CDLI Lexical 000020, ex. 001 (P010660)
Lexical tablet excavated in Shuruppak (mod. Fara), dated to the ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) period and now kept in Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin, GermanyMetadata / catalogue
Flat catalogue
As CSV As TSVExpanded catalogue
As JSONLinked catalogue
As TTL As JSON-LD As RDF/JSON As RDF/XMLText / annotations
Text data
As ATF As JTFLinked annotations
As TTL As JSON-LD As RDF/JSON As RDF/XMLMuseum Collection(s)
Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin, GermanyMuseum Number
VAT 12594Period
ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC)Provenience
Shuruppak (mod. Fara)Artifact Type
ClayGenre / Subgenre(s)
Lexical (ED Plants (witness) Gardens)Language(s)
column 1
column 2
column 3
column 4
beginning broken
1'. x-nam
2'. x-nam
rest broken
column 5
beginning broken
1'. gal-nigir#?
2'. gin2 gi ra
3'. gin2 si keszda
4'. gin2 si keszda
5'. dag engur
6'. dag engur
7'. x-e
8'. gur SZID x ban?
9'. HI NI2
rest broken
column 6
beginning broken
1'. NI2#?
2'. GAN2-su
3'. absin3 gu4 a-ak
4a'. x igi ta numun
4b'. DU
5'. im u5
6'. im mir
7'. an-na gi4 nu-mu-di
8'. MI pirig gal
9'. MI pirig banda3
10'. MI pirig szu du7
11'. MI# pirig szu nu-du7
rest broken
column 1
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [...]-du6
4. |SZE&SZE|#
5. [...] A#
rest broken
column 2
1. kun-me-te
2a. szur2 lu2
2b. maszkim# [...]
n lines broken
3'. GAN2 su-[...]
4'. |AN&ASZ| mu an
5'. an-hu-ti#
6'. BAD#-da#
7'. |ZI&ZI.A|#-[...]
8'. amasz lam# KU# [...]
9'. gu4 x
10'. [...]
11'. kid gin2
12'. gal GAN2-[...]
13'. gal szu-[...]
14'. gal szu-[...]
15'. HI [...]
column 3
1. szakir3{sar}
2. x tur na
3. [...]
4. HI# [...]
5. HI# [...]
6. igi-a HI# [...]
7. szum2 gi-du3
8. szum2 sikil gi-du3
9. szum2 KU7
10. szum2 KU7 SZE3
11. szum2 KU7 zubi
12a. szum2 tukul mes
12b. gu2 ki
12c. la2
13a. szum2 la2
13b. e2 kikken
14. dim e2 |URUxIGI|
15. szum2 geszimmar
16a. e2 zi
16b. sumurx(KA) x
17. szum2 szir-dili
18. muszen an mu-RU
19. szum2 dilmun
20. [...]-gun3#
column 4
1. nagar{sar}
2a. {d}inanna
2b. gesz-la2 DU
3. |ZU&ZU.SAR|
5. in-gi4{sar}
6. in-gi4 zubi{sar}
7. szum2 sag
8. szum2 gazx(GUM)
9. szum2 TU
10. szum2 KU7
11. szum2 sikil# KU7
12. szum2# sikil ses# [...]
13. szum2# ti
14. szum2 kur
15. |SAG@gxHA|#-[...]
column 5
beginning broken
1'. [...]{sar}
2'. ab-du8{sar}
3'. numun-du6{sar}
4'. szakir3#{sar}
5'. [...]-NE#-x{sar}
6'. ur#-ur#{sar}
7'. ur#-KA#{sar}
8'. dim4-gu2
9'. sza3-hi-li#{sar}
10'. gesz-tal2-tal2#{sar#}
11'. a-rin4{sar}
12'. husz-mes-mes{sar}
13'. ma#-sar
14'. [...] DU sar
column 6
beginning broken
1'. SAG@g-gi4{sar}
2'. il-il{sar}
3'. |ZU&ZU.SAR|
6'. gisal en{sar}
double ruling
decorative cross hatching
Consult previous versions and their differences
Consult sign list of ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC)
Consult word list of ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC)
- Artifact type: Tablet
- Material: Clay
- Measurements (mm):
- Weight:
- Artifact Preservation:
- Condition Description:
- Join Information:
- Seal no.:
- Seal information:
- Artifact comments:
history: RA 60 (pp. 1-16), 8-11
[Civil1966-UB8NQWNR] Civil, Miguel, and Robert D. Biggs. 1966. “Notes Sur Des Textes Sumériens Archaïques.” Revue d’Assyriologie et d’Archéologie Orientale 60 (1): 1–16.
history: SF, 067
[Deimel1923SF] Deimel, P. Anton. 1923. Schultexte Aus Fara. Vol. 43. Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen Der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft.+ NTSŠ 0123
history: ATU 3, p. 29 (Pflanzen)
[Englund1993ATU3] Englund, Robert K., and Hans J. Nissen. 1993. Die Lexikalischen Listen Der Archaischen Texte Aus Uruk. Archaische Texte Aus Uruk, Band 3. Berlin: Gebr. Mann.
history: NTSŠ, 123
[Jestin1957NTSŠ] Jestin, Raymond R. 1957. Nouveaux Textes Sumériens de Shuruppak. Paris.
citation: OIP 99, p. 38, p. 41-42, p. 80
[Biggs1974OIP99] Biggs, Robert D. 1974. Inscriptions from Tell Abū Ṣalābīkh. Oriental Institute Publications, Volume 99. Chicago & London: The University of Chicago Press.
citation: Krebernik, OBO 160/1 (pp. 235-427), fn. 759
[Krebernik1998OBO160/1] Krebernik, Manfred. 1998. “Die Texte Aus Fāra Und Tell Abū Ṣalābīḫ.” In Annäherungen 1: Mesopotamien. Späturuk-Zeit Und Frühdynastische Zeit, edited by Pascal Attinger and Markus Wäfler, 235–427. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 160/1. Freiburg Schweiz: Universitätsverlag.
- Composite No.:
- Museum No.: VAT 12594
- Accession No.:
- Provenience: Shuruppak (mod. Fara)
- Elevation:
- Stratigraphic Level:
- Excavation No:
- Findspot Square:
- Findspot Comments:
- Period: ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC)
- Dates Referenced:
- Alternative Years:
- Date Comments:
- Accounting Period: 0
Created | Creator | Type | Authors | Project | Reviewer | Status | Action |
2024-09-30 at 16:22:09 | Firth, Richard | Artifact, Other Entity | Firth, Richard | Firth, Richard | approved | ||
2024-09-16 at 17:44:33 | Firth, Richard | Artifact, Other Entity | Firth, Richard | Firth, Richard | approved | ||
2024-09-16 at 17:41:04 | Firth, Richard | Artifact, Other Entity | Firth, Richard | Firth, Richard | approved | ||
2024-08-30 at 13:16:52 | Firth, Richard | Artifact, Other Entity | Firth, Richard | Firth, Richard | approved | ||
2024-08-30 at 10:07:31 | Firth, Richard | Artifact, Other Entity | Firth, Richard | Firth, Richard | approved | ||
2024-08-30 at 10:04:45 | Firth, Richard | Artifact, Other Entity | Firth, Richard | Firth, Richard | approved | ||
2024-08-30 at 10:03:07 | Firth, Richard | Artifact, Other Entity | Firth, Richard | Firth, Richard | approved | ||
2024-08-30 at 10:01:19 | Firth, Richard | Artifact | Firth, Richard | Firth, Richard | approved | ||
2023-06-14 at 12:21:25 | Rattenborg, Rune | Artifact | Rattenborg, Rune | Geomapping Landscapes of Writing | Rattenborg, Rune | approved | |
2023-06-01 at 15:22:11 | Rattenborg, Rune | Artifact | Novotny, Jamie; Rattenborg, Rune | Rattenborg, Rune | approved | ||
2016-10-25 at 14:48:42 | Englund, Robert K. | Atf | Englund, Robert K. | CDLI | approved | ||
2016-09-06 at 13:09:06 | Englund, Robert K. | Atf | Englund, Robert K. | Digital Corpus of Cuneiform Lexical Texts | CDLI | approved | |
2008-05-26 at 01:34:24 | Englund, Robert K. | Atf | Englund, Robert K. | CDLI | approved | ||
2001-12-04 at 00:00:00 | CDLI | Artifact | Englund, Robert K.; Hebenstreit, Laurent | CDLI | approved |
Consult this artifact as presented on the website of collections and projects:
This artifact is a witness to the following composite(s):
Composite | Score |
CDLI Lexical 000020 (ED Plants) composite (P499149) | View the score |