OIP 115, 143 (P123380)

Administrative tablet excavated in Puzriš-Dagan (mod. Drehem), dated to the Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) period and now kept in Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures West Asia & North Africa Museum, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Image © Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures of the University of Chicago More info.


1. 1(disz) udu
2. ba-usz2
3. u4 2(u) 8(disz)-kam
4. sza3 tum-ma-al{ki}
5. ki en-dingir-mu-ta
1. ur-nigar{gar}
2. szu ba-ti
  blank space
3. iti ezem-{d}szul-gi
4. mu ha-ar-szi{ki} u3 ki-masz{ki} ba-hul