OrSP 47-49, 382 (P125272)

Administrative tablet excavated in Umma (mod. Tell Jokha), dated to the Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) period and now kept in Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin, Germany

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Museum Collection(s)

Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin, Germany

Museum Number

VAT 07042


Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)


Umma (mod. Tell Jokha)

Artifact Type




Genre / Subgenre(s)

Administrative (gaba-ri)





column 1
1. usz2 ur-sila-luh
 en: Dead: Ur-silaluḫ,
2. 1(asz@c) GAN2 e2-ur2-bi-du10 ugula
 en: 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: E-urbidu, a foreman,
3. 1(asz@c) GAN2 giri3-ni-i3-sa6
 en: 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Girini-isa,
  1(asz@c) written over 1(asz), and erasure of sesz-tab-ba after -sa6
4. dumu-ni-me
 en: —they are his sons—,
5. 1(asz@c) GAN2 ur-{d}gesztin-an-ka
 en: 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Ur-Geštinanka,
6. 1(disz) lu2-{d}sukkal-an-ka
 en: 1 diš-(worker): Lu-Sukkalanka,
7. dumu-ni-me
 en: —they are his sons—,
8. tir ki-sur-ra i3-dab5
 en: the Border-woods took in charge;
9. 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 1(ban2) 5(disz) 4(disz) ug3 du11-ga-ni
 en: 1 aš-c-(worker with rations of) 1 barig 1 ban2 5 (sila3 barley), 4 (mana wool), porter: Dugani,
10. tir szu-na-mu-gi4 i3-dab5
 en: the Šunamugi-woods took in charge;
11. 1(asz@c) GAN2 inim-{d}szara2
 en: 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Inim-Šara,
12. 1(disz) lugal-inim-gi-na dumu-ni
 en: 1 diš-(worker): Lugal-inim-gina, his son,
13. tir a-kun-kum2 i3-dab5
 en: the Akunkum-woods took in charge;
14. szu ur-ab-ba
 en: old: Ur-abba,
15. 1(asz@c) GAN2 lu2-{d}szara2 dumu-ni
 en: 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Lu-Šara, his son,
16. tir ka-ma-ri2{ki} i3-dab5
 en: the Kamari-woods took in charge;
17. usz2 lugal-iti-da
 en: dead: Lugal-itida,
18. 1(asz@c) GAN2 lu2-gi-na
 en: 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Lu-gina,
19. 1(asz) a-hu-ba-qar
 en: 1 aš-(worker): Aḫu-baqar,
20. usz2 lu2-{d}szara2
 en: dead: Lu-Šara,
21. 1(disz) a-ta2-na-ah
 en: 1 diš-(worker): Atannaḫ,
22. [dumu]-ni#-me
 en: —they are his [sons]—,
23. tir a-sza3 am3-ri2 i3-dab5
 en: the Amri-field-woods took in charge;
24. [1(asz@c) GAN2 lu2]-{d}ab-u2
 en: [1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’:] Lu-Abu,
25. [1(asz) lu2]-eb#-gal
 en: [1 aš-(worker):] Lu-ebgal,
26. [1(disz) lu2-{d}en-ki]-du#
 en: [1 diš-(worker):] Lu-Enkidu,
27. [dumu da-a-da-ga]
 en: [—sons of Dayadaga—],
column 2
1. tir u2-la2{ki} i3-dab5
 en: the Ula-woods took in charge;
2. 1(asz@c) GAN2 ug3 a-du-du
 en: 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’, porter: Adudu,
3. 1(disz) lugal-ku3-zu dumu-ni
 en: 1 diš-(worker): Lugal-kuzu, his son,
4. tir {gesz}kiri6-mah i3-dab5
 en: the Big-orchard-woods took in charge;
5. 1(asz@c) nu GAN2 inim-ma-ni-zi
 en: 1 aš-c-(worker), (no!), ‘field’: Inimanizi,
  nu written later with clay partially dried
6. 1(asz) nu ur-e2-mah
 en: 1 aš-(worker) (no!): Ur-Emaḫ,
  nu written later with clay partially dried
7. 1(disz) nu {d}utu-saga
 en: 1 diš-(worker) (no!): Utu-saga,
  nu written later with clay partially dried
8. 1(disz) nu ur-{d}ur3-bar-tab
 en: 1 diš-(worker) (no!): Ur-Urbartab,
  nu written later with clay partially dried
9. dumu-ni-me
 en: —they are his sons—,
10. tir i7 dul4-la i3-dab5
 en: the Dula-waterway-woods took in charge;
11. 1(asz@c) sza3-gu2-bi zah3
 en: 1 aš-c-(worker): Šagubi, flown,
12. tir a-sza3 {d}szara2-si i3-dab5
 en: the Šarasi-field-woods took in charge;
13. 1(asz@c) GAN2 ur-e2-masz dumu ur-sila-luh
 en: 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Ur-Emaš, son of Ur-silaluḫ,
14. tir da-gu-na i3-dab5
 en: the Daguna-woods took in charge;
  blank space
15. ugula e2-ur2-bi-du10
 en: foreman: E-urbidu;
  E-urbidu, son of dead Ur-silaluḫ (obv. i 1), is foreman of the workers in the first set of 10 tir of this account
16. 1(asz@c) GAN2 szesz-kal-la ugula
 en: 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Šeškalla, foreman,
17. 1(disz) inim-ma-ni-zi dumu-ni
 en: 1 diš-(worker): Inimanizi, his son,
18. 1(asz@c) GAN2 lugal-hi-li
 en: 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Lugal-ḫili,
19. 1(asz) {d}szara2-zi-da
 en: 1 aš-(worker): Šara-zida,
20. 1(disz) lu2-{d}ab-u2
 en: 1 diš-(worker): Lu-Abu,
column 3
1. dumu al-lu-me
 en: —they are sons of Allu—,
2. tir e2-lugal i3-dab5
 en: the Royal-house-woods took in charge;
3. 1(asz@c) GAN2 a-kal-la dumu ur-tul2-mah
 en: 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Akalla, son of Ur-tulmaḫ,
4. 1(disz) giri3-ni-i3-sa6 dumu-ni
 en: 1 diš-(worker): Girini-isa, his son,
5. tir kar-ra i3-dab5
 en: the Quay-woods took in charge;
6. 1(asz@c) GAN2 szesz-kal-la
 en: 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Šeškalla,
7. 1(asz) lugal-he2-gal2 dumu-ni
 en: 1 aš-(worker): Lugal-ḫegal, his son,
8. tir ma-sar i3-dab5
 en: the Masar-woods took in charge;
9. 1(asz@c) GAN2 lu2-dingir-ra dumu ur-lugal
 en: 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Lu-dingira, son of Ur-lugal,
10. tir tu-ru-da i3-dab5
 en: the Turuda-woods took in charge;
11. 1(asz@c) GAN2 ug3 lugal-he2-gal2 dumu ur-gu
 en: 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’, porter: Lugal-ḫegal, son of Ur-gu,
12. 1(disz) lu2-{d}nin-a-zu dumu-ni
 en: 1 diš-(worker): Lu-Ninazu, his son,
13. tir nag-su{ki} i3-dab5
 en: the Nagsu-woods took in charge;
14. 1(asz@c) GAN2 lugal-za3-ge
 en: 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Lugal-zage,
15. 1(disz) lu2-{d}nanna dumu-ni
 en: 1 diš-(worker): Lu-Nanna, his son,
16. tir gir13-gesz{ki} i3-dab5
 en: the Girgeš-woods took in charge;
17. 1(asz@c) GAN2 ur-nigar{gar}
 en: 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Ur-nigar,
18. 1(disz) a2-ta dumu-ni
 en: 1 diš-(worker): Ata, his son,
19. tir inim-e3 i3-dab5
 en: the Inime-woods took in charge;
20. szu ab-ba-saga
 en: old: Abba-saga,
21. tir bala-a-ti-im-durunx(|KU.KU|) i3-dab5
 en: the Bala’atimdurun-woods took in charge;
22. 1(asz@c) GAN2 {d}szara2-kam
 en: 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Šara-kam,
23. tir ki-sur-ra adab{ki} i3-dab5
 en: the Kisura-of-Adab-woods took in charge;
24. 1(asz@c) GAN2 ba-an-sa6
 en: 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Bansa,
column 1
1. 1(disz) ur-sukkal dumu-ni
 en: 1 diš-(worker): Ur-sukkal, his son,
2. tir zabala3{ki} i3-dab5
 en: the Zabala-woods took in charge;
  1 blank space
3. ugula szesz-kal-la
 en: foreman: Šeškalla;
  Šeškalla is foreman of the workers in the second set of 10 tir of this account
4. 1(asz@c) GAN2 ug3 ur-{gesz}gigir
 en: 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’, porter: Ur-gigir,
5. tir i7 gal-la i3-dab5
 en: the Big-waterway-woods took in charge;
6. szu ur-{d}szara2 dumu ARAD2
 en: old: Ur-Šara, son of ARAD,
7. 1(asz@c) GAN2 lu2-he2-gal2
 en: 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Lu-ḫegal,
8. 1(asz) ha-la-{d}ma-mi
 en: 1 aš-(worker): Ḫala-Mami,
9. usz2 lu2-dingir-ra
 en: dead: Lu-dingira,
10. 1(disz) lugal-nesag-e
 en: 1 diš-(worker): Lugal-nesage,
11. dumu-ni-me
 en: —they are his sons—,
12. tir gar-sza-na-ka{ki} i3-dab5
 en: the Garšana-woods took in charge;
13. 1(asz@c) GAN2 ur-{d}szara2 dumu i-di3-a
 en: 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Ur-Šara, son of Idi’a,
14. tir erin2-gar-sza-na-ka{ki} i3-dab5
 en: the troops-of-Garšana-woods took in charge;
15. 1(asz@c) GAN2 ug3 lu2-ga
 en: 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’, porter: Luga,
16. 1(asz@c) GAN2 ur-{d}dumu-zi-da dumu ur-mes#
 en: 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Ur-Dumuzida, son of Ur-mes,
17. tir sza3-nin9-ti-na i3-dab5
 en: the Midst-of-Nintina-woods took in charge;
18. 1(asz@c) GAN2 sza3-ku3-sig17
 en: 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Šakusig,
19. 1(asz) ur-nigar{gar}
 en: 1 aš-(worker): Ur-nigar,
column 2
1. 1(disz) lu2-eb-gal
 en: 1 diš-(worker): Lu-ebgal,
2. dumu-ni-me
 en: —they are his sons—,
3. tir gaba-ri-gar-sza-na-ka i3-dab5
 en: the Copy-of-Garšana-woods took in charge;
  blank space
4. tir ma2-szuku-diri gu2 i7# nam-ha-ni i3-dab5
 en: the Extra-prebend-boat-woods, bank of the Namḫani-waterway, took in charge;
  Heimpel CUSAS 6, 155-156: blank space above this line since unknown at time of accounting who would be working the tir
5. 1(asz@c) GAN2 ba-an-sa6#
 en: 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Bansa,
6. 1(disz) ARAD2-{d}szara2 dumu-ni
 en: 1 diš-(worker): ARAD-Šara, his son,
7. dumu ha-an-da nu-{gesz}kiri6
 en: son of Ḫanda, the orchardman,
8. tir uku2-nu-ti gu2 i7 {d}szul-gi-he2-gal2 i3-dab5
 en: the Ukunuti-woods, bank of the Šulgi-ḫegal-waterway, took in charge;
9. 1(asz@c) GAN2 ab-ba-gi-na dumu ur-nigar{gar} dumu da-a-a
 en: 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Abba-gina, son of Ur-nigar, son of Dayya,
10. im-e tak4-a
 en: remainder of the preceding year,
  blank space
11. tir iri-bu3-ra i3-dab5
 en: the Bura-town-woods took in charge;
12. 1(asz@c) GAN2 lal3-mes
 en: 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Lal-mes,
13. tir a-du10-ga-nigin i3-dab5
 en: the Aduganigin-woods took in charge;
14. 1(asz@c) GAN2 a-bu-du10
 en: 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Abu-ṭab,
15. tir gar-su4-da i3-dab5
 en: the Garsuda-woods took in charge;
16. 1(asz@c) GAN2 lugal-da-ga
 en: 1 aš-c-(worker), ‘field’: Lugal-daga,
17. usz2 ama-ki pa4 ur-nigar[{gar}]
 en: dead: Ama-ki, oldest brother of Ur-nigar,
18. dumu ur-{d}isztaran
 en: son of Ur-Ištaran,
19. tir GAN2-masz{ki} i3-dab5
 en: the GANmaš-woods took in charge;
  blank space
20. ugula ur-{d}szara2
 en: foreman: Ur-Šara;
  Ur-Šara is foreman of the workers in the third set of 11 tir of this account
column 3
  blank space
1. [szunigin 3(asz@c)] GAN2# gurusz ugula
 en: [total: 3 aš-c-(workers)], ‘field’ corporate slaves, foremen;
2. [szunigin n] dumu-nita2 diri
 en: [total: n] extra male child;
3. szunigin 1(disz) dumu-nita2
 en: total: 1 diš-(worker) male child;
4. szunigin 1(disz) gurusz szu-gi4
 en: total: 1 diš-corporate slave, old one;
5. ugula i3-dab5
 en: the foreman took in charge;
6. szunigin 2(u@c) 3(asz@c) GAN2 gurusz
 en: total: 23 aš-c-(workers), ‘field’, corporate slaves;
7. szunigin 1(asz@c) gurusz nu-dab
 en: total: 1 aš-c-(worker), corporate slave, not took in charge;
  appears to be correction in partially dried clay
8. szunigin 5(asz) dumu-nita2
 en: total: 5 aš-(workers), male children;
  appears to be correction in partially dried clay
9. szunigin 1(u) 1(disz) dumu-nita2
 en: total: 11 diš-(workers), male children;
10. szunigin 2(disz) gurusz szu-gi4
 en: total: 2 diš-(workers), corporate slaves, old ones;
11. szunigin 1(asz@c) gurusz zah3
 en: total: 1 aš-(worker), corporate slave, flown;
12. szunigin 1(asz) gurusz nu-dab
 en: total: 1 aš-(worker), corporate slave, not took in charge;
  appears to be correction in partially dried clay
13. szunigin 2(disz) dumu-nita2 nu-dab
 en: total: 2 diš-(workers), male children, not passed by;
  appears to be correction in partially dried clay
14. szunigin 4(asz@c) GAN2 ug3 gurusz
 en: total: 4 aš-c-(workers), ‘field’, porters, corporate slaves;
15. szunigin 1(asz@c) ug3 gurusz 1(barig) 1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 sze 4(disz) ma-na siki-ta
 en: total: 1 aš-(worker), porter, corporate slave at 1 barig 1 ban2 5 sila3 barley 4 mana wool each;
16. szunigin 2(disz) dumu-nita2
 en: total: 2 diš-(workers), male children;
17. ug3-IL2-me
 en: —they are porters—;
  blank space
18. sze-bi 1(barig) 1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3
 en: their barley: 1 barig 1 ban2 5 sila3,
19. iti-da be6-dam
 en: to be distributed monthly;
20. siki-bi 4(disz) ma-na
 en: their wool 4 mana,
21. mu-a be6-dam
 en: to be distributed yearly;
  blank space
22. gurum2 ak erin2 dab-ba lu2 tir-ra
 en: inspection of the troops passed by as foresters:
23. a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma{ki}
 en: Ayakalla, ensi of Umma;
24. giri3 sza3-ta-ku3-zu sukkal
 en: via Šata-kuzu, the sukkal,
25. lu2-{d}inanna sukkal
 en: Lu-Inanna, the sukkal,
26. u3 lu2-{d}nanna dumu inim-{d}szara2
 en: and Lu-Nanna, son of Inim-Šara;
27. iti ezem-{d}dumu-zi
 en: month: “Dumuzi festival,”
28. mu en-nun-ne2#-{d}amar-{d}suen-ra-ki-ag2 en eridu{ki} ba-hun
 en: Year: “Ennune-Amar-Suenra-ki’ag as priest of Eridu was installed.”

Consult previous versions and their differences
Consult sign list of Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Consult word list of Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)

  • Artifact type: Tablet
  • Material: Clay
  • Measurements (mm):
  • Weight:
  • Artifact Preservation:
  • Condition Description:
  • Join Information:
  • Seal no.:
  • Seal information:
  • Artifact comments:

  • primary: OrSP 47-49, 382

    [Schneider1930OrSP47-49] Schneider, Nikolaus. 1930. “Die Geschäftsurkunden Aus Drehem Und Djoha in Den Staatlichen Museen (VAT) Zu Berlin.” Orientalia 47–49.

  • history: Sallaberger, OBO 160/3, p. 326-329

    [Sallaberger1999OBO160/3] Sallaberger, Walther. 1999. “Ur III-Zeit.” In Annäherungen 3: Mesopotamien. Akkade-Zeit Und Ur III-Zeit, edited by Pascal Attinger and Markus Wäfler, 119–390. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 160/3. Freiburg Schweiz: Universitätsverlag.

  • history: AOS 68, p.73-115, p. 107-110 no. 41

    [Steinkeller1987foresters] Steinkeller, Piotr. 1987. “The Foresters of Umma: Toward a Definition of Ur III Labor.” In Labor in the Ancient Near East, edited by Marvin A. Powell, 73–115. American Oriental Series, Volume 68. New Haven, Connecticut: American Oriental Society.

  • citation: CUSAS 6, p.153-159, p. 155-159

    [Heimpel2011forests] Heimpel, Wolfgang. 2011. “On the Location of Forests in Garšana.” In Garšana Studies, edited by David I. Owen, 153–59. Cornell University Studies in Assyriology and Sumerology (CUSAS), Volume 6. Bethesda, Maryland: CDL Press.

  • citation: ASJ 17, p.329-332, p. 331

    [Maeda1995šu-gu4] Maeda, Tohru. 1995. “Šu-Gu₄ = Gu₄-Šu-Gi₄.” Acta Sumerologica 17: 329–32.

  • citation: CUSAS 3, 1438

    [Owen2007CUSAS3] Owen, David I., and Rudolf H. Mayr. 2007. The Garšana Archives. Cornell University Studies in Assyriology and Sumerology (CUSAS), Volume 3. Bethesda, Maryland: CDL Press.

  • citation: RA 73, p.101-120, 110

    [Sigrist1979ERÍN] Sigrist, Marcel. 1979. “ERÍN - UN-ÍL.” Revue d’Assyriologie et d’Archéologie Orientale 73: 101–20.

  • citation: OrAnt 17, p.35-59, p. 49

    [Waetzoldt1978OrSP47/49] Waetzoldt, Hartmut. 1978. “Miscellanea Neo-Sumerica, VII: Kollationen Zu N. Schneider, Die Geschäftsurkunden Aus Drehem Und Djoha in Den Staatlichen Museen (VAT) Zu Berlin = ‘Orientalia’ (Series Prior) 47-49, Roma 1930.” Oriens Antiquus 17: 35–59.

  • citation: Care of the Elderly p.23-57, p. 40

    [Wilcke1998elderly] Wilcke, Claus. 1998. “Care of the Elderly in Mesopotamia in the Third Millennium B.C.” In The Care of the Elderly in the Ancient Near East, edited by Marten Stol and Sven P. Vleeming, 23–57. Studies in the History and Culture of the Ancient Near East, Volume 14. Leiden, Boston, Köln: Brill.

  • collation: OrAnt 17, p.35-59, p. 49

    [Waetzoldt1978OrSP47/49] Waetzoldt, Hartmut. 1978. “Miscellanea Neo-Sumerica, VII: Kollationen Zu N. Schneider, Die Geschäftsurkunden Aus Drehem Und Djoha in Den Staatlichen Museen (VAT) Zu Berlin = ‘Orientalia’ (Series Prior) 47-49, Roma 1930.” Oriens Antiquus 17: 35–59.

  • Composite No.:
  • Museum No.: VAT 07042
  • Accession No.:

  • Provenience: Umma (mod. Tell Jokha)
  • Elevation:
  • Stratigraphic Level:
  • Excavation No:
  • Findspot Square:
  • Findspot Comments:

  • Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
  • Dates Referenced: Amar-Suen.08.06.00
  • Alternative Years:
  • Date Comments:
  • Accounting Period: 0

Created Creator Type Authors Project Reviewer Status Action
2024-07-21 at 13:09:24 Firth, Richard Artifact, Other Entity Firth, Richard Firth, Richard approved View
2024-07-21 at 13:08:26 Firth, Richard Artifact, Other Entity Firth, Richard Firth, Richard approved View
2017-03-03 at 09:55:18 Englund, Robert K. Atf CDLI CDLI approved View
2014-05-14 at 12:56:55 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2012-08-08 at 17:07:50 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2012-08-07 at 12:46:16 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2012-08-07 at 12:43:18 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2012-08-07 at 12:40:58 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2011-07-22 at 13:54:16 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2011-05-02 at 14:28:37 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2009-06-08 at 02:57:27 Heimpel, Wolfgang Atf Heimpel, Wolfgang CDLI approved View
2009-06-07 at 19:55:57 Heimpel, Wolfgang Atf Heimpel, Wolfgang CDLI approved View
2006-10-12 at 12:24:30 CDLI Atf CDLI CDLI approved View
2001-12-20 at 00:00:00 CDLI Artifact CDLI CDLI approved View

Consult this artifact as presented on the website of collections and projects:

General Notes: -
CDLI Notes:

20151217 englund: P105528 = BCT 2, 288 is 2 years earlier, l. 1 szu ur-sila-luh, here l. 1 usz2 ur-sila-luh

Cite this Artifact
“OrSP 47-49, 382 Artifact Entry.” (2001) 2024. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). July 21, 2024. https://cdli.ucla.edu/P125272.
OrSP 47-49, 382 artifact entry (No. P125272). (2024, July 21). Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). https://cdli.ucla.edu/P125272 (Original work published 2001)
OrSP 47-49, 382 artifact entry (2024) Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). Available at: https://cdli.ucla.edu/P125272 (Accessed: February 14, 2025).
	note = {[Online; accessed 2025-02-14]},
	year = {2024},
	month = {jul 21},
	title = {OrSP 47-49, 382 artifact entry},
	url = {https://cdli.ucla.edu/P125272},
	howpublished = {https://cdli.ucla.edu/P125272},

DA  - 2024/7/21/
PY  - 2024
ID  - P125272
LB  - CDLI:P125272
M1  - 2025/2/14/
TI  - OrSP 47-49, 382 artifact entry
UR  - https://cdli.ucla.edu/P125272
ER  - 
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