MVN 08, 133 (P115524)
Administrative tablet excavated in Puzriš-Dagan (mod. Drehem), dated to the Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) period and now kept in College de France, Paris, FranceMetadata / catalogue
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Text data
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As TTL As JSON-LD As RDF/JSON As RDF/XMLMuseum Collection(s)
College de France, Paris, FranceMuseum Number
CFC 092Period
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)Provenience
Puzriš-Dagan (mod. Drehem)Artifact Type
ClayGenre / Subgenre(s)
34.0 mm × 30.0 mm × 15.0 mm
1. 1(disz) gu4 niga#
2. {d}ku-ku e2-a-na kux(KWU147)-ra
3. giri3 la-gi-ip sagi
4. ki ur-szu-ga-lam-ma-ta
5. ba-zi
6. iti u4 2(u) 8(disz) ba-zal
1. giri3 nam-ha-ni szar2-ra-ab-du
2. sza3 uri5{ki}-ma
written in blank space
3. iti ezem-{d}nin-a-[zu]
4. mu ma2-dara3-abzu ba-ab-du8
Consult previous versions and their differences
Consult sign list of Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Consult word list of Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
- Artifact type: Tablet
- Material: Clay
- Measurements (mm): 34.0 high × 30.0 wide × 15.0 thick
- Weight:
- Artifact Preservation:
- Condition Description:
- Join Information:
- Seal no.:
- Seal information:
- Artifact comments:
- Genre(s): Administrative
- Language(s): Sumerian
primary: MVN 8, 133
[Calvot1979MVN8] Calvot, Danielle, Fawzi Rashid, Sergio A. Picchioni, and Giovanni Pettinato. 1979. Textes Économiques de Ṣelluš-Dagan Du Musée Du Louvre et Du Collège de France; Testi Economici Dell’Iraq Museum, Baghdad. Materiali per Il Vocabolario Neosumerico 8. Roma: Multigrafica Editrice.
collation: RA 75, p.75-88, p. 81
[Lafont1981MVN8] Lafont, Bertrand. 1981. “Bibliographie: A Propos de La Publication d’un Ouvrage Récent (MVN 8).” Revue d’Assyriologie et d’Archéologie Orientale 75: 75–88.
- Composite No.:
- Museum No.: CFC 092
- Accession No.:
- Provenience: Puzriš-Dagan (mod. Drehem)
- Elevation:
- Stratigraphic Level:
- Excavation No:
- Findspot Square:
- Findspot Comments:
- Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
- Dates Referenced: Šū-Suen.02.05.28
- Alternative Years:
- Date Comments:
- Accounting Period: 0
Created | Creator | Type | Authors | Project | Reviewer | Status | Action |
2011-07-22 at 13:39:23 | Englund, Robert K. | Atf | Englund, Robert K. | CDLI | approved | ||
2011-05-02 at 14:18:51 | Englund, Robert K. | Atf | Englund, Robert K. | CDLI | approved | ||
2006-10-12 at 12:20:38 | CDLI | Atf | CDLI | CDLI | approved | ||
2001-12-20 at 00:00:00 | CDLI | Artifact | CDLI | CDLI | approved |
Consult this artifact as presented on the website of collections and projects: