RTC 011 (P010551)

Administrative tablet excavated in Shuruppak (mod. Fara), dated to the ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) period and now kept in Louvre Museum, Paris, France

Image © [see publications]


column 1
1. 2(gesz2@c) siki
2. geme2-lu2-zi-da
3. 1(gesz2@c) 3(u@c) lugal-aga3#?-[x]
4. 2(u@c) mu-sza3#?
5. 2(u@c) AK-{d}sud3
6. 2(u@c) nam-mah?
7. x [(x)]
column 2
1. 2(u@c) har-tu-{d}sud3
2. 1(gesz2@c) 1(u@c)# x [x]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. 2(u@c) [...]
6. 2(u@c) zi# (x) x
7. [...]
column 3
1. 3(u@c) lum-ma
2. 3(u@c)#? AN-sze3-[(x)]-x
3. [x]-en#
4. [n] x-x
5. 3(asz@c)# x-x-x
6. [n] ur#-sag#
column 4
1. 2(u@c) szesz-tur#
2. 2(u@c)# la2# 1(asz@c) amar-{d}iszkur
3. 3(u@c) amar-tur3
4. 3(u@c) ASZ-NI-NI
5. 2(u@c) e2-ki-du10-ga
6. 3(u@c) ur-x
column 1
1. 1(gesz2@c) 3(u@c) pa-bilx(|GESZ.PAP.BIL|)-ga
2. 1(gesz2@c) me-pa-e3
3. munus-NAM2
4. 2(u@c) 7(asz@c) amar-{d}iszkur
5. nimgir
column 2
1. 2(u@c) har-tu-{d}sud3
2. dumu ur
3. 2(u@c) KA-nun-ki-ba
4. 2(u@c) 3(asz@c) AN-ur2-sze3
5. AN-nu-me
6. 1(u@c) AK-{d}sud3
7. gir4(AD)#-bil
column 3
1. 1(u@c) 3(asz@c) ur2-mud
2. 1(u@c) ur-geme2!-sahar-ra
3. ad-da
column 4
1. 2(gesz'u@c) la2 3(u@c) 1(asz@c)