × 7.5 = 37.5 sila3
  blank space
12. mu si-mu-ru-um{ki} u3 lu-lu-bu{ki} a-ra2 1(u)# la2# 1(disz)#-kam-asz ba-hul
 en: year: “Simurum and Lulubu were destroyed for the 9th time;”
 fr: année: “Simurum et Lulubu ont été détruits pour la 9e fois;”
13. 7(disz) ab2-mah2
 en: 7 mature cows,
 fr: 7 vaches adultes,
14. 1(disz) ab2 mu 3(disz)
 en: 1 heifer, 3 years (old),
 fr: 1 génisse de 3 ans,
15. 1(disz) ab2 mu 2(disz)
 en: 1 heifer, 2 years (old),
 fr: 1 génisse de 2 ans,
16. 1(disz) ab2 mu 1(disz)
 en: 1 heifer, 1 year (old),
 fr: 1 génisse de 1 an,
17. 2(disz) ab2 amar ga
 en: 2 heifer calves, suckling
 fr: 2 génisses de lait,
18. 3(disz) gu4-gal
 en: 3 mature bulls,
 fr: 3 taureaux adultes,
19. 1(disz) gu4 mu 3(disz)
 en: 1 bull, 3 years (old),
 fr: 1 taurillon de 3 ans,
20. 1(disz) gu4 mu 2(disz)
 en: 1 bull, 2 years (old),
 fr: 1 taurillon de 2 ans,
21. 2(disz) gu4 mu 1(disz)
 en: 2 bulls, 1 year (old),
 fr: 2 taurillons de 1 an,
22. 1(disz) gu4 amar ga
 en: 1 bull calf, suckling,
 fr: 1 veau de lait,
23. i3-nun-bi 3(ban2)
 en: their butter oil: 3 ban2,
 fr: leur beurre clarifié: 3 ban2,
  calculation: 6 × 5 = 30 sila3
24. ga-ar3-bi 4(ban2) 5(disz) sila3
 en: their (kašk) cheese: 4 ban2 5 sila3,
 fr: leur fromage(-kašk): 4 ban2 5 sila3,
  calculation: 6 × 7.5 = 45 sila3
  blank space
25. mu ur#-bi2-lum{ki} ba-hul
 en: year: “Urbilum was destroyed;”
 fr: année: “Urbilum a été détruite;”
column 1
1. 8(disz) ab2-mah2
 en: 8 mature cows,
 fr: 8 vaches adultes,
2. 1(disz) ab2 mu 3(disz)
 en: 1 heifer, 3 years (old),
 fr: 1 génisse de 3 ans,
3. 1(disz) ab2 mu 2(disz)
 en: 1 heifer, 2 years (old),
 fr: 1 génisse de 2 ans,
4. 2(disz) ab2 mu 1(disz)
 en: 2 heifer, 1 year (old),
 fr: 2 génisses de 1 an,
5. 1(disz) ab2 amar ga
 en: 1 heifer calf, suckling
 fr: 1 génisse de lait,
6. 4(disz) gu4-gal
 en: 4 mature bulls,
 fr: 4 taureaux adultes,
7. 1(disz) gu4 mu 3(disz)
 en: 1 bull, 3 years (old),
 fr: 1 taurillon de 3 ans,
8. 2(disz) gu4 mu 2(disz)
 en: 2 bulls, 2 years (old),
 fr: 2 taurillons de 2 ans,
9. 1(disz) gu4 mu 1(disz)
 en: 1 bull, 1 year (old),
 fr: 1 taurillon de 1 an,
10. 2(disz) gu4 amar ga
 en: 2 bull calves, suckling,
 fr: 2 veaux de lait,
11. i3-nun-bi 3(ban2) 5(disz) sila3
 en: their butter oil: 3 ban2 5 sila3,
 fr: leur beurre clarifié: 3 ban2 5 sila3,
  calculation: 7 × 5 = 35 sila3
12. ga-ar3-bi 4(ban2) 7(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3
 en: their (kašk) cheese: 4 ban2 7 1/2 sila3,
 fr: leur fromage(-kašk): 4 ban2 7 1/2 sila3,
  calculation: 7 × 7.5 = 52.5 sila3 (text has 47.5)
  blank space
13. mu ki-masz{ki} u3 hu-ur5-ti{ki} ba-hul
 en: year: “Kimaš and Hurti were destroyed;”
 fr: année: “Kimaš et Hurti ont été détruites;”
14. 1(u) la2 1(disz) ab2-mah2
 en: 9 mature cows,
 fr: 9 vaches adultes,
15. 1(disz) ab2 mu 3(disz)
 en: 1 heifer, 3 years (old),
 fr: 1 génisse de 3 ans,
16. 2(disz) ab2 mu 2(disz)
 en: 2 heifers, 2 years (old),
 fr: 2 génisses de 2 ans,
17. 1(disz) ab2 mu 1(disz)
 en: 1 heifer, 1 year (old),
 fr: 1 génisse de 1 an,
18. 2(disz) ab2 amar ga
 en: 2 heifer calves, suckling
 fr: 2 génisses de lait,
19. 5(disz) gu4-gal
 en: 5 mature bulls,
 fr: 5 taureaux adultes,
20. 2(disz) gu4 mu 3(disz)
 en: 2 bulls, 3 years (old),
 fr: 2 taurillons de 3 ans,
21. 1(disz) gu4 mu 2(disz)
 en: 1 bull, 2 years (old),
 fr: 1 taurillon de 2 ans,
22. 2(disz) gu4 mu 1(disz)
 en: 2 bulls, 1 year (old),
 fr: 2 taurillons de 1 an,
23. 2(disz) gu4 amar ga
 en: 2 bull calves, suckling,
 fr: 2 veaux de lait,
24. i3-nun-bi 4(ban2)
 en: their butter oil: 4 ban2,
 fr: leur beurre clarifié: 4 ban2,
  calculation: 8 × 5 = 40 sila3
25. ga-ar3-bi 1(barig)
 en: their (kašk) cheese: 1 barig,
 fr: leur fromage(-kašk): 1 barig,
  calculation: 8 × 7.5 = 60 sila3
  blank space
26. mu us2-sa ki-masz{ki} u3 hu-ur5-ti{ki} ba-hul
 en: year after: “Kimaš and Hurti were destroyed;”
 fr: année qui suit: “Kimaš et Hurti ont été détruites;”
column 2
1. 1(u) ab2-mah2
 en: 10 mature cows,
 fr: 10 vaches adultes,
2. 2(disz) ab2 mu 3(disz)
 en: 2 heifers, 3 years (old),
 fr: 2 génisses de 3 ans,
3. 1(disz) ab2 mu 2(disz)
 en: 1 heifer, 2 years (old),
 fr: 1 génisse de 2 ans,
4. 2(disz) ab2 mu 1(disz)
 en: 2 heifers, 1 year (old),
 fr: 2 génisses de 1 an,
5. 3(disz) ab2 amar ga
 en: 3 heifer calves, suckling
 fr: 3 génisses de lait,
6. 7(disz) gu4-gal
 en: 7 mature bulls,
 fr: 7 taureaux adultes,
7. 1(disz) gu4 mu 3(disz)
 en: 1 bull, 3 years (old),
 fr: 1 taurillon de 3 ans,
8. 2(disz) gu4 mu 2(disz)
 en: 2 bulls, 2 years (old),
 fr: 2 taurillons de 2 ans,
9. 2(disz) gu4 mu 1(disz)
 en: 2 bulls, 1 year (old),
 fr: 2 taurillons de 1 an,
10. 2(disz) gu4 amar ga
 en: 2 bulls calves, suckling,
 fr: 2 veaux de lait,
11. i3-nun-bi 4(ban2) 5(disz) sila3
 en: their butter oil: 4 ban2 5 sila3,
 fr: leur beurre clarifié: 4 ban2 5 sila3,
  calculation: 9 × 5 = 45 sila3
12. ga-ar3-bi 1(barig) 7(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3
 en: their (kašk) cheese: 1 barig 7 1/2 sila3,
 fr: leur fromage(-kašk): 1 barig 7 1/2 sila3,
  calculation: 9 × 7.5 = 67.5 sila3
  blank space
13. mu ha-ar-szi{ki} u3 ki-masz{ki} ba-hul
 en: year: “Harši and Kimaš were destroyed;”
 fr: année: “Harši et Kimaš ont été détruites;”
  blank space
column 3
  blank space
1. szunigin 1(u) 8(disz) ab2 hi-a
 en: total: 18 diverse cows,
 fr: 18 vaches diverses,
  calculation: the number of cows in final herd
2. szunigin 1(u) 4(disz) gu4 hi-a
 en: total: 14 diverse bulls,
 fr: 14 taureaux divers,
  calculation: the number of bulls in final herd
3. szunigin 4(barig) 3(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 i3-nun
 en: total: 4 barig 3 ban2 5 sila3 butter oil,
 fr: total: 4 barig 3 ban2 5 sila3 de beurre clarifié,
  calculation: addition of all i3-nun-bi lines
4. szunigin 1(asz) 1(barig) 5(ban2)! 2(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 ga-ar3 gur
 en: total: 1 gur 1 barig 5 ban2 2 1/2 sila3 (kašk) cheese;
 fr: total: 1 gur 1 barig 5 ban2 2 1/2 sila3 de fromage(-kašk);
  calculation: addition of all ga-ar3-bi lines (correcting rev. i 12)
5. ku3 i3-ba 1/3(disz) ma-na 7(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2
 en: the silver (equivalent) of their oil: 1/3 mana 7 1/2 shekels,
 fr: (équivalent en) argent de cette matière grasse: 1/3 mine 7 1/2 sicles,
  calculation: 275 (sila3 i3-nun) / 10 (sila3 per shekel) = 27.5 (shekels),
6. ku3 ga-ba 2(disz) 2/3(disz) gin2 1(u) 5(disz) sze
 en: the silver (equivalent) of their cheese: 2 2/3 shekels 15 grains;
 fr: (équivalent en) argent de ces produits laitiers: 2 2/3 mines 15 grains,
  calculation: 412.5 (sila3 ga-ar3) / 150 (sila3 per shekel) = 2 120+15/180 (2.75 shekels);
7. nig2-ka9-ak
 en: account
 fr: bilan comptable
8. i-du-a dumu i-su2-a-ri2-ik sanga {d}isztaran
 en: of Idu’a, son of Isu-arik, household manager of Ištaran.
 fr: Idu’a fils de Isu-arik, administrateur (du domaine) d’Ištaran.
  blank space

Consult previous versions and their differences
Consult sign list of Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Consult word list of Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)

  • Artifact type: Tablet
  • Material: Clay
  • Measurements (mm):
  • Weight:
  • Artifact Preservation:
  • Condition Description:
  • Join Information:
  • Seal no.:
  • Seal information:
  • Artifact comments:

  • primary: TCL 2, 5499

    [Genouillac1911TCL2] Genouillac, Henri de. 1911. Tablettes de Dréhem, Publiées Avec Inventaire et Tables. Textes Cunéiformes, Musée Du Louvre 2. Paris: Paul Geuthner.

  • history: BBVO 10, p. 43-46

    [Englund1990Fischerei] Englund, Robert K. 1990. Organisation Und Verwaltung Der Ur III-Fischerei. Berliner Beiträge Zum Vorderen Orient, Band 10. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer.

  • history: Archaic Bookkeeping, Bookkeeping (1993) 097-102

    [Englund1993Bookkeeping] Nissen, Hans J., Peter Damerow, and Robert K. Englund. 1993. Archaic Bookkeeping: Writing and Techniques of Economic Administration in the Ancient near East.

  • history: OrNS 64 (pp. 377-429), 388-394

    [Englund1995OrNS64] Englund, Robert K. 1995. “Regulating Dairy Productivity in the Ur III Period.” Orientalia NS 64: 377–429.

  • history: VDI 115, p.48–53

    [Vaiman1971TCL2-5499] Vaiman, Aisak A. 1971. “Cuneiform Text TCL, II, 5499.” Vestnik Drevnej Istorii 115: 48–53.

  • citation: Il modo di producione, 055-056

    [Liverani1976ModoDiProducione] Liverani, Mario. 1976. “Il Modo Di Producione.” In L’alba Della Civiltà (Vol. 2), 1–126. Torino : UTET.

  • citation: ASJ 17, p.127-144, p. 128-130

    [Liverani1995livestock] Liverani, Mario, and Wolfgang Heimpel. 1995. “Observations on Livestock Management in Babylonia.” Acta Sumerologica 17: 127–44.

  • Composite No.:
  • Museum No.: AO 05499
  • Accession No.:

  • Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
  • Dates Referenced: Šulgi.39.00.00, Šulgi.40.00.00 (us2 year), Šulgi.41.00.00 (us2-us2 year), Šulgi.42.00.00, Šulgi.43.00.00, Šulgi.44.00.00, Šulgi.45.00.00, Šulgi.46.00.00, Šulgi.47.00.00, Šulgi.48.00.00
  • Alternative Years:
  • Date Comments:
  • Accounting Period: 0

Created Creator Type Authors Project Reviewer Status Action
2024-10-29 at 19:47:44 Firth, Richard Artifact, Other Entity Firth, Richard Firth, Richard approved View
2023-03-09 at 12:32:19 Pagé-Perron, Émilie Artifact Gacia, Veronika; Sallaberger, Walther Vegetable Oils and Animal Fats in Early Urban Societies of Syro-Mesopotamia Pagé-Perron, Émilie approved View
2021-12-14 at 08:44:11 Pagé-Perron, Émilie Atf Pagé-Perron, Émilie CDLI approved View
2017-03-03 at 09:56:23 Englund, Robert K. Atf CDLI CDLI approved View
2016-12-15 at 17:09:24 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2016-07-28 at 16:11:21 CDLI Atf CDLI CDLI approved View
2015-03-13 at 21:48:25 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2015-02-04 at 10:49:05 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2014-10-09 at 08:21:31 Lafont, Bertrand Atf Lafont, Bertrand CDLI approved View
2014-10-09 at 08:11:57 Lafont, Bertrand Atf Lafont, Bertrand CDLI approved View
2014-07-17 at 22:49:18 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2014-07-17 at 22:46:52 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2013-03-08 at 06:10:44 Lafont, Bertrand Atf Lafont, Bertrand CDLI approved View
2012-02-08 at 08:01:37 Englund, Robert K. Atf Lafont, Bertrand CDLI approved View
2012-01-26 at 11:56:35 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2011-07-22 at 14:04:41 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2011-05-02 at 14:35:18 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2009-06-03 at 10:51:04 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2006-10-12 at 12:27:10 CDLI Atf CDLI CDLI approved View
2001-12-20 at 00:00:00 CDLI Artifact CDLI CDLI approved View

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Cite this Artifact
“TCL 02, 5499 Artifact Entry.” (2001) 2024. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). October 29, 2024.
TCL 02, 5499 artifact entry (No. P131589). (2024, October 29). Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). (Original work published 2001)
TCL 02, 5499 artifact entry (2024) Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). Available at: (Accessed: February 9, 2025).
	note = {[Online; accessed 2025-02-09]},
	year = {2024},
	month = {oct 29},
	title = {TCL 02, 5499 artifact entry},
	url = {},
	howpublished = {},

DA  - 2024/10/29/
PY  - 2024
ID  - P131589
LB  - CDLI:P131589
M1  - 2025/2/9/
TI  - TCL 02, 5499 artifact entry
UR  -
ER  - 
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