CDLJ 2003/1 no. 1 (P109319)

Administrative tablet excavated in Umma (mod. Tell Jokha), dated to the Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) period and now kept in Land Berlin, Berlin, Germany

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Museum Collection(s)

Land Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Museum Number

Berlin 001


Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)


Umma (mod. Tell Jokha)

Artifact Type




Genre / Subgenre(s)





161.0 mm × 166.0 mm × 36.0 mm

column 1
1. 7(gesz2) 3(u) 6(disz) 1(u) gin2 gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 456 1/6 workdays, male laborer,
2. si-i3-tum mu {d}szu-{d}suen lugal
 en: remaining (deficit) of year “Šu-Suen is king” (Šu-Suen 1).
3. 1/2(disz) sza3-ku3-ge
 en: 1/2 (workman): Ša-kuge,
4. gab2-us2 {gesz}apin-du10
 en: herding apprentice of Apin-du.
5. 1/2(disz) lu2-{d}szara2
 en: 1/2 (workman): Lu-Šara.
6. 1(disz) ug3 {d}nin-szubur-an-dul3
 en: 1 (workman,) porter: Ninšubur-andul,
7. sza3-gu4 ur-{gesz}gigir lugal-ku3-ga-ni i3-dab5
 en: oxen driver of Ur-gigir, Lugal-kugani took responsibility for him.
8. 1/2(disz) ur-{d}szul-pa-e3
 en: 1/2 (workman): Ur-Šulpa’e.
9. 1/2(disz) lu2-{d}szara2
 en: 1/2 (workman): Lu-Šara.
10. 1/2(disz) lugal-ur2-ra-ni
 en: 1/2 (workman): Lugal-urani,
11. gab2-ra {gesz}apin-du10 mu ku3-ga-ni-sze3
 en: gabra(herder) of Apin-du, in place of Kugani.
12. 1/2(disz) ur-pa4-u2-e
 en: 1/2 (workman): Ur-Pa’u’e.
13. 1/2(disz) ur-{d}ma-mi
 en: 1/2 (workman): Ur-Mami.
14. 1/2(disz) ur-{d}szul-pa-e3 simug
 en: 1/2 (workman): Ur-Šulpa’e, smith.
15. 1/2(disz) x-x-gi
 en: 1/2 (workman): x (falsified by repair of tablet).
16. 1/2(disz) ur-{d}bil4#-ga-mes
 en: 1/2 (workman): Ur-Gilgameš.
17. 1(disz) ug3 ur-ki-mah
 en: 1 (workman,) porter: Ur-kimah.
18. 1(disz) ug3 ur-{d}utu
 en: 1 (workman,) porter: Ur-Utu.
19. 1/2(disz) szesz-a-ni
 en: 1/2 (workman): Šeš-ani.
20. 1(disz) ug3 lu2-ga-mu
 en: 1 (workman,) porter: Lu-gamu.
21. 1(disz) ug3 e2-a-lu-bi
 en: 1 (workman,) porter: Ea-lubi.
22. 1(disz) ug3 he2#-gi-na
 en: 1 (workman,) porter: Hegina.
23. 1(disz) ug3# lu2-giri17-zal
 en: 1 (workman,) porter: Lu-girizal,
24. gab2-ra a-kal-la
 en: gabra(herder) of Akala,
25. ama lugal?-gu4-e
 en: “mother” of Lugal-gu’e (?).
26. 1/2(disz) na-ba-sa6
 en: 1/2 (workman): Nabasa.
27. 1/2(disz) szesz-kal-la
 en: 1/2 (workman): Šeškala.
28. 1/2(disz) mu-zu-da
 en: 1/2 (workman): Muzuda.
29. 1/2(disz) inim-{d}inanna
 en: 1/2 (workman): Inim-Inanna,
30. sza3-gu4 lugal-nesag-e
 en: oxen driver of Lugal-nesage,
31. gab2-us2 nig2-du7-pa-e3
 en: herding apprentice of Nigdu-pa’e.
32. 1/2(disz) ur-{d}szul-pa-e3
 en: 1/2 (workman): Ur-Šulpa’e.
column 2
1. 1/2(disz) lu2-ma2-gan-na
 en: 1/2 (workman): Lu-Magana.
2. 1/2(disz) ur-e2-mah
 en: 1/2 (workman): Ur-emah.
3. 1/2(disz) du11-ga-{d}szara2
 en: 1/2 (workman): Duga-Šara.
4. 1/2(disz) ARAD2-mu
 en: 1/2 (workman): ARAD2-mu,
5. libir-am3
 en: they are of the previous (workforce).
6. 1/2(disz) lu2-usz-gi-na
 en: 1/2 (workman): Lu-uš-gina.
7. 1/2(disz) ARAD2-mu
 en: 1/2 (workman): ARAD2-mu;
8. dumu lugal-igi-husz-me
 en: they are sons of Lugal-igihuš,
9. im!-e tak4-a-ta
 en: remainder from the previous year (?).
10. 1/2(disz) un-da-ga dumu u-bar
 en: 1/2 (workman): Undaga, son of Ubar,
  P142628 obv. 1: 1/2(disz) un-da-ga
  P142628 obv. 3: lu2-{d}szara2 i3-dab5#
  P142628 obv. 2: iti sze-sag11-ku5-ta
  P142628 rev. 2: mu ma2# {d#}en-ki ba-ab-du8
  P142628 seal 1 1: lu2-{d}szara2
  P142628 seal 1 2: dub-sar
  P142628 seal 1 3: dumu lugal-inim-gi-na
11. ki lu2-dingir-ra ugula-ta
 en: from Lu-dingira, foreman.
  P142628 rev. 1 [ugula?] lu2#?-[dingir?]-ra#?
12. 1/2(disz) ur-{d}en-lil2-la2 tir
 en: 1/2 (workman): Ur-Enlila, forester.
13. 1(disz) ug3 ur-{d}dumu-zi dumu ARAD2-x
 en: 1 (workman,) porter: Ur-Dumuzi, son of ARAD2-x,
14. ki ARAD2 ugula-ta#
 en: from ARAD2, foreman.
  blank space
15. iti 1(u) 2(disz)-sze3
 en: It is (a period of) 12 months:
16. iti sze-sag11-ku5-ta!
 en: from month “Harvest” (1st month, Umma calendar)
17. iti {d}dumu-zi-sze3
 en: until the month “Dumuzi” (12th month).
18. 1(disz) ug3 lu2-{d}szul#-gi-ra dumu lugal-bad3# dumu diri-ta
 en: 1 (workman,) porter: Lu-Šulgira, son of Lugal-bad, from the “excess children,”
19. iti 4(disz)-sze3
 en: for 4 months,
  some text moved to next line
20. iti {d#}li9-si4-ta
 en: from month “Lisi” (9th month)
21. iti# {d}dumu#-zi-sze3
 en: until the month “Dumuzi” (12th month).
  blank space
22. a2 ug3-IL2-bi u4 5(gesz'u)
 en: The corresponding production of the porters: 3,000 days.
23. a2 dumu-gi7-bi u4 1(szar2) 1(gesz'u) 2(gesz2)!
 en: The corresponding production of “dumugi”: 4,320 days.
24. 2(u) 4(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3#
 en: 24 workdays,
25. a2 u4-du8-a ug3#-IL2 sag-ba zi-ga
 en: the production of free days of (the sick) porter (already) booked out of the debits.
26. 7(gesz2) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 420 workdays,
27. a2 dumu-gi7 szesz-tab-ba bala-a gub-ba#
 en: the production of “dumugi apprentices” in bala service.
  blank space
column 3
  blank space
1. szunigin# 2(szar2) 1(gesz'u) 7(gesz2) 1(u) gin2 gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: Together: 8,220 1/6 workdays, male laborers,
  blank space
2. sag-nig2-gur11-ra-kam
 en: are the debit.
3. sza3-bi-ta
 en: Therefrom:
4. 5(gesz2) 4(u) 5(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 345 workdays,
5. gurx(|SZE.KIN|)-a zar3 tab-ba a-sza3 a-u2-da-gu-la a-sza3 a-u2-da-tur u3 a-sza3 ensi2-ka
 en: harvested and sheaves piled up in the A’uda-gula field, in the A’uda-tur field and in the Governor field.
6. 3(gesz2) 1(u) 5(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 195 workdays,
7. gurx(|SZE.KIN|)-a zar3 tab-ba a-sza3 nun-na a-sza3 nam-ha-ni u3 a-sza3 iszib-e-ne
 en: harvested and sheaves piled up in the Prince field, in the Namhani field and in the Incantation priests field.
8. 2(gesz2) 3(u) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 150 workdays,
9. gurx(|SZE.KIN|)-a zar3 tab-ba a-sza3 gu4-suhub2 a-sza3 bad3-du3-a [a]-sza3 u2-du-{d}nin-a-ra-li u3 gaba a-sza3 gibil
 en: harvested and sheaves piled up in the Oxen-boot field, in the field Constructed-wall, in the field Cattle herder of Nin-Arali and (in the field) across from the new field.
10. 4(gesz2) 5(u) 5(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 295 workdays, male laborers,
11. a-da gub-ba a-sza3 {d}szara2-he2#-gal2 a-sza3 apin-ba-zi u3# a-sza3 a-u2-da-gu-la
 en: irrigation work in the field Šara-is-abundance, in the field Plough-of-Bazi and in the A’uda-gula field.
12. 1(gesz2) 2(u) 5(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 85 workdays, male laborers,
13. kab2#-ku5# a#-sza3 nun-na-ta sahar zi-ga# a#-sza3#-ge a du11-ga a-sza3 nun-na u3 a-sza3 nam#-ha-ni
 en: water installation in the Prince field, earth excavated, irrigation in the Prince field and in the Namhani field.
14. kiszib3 da-a-ga
 en: Sealed tablet of Da’aga.
15. 1(gesz'u) 7(gesz2) 5(u)
 en: (Partial sum:) 1,070
column 4
1. 3(gesz2) 1(u) 5(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 195 workdays, male laborers,
2. gurx(|SZE.KIN|)-a zar3 tab-ba a-sza3 igi-e2-mah-sze3 u3 a-sza3 {d}nin-ur4-ra
 en: harvested and sheaves piled up in the field Before-Emah and in the field Ninura.
3. 2(gesz2) 1(u) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 130 workdays, male laborers,
4. a-da gub-ba a-sza3 igi-e2-mah-sze3 u3 a-sza3 {d}nin-ur4-ra
 en: irrigation work in the field Before-Emah and in the field Ninura.
5. kiszib3 a-kal-la
 en: Sealed tablet of Akala.
6. 5(gesz2) 5(u) 1(disz) 1/2(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 351 1/2 workdays, male laborers,
7. gurx(|SZE.KIN|)-a zar3 tab-ba a-sza3 GAN2-mah a-sza3 nin10-nu-du3 u3 a-sza3 apin-ba-zi
 en: harvested and sheaves piled up in the field GAN2-mah, in the field Ninnudu and in the field Plough-of-Bazi.
8. 2(gesz2) 4(u) 5(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 165 workdays, male laborers,
9. kab2-ku5 GAN2-mah-ta sahar zi-ga u3 u2 na-ga-ab-tum-ma ga2!-ra
 en: from the water installation of GAN2-mah earth excavated and green plants placed in the pen.
10. 1(gesz2) 4(u) 8(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 108 workdays, male laborers,
11. kab2-ku5 gu4-suhub2-ka ka e2-DUN-da si-ga
 en: the water installation of the Oxen-boot (field) at the intake of the EDUN (canal) filled in.
12. 1(gesz2) 4(u) 7(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 107 workdays, male laborers,
13. kab2-ku5 a-sza3 nun-na-ta sahar zi-ga
 en: from the water installation of the Prince field earth excavated.
14. 2(gesz2) 4(u) 5(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 165 workdays, male laborers,
15. a-da gub-ba a-sza3 apin-ba-zi
 en: irrigation work in the field Plough-of-Bazi.
16. 1(gesz2) 3(u) 2(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 92 workdays, male laborers,
17. durux(U3) lugal ki-sur-ra-ka gub-ba
 en: stationed at the King’s bridge (?) of Kisurra.
  blank space
18. 1(u)# gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3 {kusz}a-ga2-la2 kesz2#-ra2 ma2-da-ga ma2-a gar [a]-pi4#-sal4{ki}-ta ka gir13-giz-sze3 ma2# gid2-da u3 ma2 gur-ra
 en: 10 workdays, male laborers, agala leather bags bound, in Madaga loaded into a barge, from Apisal to the fork from Girgiz punted and the barge returned.
19. 2(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) 3(disz) 1/2(disz)
 en: (Partial sum:) 1,323 1/2.
column 5
1. kiszib3 2(disz)# lu2-gi-na
 en: 2 sealed tablets of Lu-gina.
2. 3(gesz2) 3(u) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 210 workdays, male laborers,
3. a-sza3-ge a du11-ga a-sza3 {d}nin-ur4-ra-du6-na
 en: field irrigation work performed in the field Ninura-duna,
4. ka i7-da puzur4-ma-ma-sze3 {u2}har-an ga6-ga2
 en: to the fork of the canal Puzur-Mama haran plants carried.
5. kiszib3 sza3-ku3-ge
 en: Sealed tablet of Ša-kuge.
6. 4(gesz2) 4(u) 5(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 285 workdays, male laborers,
7. kun-zi-da u3-dag-ga-ka gub-ba
 en: stationed at the reservoir of the Daga bridge.
8. 3(u) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3 gi na-ga-ab-tum durux(U3) dag-ga-da tusz-a
 en: 30 workdays, male laborers, staying at the “reed nagabtum-pen” with the Daga bridge.
9. kiszib3 lu2-{d}szara2 dumu iri-bar-re
 en: Sealed tablet of Lu-Šara, son of Iri-bare.
10. 5(gesz2) 1(u) 5(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 315 workdays, male laborers,
11. kun-zi-da e2 {d}lamma-ka gub-ba
 en: at the reservoir of the Lamma temple in service.
12. kiszib3 lugal-inim-gi-na
 en: Sealed tablet of Lugal-inim-gina.
13. 3(gesz2) 1(u) 5(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 195 workdays, male laborers,
14. kab2-ku5 {d}szul-pa-e3-ta sahar zi-ga
 en: from the water installation at the Šulpa’e( field) earth excavated,
15. a-da gub-ba a-sza3 {d}szul-pa-e3
 en: irrigation work in the Šulpa’e field,
16. kab2-ku5 a-u2-da-tur ku5-ra2 u3 szu2-luh ak
 en: water installation of the A’uda-tur (field) cut off (?) and cleaned.
17. kiszib3 lugal-he2-gal2
 en: Sealed tablet of Lugal-hegal.
18. 3(gesz2) 1(u) 5(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 195 workdays, male laborers,
19. a-da gub-ba a-sza3 bad3-du3-a a-sza3 iszib-e-ne u3 a-sza3 u2-du-lu2-saga
 en: irrigation work in the field Constructed-wall, in the Incantation-priests field and in the field Herders-of-Lusag.
20. kiszib3 na-ba-sa6
 en: Sealed tablet of Nabasa.
21. 2(gesz2) 5(u) 7(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 177 workdays, male laborers,
22. a-sza3-ge a du11-ga a-sza3 {d}szara2-gu2-gal
 en: field irrigation work performed in the field Šara-gugal
23. kiszib3 2(disz) a-gu-gu
 en: Two sealed tablets of Agugu.
24. 3(u) la2 1(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 30 less 1 workdays, male laborers,
25. mar-sa-a gub-ba ugu2 ur-e11-e ba-a-gar
 en: stationed in the boathouse, booked into the debit section of Ur-e’e(’s account).
26. kiszib3 ur-{d}nun-gal
 en: Sealed tablet of Ur-Nungal.
27. tu-ra e2-a-lu-bi
 en: Sick: Ea-lubi,
28. iti dal-ta
 en: from the month “Flight” (5th month)
29. iti {d}dumu-zi-sze3
 en: until the month “Dumuzi” (12th month),
30. a2-bi u4 4(gesz2)-kam
 en: the corresponding production: 240 days.
31. kiszib3 ur-e11-e
 en: Sealed tablet of Ur-e’e.
32. 3(disz) gurusz u4 1(gesz2) 1(u)-sze3
 en: 3 workers, male laborers, 70 workdays each,
33. a2-bi u4 3(gesz2) 3(u)-kam
 en: the corresponding production: 210 days,
34. ma2-da-ga-asz gen-na
 en: having gone to Madga.
35. kiszib3 lugal-iti-da
 en: Sealed tablet of Lugal-itida.
36. 3(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) 2(u) 6(disz)
 en: (Partial sum:) 1,886
column 1
1. 1(u) 5(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 15 workdays, male laborers,
2. e2 bahar3-a gub-ba
 en: stationed in the pottery factory.
3. kiszib3 inim-{d}szara2
 en: Sealed tablet of Inim-Šara.
4. 1(u) 5(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 15 workdays, male laborers,
5. guru7 GAN2-mah im ur3-ra
 en: silo of GAN2-mah plastered with clay.
6. kiszib3 gu-du-du
 en: Sealed tablet of Gududu.
7. 2(gesz2) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 120 workdays, male laborers,
8. ki-su7 nin10-nu-du3-a-ta a-pi4-sal4{ki}-sze3 in-u im-la2
 en: from the threshing floor of the (field) Ninnudu to Apisal straw hung out.
9. 3(u) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 30 workdays, male laborers,
10. ga2-nun du6-ku3-sig17-ta guru7 a-pi4-sal4{ki}-sze3 gi ma2-a ga2-ra ma2 gid2-da u3 ma2 ba-al-la
 en: reed loaded into the barge, barge from the Dukuge storage house to the silo of Apisal punted and barge unloaded.
11. kiszib3 2(disz) lu2-du10-ga
 en: 2 sealed tablets of Lu-duga.
12. 1(u) 8(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 18 workdays, male laborers,
13. kun-zi-da e2 {d}lamma-ka-sze3 nig2-gu2-na bala-a ga6-ga2
 en: transport of the bala load to the reservoir of the Lamma temple.
14. 4(u) 2(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 42 workdays, male laborers,
15. a-pi4-sal4{ki}-ta nibru{ki}-sze3 ma2 nig2-ar3-ra u3 sze mu-sza gid2-da
 en: from Apisal to Nippur barge with rough ground flour and muša grain punted.
16. kiszib3 szesz-saga
 en: Sealed tablet of Šeš-saga.
17. 2(u) 4(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 24 workdays, male laborers,
18. ki-su7 {d}szara2-gu2-gal-ka sze bala-a
 en: from the threshing floor of Šara-gugal barley transferred.
19. 2(u) 4(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 24 workdays, male laborers,
20. e2-amar-ra dabin bala-a sze ma2-a si-ga
 en: in E-amara flour transferred, barley loaded in the barge.
21. 2(u) 4(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 24 workdays, male laborers,
22. a-pi4-sal4{ki}-sze3 ma2 sze gid2-da ma2 ba-al-la u3 sze bala-a
 en: barge with barley to Apisal punted, barge unloaded and barley transferred.
23. 2(gesz2) 1(u) 8(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 138 workdays, male laborers,
24. ki-su7 nin10-nu-du3-a-ta e2-duru5-a-bu3-ka-sze3 sze zi-ga
 en: from the threshing floor of Ninnudu for the Abu-village barley winnowed.
25. 2(u) 6(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 26 workdays, male laborers,
26. kun-zi-da a-gi-ze2-a-ka gub-ba
 en: stationed at the reservoir of Agizea.
27. 1(gesz2) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 60 workdays, male laborers,
28. kun-zi-da e2 {d}lamma-ka-sze3 zi3 ga6-ga2
 en: to the Lamma temple reservoir flour carried.
29. 8(gesz2) 5(u) 6(disz)
 en: (Partial sum:) 536.
column 2
1. 2(gesz2) 1(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 121 workdays, male laborers,
2. a-pi4-sal4{ki}-ta nibru{ki}-sze3 ma2 zi3-da gid2-da [zi3] bala-a u3 ma2 su3 a-pi4-sal4{ki}-sze3 gur-ra
 en: from the Apisal to Nippur barge with flour punted, flour transferred and empty barge returned to Apisal.
3. 2(gesz2) 8(disz)# gurusz# u4# 1(disz)#-sze3#
 en: 128 workdays, male laborers,
4. umma{ki}-sze3 gu4 niga-da gen-na
 en: walked with fattening oxen to Umma.
5. giri3 lu2-{d}suen kuruszda
 en: Responsible: Lu-Suen, the fattener.
6. 4(u) 5(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)#-sze3
 en: 45 workdays, male laborers,
7. a-pi4-sal4{ki}-ta nibru{ki}-sze3 ma2 i3 ga ku6 gid2-da
 en: from Apisal to Nippur barge with oil, cheese and fish punted;
8. a-ra2 1(disz)-kam
 en: 1st time.
  blank space
9. 5(u)! gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 50 workdays, male laborers,
10. a-pi4-sal4{ki}-ta nibru{ki}-sze3 ma2 i3 ga gid2-da i3 ga e2-gal-la kux(KWU147)-ra u3 ma2 gur-ra
 en: from the Apisal to Nippur barge with oil and cheese punted, oil and cheese brought into the royal estate and barge returned;
11. a-ra2 2(disz)-kam
 en: 2nd time.
12. 1(gesz2) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 60 workdays, male laborers,
13. a-pi4-sal4{ki}-ta nibru{ki}-sze3 ma2 i3 ga gid2-da i3 ga e2-gal-la kux(KWU147)-ra u3 ma2 gur-ra
 en: from Apisal to Nippur barge with oil and cheese punted, oil and cheese brought into the royal estate and barge returned;
14. a-ra2 3(disz)-kam
 en: 3rd time.
15. giri3 a-kal-la ra-gaba
 en: Responsible: Akala, the “ragaba”.
16. 4(u) 5(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 45 workdays, male laborers,
17. a-pi4-sal4{ki}-ta nibru{ki}-sze3 ma2 i3 ga ku6 nisi gid2-da u3 ma2 gur-ra
 en: from Apisal to Nippur barge with oil, cheese, fish and vegetables punted and barge returned.
18. giri3 tur-am3-i3-li2
 en: Responsible: Turam-ili.
19. 4(u) 8(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 48 workdays, male laborers,
20. a-pi4-sal4{ki}-ta nibru{ki}-sze3 ma2 ku6 gid2-da u3 ma2 gur-ra
 en: from Apisal to Nippur barge with fish punted and barge returned.
21. giri3 nig2-lagar-e
 en: Responsible: Nig-lagare.
22. 8(gesz2) 1(u) 7(disz)
 en: (Partial sum:) 497.
column 3
1. 4(u) 8(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)#-sze3
 en: 48 workdays, male laborers,
2. e2-duru5 {d}amar-{d}suen-ta ma2 gid2-da min
 en: from the Amar-Suen village barge punted, ditto,
3. ki-su7 a-u2-da sze bala-a sze zi-ga u3 guru7 a-pi4-sal4{ki} im ur3-ra
 en: at the threshing floor of A’uda (field) barley transferred, barley winnowed, and silo of Apisal plastered with clay.
4. 4(u) 8(disz) sar 1(u) 5(disz) 1/3(disz) gin2 kin u2 sahar-ba
 en: 48 (volume) sar, 15 1/3 (volume) shekels, grass and earth worked;
5. gurusz-e 1(u) gin2-ta
 en: per male laborers (workday) 10 (volume) shekels,
6. a2-bi u4 4(gesz2) 4(u) 9(disz) 1/2(disz) 2(disz) gin2
 en: the corresponding production: 289 1/2 2 shekels days;
7. ugu2 ur-e11-e-ka ba-a-gar
 en: booked into the debit section of Ur-e’e(’s account).
8. 3(gesz2) 1(u) 8(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 198 workdays, male laborers,
9. gi-zi sza3-gal udu niga sa2-du11 {d}szara2-ka ze2-a a-sza3 {d}na-ra-am-{d}suen e2-udu a-pi4-sal4{ki}-sze3 ga6-ga2
 en: good reed, fodder for the fattening sheep, the regular offerings of Šara, torn out in the field of Naram-Sin, to the sheep fold in Apisal carried.
  blank space
10. kiszib3 lu2-{d}ha-ia3
 en: Sealed tablet of Lu-Haya.
11. 5(gesz2) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
 en: 300 workdays, male laborers,
12. ki-su7 nin10-nu-du3-a-ta e2-amar-ra-sze3 in-u ga6-ga2
 en: from the threshing floor of Ninnudu to E-amara straw carried.
13. kiszib3 a-tu szusz3
 en: Sealed tablet of Atu, chief cattle administrator.
  blank space
14. 1(gesz'u) 3(gesz2) 5(u) 5(disz) 1/2(disz) 2(disz) gin2
 en: (Partial sum:) 835 1/2 2 shekels.
column 4
  blank space
1. [5(gesz2) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3]
 en: 300 workdays, male laborers,
2. a2 u4-du8-a ug3#-IL2#
 en: production of free days of the porters.
3. 2(disz) gurusz u4 3(u) 5(disz)-sze3
 en: 2 male laborers, each 35 days;
4. a2-bi u4 1(gesz2) 1(u)!
 en: the corresponding production: 70 days.
5. bala-a gub-ba bala#-sze3# gen-na u3 bala-[ta] gur-ra
 en: stationed in the bala, gone to bala, returned from the bala.
  blank space
6. 6(gesz2) 1(u)
 en: (Partial sum:) 370.
column 5
1. [szunigin 1(szar2) 4(gesz'u)] 8(gesz2) 3(u) 8(disz)# 2(disz)# gin2 gurusz# [u4 1(disz)-sze3]
 en: Together 6,518 2 shekels workdays, male laborers,
2. [zi-ga]-am3#
 en: booked out.
3. [la2-ia3 2(gesz'u)] 8(gesz2)# 2(u) [2(disz) 8(disz) gin2 u4 1(disz)-sze3]
 en: deficit: 1,702 8 shekels workdays.
  blank space
4. nig2-ka9-ak a2 erin2-na-ka
 en: Account of the production of the erin workers.
5. lu2-{d}szara2 ugula dumu lugal-inim-gi-na
 en: Lu-Šara is the foreman, son of Lugal-inim-gina.
6. iti 1(u) 2(disz)-kam
 en: It is (a period of) 12 months:
7. iti sze-sag11-ku5-ta
 en: from the month “Harvest” (1st month)
8. iti {d}dumu-zi-sze3
 en: until the month “Dumuzi” (12th month);
9. mu ma2 {d}en-ki ba-ab-du8
 en: year: “The boat of Enki was caulked”.

Consult previous versions and their differences
Consult sign list of Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Consult word list of Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)

  • Artifact type: Tablet
  • Material: Clay
  • Measurements (mm): 161.0 high × 166.0 wide × 36.0 thick
  • Weight:
  • Artifact Preservation:
  • Condition Description:
  • Join Information:
  • Seal no.:
  • Seal information:
  • Artifact comments:

  • primary: CDLJ 2003/001, 1

    [Englund2003b] Englund, Robert K. 2003. “The Year: ‘Nissen Returns Joyous from a Distant Island.’” Cuneiform Digital Library Journal 2003 (1): 1–18.

    baked, repaired tablet from Umma, gurush workers

  • history: Frühe Schrift, p. 90-95 (photo and translation)

    [Nissen1991FrüheSchrift] Nissen, Hans J., Peter Damerow, and Robert K. Englund. 1991. Frühe Schrift Und Techniken Der Wirtschaftsverwaltung Im Alten Vorderen Orient. Informationsspeicherung Und -Verarbeitung Vor 5000 Jahren. Franzbecker.

  • citation: Ancient archives (pp. 37-58), 47

    [Steinkeller2003Archives] Steinkeller, Piotr. 2003. “Archival Practices at Babylonia in the Third Millennium.” Edited by Maria Brosius. Ancient Archives and Archival Traditions : Concepts of Record-Keeping in the Ancient World.

  • Composite No.:
  • Museum No.: Berlin 001
  • Accession No.:

  • Provenience: Umma (mod. Tell Jokha)
  • Elevation:
  • Stratigraphic Level:
  • Excavation No:
  • Findspot Square:
  • Findspot Comments:

  • Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
  • Dates Referenced: Šū-Suen.02.01.00, Šū-Suen.02.05.00, Šū-Suen.02.09.00, Šū-Suen.02.12.00
  • Alternative Years:
  • Date Comments:
  • Accounting Period: 0

Created Creator Type Authors Project Reviewer Status Action
2024-07-22 at 14:41:50 Firth, Richard Artifact, Other Entity Firth, Richard Firth, Richard approved View
2024-07-22 at 14:32:26 Firth, Richard Artifact, Other Entity Firth, Richard Firth, Richard approved View
2019-06-17 at 11:29:15 Firth, Richard Atf Firth, Richard CDLI approved View
2019-05-08 at 19:02:03 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2017-03-03 at 09:52:21 Englund, Robert K. Atf CDLI CDLI approved View
2016-07-28 at 14:22:34 CDLI Atf CDLI CDLI approved View
2016-03-18 at 17:33:19 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2015-12-14 at 16:37:15 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2015-03-13 at 12:42:27 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2014-02-05 at 09:47:05 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2011-07-22 at 13:29:57 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2011-05-02 at 14:12:21 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2010-06-21 at 12:05:35 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2009-06-03 at 10:00:09 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2006-10-12 at 12:18:20 CDLI Atf CDLI CDLI approved View
2001-12-20 at 00:00:00 CDLI Artifact CDLI CDLI approved View

Consult this artifact as presented on the website of collections and projects:

General Notes: -
CDLI Notes: -
Cite this Artifact
“CDLJ 2003/1 No. 1 Artifact Entry.” (2001) 2024. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). July 22, 2024.
CDLJ 2003/1 no. 1 artifact entry (No. P109319). (2024, July 22). Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). (Original work published 2001)
CDLJ 2003/1 no. 1 artifact entry (2024) Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). Available at: (Accessed: February 14, 2025).
	note = {[Online; accessed 2025-02-14]},
	year = {2024},
	month = {jul 22},
	title = {CDLJ 2003/1 no. 1 artifact entry},
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DA  - 2024/7/22/
PY  - 2024
ID  - P109319
LB  - CDLI:P109319
M1  - 2025/2/14/
TI  - CDLJ 2003/1 no. 1 artifact entry
UR  -
ER  - 
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