TSŠ 0881 (P010929)

Administrative tablet excavated in Shuruppak (mod. Fara), dated to the ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) period and now kept in Arkeoloji Müzeleri, Istanbul, Turkey

Metadata / catalogue

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Chemical Data

Seal Chemistry


Museum Collection(s)

Arkeoloji Müzeleri, Istanbul, Turkey

Museum Number

Ist Š 0881


ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC)


Shuruppak (mod. Fara)

Artifact Type




Genre / Subgenre(s)

Administrative (varia)





column 1
  beginning broken
1'. [...] i3 sila3
2'. 1(asz@c) [x] sila3
3'. 3(barig@c) dabin tur#-tur
4'. ensi2-GAR-gal
5'. [...]
6'. 3(asz@c) sze lid2-ga
7'. x-ma
8'. KA#-ma-KI [(...)]
  rest broken
column 2
  beginning broken
1'. [(...)] a2-ki-ti
2'. e2-kur
3'. e2-zi
4'. 4(asz@c) dug [1(asz)] ba-an#
5'. 4(asz@c) dug lunga3 1(asz) ba-an
6'. [...] x ba-de6
7'. {d}sud3-da-mah-di
8'. IB
9'. 3(asz@c) sze [lid2]-ga
10'. ansze [...]
  rest broken
column 3
  beginning broken
1'. [...] sze
2'. il#-tu-[tu?]
3'. a2-e3-x
4'. kab2
5'. {d}sud3-da-mah-di
6'. IB
7'. 2(ban2@c) sze
8'. e2-engur sa10
9'. 1(asz@c)? [sze? lid2?]-ga
10'. ad-[da?]
11'. 1(u@c) [...]
12'. [...]
13'. [...]
14'. [...] TUR
15'. [...] x
  rest broken
column 4
  beginning broken
1'. lunga3
2'. a2-nu-kusz2
3'. maszkim
4'. 1(barig@c) dabin
5'. al6-la dumu
6'. e2-kur
7'. utu
8'. ANSZE SAR [(...)]
  about 4 lines missing
13'. 4(asz@c) kasz sila3
14'. 1(ban2@c) sze kurun2 sila3
15'. en#?-ki
16'. dah
17'. kalam-[...]
  rest broken
column 5
  beginning broken
1'. [...] i-[ri2?]-gi
2'. lu2 uru18
3'. UR-UR
4'. maszkim
5'. maszkim-gi4
6'. 2(barig@c) 1(ban2@c) sze
7'. tug2 gu2-la2
8'. e2-gi4 [...]
9'. [...]
10'. [...]
11'. [...]-x-ki
12'. IB
13'. dumu-a2-nu-kusz2
14'. maszkim
15'. 1(ban2@c) sze
16'. GIRI3 sukkal
17'. nag
18'. lu2-bara2-[...]
  rest broken
column 6
  beginning broken
1'. [...]-ta
2'. unu3
3'. AN
4'. UR-UR
5'. maszkim
6'. maszkim-gi4
7'. 5(asz@c) 1(barig@c) dabin lid2-ga
8'. 3(asz@c) sze kurun2 sila3
9'. 1(asz@c) dabin
10'. [...]
11'. [...]
12'. [...] lid2-ga
13'. si-gar esz3
14'. sippar(|UD.LAM.NUN|){ki}
15'. lugal
16'. 2(ban2@c) dabin
17'. lu2 ma2-gid2
18'. da-ti-[...]
  rest broken
column 7
  beginning broken
1'. [...] e2
2'. dilmun mu-gar
3'. 2(disz)-kam4
4'. UR-UR
5'. maszkim
6'. 3(ban2@c) dabin
7'. 3(ban2@c) dabin tur-tur
8'. 3(ban2@c) sze kasz sa10
9'. 1(barig@c) sze ansze
10'. sag-tuku
11'. dumu
12'. e2-ti-la
13'. nag
14'. 4(ban2@c) sze kasz sa10
15'. szitim#? [(...)]
  rest broken
column 8
  beginning broken
1'. nig2-diri
2'. nin-u2-ga2?-ta
3'. sagi
4'. nam-mah
5'. dub-sar
6'. 1(barig@c) la2 1(ban2@c) sze
7'. ansze
8'. dumu
9'. IB-gibil6
10'. nag
11'. iti? 3(disz)
12'. szubur
13'. maszkim
14'. 2(ban2@c) sze
15'. ansze
  rest broken
column 9
  beginning broken
1'. 4(ban2@c)# dabin
2'. 4(ban2@c)# dabin [tur-tur]
3'. [...]
4'. GAN2 gir2-sur
5'. mu-GID2-da
6'. nam-mah
7'. dub-sar
8'. lugal [(...)]
  rest broken
column 10
  beginning broken
1'. [...] lu2
2'. il2
3'. utu
4'. izi-husz-na-si-ga
5'. lu2-bara2-si
6'. szu-i
7'. maszkim
8'. 1(asz@c) 4(barig@c) lid2-ga
9'. 2(asz@c) [...]
  rest broken
column 1
  beginning broken
1'. 1(barig@c) dabin
2'. 2(asz@c) kasz sila3
3'. 1/2(disz@c) kasz sila3
4'. 1/2(disz@c) sze kurun2 sila3
5'. ab-e3
6'. kab2
7'. e2-zi
8'. 1(asz@c) 2(barig@c) dabin lid2-ga
9'. dur-dur2
10'. e2 du3
11'. il23(disz)
12'. szu ba-ti
13'. nam-mah
  rest broken
column 2
  beginning broken
1'. [ga?]-esz8 du-du
2'. kab2
3'. ki UR-UR
4'. 2(ban2@c) sze
5'. lugal-giri3
6'. kab2
7'. 2(disz)-kam4
8'. nam-mah
9'. dub-sar
10'. 2(ban2@c)# dabin
11'. [...]
12'. [x] LAK672! lunga3
13'. szu-nigin2
14'. mu-kab2
15'. nam-[mah]
16'. dub-[sar]
  rest broken
column 3
  beginning broken
1'. {d}sud3-da-mah-di
2'. IB
3'. maszkim
4'. 3(asz@c) sze ansze lid2-ga
5'. szubur
6'. maszkim
7'. 2(barig@c) sze
8'. ur-{d}lamma
9'. lu2 il2
10'. [...]
11'. [...]
12'. [...]
13'. kab2
14'. [ki UR]-UR
15'. 3(disz)-kam4
  rest broken
column 4
  beginning broken
1'. amar-sun2
2'. szu-ku6
3'. elam
4'. um-ab2#?
5'. NU2
6'. maszkim
7'. 2(barig@c) dabin
8'. 1(barig@c) dabin tur-tur
9'. 1(asz@c) kasz sila3
10'. GAN2 gir2-du3
11'. [n] kasz kur#? LU
12'. bahar4#
13'. maszkim#
14'. 2(barig@c) dabin#
15'. lu2-U2-TAR
16'. kisz
17'. szu ba-ti
  rest broken
column 5
  beginning broken
1'. [...] lid2-ga
2'. lu2-ma2-addirx(|LAK590.SI|)
3'. szu ba-ti
4'. 2(barig@c) sze
5'. e-du-ia2
6'. ma2-[x]
7'. szu ba-ti
8'. 3(ban2@c) dabin
9'. sza3-utu
10'. [...]
11'. e2-[x]
12'. dumu-a2-[nu]-kusz2
13'. maszkim
14'. 3(ban2@c) dabin tur-tur
15'. 2(barig@c) sze ansze
16'. UR-UR
  rest broken
column 6
  beginning broken
1'. maszkim
2'. [n] sze lid2-ga
3'. a-mes-[x]
4'. um!-me-da
5'. szu ba-ti
6'. 1(barig@c) sze
7'. e2-engur-a
8'. sa10
9'. a-ga-[x?]
10'. ab-tag
11'. en-sza3-ga-na
12'. ad-kup4
13'. 3(asz@c) kasz sila3
14'. 3(barig@c) zi3 sag8
  rest broken
column 7
  beginning broken
1'. maszkim
2'. 1(asz@c) 1(ban2@c) sze kurun2 sila3
3'. [an?]-da-tuku
4'. lunga3
5'. an-gi4
6'. nam-mah
7'. dub-sar
8'. [n] kasz# sila3
9'. 1(ban2@c) sze kurun2 sila3
10'. GAN2 [x]-hal-[(x)]
11'. nam-mah
12'. dub-sar
  rest broken
column 8
  beginning broken
1'. me-zu5-an-da
2'. 2(ban2@c) dabin
3'. 1(ban2@c) dabin tur-tur
4'. lu2-u5
5'. elam
6'. e2-ni-ti-la
7'. kab5
  rest broken
column 9
  beginning broken
  blank space
column 10
1'. x x x ga
  blank space

Consult previous versions and their differences
Consult sign list of ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC)
Consult word list of ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC)

  • Artifact type: Tablet
  • Material: Clay
  • Measurements (mm):
  • Weight:
  • Artifact Preservation:
  • Condition Description:
  • Join Information:
  • Seal no.:
  • Seal information:
  • Artifact comments:

  • primary: TSŠ, 0881

    [Jestin1937TSŠ] Jestin, Raymond R. 1937. Tablettes Sumériennes de S̈uruppak Conservées Au Musée de Stamboul. Mémoires de L’institut Français d’Archéologie de Stamboul 3. Paris : E. de Boccard.

  • history: EDATS p., 3 (15)

    [Pomponio1994EDATS] Pomponio, Francesco, and Giuseppe Visicato. 1994. Early Dynastic Administrative Tablets of Šuruppak. Napoli : Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli.

  • history: Cripps, Eric, CDLJ 2013:003 §9

    [sec4263] N.d.

  • citation: ZA 66, p.156-195, p. 181

    [Edzard1976Wirtschaftstexte] Edzard, Dietz Otto. 1976. “Fāra Und Abu Ṣalābiḫ. Die „Wirtschaftstexte“.” Zeitschrift Für Assyriologie 66: 156–95.

  • Composite No.:
  • Museum No.: Ist Š 0881
  • Accession No.:

  • Provenience: Shuruppak (mod. Fara)
  • Elevation:
  • Stratigraphic Level:
  • Excavation No:
  • Findspot Square:
  • Findspot Comments:

Created Creator Type Authors Project Reviewer Status Action
2024-07-20 at 19:49:46 Firth, Richard Artifact, Other Entity Firth, Richard Firth, Richard approved View
2024-07-03 at 13:06:16 Firth, Richard Artifact, Other Entity Firth, Richard Firth, Richard approved View
2024-06-29 at 19:49:31 Firth, Richard Artifact, Other Entity Firth, Richard Firth, Richard approved View
2018-06-07 at 12:12:16 Foxvog, Daniel A. Atf Foxvog, Daniel A. CDLI approved View
2013-07-07 at 13:17:16 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2010-09-03 at 13:43:57 Foxvog, Daniel A. Atf Foxvog, Daniel A. CDLI approved View
2001-12-04 at 00:00:00 CDLI Artifact Englund, Robert K.; Hebenstreit, Laurent CDLI approved View

Consult this artifact as presented on the website of collections and projects:

    There is no external resource for this artifact yet.

General Notes: -
CDLI Notes: -
Cite this Artifact
“TSŠ 0881 Artifact Entry.” (2001) 2024. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). July 20, 2024. https://cdli.ucla.edu/P010929.
TSŠ 0881 artifact entry (No. P010929). (2024, July 20). Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). https://cdli.ucla.edu/P010929 (Original work published 2001)
TSŠ 0881 artifact entry (2024) Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). Available at: https://cdli.ucla.edu/P010929 (Accessed: January 17, 2025).
	note = {[Online; accessed 2025-01-17]},
	year = {2024},
	month = {jul 20},
	title = {TS{\v {S}} 0881 artifact entry},
	url = {https://cdli.ucla.edu/P010929},
	howpublished = {https://cdli.ucla.edu/P010929},

DA  - 2024/7/20/
PY  - 2024
ID  - P010929
LB  - CDLI:P010929
M1  - 2025/1/17/
TI  - TSŠ 0881 artifact entry
UR  - https://cdli.ucla.edu/P010929
ER  - 
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