Princeton 1, 250 (P126939)

Administrative tag excavated in Puzriš-Dagan (mod. Drehem), dated to the Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) period and now kept in Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey, USA

Image © Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey, USA


object tag
1. pisan-dub-ba
 en: Basket-of-tablets:
2. im e2-tum
 en: xxx
3. ab2 e2-tur3-ra
 en: xxx
4. gu4 apin
 en: xxx
5. gaba-ri ensi2-ka
 en: xxx
1. i3-gal2
 en: xxx
  blank space
2. mu na-ru2-a-mah ba-du3
 en: xxx