JCS 23, 071 3 (P111957)

Administrative tag excavated in Girsu (mod. Tello), dated to the Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) period and now kept in Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Image © [see publications]


object tag
1. pisan-dub-ba
 en: Basket-of-tablets:
2. gurum2 ak
 en: xxx
3. giri3#? unu3#-e-ne
 en: xxx
  more like ni e2 dab5 ...
4. nu#-banda3 lugal-iri-da#
 en: xxx
5. u3 lu2-giri17#-zal#
 en: xxx
1. i3-gal2
 en: xxx
  blank space
2. mu ha-ar-szi{ki} ba-hul
 en: xxx