OIP 099, 034 (P010094)
Lexical tablet excavated in Uncertain (mod. Abu Salabikh), dated to the ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) period and now kept in National Museum of Iraq, Baghdad, IraqMetadata / catalogue
Flat catalogue
As CSV As TSVExpanded catalogue
As JSONLinked catalogue
As TTL As JSON-LD As RDF/JSON As RDF/XMLText / annotations
Text data
As ATF As JTFLinked annotations
As TTL As JSON-LD As RDF/JSON As RDF/XMLMuseum Collection(s)
National Museum of Iraq, Baghdad, IraqMuseum Number
IM 070304,a ?Period
ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC)Provenience
uncertain (mod. Abu Salabikh)Artifact Type
ClayGenre / Subgenre(s)
column 1
beginning broken
1'. [1(u@c) x]-sar-LAK798
2'. [1(u@c)] gisal#-LAK798
3'. 1(u@c) dub-LAK798
4'. 1(u@c) x-|LAM+RU|-LAK798
5'. 1(u@c) x [...]-LAK798
6'. 1(u@c) DU-LAK798
7'. [1(u@c)] il#-nu11#-LAK798
8'. [...]
rest broken
column 2
beginning broken
1'. 1(u@c) IGI-LU-LAK798
2'. 1(u@c) ESZ2-NE@s-lam-LAK798
3'. 1(u@c) ku3#-KA-SZE-LAK798
4'. 1(u@c) GUL!?-KUR#-LAK798
5'. 1(u@c) bur-SAL-HA@g#-SZA3
6'. 1(u@c) bur-GIR3-GU2-[TAR?]
7'. 1(u@c) bur-IGI-bur
8'. 1(u@c) [...]
9'. 1(u@c) [...]
rest broken
column 3
beginning broken
1'. [1(u@c) bur-...]-x
2'. [1(u@c) bur-...]-sze
n lines broken
3'. [1(u@c) bur]-gum
4'. 1(u@c) [(bur)]-mes#-u4-da
5'. 1(u@c) bur#-|HUB2xUD|
6'. 1(u@c) bur-sila3#-[EREN?]
7'. 1(u@c) bur-sila3-AN-ASZ
8'. 1(u@c) bur-igi#-bur-ga:rasz{sar#}
9'. 1(u@c) bur-igi#?-x
10'. 1(u@c) bur-[...]
11'. 1(u@c)# [...]
rest broken
column 4
beginning broken
1'. 1(u@c) gesz-e2-RU-na2#
2'. 1(u@c) gesz-x-sar-na2
x LAK800 ?
3'. 1(u@c) gesz-x-na2
x is largely preserved, value uncertain.
4'. 1(u@c) gesz#-x-na2
5'. 1(u@c) [gesz-...]-na2
6'. 1(u@c) {gesz#}pesz3-na2
7'. 1(u@c) {gesz}haszhur-na2#
8'. 1(u@c) {gesz}nu11#-PI
9'. 1(u@c) si-sag#-[x?]
10'. 1(u@c) |LAGABxIGI@g|-x
11'. 1(u@c) uruda-ku3-de2
12'. 1(u@c) [...] x [...]
rest broken
column 5
beginning broken
1'. 1(u@c) zabar#-BU-[x?]
2'. 1(u@c) zabar-HUB2#-HUB2
3'. 1(u@c) zabar#-du5#-la2
4'. 1(u@c) zabar#-ga#-NU11#-te
5'. 1(u@c) zabar-nam#
6'. 1(u@c) zabar#-BU
7'. 1(u@c) zabar-DI#-DI#?
8'. 1(u@c) zabar-[x?] KA@180
9'. 1(u@c) zabar#-KI#
10'. 1(u@c) [...]
rest broken
column 6
beginning broken
1'. 1(u@c) x-[x?]{uruda#}
2'. 1(u@c) szen{uruda}
3'. 1(u@c) szen#-x{uruda#}
4'. 1(u@c) uri{uruda}
5'. 1(u@c) uri-DU{uruda}
6'. 1(u@c) uri#?-nig2-HI-IL
7'. 1(u@c) [x?] szum#{uruda#}
8'. 1(u@c) a-szum-TAR{uruda#}
9'. 1(u@c) nagar#
10'. 1(u@c) [...]{uruda#}
11'. [...]
rest broken
column 7
beginning broken
1'. 1(u@c) nita#-tug2
2'. 1(u@c) munus-tug2
3'. 1(u@c) HA#-tug2
4'. 1(u@c) ti#-tug2
5'. 1(u@c) zara6(|BAD.ASZ|)#-tug2
6'. 1(u@c) nig2-lam2-tug2#
7'. 1(u@c) |ESZ+GAR|#-tug2
8'. 1(u@c) gaba-tug2#
9'. 1(u@c) gu3-zi#-tug2#
10'. 1(u@c) [...]
rest broken
column 8
beginning broken
1'. 1(u@c) [...]
2'. du5-GAR-LAL
3'. 1(u@c) siki#-|GA2xGI|#
4'. 1(u@c) siki-ud5
5'. 1(u@c) udu-niga
6'. 1(u@c) udu#-u2
7'. 1(u@c) udu-sag
8'. 1(u@c) udu-sag-bar-ur4#
9'. 1(u@c) udu-[...]
10'. 1(u@c) udu#-[...]
11'. 1(u@c) x [...]
rest broken
column 9
beginning broken
1'. [...]
2'. 1(u@c) [...]
3'. 1(u@c) [...]
4'. 1(u@c) [...]
5'. 1(u@c) [...]
6'. 1(u@c) [...]
7'. [...]
rest broken
beginning broken
column 1'
1'. amar-abzu
single case of text, towards the bottom left
column 2'
1. a#-gesztin#-abzu#
2. um-mi-a
3. lugal-giparx(KISAL)-si
4. usz-mi-il
5. su-ma-a-ba4
6. dub mu#-sar
7. i#-ti-{d#}sza-[x?]-gan#
8. dub# szu-gal2
9. mar-u3-ne
10. ar3-tu-{d}nisaba
rest broken
blank space
column 1
beginning broken
1'. [1(u@c) x]-sar-LAK798
2'. [1(u@c)] gisal#-LAK798
3'. 1(u@c) dub-LAK798
4'. 1(u@c) x-|LAM+RU|-LAK798
5'. 1(u@c) x [...]-LAK798
6'. 1(u@c) DU-LAK798
7'. [1(u@c)] il#-nu11#-LAK798
8'. [...]
rest broken
column 2
beginning broken
1'. 1(u@c) IGI-LU-LAK798
2'. 1(u@c) ESZ2-NE@s-lam-LAK798
3'. 1(u@c) ku3#-KA-SZE-LAK798
4'. 1(u@c) GUL!?-KUR#-LAK798
5'. 1(u@c) bur-SAL-HA@g#-SZA3
6'. 1(u@c) bur-GIR3-GU2-[TAR?]
7'. 1(u@c) bur-IGI-bur
8'. 1(u@c) [...]
9'. 1(u@c) [...]
rest broken
column 3
beginning broken
1'. [1(u@c) bur-...]-x
2'. [1(u@c) bur-...]-sze
n lines broken
3'. [1(u@c) bur]-gum
4'. 1(u@c) [(bur)]-mes#-u4-da
5'. 1(u@c) bur#-|HUB2xUD|
6'. 1(u@c) bur-sila3#-[EREN?]
7'. 1(u@c) bur-sila3-AN-ASZ
8'. 1(u@c) bur-igi#-bur-ga:rasz{sar#}
9'. 1(u@c) bur-igi#?-x
10'. 1(u@c) bur-[...]
11'. 1(u@c)# [...]
rest broken
column 4
beginning broken
1'. 1(u@c) gesz-e2-RU-na2#
2'. 1(u@c) gesz-x-sar-na2
x LAK800 ?
3'. 1(u@c) gesz-x-na2
x is largely preserved, value uncertain.
4'. 1(u@c) gesz#-x-na2
5'. 1(u@c) [gesz-...]-na2
6'. 1(u@c) {gesz#}pesz3-na2
7'. 1(u@c) {gesz}haszhur-na2#
8'. 1(u@c) {gesz}nu11#-PI
9'. 1(u@c) si-sag#-[x?]
10'. 1(u@c) |LAGABxIGI@g|-x
11'. 1(u@c) uruda-ku3-de2
12'. 1(u@c) [...] x [...]
rest broken
column 5
beginning broken
1'. 1(u@c) zabar#-BU-[x?]
2'. 1(u@c) zabar-HUB2#-HUB2
3'. 1(u@c) zabar#-du5#-la2
4'. 1(u@c) zabar#-ga#-NU11#-te
5'. 1(u@c) zabar-nam#
6'. 1(u@c) zabar#-BU
7'. 1(u@c) zabar-DI#-DI#?
8'. 1(u@c) zabar-[x?] KA@180
9'. 1(u@c) zabar#-KI#
10'. 1(u@c) [...]
rest broken
column 6
beginning broken
1'. 1(u@c) x-[x?]{uruda#}
2'. 1(u@c) szen{uruda}
3'. 1(u@c) szen#-x{uruda#}
4'. 1(u@c) uri{uruda}
5'. 1(u@c) uri-DU{uruda}
6'. 1(u@c) uri#?-nig2-HI-IL
7'. 1(u@c) [x?] szum#{uruda#}
8'. 1(u@c) a-szum-TAR{uruda#}
9'. 1(u@c) nagar#
10'. 1(u@c) [...]{uruda#}
11'. [...]
rest broken
column 7
beginning broken
1'. 1(u@c) nita#-tug2
2'. 1(u@c) munus-tug2
3'. 1(u@c) HA#-tug2
4'. 1(u@c) ti#-tug2
5'. 1(u@c) zara6(|BAD.ASZ|)#-tug2
6'. 1(u@c) nig2-lam2-tug2#
7'. 1(u@c) |ESZ+GAR|#-tug2
8'. 1(u@c) gaba-tug2#
9'. 1(u@c) gu3-zi#-tug2#
10'. 1(u@c) [...]
rest broken
column 8
beginning broken
1'. 1(u@c) [...]
2'. du5-GAR-LAL
3'. 1(u@c) siki#-|GA2xGI|#
4'. 1(u@c) siki-ud5
5'. 1(u@c) udu-niga
6'. 1(u@c) udu#-u2
7'. 1(u@c) udu-sag
8'. 1(u@c) udu-sag-bar-ur4#
9'. 1(u@c) udu-[...]
10'. 1(u@c) udu#-[...]
11'. 1(u@c) x [...]
rest broken
column 9
beginning broken
1'. [...]
2'. 1(u@c) [...]
3'. 1(u@c) [...]
4'. 1(u@c) [...]
5'. 1(u@c) [...]
6'. 1(u@c) [...]
7'. [...]
rest broken
beginning broken
column 1'
1'. amar-abzu
single case of text, towards the bottom left
column 2'
1. a#-gesztin#-abzu#
2. um-mi-a
3. lugal-giparx(KISAL)-si
4. usz-mi-il
5. su-ma-a-ba4
6. dub mu#-sar
7. i#-ti-{d#}sza-[x?]-gan#
8. dub# szu-gal2
9. mar-u3-ne
10. ar3-tu-{d}nisaba
rest broken
blank space
Consult previous versions and their differences
Consult sign list of ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC)
Consult word list of ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC)
- Artifact type: Tablet
- Material: Clay
- Measurements (mm):
- Weight:
- Artifact Preservation:
- Condition Description:
- Join Information:
- Seal no.:
- Seal information:
- Artifact comments:
primary: OIP 99, 34
[Biggs1974OIP99] Biggs, Robert D. 1974. Inscriptions from Tell Abū Ṣalābīkh. Oriental Institute Publications, Volume 99. Chicago & London: The University of Chicago Press.
- Composite No.:
- Museum No.: IM 070304,a ?
- Accession No.:
- Provenience: uncertain (mod. Abu Salabikh)
- Elevation:
- Stratigraphic Level:
- Excavation No: AbS-T 0092
- Findspot Square:
- Findspot Comments:
- Period: ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC)
- Dates Referenced:
- Alternative Years:
- Date Comments:
- Accounting Period: 0
Created | Creator | Type | Authors | Project | Reviewer | Status | Action |
2024-09-16 at 17:44:33 | Firth, Richard | Artifact, Other Entity | Firth, Richard | Firth, Richard | approved | ||
2024-09-16 at 17:41:04 | Firth, Richard | Artifact, Other Entity | Firth, Richard | Firth, Richard | approved | ||
2023-06-14 at 12:21:25 | Rattenborg, Rune | Artifact | Rattenborg, Rune | Geomapping Landscapes of Writing | Rattenborg, Rune | approved | |
2023-06-01 at 15:22:11 | Rattenborg, Rune | Artifact | Novotny, Jamie; Rattenborg, Rune | Rattenborg, Rune | approved | ||
2021-07-18 at 20:23:16 | Lafont, Bertrand | Atf | Lafont, Bertrand | CDLI | approved | ||
2016-08-31 at 18:36:36 | Englund, Robert K. | Atf | Englund, Robert K. | Digital Corpus of Cuneiform Lexical Texts | CDLI | approved | |
2008-05-26 at 01:33:59 | Englund, Robert K. | Atf | Englund, Robert K. | CDLI | approved | ||
2001-12-04 at 00:00:00 | CDLI | Artifact | Englund, Robert K.; Hebenstreit, Laurent | CDLI | approved |
Consult this artifact as presented on the website of collections and projects:
General Notes:
CDLI Notes: